--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/widgets.py Wed Nov 05 15:52:50 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,981 @@
+"""widgets for entity edition
+those are in cubicweb.common since we need to know available widgets at schema
+serialization time
+:organization: Logilab
+:copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+from simplejson import dumps
+from mx.DateTime import now, today
+from logilab.mtconverter import html_escape
+from yams.constraints import SizeConstraint, StaticVocabularyConstraint
+from cubicweb.common.uilib import toggle_action
+from cubicweb.web import INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE, eid_param
+def _format_attrs(kwattrs):
+ """kwattrs is the dictionary of the html attributes available for
+ the edited element
+ """
+ # sort for predictability (required for tests)
+ return u' '.join(sorted(u'%s="%s"' % item for item in kwattrs.iteritems()))
+def _value_from_values(values):
+ # take care, value may be 0, 0.0...
+ if values:
+ value = values[0]
+ if value is None:
+ value = u''
+ else:
+ value = u''
+ return value
+def _eclass_eschema(eschema_or_eclass):
+ try:
+ return eschema_or_eclass, eschema_or_eclass.e_schema
+ except AttributeError:
+ return None, eschema_or_eclass
+def checkbox(name, value, attrs='', checked=None):
+ if checked is None:
+ checked = value
+ checked = checked and 'checked="checked"' or ''
+ return u'<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s" %s %s />' % (
+ name, value, checked, attrs)
+def widget(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, role='object'):
+ """get a widget to edit the given relation"""
+ if rschema == 'eid':
+ # return HiddenWidget(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema)
+ return EidWidget(vreg, _eclass_eschema(subjschema)[1], rschema, objschema)
+ return widget_factory(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, role=role)
+class Widget(object):
+ """abstract widget class"""
+ need_multipart = False
+ # generate the "id" attribute with the same value as the "name" (html) attribute
+ autoid = True
+ html_attributes = set(('id', 'class', 'tabindex', 'accesskey', 'onchange', 'onkeypress'))
+ cubicwebns_attributes = set()
+ def __init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema,
+ role='subject', description=None,
+ **kwattrs):
+ self.vreg = vreg
+ self.rschema = rschema
+ self.subjtype = subjschema
+ self.objtype = objschema
+ self.role = role
+ self.name = rschema.type
+ self.description = description
+ self.attrs = kwattrs
+ # XXX accesskey may not be unique
+ kwattrs['accesskey'] = self.name[0]
+ def copy(self):
+ """shallow copy (useful when you need to modify self.attrs
+ because widget instances are cached)
+ """
+ # brute force copy (subclasses don't have the
+ # same __init__ prototype)
+ widget = self.__new__(self.__class__)
+ widget.__dict__ = dict(self.__dict__)
+ widget.attrs = dict(widget.attrs)
+ return widget
+ @staticmethod
+ def size_constraint_attrs(attrs, maxsize):
+ """set html attributes in the attrs dict to consider maxsize"""
+ pass
+ def format_attrs(self):
+ """return a string with html attributes available for the edit input"""
+ # sort for predictability (required for tests)
+ attrs = []
+ for name, value in self.attrs.iteritems():
+ # namespace attributes have priority over standard xhtml ones
+ if name in self.cubicwebns_attributes:
+ attrs.append(u'cubicweb:%s="%s"' % (name, value))
+ elif name in self.html_attributes:
+ attrs.append(u'%s="%s"' % (name, value))
+ return u' '.join(sorted(attrs))
+ def required(self, entity):
+ """indicates if the widget needs a value to be filled in"""
+ card = self.rschema.cardinality(self.subjtype, self.objtype, self.role)
+ return card in '1+'
+ def input_id(self, entity):
+ try:
+ return self.rname
+ except AttributeError:
+ return eid_param(self.name, entity.eid)
+ def render_label(self, entity, label=None):
+ """render widget's label"""
+ label = label or self.rschema.display_name(entity.req, self.role)
+ forid = self.input_id(entity)
+ if forid:
+ forattr = ' for="%s"' % forid
+ else:
+ forattr = ''
+ if self.required(entity):
+ label = u'<label class="required"%s>%s</label>' % (forattr, label)
+ else:
+ label = u'<label%s>%s</label>' % (forattr, label)
+ return label
