changeset 10491 c67bcee93248
parent 10490 76ab3c71aff2
child 10492 68c13e0c0fc5
--- a/doc/book/en/devrepo/entityclasses/adapters.rst	Mon Jul 06 17:39:35 2015 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-.. _adapters:
-Interfaces and Adapters
-Interfaces are the same thing as object-oriented programming `interfaces`_.
-Adapter refers to a well-known `adapter`_ design pattern that helps separating
-concerns in object oriented applications.
-.. _`interfaces`:
-.. _`adapter`:
-In |cubicweb| adapters provide logical functionalities to entity types.
-Definition of an adapter is quite trivial. An excerpt from cubicweb
-itself (found in :mod:`cubicweb.entities.adapters`):
-.. sourcecode:: python
-    class ITreeAdapter(EntityAdapter):
-        """This adapter has to be overriden to be configured using the
-        tree_relation, child_role and parent_role class attributes to
-        benefit from this default implementation
-        """
-        __regid__ = 'ITree'
-        child_role = 'subject'
-        parent_role = 'object'
-        def children_rql(self):
-            """returns RQL to get children """
-            return self.entity.cw_related_rql(self.tree_relation, self.parent_role)
-The adapter object has ``self.entity`` attribute which represents the
-entity being adapted.
-.. Note::
-   Adapters came with the notion of service identified by the registry identifier
-   of an adapters, hence dropping the need for explicit interface and the
-   :class:`cubicweb.predicates.implements` selector. You should instead use
-   :class:`cubicweb.predicates.is_instance` when you want to select on an entity
-   type, or :class:`cubicweb.predicates.adaptable` when you want to select on a
-   service.
-Specializing and binding an adapter
-.. sourcecode:: python
-  from cubicweb.entities.adapters import ITreeAdapter
-  class MyEntityITreeAdapter(ITreeAdapter):
-      __select__ = is_instance('MyEntity')
-      tree_relation = 'filed_under'
-The ITreeAdapter here provides a default implementation. The
-tree_relation class attribute is actually used by this implementation
-to help implement correct behaviour.
-Here we provide a specific implementation which will be bound for
-``MyEntity`` entity type (the `adaptee`).
-.. _interfaces_to_adapters:
-Converting code from Interfaces/Mixins to Adapters
-Here we go with a small example. Before:
-.. sourcecode:: python
-    from cubicweb.predicates import implements
-    from cubicweb.interfaces import ITree
-    from cubicweb.mixins import ITreeMixIn
-    class MyEntity(ITreeMixIn, AnyEntity):
-        __implements__ = AnyEntity.__implements__ + (ITree,)
-    class ITreeView(EntityView):
-        __select__ = implements('ITree')
-        def cell_call(self, row, col):
-            entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
-            children = entity.children()
-.. sourcecode:: python
-    from cubicweb.predicates import adaptable, is_instance
-    from cubicweb.entities.adapters import ITreeAdapter
-    class MyEntityITreeAdapter(ITreeAdapter):
-        __select__ = is_instance('MyEntity')
-    class ITreeView(EntityView):
-        __select__ = adaptable('ITree')
-        def cell_call(self, row, col):
-            entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
-            itree = entity.cw_adapt_to('ITree')
-            children = itree.children()
-As we can see, the interface/mixin duality disappears and the entity
-class itself is completely freed from these concerns. When you want
-to use the ITree interface of an entity, call its `cw_adapt_to` method
-to get an adapter for this interface, then access to members of the
-interface on the adapter
-Let's look at an example where we defined everything ourselves. We
-start from:
-.. sourcecode:: python
-    class IFoo(Interface):
-        def bar(self, *args):
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    class MyEntity(AnyEntity):
-        __regid__ = 'MyEntity'
-        __implements__ = AnyEntity.__implements__ + (IFoo,)
-        def bar(self, *args):
-            return sum(captain.age for captain in self.captains)
-    class FooView(EntityView):
-        __regid__ = 'mycube.fooview'
-        __select__ = implements('IFoo')
-        def cell_call(self, row, col):
-            entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
-            self.w('bar: %s' %
-Converting to:
-.. sourcecode:: python
-   class IFooAdapter(EntityAdapter):
-       __regid__ = 'IFoo'
-       __select__ = is_instance('MyEntity')
-       def bar(self, *args):
-           return sum(captain.age for captain in self.entity.captains)
-   class FooView(EntityView):
-        __regid__ = 'mycube.fooview'
-        __select__ = adaptable('IFoo')
-        def cell_call(self, row, col):
-            entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
-            self.w('bar: %s' % entity.cw_adapt_to('IFoo').bar())
-.. note::
-   When migrating an entity method to an adapter, the code can be moved as is
-   except for the `self` of the entity class, which in the adapter must become `self.entity`.
-Adapters defined in the library
-.. automodule:: cubicweb.entities.adapters
-   :members:
-More are defined in web/views.