--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/views/old_calendar.py Wed Nov 05 15:52:50 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+"""html calendar views
+:organization: Logilab
+:copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
+from mx.DateTime import DateTime, RelativeDateTime, Date, Time, today, Sunday
+from logilab.mtconverter import html_escape
+from cubicweb.interfaces import ICalendarViews
+from cubicweb.common.utils import date_range
+from cubicweb.common.selectors import interface_selector
+from cubicweb.common.registerers import priority_registerer
+from cubicweb.common.view import EntityView
+# Define some useful constants
+ONE_MONTH = RelativeDateTime(months=1)
+TODAY = today()
+# mx.DateTime and ustrftime could be used to build WEEKDAYS
+WEEKDAYS = [_("monday"), _("tuesday"), _("wednesday"), _("thursday"),
+ _("friday"), _("saturday"), _("sunday")]
+# used by i18n tools
+MONTHNAMES = [ _('january'), _('february'), _('march'), _('april'), _('may'),
+ _('june'), _('july'), _('august'), _('september'), _('october'),
+ _('november'), _('december')
+ ]
+class _CalendarView(EntityView):
+ """base calendar view containing helpful methods to build calendar views"""
+ __registerer__ = priority_registerer
+ __selectors__ = (interface_selector,)
+ accepts_interfaces = (ICalendarViews,)
+ need_navigation = False
+ # Navigation building methods / views ####################################
+ PREV = u'<a href="%s"><<</a> <a href="%s"><</a>'
+ NEXT = u'<a href="%s">></a> <a href="%s">>></a>'
+ NAV_HEADER = u"""<table class="calendarPageHeader">
+<tr><td class="prev">%s</td><td class="next">%s</td></tr>
+""" % (PREV, NEXT)
+ def nav_header(self, date, smallshift=3, bigshift=9):
+ """prints shortcut links to go to previous/next steps (month|week)"""
+ prev1 = date - RelativeDateTime(months=smallshift)
+ prev2 = date - RelativeDateTime(months=bigshift)
+ next1 = date + RelativeDateTime(months=smallshift)
+ next2 = date + RelativeDateTime(months=bigshift)
+ rql, vid = self.rset.printable_rql(), self.id
+ return self.NAV_HEADER % (
+ html_escape(self.build_url(rql=rql, vid=vid, year=prev2.year, month=prev2.month)),
+ html_escape(self.build_url(rql=rql, vid=vid, year=prev1.year, month=prev1.month)),
+ html_escape(self.build_url(rql=rql, vid=vid, year=next1.year, month=next1.month)),
+ html_escape(self.build_url(rql=rql, vid=vid, year=next2.year, month=next2.month)))
+ # Calendar building methods ##############################################
+ def build_calendars(self, schedule, begin, end):
+ """build several HTML calendars at once, one for each month
+ between begin and end
+ """
+ return [self.build_calendar(schedule, date)
+ for date in date_range(begin, end, incr=ONE_MONTH)]
+ def build_calendar(self, schedule, first_day):
+ """method responsible for building *one* HTML calendar"""
+ # FIXME iterates between [first_day-first_day.day_of_week ;
+ # last_day+6-last_day.day_of_week]
+ umonth = self.format_date(first_day, '%B %Y') # localized month name
+ rows = []
+ current_row = [NO_CELL] * first_day.day_of_week
+ for daynum in xrange(0, first_day.days_in_month):
+ # build cell day
+ day = first_day + daynum
+ events = schedule.get(day)
+ if events:
+ events = [u'\n'.join(event) for event in events.values()]
+ current_row.append(CELL % (daynum+1, '\n'.join(events)))
+ else:
+ current_row.append(EMPTY_CELL % (daynum+1))
+ # store & reset current row on Sundays
