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+++ b/doc/book/annexes/faq.rst Thu Jan 08 22:11:06 2015 +0100
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+.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
+Why do you use the LGPL license to prevent me from doing X ?
+LGPL means that *if* you redistribute your application, you need to
+redistribute the changes you made to CubicWeb under the LGPL licence.
+Publishing a web site has nothing to do with redistributing source
+code according to the terms of the LGPL. A fair amount of companies
+use modified LGPL code for internal use. And someone could publish a
+*CubicWeb* component under a BSD licence for others to plug into a
+LGPL framework without any problem. The only thing we are trying to
+prevent here is someone taking the framework and packaging it as
+closed source to his own clients.
+Why does not CubicWeb have a template language ?
+There are enough template languages out there. You can use your
+preferred template language if you want. [explain how to use a
+template language]
+*CubicWeb* does not define its own templating language as this was
+not our goal. Based on our experience, we realized that
+we could gain productivity by letting designers use design tools
+and developpers develop without the use of the templating language
+as an intermediary that could not be anyway efficient for both parties.
+Python is the templating language that we use in *CubicWeb*, but again,
+it does not prevent you from using a templating language.
+Moreover, CubicWeb currently supports `simpletal`_ out of the box and
+it is also possible to use the `cwtags`_ library to build html trees
+using the `with statement`_ with more comfort than raw strings.
+.. _`simpletal`: http://www.owlfish.com/software/simpleTAL/
+.. _`cwtags`: http://www.cubicweb.org/project/cwtags
+.. _`with statement`: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0343/
+Why do you think using pure python is better than using a template language ?
+Python is an Object Oriented Programming language and as such it
+already provides a consistent and strong architecture and syntax
+a templating language would not reach.
+Using Python instead of a template langage for describing the user interface
+makes it to maintain with real functions/classes/contexts without the need of
+learning a new dialect. By using Python, we use standard OOP techniques and
+this is a key factor in a robust application.
+CubicWeb looks pretty recent. Is it stable ?
+It is constantly evolving, piece by piece. The framework has evolved since
+2001 and data has been migrated from one schema to the other ever since. There
+is a well-defined way to handle data and schema migration.
+You can see the roadmap there:
+Why is the RQL query language looking similar to X ?
+It may remind you of SQL but it is higher level than SQL, more like
+SPARQL. Except that SPARQL did not exist when we started the project.
+With version 3.4, CubicWeb has support for SPARQL.
+The RQL language is what is going to make a difference with django-
+like frameworks for several reasons.
+1. accessing data is *much* easier with it. One can write complex
+ queries with RQL that would be tedious to define and hard to maintain
+ using an object/filter suite of method calls.
+2. it offers an abstraction layer allowing your applications to run
+ on multiple back-ends. That means not only various SQL backends
+ (postgresql, sqlite, sqlserver, mysql), but also non-SQL data stores like
+ LDAP directories and subversion/mercurial repositories (see the `vcsfile`
+ component).
+Which ajax library is CubicWeb using ?
+CubicWeb uses jQuery_ and provides a few helpers on top of that. Additionally,
+some jQuery plugins are provided (some are provided in specific cubes).
+.. _jQuery: http://jquery.com
+How to change the instance logo ?
+The logo is managed by css. You must provide a custom css that will contain
+the code below:
+ #logo {
+ background-image: url("logo.jpg");
+ }
+``logo.jpg`` is in ``mycube/data`` directory.
+How to create an anonymous user ?
+This allows to browse the site without being authenticated. In the
+``all-in-one.conf`` file of your instance, define the anonymous user
+as follows ::
+ # login of the CubicWeb user account to use for anonymous user (if you want to
+ # allow anonymous)
+ anonymous-user=anon
+ # password of the CubicWeb user account matching login
+ anonymous-password=anon
+You also must ensure that this `anon` user is a registered user of
+the DB backend. If not, you can create through the administation
+interface of your instance by adding a user with in the group `guests`.
+.. note::
+ While creating a new instance, you can decide to allow access
+ to anonymous user, which will automatically execute what is
+ decribed above.
+How to load data from a python script ?
+Please, refer to :ref:`UsingPyro`.
+How to format an entity date attribute ?