+ def render_error(self, entity):
+ """return validation error for widget's field of the given entity, if
+ any
+ """
+ errex = entity.req.data.get('formerrors')
+ if errex and errex.eid == entity.eid and self.name in errex.errors:
+ entity.req.data['displayederrors'].add(self.name)
+ return u'<span class="error">%s</span>' % errex.errors[self.name]
+ return u''
+ def render_help(self, entity):
+ """render a help message about the (edited) field"""
+ req = entity.req
+ help = [u'<br/>']
+ descr = self.description or self.rschema.rproperty(self.subjtype, self.objtype, 'description')
+ if descr:
+ help.append(u'<span class="helper">%s</span>' % req._(descr))
+ example = self.render_example(req)
+ if example:
+ help.append(u'<span class="helper">(%s: %s)</span>'
+ % (req._('sample format'), example))
+ return u' '.join(help)
+ def render_example(self, req):
+ return u''
+ def render(self, entity):
+ """render the widget for a simple view"""
+ if not entity.has_eid():
+ return u''
+ return entity.printable_value(self.name)
+ def edit_render(self, entity, tabindex=None,
+ includehelp=False, useid=None, **kwargs):
+ """render the widget for edition"""
+ # this is necessary to handle multiple edition
+ self.rname = eid_param(self.name, entity.eid)
+ if useid:
+ self.attrs['id'] = useid
+ elif self.autoid:
+ self.attrs['id'] = self.rname
+ if tabindex is not None:
+ self.attrs['tabindex'] = tabindex
+ else:
+ self.attrs['tabindex'] = entity.req.next_tabindex()
+ output = self._edit_render(entity, **kwargs)
+ if includehelp:
+ output += self.render_help(entity)
+ return output
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ """do the actual job to render the widget for edition"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def current_values(self, entity):
+ """return the value of the field associated to this widget on the given
+ entity. always return a list of values, which'll have size equal to 1
+ if the field is monovalued (like all attribute fields, but not all non
+ final relation fields
+ """
+ if self.rschema.is_final():
+ return entity.attribute_values(self.name)
+ elif entity.has_eid():
+ return [row[0] for row in entity.related(self.name, self.role)]
+ return ()
+ def current_value(self, entity):
+ return _value_from_values(self.current_values(entity))
+ def current_display_values(self, entity):
+ """same as .current_values but consider values stored in session in case
+ of validation error
+ """
+ values = entity.req.data.get('formvalues')
+ if values is None:
+ return self.current_values(entity)
+ cdvalues = values.get(self.rname)
+ if cdvalues is None:
+ return self.current_values(entity)
+ if not isinstance(cdvalues, (list, tuple)):
+ cdvalues = (cdvalues,)
+ return cdvalues
+ def current_display_value(self, entity):
+ """same as .current_value but consider values stored in session in case
+ of validation error
+ """
+ return _value_from_values(self.current_display_values(entity))
+ def hidden_input(self, entity, qvalue):
+ """return an hidden field which
+ 1. indicates that a field is edited
+ 2. hold the old value to easily detect if the field has been modified
+ `qvalue` is the html quoted old value
+ """
+ if self.role == 'subject':
+ editmark = 'edits'
+ else:
+ editmark = 'edito'
+ if qvalue is None or not entity.has_eid():
+ return u'<input type="hidden" name="%s-%s" value="%s"/>\n' % (
+ editmark, self.rname, qvalue)
+class InputWidget(Widget):
+ """abstract class for input generating a <input> tag"""
+ input_type = None
+ html_attributes = Widget.html_attributes | set(('type', 'name', 'value'))
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ value = self.current_value(entity)
+ dvalue = self.current_display_value(entity)
+ if isinstance(value, basestring):
+ value = html_escape(value)
+ if isinstance(dvalue, basestring):
+ dvalue = html_escape(dvalue)
+ return u'%s<input type="%s" name="%s" value="%s" %s/>' % (
+ self.hidden_input(entity, value), self.input_type,
+ self.rname, dvalue, self.format_attrs())
+class HiddenWidget(InputWidget):
+ input_type = 'hidden'
+ autoid = False
+ def __init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema,
+ role='subject', **kwattrs):
+ InputWidget.__init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema,
+ role='subject',
+ **kwattrs)