+ if day.day_of_week == Sunday:
+ rows.append(u'<tr>%s%s</tr>' % (WEEKNUM_CELL % day.iso_week[1], ''.join(current_row)))
+ current_row = []
+ current_row.extend([NO_CELL] * (Sunday-day.day_of_week))
+ rql = self.rset.printable_rql()
+ if day.day_of_week != Sunday:
+ rows.append(u'<tr>%s%s</tr>' % (WEEKNUM_CELL % day.iso_week[1], ''.join(current_row)))
+ url = self.build_url(rql=rql, vid='calendarmonth',
+ year=first_day.year, month=first_day.month)
+ monthlink = u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (html_escape(url), umonth)
+ return CALENDAR(self.req) % (monthlink, '\n'.join(rows))
+ def _mk_schedule(self, begin, end, itemvid='calendaritem'):
+ """private method that gathers information from resultset
+ and builds calendars according to it
+ :param begin: begin of date range
+ :param end: end of date rangs
+ :param itemvid: which view to call to render elements in cells
+ returns { day1 : { hour : [views] },
+ day2 : { hour : [views] } ... }
+ """
+ # put this here since all sub views are calling this method
+ self.req.add_css('cubicweb.calendar.css')
+ schedule = {}
+ for row in xrange(len(self.rset.rows)):
+ entity = self.entity(row)
+ infos = u'<div class="event">'
+ infos += self.view(itemvid, self.rset, row=row)
+ infos += u'</div>'
+ for date in entity.matching_dates(begin, end):
+ day = Date(date.year, date.month, date.day)
+ time = Time(date.hour, date.minute, date.second)
+ schedule.setdefault(day, {})
+ schedule[day].setdefault(time, []).append(infos)
+ return schedule
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_date_range(day=TODAY, shift=4):
+ """returns a couple (begin, end)
+ <begin> is the first day of current_month - shift
+ <end> is the last day of current_month + (shift+1)
+ """
+ first_day_in_month = DateTime(day.year, day.month, 1)
+ begin = first_day_in_month - RelativeDateTime(months=shift)
+ end = (first_day_in_month + RelativeDateTime(months=shift+1)) - 1
+ return begin, end
+ def _build_ampm_cells(self, daynum, events):
+ """create a view without any hourly details.
+ :param daynum: day of the built cell
+ :param events: dictionnary with all events classified by hours"""
+ # split events according am/pm
+ am_events = [event for e_time, e_list in events.iteritems()
+ if 0 <= e_time.hour < 12
+ for event in e_list]
+ pm_events = [event for e_time, e_list in events.iteritems()
+ if 12 <= e_time.hour < 24
+ for event in e_list]
+ # format each am/pm cell
+ if am_events:
+ am_content = AMPM_CONTENT % ("amCell", "am", '\n'.join(am_events))
+ else:
+ am_content = AMPM_EMPTY % ("amCell", "am")
+ if pm_events:
+ pm_content = AMPM_CONTENT % ("pmCell", "pm", '\n'.join(pm_events))
+ else:
+ pm_content = AMPM_EMPTY % ("pmCell", "pm")
+ return am_content, pm_content
+class YearCalendarView(_CalendarView):
+ id = 'calendaryear'
+ title = _('calendar (year)')
+ def call(self, year=THIS_YEAR, month=THIS_MONTH):
+ """this view renders a 3x3 calendars' table"""
+ year = int(self.req.form.get('year', year))
+ month = int(self.req.form.get('month', month))
+ center_date = DateTime(year, month)
+ begin, end = self.get_date_range(day=center_date)
+ schedule = self._mk_schedule(begin, end)
+ self.w(self.nav_header(center_date))
+ calendars = tuple(self.build_calendars(schedule, begin, end))
+ self.w(SMALL_CALENDARS_PAGE % calendars)
+class SemesterCalendarView(_CalendarView):
+ """this view renders three semesters as three rows of six columns,