+If your schema has an attribute of type `Date` or `Datetime`, you usually want to
+format it when displaying it. First, you should define your preferred format
+using the site configuration panel
+``http://appurl/view?vid=systempropertiesform`` and then set ``ui.date`` and/or
+``ui.datetime``. Then in the view code, use:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ entity.printable_value(date_attribute)
+which will always return a string whatever the attribute's type (so it's
+recommended also for other attribute types). By default it expects to generate
+HTML, so it deals with rich text formating, xml escaping...
+How to update a database after a schema modification ?
+It depends on what has been modified in the schema.
+* update the permissions and properties of an entity or a relation:
+ ``sync_schema_props_perms('MyEntityOrRelation')``.
+* add an attribute: ``add_attribute('MyEntityType', 'myattr')``.
+* add a relation: ``add_relation_definition('SubjRelation', 'MyRelation', 'ObjRelation')``.
+I get `NoSelectableObject` exceptions, how do I debug selectors ?
+You just need to put the appropriate context manager around view/component
+selection. One standard place for components is in cubicweb/vregistry.py:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ def possible_objects(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """return an iterator on possible objects in this registry for the given
+ context
+ """
+ from logilab.common.registry import traced_selection
+ with traced_selection():
+ for appobjects in self.itervalues():
+ try:
+ yield self._select_best(appobjects, *args, **kwargs)
+ except NoSelectableObject:
+ continue
+This will yield additional WARNINGs, like this::
+ 2009-01-09 16:43:52 - (cubicweb.selectors) WARNING: selector one_line_rset returned 0 for <class 'cubicweb.web.views.basecomponents.WFHistoryVComponent'>
+For views, you can put this context in `cubicweb/web/views/basecontrollers.py` in
+the `ViewController`:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ def _select_view_and_rset(self, rset):
+ ...
+ try:
+ from logilab.common.registry import traced_selection
+ with traced_selection():
+ view = self._cw.vreg['views'].select(vid, req, rset=rset)
+ except ObjectNotFound:
+ self.warning("the view %s could not be found", vid)
+ req.set_message(req._("The view %s could not be found") % vid)
+ vid = vid_from_rset(req, rset, self._cw.vreg.schema)
+ view = self._cw.vreg['views'].select(vid, req, rset=rset)
+ ...
+I get "database is locked" when executing tests
+If you have "database is locked" as error when you are executing security tests,
+it is usually because commit or rollback are missing before login() calls.
+You can also use a context manager, to avoid such errors, as described
+here: :ref:`securitytest`.
+What are hooks used for ?
+Hooks are executed around (actually before or after) events. The most common
+events are data creation, update and deletion. They permit additional constraint
+checking (those not expressible at the schema level), pre and post computations
+depending on data movements.
+As such, they are a vital part of the framework.
+Other kinds of hooks, called Operations, are available
+for execution just before commit.
+For more information, read :ref:`hooks` section.
+How to configure a LDAP source ?
+See :ref:`LDAP`.
+How to import LDAP users in |cubicweb| ?
+ Here is a useful script which enables you to import LDAP users
+ into your *CubicWeb* instance by running the following:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ import os
+ import pwd
+ import sys
+ from logilab.database import get_connection
+ def getlogin():
+ """avoid using os.getlogin() because of strange tty/stdin problems
+ (man 3 getlogin)
+ Another solution would be to use $LOGNAME, $USER or $USERNAME
+ """
+ return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
+ try:
+ database = sys.argv[1]
+ except IndexError:
+ print 'USAGE: python ldap2system.py <database>'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if raw_input('update %s db ? [y/n]: ' % database).strip().lower().startswith('y'):
+ cnx = get_connection(user=getlogin(), database=database)
+ cursor = cnx.cursor()
+ insert = ('INSERT INTO euser (creation_date, eid, modification_date, login, '
+ ' firstname, surname, last_login_time, upassword) '
+ "VALUES (%(mtime)s, %(eid)s, %(mtime)s, %(login)s, %(firstname)s, "
+ "%(surname)s, %(mtime)s, './fqEz5LeZnT6');")
+ update = "UPDATE entities SET source='system' WHERE eid=%(eid)s;"
+ cursor.execute("SELECT eid,type,source,extid,mtime FROM entities WHERE source!='system'")
+ for eid, type, source, extid, mtime in cursor.fetchall():
+ if type != 'CWUser':
+ print "don't know what to do with entity type", type
+ continue
+ if source != 'ldapuser':
+ print "don't know what to do with source type", source
+ continue
+ ldapinfos = dict(x.strip().split('=') for x in extid.split(','))
+ login = ldapinfos['uid']
+ firstname = ldapinfos['uid'][0].upper()
+ surname = ldapinfos['uid'][1:].capitalize()
+ if login != 'jcuissinat':
+ args = dict(eid=eid, type=type, source=source, login=login,
+ firstname=firstname, surname=surname, mtime=mtime)
+ print args
+ cursor.execute(insert, args)
+ cursor.execute(update, args)
+ cnx.commit()
+ cnx.close()
+How to reset the password for user joe ?
+If you want to reset the admin password for ``myinstance``, do::
+ $ cubicweb-ctl reset-admin-pwd myinstance
+You need to generate a new encrypted password::
+ $ python
+ >>> from cubicweb.server.utils import crypt_password
+ >>> crypt_password('joepass')
+ 'qHO8282QN5Utg'
+ >>>
+and paste it in the database::
+ $ psql mydb
+ mydb=> update cw_cwuser set cw_upassword='qHO8282QN5Utg' where cw_login='joe';
+if you're running over SQL Server, you need to use the CONVERT
+function to convert the string to varbinary(255). The SQL query is
+ update cw_cwuser set cw_upassword=CONVERT(varbinary(255), 'qHO8282QN5Utg') where cw_login='joe';
+Be careful, the encryption algorithm is different on Windows and on
+Unix. You cannot therefore use a hash generated on Unix to fill in a
+Windows database, nor the other way round.
+You can prefer use a migration script similar to this shell invocation instead::
+ $ cubicweb-ctl shell <instance>
+ >>> from cubicweb import Binary
+ >>> from cubicweb.server.utils import crypt_password
+ >>> crypted = crypt_password('joepass')
+ >>> rset = rql('Any U WHERE U is CWUser, U login "joe"')
+ >>> joe = rset.get_entity(0,0)
+ >>> joe.cw_set(upassword=Binary(crypted))
+Please, refer to the script example is provided in the `misc/examples/chpasswd.py` file.
+The more experimented people would use RQL request directly::
+ >>> rql('SET X upassword %(a)s WHERE X is CWUser, X login "joe"',
+ ... {'a': crypted})
+I've just created a user in a group and it doesn't work !
+You are probably getting errors such as ::
+ remove {'PR': 'Project', 'C': 'CWUser'} from solutions since your_user has no read access to cost
+This is because you have to put your user in the "users" group. The user has to
+be in both groups.
+How is security implemented ?
+The basis for security is a mapping from operations to groups or
+arbitrary RQL expressions. These mappings are scoped to entities and
+This is an example for an Entity Type definition:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ class Version(EntityType):
+ """a version is defining the content of a particular project's
+ release"""
+ # definition of attributes is voluntarily missing
+ __permissions__ = {'read': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
+ 'update': ('managers', 'logilab', 'owners'),
+ 'delete': ('managers',),
+ 'add': ('managers', 'logilab',
+ ERQLExpression('X version_of PROJ, U in_group G, '
+ 'PROJ require_permission P, '
+ 'P name "add_version", P require_group G'),)}
+The above means that permission to read a Version is granted to any
+user that is part of one of the groups 'managers', 'users', 'guests'.
+The 'add' permission is granted to users in group 'managers' or
+'logilab' or to users in group G, if G is linked by a permission
+entity named "add_version" to the version's project.
+An example for a Relation Definition (RelationType both defines a
+relation type and implicitly one relation definition, on which the
+permissions actually apply):
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ class version_of(RelationType):
+ """link a version to its project. A version is necessarily linked
+ to one and only one project. """
+ # some lines voluntarily missing
+ __permissions__ = {'read': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
+ 'delete': ('managers', ),
+ 'add': ('managers', 'logilab',
+ RRQLExpression('O require_permission P, P name "add_version", '
+ 'U in_group G, P require_group G'),) }
+The main difference lies in the basic available operations (there is
+no 'update' operation) and the usage of an RRQLExpression (rql
+expression for a relation) instead of an ERQLExpression (rql
+expression for an entity).
+You can find additional information in the section :ref:`securitymodel`.
+Is it possible to bypass security from the UI (web front) part ?
+No. Only Hooks/Operations can do that.
+Can PostgreSQL and CubicWeb authentication work with kerberos ?
+If you have PostgreSQL set up to accept kerberos authentication, you can set
+the db-host, db-name and db-user parameters in the `sources` configuration
+file while leaving the password blank. It should be enough for your
+instance to connect to postgresql with a kerberos ticket.