+ # disable access key
+ del self.attrs['accesskey']
+ def current_value(self, entity):
+ value = InputWidget.current_value(self, entity)
+ return value or INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE
+ def current_display_value(self, entity):
+ value = InputWidget.current_display_value(self, entity)
+ return value or INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE
+ def render_label(self, entity, label=None):
+ """render widget's label"""
+ return u''
+ def render_help(self, entity):
+ return u''
+ def hidden_input(self, entity, value):
+ """no hidden input for hidden input"""
+ return ''
+class EidWidget(HiddenWidget):
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ return u'<input type="hidden" name="eid" value="%s" />' % entity.eid
+class StringWidget(InputWidget):
+ input_type = 'text'
+ html_attributes = InputWidget.html_attributes | set(('size', 'maxlength'))
+ @staticmethod
+ def size_constraint_attrs(attrs, maxsize):
+ """set html attributes in the attrs dict to consider maxsize"""
+ attrs['size'] = min(maxsize, 40)
+ attrs['maxlength'] = maxsize
+class AutoCompletionWidget(StringWidget):
+ cubicwebns_attributes = (StringWidget.cubicwebns_attributes |
+ set(('accesskey', 'size', 'maxlength')))
+ attrs = ()
+ wdgtype = 'SuggestField'
+ def current_value(self, entity):
+ value = StringWidget.current_value(self, entity)
+ return value or INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE
+ def _get_url(self, entity):
+ return entity.req.build_url('json', fname=entity.autocomplete_initfuncs[self.rschema],
+ pageid=entity.req.pageid, mode='remote')
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ req = entity.req
+ req.add_js( ('cubicweb.widgets.js', 'jquery.autocomplete.js') )
+ req.add_css('jquery.autocomplete.css')
+ value = self.current_value(entity)
+ dvalue = self.current_display_value(entity)
+ if isinstance(value, basestring):
+ value = html_escape(value)
+ if isinstance(dvalue, basestring):
+ dvalue = html_escape(dvalue)
+ iid = self.attrs.pop('id')
+ if self.required(entity):
+ cssclass = u' required'
+ else:
+ cssclass = u''
+ dataurl = self._get_url(entity)
+ return (u'%(hidden)s<input type="text" name="%(iid)s" value="%(value)s" cubicweb:dataurl="%(url)s" class="widget%(required)s" id="%(iid)s" '
+ u'tabindex="%(tabindex)s" cubicweb:loadtype="auto" cubicweb:wdgtype="%(wdgtype)s" %(attrs)s />' % {
+ 'iid': iid,
+ 'hidden': self.hidden_input(entity, value),
+ 'wdgtype': self.wdgtype,
+ 'url': html_escape(dataurl),
+ 'tabindex': self.attrs.pop('tabindex'),
+ 'value': dvalue,
+ 'attrs': self.format_attrs(),
+ 'required' : cssclass,
+ })
+class StaticFileAutoCompletionWidget(AutoCompletionWidget):
+ wdgtype = 'StaticFileSuggestField'
+ def _get_url(self, entity):
+ return entity.req.datadir_url + entity.autocomplete_initfuncs[self.rschema]
+class RestrictedAutoCompletionWidget(AutoCompletionWidget):
+ wdgtype = 'RestrictedSuggestField'
+class PasswordWidget(InputWidget):
+ input_type = 'password'
+ def required(self, entity):
+ if InputWidget.required(self, entity) and not entity.has_eid():
+ return True
+ return False
+ def current_values(self, entity):
+ # on existant entity, show password field has non empty (we don't have
+ # the actual value
+ if entity.has_eid():
+ return super(PasswordWidget, self).current_values(entity)
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ html = super(PasswordWidget, self)._edit_render(entity)
+ name = eid_param(self.name + '-confirm', entity.eid)
+ return u'%s<br/>\n<input type="%s" name="%s" id="%s" tabindex="%s"/> <span class="emphasis">(%s)</span>' % (
+ html, self.input_type, name, name, entity.req.next_tabindex(),
+ entity.req._('confirm password'))
+class TextWidget(Widget):
+ html_attributes = Widget.html_attributes | set(('rows', 'cols'))
+ @staticmethod
+ def size_constraint_attrs(attrs, maxsize):
+ """set html attributes in the attrs dict to consider maxsize"""
+ if 256 < maxsize < 513:
+ attrs['cols'], attrs['rows'] = 60, 5
+ else:
+ attrs['cols'], attrs['rows'] = 80, 10
+ def render(self, entity):
+ if not entity.has_eid():
+ return u''
+ return entity.printable_value(self.name)
+ def add_fckeditor_info(self, req):
+ req.add_js('fckeditor.js')
+ req.fckeditor_config()
+ def _edit_render(self, entity, with_format=True):