+ one column per month
+ """
+ id = 'calendarsemester'
+ title = _('calendar (semester)')
+ def call(self, year=THIS_YEAR, month=THIS_MONTH):
+ year = int(self.req.form.get('year', year))
+ month = int(self.req.form.get('month', month))
+ begin = DateTime(year, month) - RelativeDateTime(months=2)
+ end = DateTime(year, month) + RelativeDateTime(months=3)
+ schedule = self._mk_schedule(begin, end)
+ self.w(self.nav_header(DateTime(year, month), 1, 6))
+ self.w(u'<table class="semesterCalendar">')
+ self.build_calendars(schedule, begin, end)
+ self.w(u'</table>')
+ self.w(self.nav_header(DateTime(year, month), 1, 6))
+ def build_calendars(self, schedule, begin, end):
+ self.w(u'<tr>')
+ rql = self.rset.printable_rql()
+ for cur_month in date_range(begin, end, incr=ONE_MONTH):
+ umonth = u'%s %s' % (self.format_date(cur_month, '%B'), cur_month.year)
+ url = self.build_url(rql=rql, vid=self.id,
+ year=cur_month.year, month=cur_month.month)
+ self.w(u'<th colspan="2"><a href="%s">%s</a></th>' % (html_escape(url),
+ umonth))
+ self.w(u'</tr>')
+ _ = self.req._
+ for day_num in xrange(31):
+ self.w(u'<tr>')
+ for cur_month in date_range(begin, end, incr=ONE_MONTH):
+ if day_num >= cur_month.days_in_month:
+ self.w(u'%s%s' % (NO_CELL, NO_CELL))
+ else:
+ day = DateTime(cur_month.year, cur_month.month, day_num+1)
+ events = schedule.get(day)
+ self.w(u'<td>%s %s</td>\n' % (_(WEEKDAYS[day.day_of_week])[0].upper(), day_num+1))
+ self.format_day_events(day, events)
+ self.w(u'</tr>')
+ def format_day_events(self, day, events):
+ if events:
+ events = ['\n'.join(event) for event in events.values()]
+ self.w(WEEK_CELL % '\n'.join(events))
+ else:
+class MonthCalendarView(_CalendarView):
+ """this view renders a 3x1 calendars' table"""
+ id = 'calendarmonth'
+ title = _('calendar (month)')
+ def call(self, year=THIS_YEAR, month=THIS_MONTH):
+ year = int(self.req.form.get('year', year))
+ month = int(self.req.form.get('month', month))
+ center_date = DateTime(year, month)
+ begin, end = self.get_date_range(day=center_date, shift=1)
+ schedule = self._mk_schedule(begin, end)
+ calendars = self.build_calendars(schedule, begin, end)
+ self.w(self.nav_header(center_date, 1, 3))
+ self.w(BIG_CALENDARS_PAGE % tuple(calendars))
+ self.w(self.nav_header(center_date, 1, 3))
+class WeekCalendarView(_CalendarView):
+ """this view renders a calendar for week events"""
+ id = 'calendarweek'
+ title = _('calendar (week)')
+ def call(self, year=THIS_YEAR, week=TODAY.iso_week[1]):
+ year = int(self.req.form.get('year', year))
+ week = int(self.req.form.get('week', week))
+ day0 = DateTime(year)
+ first_day_of_week = (day0-day0.day_of_week) + 7*week
+ begin, end = first_day_of_week-7, first_day_of_week+14
+ schedule = self._mk_schedule(begin, end, itemvid='calendarlargeitem')
+ self.w(self.nav_header(first_day_of_week))
+ self.w(u'<table class="weekCalendar">')
+ _weeks = [(first_day_of_week-7, first_day_of_week-1),
+ (first_day_of_week, first_day_of_week+6),
+ (first_day_of_week+7, first_day_of_week+13)]
+ self.build_calendar(schedule, _weeks)
+ self.w(u'</table>')
+ self.w(self.nav_header(first_day_of_week))
+ def build_calendar(self, schedule, weeks):
+ rql = self.rset.printable_rql()
+ _ = self.req._
+ for monday, sunday in weeks:
+ umonth = self.format_date(monday, '%B %Y')
+ url = self.build_url(rql=rql, vid='calendarmonth',
+ year=monday.year, month=monday.month)
