changeset 10491 c67bcee93248
parent 10377 6266d018d938
child 12209 3a3551fff787
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/tutorials/advanced/part04_ui-base.rst	Thu Jan 08 22:11:06 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+Let's make it more user friendly
+Step 1: let's improve site's usability for our visitors
+The first thing I've noticed is that people to whom I send links to photos with
+some login/password authentication get lost, because they don't grasp they have
+to login by clicking on the 'authenticate' link. That's much probably because
+they only get a 404 when trying to access an unauthorized folder, and the site
+doesn't make clear that 1. you're not authenticated, 2. you could get more
+content by authenticating yourself.
+So, to improve this situation, I decided that I should:
+* make a login box appears for anonymous, so they see at a first glance a place
+  to put the login / password information I provided
+* customize the 404 page, proposing to login to anonymous.
+Here is the code, samples from my cube's `` file:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    from cubicweb.predicates import is_instance
+    from cubicweb.web import component
+    from cubicweb.web.views import error
+    from cubicweb.predicates import anonymous_user
+    class FourOhFour(error.FourOhFour):
+	__select__ = error.FourOhFour.__select__ & anonymous_user()
+	def call(self):
+	    self.w(u"<h1>%s</h1>" % self._cw._('this resource does not exist'))
+	    self.w(u"<p>%s</p>" % self._cw._('have you tried to login?'))
+    class LoginBox(component.CtxComponent):
+	"""display a box containing links to all startup views"""
+	__regid__ = 'sytweb.loginbox'
+	__select__ = component.CtxComponent.__select__ & anonymous_user()
+	title = _('Authenticate yourself')
+	order = 70
+	def render_body(self, w):
+	    cw = self._cw
+	    form = cw.vreg['forms'].select('logform', cw)
+	    form.render(w=w, table_class='', display_progress_div=False)
+The first class provides a new specific implementation of the default page you
+get on 404 error, to display an adapted message to anonymous user.
+.. Note::
+  Thanks to the selection mecanism, it will be selected for anoymous user,
+  since the additional `anonymous_user()` selector gives it a higher score than
+  the default, and not for authenticated since this selector will return 0 in
+  such case (hence the object won't be selectable)
+The second class defines a simple box, that will be displayed by default with
+boxes in the left column, thanks to default :class:`component.CtxComponent`
+selector. The HTML is written to match default CubicWeb boxes style. The code
+fetch the actual login form and render it.
+.. figure:: ../../images/tutos-photowebsite_login-box.png
+   :alt: login box / 404 screenshot
+   The login box and the custom 404 page for an anonymous visitor (translated in french)
+Step 2: providing a custom index page
+Another thing we can easily do to improve the site is... A nicer index page
+(e.g. the first page you get when accessing the web site)! The default one is
+quite intimidating (that should change in a near future). I will provide a much
+simpler index page that simply list available folders (e.g. photo albums in that
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    from cubicweb.web.views import startup
+    class IndexView(startup.IndexView):
+	def call(self, **kwargs):
+	    self.w(u'<div>\n')
+	    if self._cw.cnx.anonymous_connection:
+		self.w(u'<h4>%s</h4>\n' % self._cw._('Public Albums'))
+	    else:
+		self.w(u'<h4>%s</h4>\n' % self._cw._('Albums for %s') % self._cw.user.login)
+	    self._cw.vreg['views'].select('tree', self._cw).render(w=self.w)
+	    self.w(u'</div>\n')
+    def registration_callback(vreg):
+	vreg.register_all(globals().values(), __name__, (IndexView,))
+	vreg.register_and_replace(IndexView, startup.IndexView)
+As you can see, we override the default index view found in
+`cubicweb.web.views.startup`, geting back nothing but its identifier and selector
+since we override the top level view's `call` method.
+.. Note::
+  in that case, we want our index view to **replace** the existing one. To do so
+  we've to implements the `registration_callback` function, in which we tell to
+  register everything in the module *but* our IndexView, then we register it
+  instead of the former index view.
+Also, we added a title that tries to make it more evident that the visitor is
+authenticated, or not. Hopefuly people will get it now!
+.. figure:: ../../images/tutos-photowebsite_index-before.png
+   :alt: default index page screenshot
+   The default index page
+.. figure:: ../../images/tutos-photowebsite_index-after.png
+   :alt: new index page screenshot
+   Our simpler, less intimidating, index page (still translated in french)
+Step 3: more navigation improvments
+There are still a few problems I want to solve...