+ req = entity.req
+ editor = self._edit_render_textarea(entity, with_format)
+ value = self.current_value(entity)
+ if isinstance(value, basestring):
+ value = html_escape(value)
+ return u'%s%s' % (self.hidden_input(entity, value), editor)
+ def _edit_render_textarea(self, entity, with_format):
+ self.attrs.setdefault('cols', 80)
+ self.attrs.setdefault('rows', 20)
+ dvalue = self.current_display_value(entity)
+ if isinstance(dvalue, basestring):
+ dvalue = html_escape(dvalue)
+ if entity.use_fckeditor(self.name):
+ self.add_fckeditor_info(entity.req)
+ if with_format:
+ if entity.has_eid():
+ format = entity.format(self.name)
+ else:
+ format = ''
+ frname = eid_param(self.name + '_format', entity.eid)
+ hidden = u'<input type="hidden" name="edits-%s" value="%s"/>\n'\
+ '<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="text/html"/>\n' % (
+ frname, format, frname)
+ return u'%s<textarea cubicweb:type="wysiwyg" onkeypress="autogrow(this)" name="%s" %s>%s</textarea>' % (
+ hidden, self.rname, self.format_attrs(), dvalue)
+ if with_format and entity.has_format(self.name):
+ fmtwdg = entity.get_widget(self.name + '_format')
+ fmtwdgstr = fmtwdg.edit_render(entity, tabindex=self.attrs['tabindex'])
+ self.attrs['tabindex'] = entity.req.next_tabindex()
+ else:
+ fmtwdgstr = ''
+ return u'%s<br/><textarea onkeypress="autogrow(this)" name="%s" %s>%s</textarea>' % (
+ fmtwdgstr, self.rname, self.format_attrs(), dvalue)
+class CheckBoxWidget(Widget):
+ html_attributes = Widget.html_attributes | set(('checked', ))
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ value = self.current_value(entity)
+ dvalue = self.current_display_value(entity)
+ return self.hidden_input(entity, value) + checkbox(self.rname, 'checked', self.format_attrs(), dvalue)
+ def render(self, entity):
+ if not entity.has_eid():
+ return u''
+ if getattr(entity, self.name):
+ return entity.req._('yes')
+ return entity.req._('no')
+class YesNoRadioWidget(CheckBoxWidget):
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ value = self.current_value(entity)
+ dvalue = self.current_display_value(entity)
+ attrs1 = self.format_attrs()
+ del self.attrs['id'] # avoid duplicate id for xhtml compliance
+ attrs2 = self.format_attrs()
+ if dvalue:
+ attrs1 += ' checked="checked"'
+ else:
+ attrs2 += ' checked="checked"'
+ wdgs = [self.hidden_input(entity, value),
+ u'<input type="radio" name="%s" value="1" %s/>%s<br/>' % (self.rname, attrs1, entity.req._('yes')),
+ u'<input type="radio" name="%s" value="" %s/>%s<br/>' % (self.rname, attrs2, entity.req._('no'))]
+ return '\n'.join(wdgs)
+class FileWidget(Widget):
+ need_multipart = True
+ def _file_wdg(self, entity):
+ wdgs = [u'<input type="file" name="%s" %s/>' % (self.rname, self.format_attrs())]
+ req = entity.req
+ if entity.has_format(self.name) or entity.has_text_encoding(self.name):
+ divid = '%s-%s-advanced' % (self.name, entity.eid)
+ wdgs.append(u'<a href="%s" title="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s"/></a>' %
+ (html_escape(toggle_action(divid)),
+ req._('show advanced fields'),
+ html_escape(req.build_url('data/puce_down.png')),
+ req._('show advanced fields')))
+ wdgs.append(u'<div id="%s" class="hidden">' % divid)
+ for extraattr in ('_format', '_encoding'):
+ if entity.e_schema.has_subject_relation('%s%s' % (self.name, extraattr)):
+ ewdg = entity.get_widget(self.name + extraattr)
+ wdgs.append(ewdg.render_label(entity))
+ wdgs.append(ewdg.edit_render(entity, includehelp=True))
+ wdgs.append(u'<br/>')
+ wdgs.append(u'</div>')
+ if entity.has_eid() and not self.required(entity):
+ # trick to be able to delete an uploaded file
+ wdgs.append(u'<br/>')
+ wdgs.append(checkbox(eid_param('__%s_detach' % self.rname, entity.eid), False))
+ wdgs.append(req._('detach attached file'))
+ return '\n'.join(wdgs)
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ return self.hidden_input(entity, None) + self._file_wdg(entity)
+class TextFileWidget(FileWidget):
+ def _edit_msg(self, entity):
+ if entity.has_eid() and not self.required(entity):
+ msg = entity.req._(
+ 'You can either submit a new file using the browse button above'
+ ', or choose to remove already uploaded file by checking the '
+ '"detach attached file" check-box, or edit file content online '
+ 'with the widget below.')