+ monthlink = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (html_escape(url), umonth)
+ self.w(u'<tr><th colspan="3">%s %s (%s)</th></tr>' \
+ % (_('week'), monday.iso_week[1], monthlink))
+ for day in date_range(monday, sunday):
+ self.w(u'<tr>')
+ self.w(u'<td>%s</td>' % _(WEEKDAYS[day.day_of_week]))
+ self.w(u'<td>%s</td>' % (day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')))
+ events = schedule.get(day)
+ if events:
+ events = ['\n'.join(event) for event in events.values()]
+ self.w(WEEK_CELL % '\n'.join(events))
+ else:
+ self.w(u'</tr>')
+ def nav_header(self, date, smallshift=1, bigshift=3):
+ """prints shortcut links to go to previous/next steps (month|week)"""
+ prev1 = date - RelativeDateTime(weeks=smallshift)
+ prev2 = date - RelativeDateTime(weeks=bigshift)
+ next1 = date + RelativeDateTime(weeks=smallshift)
+ next2 = date + RelativeDateTime(weeks=bigshift)
+ rql, vid = self.rset.printable_rql(), self.id
+ return self.NAV_HEADER % (
+ html_escape(self.build_url(rql=rql, vid=vid, year=prev2.year, week=prev2.iso_week[1])),
+ html_escape(self.build_url(rql=rql, vid=vid, year=prev1.year, week=prev1.iso_week[1])),
+ html_escape(self.build_url(rql=rql, vid=vid, year=next1.year, week=next1.iso_week[1])),
+ html_escape(self.build_url(rql=rql, vid=vid, year=next2.year, week=next2.iso_week[1])))
+class AMPMYearCalendarView(YearCalendarView):
+ id = 'ampmcalendaryear'
+ title = _('am/pm calendar (year)')
+ def build_calendar(self, schedule, first_day):
+ """method responsible for building *one* HTML calendar"""
+ umonth = self.format_date(first_day, '%B %Y') # localized month name
+ rows = [] # each row is: (am,pm), (am,pm) ... week_title
+ current_row = [(NO_CELL, NO_CELL, NO_CELL)] * first_day.day_of_week
+ rql = self.rset.printable_rql()
+ for daynum in xrange(0, first_day.days_in_month):
+ # build cells day
+ day = first_day + daynum
+ events = schedule.get(day)
+ if events:
+ current_row.append((AMPM_DAY % (daynum+1),) + self._build_ampm_cells(daynum, events))
+ else:
+ current_row.append((AMPM_DAY % (daynum+1),
+ AMPM_EMPTY % ("amCell", "am"),
+ AMPM_EMPTY % ("pmCell", "pm")))
+ # store & reset current row on Sundays
+ if day.day_of_week == Sunday:
+ url = self.build_url(rql=rql, vid='ampmcalendarweek',
+ year=day.year, week=day.iso_week[1])
+ weeklink = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (html_escape(url),
+ day.iso_week[1])
+ current_row.append(WEEKNUM_CELL % weeklink)
+ rows.append(current_row)
+ current_row = []
+ current_row.extend([(NO_CELL, NO_CELL, NO_CELL)] * (Sunday-day.day_of_week))
+ url = self.build_url(rql=rql, vid='ampmcalendarweek',
+ year=day.year, week=day.iso_week[1])
+ weeklink = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (html_escape(url), day.iso_week[1])
+ current_row.append(WEEKNUM_CELL % weeklink)
+ rows.append(current_row)
+ # build two rows for each week: am & pm
+ formatted_rows = []
+ for row in rows:
+ week_title = row.pop()
+ day_row = [day for day, am, pm in row]
+ am_row = [am for day, am, pm in row]
+ pm_row = [pm for day, am, pm in row]
+ formatted_rows.append('<tr>%s%s</tr>'% (week_title, '\n'.join(day_row)))
+ formatted_rows.append('<tr class="amRow"><td> </td>%s</tr>'% '\n'.join(am_row))
+ formatted_rows.append('<tr class="pmRow"><td> </td>%s</tr>'% '\n'.join(pm_row))
+ # tigh everything together
+ url = self.build_url(rql=rql, vid='ampmcalendarmonth',
+ year=first_day.year, month=first_day.month)
+ monthlink = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (html_escape(url), umonth)
+ return CALENDAR(self.req) % (monthlink, '\n'.join(formatted_rows))
+class AMPMSemesterCalendarView(SemesterCalendarView):
+ """this view renders a 3x1 calendars' table"""
+ id = 'ampmcalendarsemester'
+ title = _('am/pm calendar (semester)')
+ def build_calendars(self, schedule, begin, end):
+ self.w(u'<tr>')
+ rql = self.rset.printable_rql()
+ for cur_month in date_range(begin, end, incr=ONE_MONTH):
+ umonth = u'%s %s' % (self.format_date(cur_month, '%B'), cur_month.year)
+ url = self.build_url(rql=rql, vid=self.id,
+ year=cur_month.year, month=cur_month.month)
+ self.w(u'<th colspan="3"><a href="%s">%s</a></th>' % (html_escape(url),
+ umonth))
+ self.w(u'</tr>')
+ _ = self.req._
+ for day_num in xrange(31):
+ self.w(u'<tr>')
+ for cur_month in date_range(begin, end, incr=ONE_MONTH):
+ if day_num >= cur_month.days_in_month:
+ self.w(u'%s%s%s' % (NO_CELL, NO_CELL, NO_CELL))
+ else:
+ day = DateTime(cur_month.year, cur_month.month, day_num+1)
+ events = schedule.get(day)
+ self.w(u'<td>%s %s</td>\n' % (_(WEEKDAYS[day.day_of_week])[0].upper(),
+ day_num+1))
+ self.format_day_events(day, events)
+ self.w(u'</tr>')
+ def format_day_events(self, day, events):
+ if events:
+ self.w(u'\n'.join(self._build_ampm_cells(day, events)))
+ else:
+ self.w(u'%s %s'% (AMPM_EMPTY % ("amCell", "am"),
+ AMPM_EMPTY % ("pmCell", "pm")))
+class AMPMMonthCalendarView(MonthCalendarView):
+ """this view renders a 3x1 calendars' table"""
+ id = 'ampmcalendarmonth'
+ title = _('am/pm calendar (month)')
+ def build_calendar(self, schedule, first_day):
+ """method responsible for building *one* HTML calendar"""
+ umonth = self.format_date(first_day, '%B %Y') # localized month name
+ rows = [] # each row is: (am,pm), (am,pm) ... week_title
+ current_row = [(NO_CELL, NO_CELL, NO_CELL)] * first_day.day_of_week
+ rql = self.rset.printable_rql()
+ for daynum in xrange(0, first_day.days_in_month):
+ # build cells day
+ day = first_day + daynum
+ events = schedule.get(day)
+ if events:
+ current_row.append((AMPM_DAY % (daynum+1),) + self._build_ampm_cells(daynum, events))
+ else:
+ current_row.append((AMPM_DAY % (daynum+1),
+ AMPM_EMPTY % ("amCell", "am"),
+ AMPM_EMPTY % ("pmCell", "pm")))
+ # store & reset current row on Sundays
+ if day.day_of_week == Sunday:
+ url = self.build_url(rql=rql, vid='ampmcalendarweek',
+ year=day.year, week=day.iso_week[1])
+ weeklink = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (html_escape(url),
+ day.iso_week[1])
+ current_row.append(WEEKNUM_CELL % weeklink)
+ rows.append(current_row)
+ current_row = []
+ current_row.extend([(NO_CELL, NO_CELL, NO_CELL)] * (Sunday-day.day_of_week))
+ url = self.build_url(rql=rql, vid='ampmcalendarweek',
+ year=day.year, week=day.iso_week[1])
+ weeklink = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (html_escape(url),
+ day.iso_week[1])
+ current_row.append(WEEKNUM_CELL % weeklink)
+ rows.append(current_row)
+ # build two rows for each week: am & pm
+ formatted_rows = []
+ for row in rows:
+ week_title = row.pop()
+ day_row = [day for day, am, pm in row]
+ am_row = [am for day, am, pm in row]
+ pm_row = [pm for day, am, pm in row]
+ formatted_rows.append('<tr>%s%s</tr>'% (week_title, '\n'.join(day_row)))
+ formatted_rows.append('<tr class="amRow"><td> </td>%s</tr>'% '\n'.join(am_row))
+ formatted_rows.append('<tr class="pmRow"><td> </td>%s</tr>'% '\n'.join(pm_row))
+ # tigh everything together
+ url = self.build_url(rql=rql, vid='ampmcalendarmonth',
+ year=first_day.year, month=first_day.month)
+ monthlink = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (html_escape(url),
+ umonth)
+ return CALENDAR(self.req) % (monthlink, '\n'.join(formatted_rows))
+class AMPMWeekCalendarView(WeekCalendarView):
+ """this view renders a 3x1 calendars' table"""
+ id = 'ampmcalendarweek'
+ title = _('am/pm calendar (week)')
+ def build_calendar(self, schedule, weeks):
+ rql = self.rset.printable_rql()
+ w = self.w
+ _ = self.req._
+ for monday, sunday in weeks:
+ umonth = self.format_date(monday, '%B %Y')
+ url = self.build_url(rql=rql, vid='ampmcalendarmonth',
+ year=monday.year, month=monday.month)
+ monthlink = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (html_escape(url), umonth)
+ w(u'<tr>%s</tr>' % (
+ WEEK_TITLE % (_('week'), monday.iso_week[1], monthlink)))
+ w(u'<tr><th>%s</th><th> </th></tr>'% _(u'Date'))
+ for day in date_range(monday, sunday):
+ events = schedule.get(day)
+ style = day.day_of_week % 2 and "even" or "odd"
+ w(u'<tr class="%s">' % style)
+ if events:
+ hours = events.keys()
+ hours.sort()
+ len(hours), _(WEEKDAYS[day.day_of_week]),
+ self.format_date(day)))
+ hours[0].hour, hours[0].minute,
+ '\n'.join(events[hours[0]])))
+ w(u'</tr>')
+ for hour in hours[1:]:
+ w(u'<tr class="%s">%s</tr>'% (
+ style, AMPM_WEEK_CELL % (hour.hour, hour.minute,
+ '\n'.join(events[hour]))))
+ else:
+ _(WEEKDAYS[day.day_of_week]),
+ self.format_date(day)))
+ w(u'</tr>')
+SMALL_CALENDARS_PAGE = u"""<table class="smallCalendars">
+<tr><td class="calendar">%s</td><td class="calendar">%s</td><td class="calendar">%s</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="calendar">%s</td><td class="calendar">%s</td><td class="calendar">%s</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="calendar">%s</td><td class="calendar">%s</td><td class="calendar">%s</td></tr>
+BIG_CALENDARS_PAGE = u"""<table class="bigCalendars">
+<tr><td class="calendar">%s</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="calendar">%s</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="calendar">%s</td></tr>
+WEEKNUM_CELL = u'<td class="weeknum">%s</td>'
+def CALENDAR(req):
+ _ = req._
+ WEEKNUM_HEADER = u'<th class="weeknum">%s</th>' % _('week')
+ CAL_HEADER = WEEKNUM_HEADER + u' \n'.join([u'<th class="weekday">%s</th>' % _(day)[0].upper()
+ for day in WEEKDAYS])
+ return u"""<table>
+<tr><th class="month" colspan="8">%%s</th></tr>
+ %s
+""" % (CAL_HEADER,)
+DAY_TEMPLATE = """<tr><td class="weekday">%(daylabel)s</td><td>%(dmydate)s</td><td>%(dayschedule)s</td>
+NO_CELL = u'<td class="noday"></td>'
+EMPTY_CELL = u'<td class="cellEmpty"><span class="cellTitle">%s</span></td>'
+CELL = u'<td class="cell"><span class="cellTitle">%s</span><div class="cellContent">%s</div></td>'
+AMPM_DAY = u'<td class="cellDay">%d</td>'
+AMPM_EMPTY = u'<td class="%sEmpty"><span class="cellTitle">%s</span></td>'
+AMPM_CONTENT = u'<td class="%s"><span class="cellTitle">%s</span><div class="cellContent">%s</div></td>'
+WEEK_TITLE = u'<th class="weekTitle" colspan="2">%s %s (%s)</th>'
+WEEK_EMPTY_CELL = u'<td class="weekEmptyCell"> </td>'
+WEEK_CELL = u'<td class="weekCell"><div class="cellContent">%s</div></td>'
+AMPM_DAYWEEK_EMPTY = u'<td>%s %s</td>'
+AMPM_DAYWEEK = u'<td rowspan="%d">%s %s</td>'
+AMPM_WEEK_CELL = u'<td class="ampmWeekCell"><div class="cellContent">%02d:%02d - %s</div></td>'