+* Images in a folder are displayed in a somewhat random order. I would like to
+  have them ordered by file's name (which will usually, inside a given folder,
+  also result ordering photo by their date and time)
+* When clicking a photo from an album view, you've to get back to the gallery
+  view to go to the next photo. This is pretty annoying...
+* Also, when viewing an image, there is no clue about the folder to which this
+  image belongs to.
+I will first try to explain the ordering problem. By default, when accessing
+related entities by using the ORM's API, you should get them ordered according to
+the target's class `cw_fetch_order`. If we take a look at the file cube'schema,
+we can see:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    class File(AnyEntity):
+	"""customized class for File entities"""
+	__regid__ = 'File'
+	fetch_attrs, cw_fetch_order = fetch_config(['data_name', 'title'])
+By default, `fetch_config` will return a `cw_fetch_order` method that will order
+on the first attribute in the list. So, we could expect to get files ordered by
+their name. But we don't.  What's up doc ?
+The problem is that files are related to folder using the `filed_under` relation.
+And that relation is ambiguous, eg it can lead to `File` entities, but also to
+`Folder` entities. In such case, since both entity types doesn't share the
+attribute on which we want to sort, we'll get linked entities sorted on a common
+attribute (usually `modification_date`).
+To fix this, we've to help the ORM. We'll do this in the method from the `ITree`
+folder's adapter, used in the folder's primary view to display the folder's
+content. Here's the code, that I've put in our cube's `` file, since
+it's more logical stuff than view stuff:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    from cubes.folder import entities as folder
+    class FolderITreeAdapter(folder.FolderITreeAdapter):
+	def different_type_children(self, entities=True):
+	    rql = self.entity.cw_related_rql(self.tree_relation,
+					     self.parent_role, ('File',))
+	    rset = self._cw.execute(rql, {'x': self.entity.eid})
+	    if entities:
+		return list(rset.entities())
+	    return rset
+    def registration_callback(vreg):
+	vreg.register_and_replace(FolderITreeAdapter, folder.FolderITreeAdapter)
+As you can see, we simple inherit from the adapter defined in the `folder` cube,
+then we override the `different_type_children` method to give a clue to the ORM's
+`cw_related_rql` method, that is responsible to generate the rql to get entities
+related to the folder by the `filed_under` relation (the value of the
+`tree_relation` attribute).  The clue is that we only want to consider the `File`
+target entity type. By doing this, we remove the ambiguity and get back a RQL
+query that correctly order files by their `data_name` attribute.
+.. Note::
+    * As seen earlier, we want to **replace** the folder's `ITree` adapter by our
+      implementation, hence the custom `registration_callback` method.
+Ouf. That one was tricky...
+Now the easier parts. Let's start by adding some links on the file's primary view
+to see the previous / next image in the same folder. CubicWeb's provide a
+component that do exactly that. To make it appears, one have to be adaptable to
+the `IPrevNext` interface. Here is the related code sample, extracted from our
+cube's `` file:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    from cubicweb.predicates import is_instance
+    from cubicweb.web.views import navigation
+    class FileIPrevNextAdapter(navigation.IPrevNextAdapter):
+	__select__ = is_instance('File')
+	def previous_entity(self):
+	    rset = self._cw.execute('File F ORDERBY FDN DESC LIMIT 1 WHERE '
+				    'X filed_under FOLDER, F filed_under FOLDER, '
+				    'F data_name FDN, X data_name > FDN, X eid %(x)s',
+				    {'x': self.entity.eid})
+	    if rset:
+		return rset.get_entity(0, 0)
+	def next_entity(self):
+	    rset = self._cw.execute('File F ORDERBY FDN ASC LIMIT 1 WHERE '
+				    'X filed_under FOLDER, F filed_under FOLDER, '
+				    'F data_name FDN, X data_name < FDN, X eid %(x)s',
+				    {'x': self.entity.eid})
+	    if rset:
+		return rset.get_entity(0, 0)
+The `IPrevNext` interface implemented by the adapter simply consist in the
+`previous_entity` / `next_entity` methods, that should respectivly return the
+previous / next entity or `None`. We make an RQL query to get files in the same
+folder, ordered similarly (eg by their `data_name` attribute). We set
+ascendant/descendant ordering and a strict comparison with current file's name
+(the "X" variable representing the current file).
+Notice that this query supposes we wont have two files of the same name in the
+same folder, else things may go wrong. Fixing this is out of the scope of this
+blog. And as I would like to have at some point a smarter, context sensitive
+previous/next entity, I'll probably never fix this query (though if I had to, I
+would probably choosing to add a constraint in the schema so that we can't add
+two files of the same name in a folder).