+ else:
+ msg = entity.req._(
+ 'You can either submit a new file using the browse button above'
+ ', or edit file content online with the widget below.')
+ return msg
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ wdgs = [self._file_wdg(entity)]
+ if entity.format(self.name) in ('text/plain', 'text/html', 'text/rest'):
+ msg = self._edit_msg(entity)
+ wdgs.append(u'<p><b>%s</b></p>' % msg)
+ twdg = TextWidget(self.vreg, self.subjtype, self.rschema, self.objtype)
+ twdg.rname = self.rname
+ data = getattr(entity, self.name)
+ if data:
+ encoding = entity.text_encoding(self.name)
+ try:
+ entity[self.name] = unicode(data.getvalue(), encoding)
+ except UnicodeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ wdgs.append(twdg.edit_render(entity, with_format=False))
+ entity[self.name] = data # restore Binary value
+ wdgs.append(u'<br/>')
+ return '\n'.join(wdgs)
+class ComboBoxWidget(Widget):
+ html_attributes = Widget.html_attributes | set(('multiple', 'size'))
+ def __init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema,
+ multiple=False, **kwattrs):
+ super(ComboBoxWidget, self).__init__(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema,
+ **kwattrs)
+ if multiple:
+ self.attrs['multiple'] = 'multiple'
+ if not 'size' in self.attrs:
+ self.attrs['size'] = '5'
+ # disable access key (dunno why but this is not allowed by xhtml 1.0)
+ del self.attrs['accesskey']
+ def vocabulary(self, entity):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def form_value(self, entity, value, values):
+ if value in values:
+ flag = 'selected="selected"'
+ else:
+ flag = ''
+ return value, flag
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ values = self.current_values(entity)
+ if values:
+ res = [self.hidden_input(entity, v) for v in values]
+ else:
+ res = [self.hidden_input(entity, INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE)]
+ dvalues = self.current_display_values(entity)
+ res.append(u'<select name="%s" %s>' % (self.rname, self.format_attrs()))
+ for label, value in self.vocabulary(entity):
+ if value is None:
+ # handle separator
+ res.append(u'<optgroup label="%s"/>' % (label or ''))
+ else:
+ value, flag = self.form_value(entity, value, dvalues)
+ res.append(u'<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>' % (value, flag, html_escape(label)))
+ res.append(u'</select>')
+ return '\n'.join(res)
+class StaticComboBoxWidget(ComboBoxWidget):
+ def __init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema,
+ vocabfunc, multiple=False, sort=False, **kwattrs):
+ super(StaticComboBoxWidget, self).__init__(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema,
+ multiple, **kwattrs)
+ self.sort = sort
+ self.vocabfunc = vocabfunc
+ def vocabulary(self, entity):
+ choices = self.vocabfunc(entity)
+ if self.sort:
+ choices = sorted(choices)
+ if self.rschema.rproperty(self.subjtype, self.objtype, 'internationalizable'):
+ return zip((entity.req._(v) for v in choices), choices)
+ return zip(choices, choices)
+class EntityLinkComboBoxWidget(ComboBoxWidget):
+ """to be used be specific forms"""
+ def current_values(self, entity):
+ if entity.has_eid():
+ return [r[0] for r in entity.related(self.name, self.role)]
+ defaultmeth = 'default_%s_%s' % (self.role, self.name)
+ if hasattr(entity, defaultmeth):
+ return getattr(entity, defaultmeth)()
+ return ()
+ def vocabulary(self, entity):
+ return [('', INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE)] + entity.vocabulary(self.rschema, self.role)
+class RawDynamicComboBoxWidget(EntityLinkComboBoxWidget):
+ def vocabulary(self, entity, limit=None):
+ req = entity.req
+ # first see if its specified by __linkto form parameters
+ linkedto = entity.linked_to(self.name, self.role)
+ if linkedto:
+ entities = (req.eid_rset(eid).get_entity(0, 0) for eid in linkedto)
+ return [(entity.view('combobox'), entity.eid) for entity in entities]
+ # it isn't, check if the entity provides a method to get correct values
+ if not self.required(entity):
+ res = [('', INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE)]
+ else:
+ res = []
+ # vocabulary doesn't include current values, add them
+ if entity.has_eid():
+ rset = entity.related(self.name, self.role)
+ relatedvocab = [(e.view('combobox'), e.eid) for e in rset.entities()]
+ else:
+ relatedvocab = []
+ return res + entity.vocabulary(self.rschema, self.role) + relatedvocab
+class DynamicComboBoxWidget(RawDynamicComboBoxWidget):
+ def vocabulary(self, entity, limit=None):
+ return sorted(super(DynamicComboBoxWidget, self).vocabulary(entity, limit))
+class AddComboBoxWidget(DynamicComboBoxWidget):
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ req = entity.req
+ req.add_js( ('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'jquery.js', 'cubicweb.widgets.js') )
+ values = self.current_values(entity)
+ if values:
+ res = [self.hidden_input(entity, v) for v in values]
+ else:
+ res = [self.hidden_input(entity, INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE)]
+ dvalues = self.current_display_values(entity)
+ etype_from = entity.e_schema.subject_relation(self.name).objects(entity.e_schema)[0]
+ res.append(u'<select class="widget" cubicweb:etype_to="%s" cubicweb:etype_from="%s" cubicweb:loadtype="auto" cubicweb:wdgtype="AddComboBox" name="%s" %s>'
+ % (entity.e_schema, etype_from, self.rname, self.format_attrs()))
+ for label, value in self.vocabulary(entity):
+ if value is None:
+ # handle separator
+ res.append(u'<optgroup label="%s"/>' % (label or ''))
+ else:
+ value, flag = self.form_value(entity, value, dvalues)
+ res.append(u'<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>' % (value, flag, html_escape(label)))
+ res.append(u'</select>')
+ res.append(u'<div id="newvalue">')
+ res.append(u'<input type="text" id="newopt" />')
+ res.append(u'<a href="javascript:noop()" id="add_newopt"> </a></div>')
+ return '\n'.join(res)
+class IntegerWidget(StringWidget):
+ def __init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwattrs):
+ kwattrs['size'] = 5
+ kwattrs['maxlength'] = 15
+ StringWidget.__init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwattrs)
+ def render_example(self, req):
+ return '23'
+class FloatWidget(StringWidget):
+ def __init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwattrs):
+ kwattrs['size'] = 5
+ kwattrs['maxlength'] = 15
+ StringWidget.__init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwattrs)
+ def render_example(self, req):
+ formatstr = req.property_value('ui.float-format')
+ return formatstr % 1.23
+ def current_values(self, entity):
+ values = entity.attribute_values(self.name)
+ if values:
+ formatstr = entity.req.property_value('ui.float-format')
+ value = values[0]
+ if value is not None:
+ value = float(value)
+ else:
+ return ()
+ return [formatstr % value]
+ return ()
+class DecimalWidget(StringWidget):
+ def __init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwattrs):
+ kwattrs['size'] = 5
+ kwattrs['maxlength'] = 15
+ StringWidget.__init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwattrs)
+ def render_example(self, req):
+ return '345.0300'
+class DateWidget(StringWidget):
+ format_key = 'ui.date-format'
+ monthnames = ("january", "february", "march", "april",
+ "may", "june", "july", "august",
+ "september", "october", "november", "december")
+ daynames = ("monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday",
+ "friday", "saturday", "sunday")
+ def __init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwattrs):
+ kwattrs.setdefault('size', 10)
+ kwattrs.setdefault('maxlength', 10)
+ StringWidget.__init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwattrs)
+ def current_values(self, entity):
+ values = entity.attribute_values(self.name)
+ if values and hasattr(values[0], 'strftime'):
+ formatstr = entity.req.property_value(self.format_key)
+ return [values[0].strftime(formatstr)]
+ return values
+ def render_example(self, req):
+ formatstr = req.property_value(self.format_key)
+ return now().strftime(formatstr)
+ def add_localized_infos(self, req):
+ """inserts JS variables defining localized months and days"""
+ # import here to avoid dependancy from cubicweb-common to simplejson
+ _ = req._
+ monthnames = [_(mname) for mname in self.monthnames]
+ daynames = [_(dname) for dname in self.daynames]
+ req.html_headers.define_var('MONTHNAMES', monthnames)
+ req.html_headers.define_var('DAYNAMES', daynames)
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ wdg = super(DateWidget, self)._edit_render(entity)
+ cal_button = self.render_calendar_popup(entity)
+ return wdg+cal_button
+ def render_help(self, entity):
+ """calendar popup widget"""
+ req = entity.req
+ help = [ u'<br/>' ]
+ descr = self.rschema.rproperty(self.subjtype, self.objtype, 'description')
+ if descr:
+ help.append('<span class="helper">%s</span>' % req._(descr))
+ example = self.render_example(req)
+ if example:
+ help.append('<span class="helper">(%s: %s)</span>'
+ % (req._('sample format'), example))
+ return u' '.join(help)
+ def render_calendar_popup(self, entity):
+ """calendar popup widget"""
+ req = entity.req
+ self.add_localized_infos(req)
+ req.add_js(('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'cubicweb.calendar.js',))
+ req.add_css(('cubicweb.calendar_popup.css',))
+ inputid = self.attrs.get('id', self.rname)
+ helperid = "%shelper" % inputid
+ _today = today()
+ year = int(req.form.get('year', _today.year))
+ month = int(req.form.get('month', _today.month))
+ return (u"""<a onclick="toggleCalendar('%s', '%s', %s, %s);" class="calhelper">
+<img src="%s" title="%s" alt="" /></a><div class="calpopup hidden" id="%s"></div>"""
+ % (helperid, inputid, year, month,
+ req.external_resource('CALENDAR_ICON'), req._('calendar'), helperid) )
+class DateTimeWidget(DateWidget):
+ format_key = 'ui.datetime-format'
+ def render_example(self, req):
+ formatstr1 = req.property_value('ui.datetime-format')
+ formatstr2 = req.property_value('ui.date-format')
+ return req._('%s, or without time: %s') % (now().strftime(formatstr1),
+ now().strftime(formatstr2))
+ def __init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwattrs):
+ kwattrs['size'] = 16
+ kwattrs['maxlength'] = 16
+ DateWidget.__init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwattrs)
+class TimeWidget(StringWidget):
+ format_key = 'ui.time-format'
+ def __init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwattrs):
+ kwattrs['size'] = 5
+ kwattrs['maxlength'] = 5
+ StringWidget.__init__(self, vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwattrs)
+class EmailWidget(StringWidget):
+ def render(self, entity):
+ email = getattr(entity, self.name)
+ if not email:
+ return u''
+ return u'<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % (email, email)
+class URLWidget(StringWidget):
+ def render(self, entity):
+ url = getattr(entity, self.name)
+ if not url:
+ return u''
+ url = html_escape(url)
+ return u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, url)
+class EmbededURLWidget(StringWidget):
+ def render(self, entity):
+ url = getattr(entity, self.name)
+ if not url:
+ return u''
+ aurl = html_escape(entity.build_url('embed', url=url))
+ return u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (aurl, url)
+class PropertyKeyWidget(ComboBoxWidget):
+ """specific widget for EProperty.pkey field to set the value widget according to
+ the selected key
+ """
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ entity.req.add_js( ('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'cubicweb.edition.js') )
+ vtabindex = self.attrs.get('tabindex', 0) + 1
+ self.attrs['onchange'] = "javascript:setPropValueWidget('%s', %s)" % (
+ entity.eid, vtabindex)
+ # limit size
+ if not entity.has_eid():
+ self.attrs['size'] = 10
+ else:
+ self.attrs['size'] = 1
+ return super(PropertyKeyWidget, self)._edit_render(entity)
+ def vocabulary(self, entity):
+ _ = entity.req._
+ if entity.has_eid():
+ return [(_(entity.pkey), entity.pkey)]
+ # key beginning with 'system.' should usually not be edited by hand
+ choices = entity.vreg.user_property_keys()
+ return sorted(zip((_(v) for v in choices), choices))
+class PropertyValueWidget(Widget):
+ """specific widget for EProperty.value field which will be different according to
+ the selected key type and vocabulary information
+ """
+ def render_help(self, entity):
+ return u''
+ def render(self, entity):
+ assert entity.has_eid()
+ w = self.vreg.property_value_widget(entity.pkey, req=entity.req, **self.attrs)
+ return w.render(entity)
+ def _edit_render(self, entity):
+ if not entity.has_eid():
+ # no key set yet, just include an empty div which will be filled
+ # on key selection
+ # empty span as well else html validation fail (label is refering to this id)
+ return u'<div id="div:%s"><span id="%s"/></div>' % (self.rname, self.attrs.get('id'))
+ w = self.vreg.property_value_widget(entity.pkey, req=entity.req, **self.attrs)
+ if entity.pkey.startswith('system.'):
+ value = '<span class="value" id="%s">%s</span>' % (self.attrs.get('id'), w.render(entity))
+ msg = entity.req._('value associated to this key is not editable manually')
+ return value + '<div>%s</div>' % msg
+ return w.edit_render(entity, self.attrs.get('tabindex'), includehelp=True)
+def widget_factory(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, role='subject',
+ **kwargs):
+ """return the most adapated widget to edit the relation
+ 'subjschema rschema objschema' according to information found in the schema
+ """
+ if role == 'subject':
+ eclass, subjschema = _eclass_eschema(subjschema)
+ else:
+ eclass, objschema = _eclass_eschema(objschema)
+ if eclass is not None and rschema in eclass.widgets:
+ wcls = WIDGETS[eclass.widgets[rschema]]
+ elif not rschema.is_final():
+ card = rschema.rproperty(subjschema, objschema, 'cardinality')
+ if role == 'object':
+ multiple = card[1] in '+*'
+ else: #if role == 'subject':
+ multiple = card[0] in '+*'
+ return DynamicComboBoxWidget(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema,
+ role=role, multiple=multiple)
+ else:
+ wcls = None
+ factory = FACTORIES.get(objschema, _default_widget_factory)
+ return factory(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, wcls=wcls,
+ role=role, **kwargs)
+# factories to find the most adapated widget according to a type and other constraints
+def _string_widget_factory(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, wcls=None, **kwargs):
+ w = None
+ for c in rschema.rproperty(subjschema, objschema, 'constraints'):
+ if isinstance(c, StaticVocabularyConstraint):
+ # may have been set by a previous SizeConstraint but doesn't make sense
+ # here (even doesn't have the same meaning on a combobox actually)
+ kwargs.pop('size', None)
+ return (wcls or StaticComboBoxWidget)(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema,
+ vocabfunc=c.vocabulary, **kwargs)
+ if isinstance(c, SizeConstraint) and c.max is not None:
+ # don't return here since a StaticVocabularyConstraint may
+ # follow
+ if wcls is None:
+ if c.max < 257:
+ _wcls = StringWidget
+ else:
+ _wcls = TextWidget
+ else:
+ _wcls = wcls
+ _wcls.size_constraint_attrs(kwargs, c.max)
+ w = _wcls(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwargs)
+ if w is None:
+ w = (wcls or TextWidget)(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwargs)
+ return w
+def _default_widget_factory(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, wcls=None, **kwargs):
+ if wcls is None:
+ wcls = _WFACTORIES[objschema]
+ return wcls(vreg, subjschema, rschema, objschema, **kwargs)
+ 'String' : _string_widget_factory,
+ 'Boolean': _default_widget_factory,
+ 'Bytes': _default_widget_factory,
+ 'Date': _default_widget_factory,
+ 'Datetime': _default_widget_factory,
+ 'Float': _default_widget_factory,
+ 'Decimal': _default_widget_factory,
+ 'Int': _default_widget_factory,
+ 'Password': _default_widget_factory,
+ 'Time': _default_widget_factory,
+ }
+# default widget by entity's type
+ 'Boolean': YesNoRadioWidget,
+ 'Bytes': FileWidget,
+ 'Date': DateWidget,
+ 'Datetime': DateTimeWidget,
+ 'Int': IntegerWidget,
+ 'Float': FloatWidget,
+ 'Decimal': DecimalWidget,
+ 'Password': PasswordWidget,
+ 'String' : StringWidget,
+ 'Time': TimeWidget,
+ }
+# widgets registry
+def register(widget_list):
+ for obj in widget_list:
+ if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, Widget):
+ if obj is Widget or obj is ComboBoxWidget:
+ continue
+ WIDGETS[obj.__name__] = obj