+One more thing: by default, the component will be displayed below the content
+zone (the one with the white background). You can change this in the site's
+properties through the ui, but you can also change the default value in the code
+by modifying the `context` attribute of the component:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    navigation.NextPrevNavigationComponent.context = 'navcontentbottom'
+.. Note::
+   `context` may be one of 'navtop', 'navbottom', 'navcontenttop' or
+   'navcontentbottom'; the first two being outside the main content zone, the two
+   others inside it.
+.. figure:: ../../images/tutos-photowebsite_prevnext.png
+   :alt: screenshot of the previous/next entity component
+   The previous/next entity component, at the bottom of the main content zone.
+Now, the only remaining stuff in my todo list is to see the file's folder. I'll use
+the standard breadcrumb component to do so. Similarly as what we've seen before, this
+component is controled by the :class:`IBreadCrumbs` interface, so we'll have to provide a custom
+adapter for `File` entity, telling the a file's parent entity is its folder:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    from cubicweb.web.views import ibreadcrumbs
+    class FileIBreadCrumbsAdapter(ibreadcrumbs.IBreadCrumbsAdapter):
+	__select__ = is_instance('File')
+	def parent_entity(self):
+	    if self.entity.filed_under:
+		return self.entity.filed_under[0]
+In that case, we simply use attribute notation provided by the ORM to get the
+folder in which the current file (e.g. `self.entity`) is located.
+.. Note::
+   The :class:`IBreadCrumbs` interface is a `breadcrumbs` method, but the default
+   :class:`IBreadCrumbsAdapter` provides a default implementation for it that will look
+   at the value returned by its `parent_entity` method. It also provides a
+   default implementation for this method for entities adapting to the `ITree`
+   interface, but as our `File` doesn't, we've to provide a custom adapter.
+.. figure:: ../../images/tutos-photowebsite_breadcrumbs.png
+   :alt: screenshot of the breadcrumb component
+   The breadcrumb component when on a file entity, now displaying parent folder.
+Step 4: preparing the release and migrating the instance
+Now that greatly enhanced our cube, it's time to release it to upgrade production site.
+I'll probably detail that process later, but I currently simply transfer the new code
+to the server running the web site.
+However, I've still today some step to respect to get things done properly...
+First, as I've added some translatable string, I've to run: ::
+  $ cubicweb-ctl i18ncube sytweb
+To update the cube's gettext catalogs (the '.po' files under the cube's `i18n`
+directory). Once the above command is executed, I'll then update translations.
+To see if everything is ok on my test instance, I do: ::
+  $ cubicweb-ctl i18ninstance sytweb
+  $ cubicweb-ctl start -D sytweb
+The first command compile i18n catalogs (e.g. generates '.mo' files) for my test
+instance. The second command start it in debug mode, so I can open my browser and
+navigate through the web site to see if everything is ok...
+.. Note::
+   In the 'cubicweb-ctl i18ncube' command, `sytweb` refers to the **cube**, while
+   in the two other, it refers to the **instance** (if you can't see the
+   difference, reread CubicWeb's concept chapter !).
+Once I've checked it's ok, I simply have to bump the version number in the
+`__pkginfo__` module to trigger a migration once I'll have updated the code on
+the production site. I can check then check the migration is also going fine, by
+first restoring a dump from the production site, then upgrading my test instance.
+To generate a dump from the production site: ::
+  $ cubicweb-ctl db-dump sytweb
+  pg_dump -Fc --username=syt --no-owner --file /home/syt/etc/cubicweb.d/sytweb/backup/tmpYIN0YI/system sytweb
+  -> backup file /home/syt/etc/cubicweb.d/sytweb/backup/sytweb-2010-07-13_10-22-40.tar.gz
+I can now get back the dump file ('sytweb-2010-07-13_10-22-40.tar.gz') to my test
+machine (using `scp` for instance) to restore it and start migration: ::
+  $ cubicweb-ctl db-restore sytweb sytweb-2010-07-13_10-22-40.tar.gz
+  $ cubicweb-ctl upgrade sytweb
+You'll have to answer some questions, as we've seen in `an earlier post`_.
+Now that everything is tested, I can transfer the new code to the production
+server, `apt-get upgrade` cubicweb and its dependencies, and eventually
+upgrade the production instance.
+.. _`several improvments`:
+.. _`3.8`:
+.. _`first blog of this series`:
+.. _`an earlier post`: