--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/views/magicsearch.py Wed Nov 05 15:52:50 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+"""a query preprocesser to handle quick search shortcuts for cubicweb
+:organization: Logilab
+:copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+import re
+from logging import getLogger
+from rql import RQLSyntaxError, BadRQLQuery, parse
+from rql.nodes import Relation
+from cubicweb import Unauthorized
+from cubicweb.common.appobject import Component, SingletonComponent
+LOGGER = getLogger('cubicweb.magicsearch')
+def _get_approriate_translation(translations_found, eschema):
+ """return the first (should be the only one) possible translation according
+ to the given entity type
+ """
+ # get the list of all attributes / relations for this kind of entity
+ existing_relations = set(eschema.subject_relations())
+ consistent_translations = translations_found & existing_relations
+ if len(consistent_translations) == 0:
+ return None
+ return consistent_translations.pop()
+def translate_rql_tree(rqlst, translations, schema):
+ """Try to translate each relation in the RQL syntax tree
+ :type rqlst: `rql.stmts.Statement`
+ :param rqlst: the RQL syntax tree
+ :type translations: dict
+ :param translations: the reverted l10n dict
+ :type schema: `cubicweb.schema.Schema`
+ :param schema: the application's schema
+ """
+ # var_types is used as a map : var_name / var_type
+ vartypes = {}
+ # ambiguous_nodes is used as a map : relation_node / (var_name, available_translations)
+ ambiguous_nodes = {}
+ # For each relation node, check if it's a localized relation name
+ # If it's a localized name, then use the original relation name, else
+ # keep the existing relation name
+ for relation in rqlst.get_nodes(Relation):
+ rtype = relation.r_type
+ lhs, rhs = relation.get_variable_parts()
+ if rtype == 'is':
+ try:
+ etype = translations[rhs.value]
+ rhs.value = etype
+ except KeyError:
+ # If no translation found, leave the entity type as is
+ etype = rhs.value
+ # Memorize variable's type
+ vartypes[lhs.name] = etype
+ else:
+ try:
+ translation_set = translations[rtype]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass # If no translation found, leave the relation type as is
+ else:
+ # Only one possible translation, no ambiguity
+ if len(translation_set) == 1:
+ relation.r_type = iter(translations[rtype]).next()
+ # More than 1 possible translation => resolve it later
+ else:
+ ambiguous_nodes[relation] = (lhs.name, translation_set)
+ if ambiguous_nodes:
+ resolve_ambiguities(vartypes, ambiguous_nodes, schema)
+def resolve_ambiguities(var_types, ambiguous_nodes, schema):
+ """Tries to resolve remaining ambiguities for translation
+ /!\ An ambiguity is when two different string can be localized with
+ the same string
+ A simple example:
+ - 'name' in a company context will be localized as 'nom' in French
+ - but ... 'surname' will also be localized as 'nom'
+ :type var_types: dict
+ :param var_types: a map : var_name / var_type
+ :type ambiguous_nodes: dict
+ :param ambiguous_nodes: a map : relation_node / (var_name, available_translations)
+ :type schema: `cubicweb.schema.Schema`
+ :param schema: the application's schema
+ """
+ # Now, try to resolve ambiguous translations
+ for relation, (var_name, translations_found) in ambiguous_nodes.items():
+ try:
+ vartype = var_types[var_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+ # Get schema for this entity type
+ eschema = schema.eschema(vartype)
+ rtype = _get_approriate_translation(translations_found, eschema)
+ if rtype is None:
+ continue
+ relation.r_type = rtype
+QUOTED_SRE = re.compile(r'(.*?)(["\'])(.+?)\2')
+def trmap(config, schema, lang):
+ try:
+ return TRANSLATION_MAPS[lang]
+ except KeyError:
+ assert lang in config.translations, '%s %s' % (lang, config.translations)
+ tr = config.translations[lang]
+ langmap = {}
+ for etype in schema.entities():
+ etype = str(etype)
+ langmap[tr(etype).capitalize()] = etype
+ langmap[etype.capitalize()] = etype
+ for rtype in schema.relations():
+ rtype = str(rtype)
+ langmap.setdefault(tr(rtype).lower(), set()).add(rtype)
+ langmap.setdefault(rtype, set()).add(rtype)
+ TRANSLATION_MAPS[lang] = langmap
+ return langmap
+class BaseQueryProcessor(Component):
+ __abstract__ = True
+ id = 'magicsearch_processor'
+ # set something if you want explicit component search facility for the
+ # component
+ name = None
+ def process_query(self, uquery, req):
+ args = self.preprocess_query(uquery, req)
+ try:
+ return req.execute(*args)
+ finally:
+ # rollback necessary to avoid leaving the connection in a bad state
+ req.cnx.rollback()
+ def preprocess_query(self, uquery, req):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class DoNotPreprocess(BaseQueryProcessor):
+ """this one returns the raw query and should be placed in first position
+ of the chain
+ """
+ name = 'rql'
+ priority = 0
+ def preprocess_query(self, uquery, req):
+ return uquery,
+class QueryTranslator(BaseQueryProcessor):
+ """ parses through rql and translates into schema language entity names
+ and attributes
+ """
+ priority = 2
+ def preprocess_query(self, uquery, req):
+ try:
+ rqlst = parse(uquery, print_errors=False)
+ except (RQLSyntaxError, BadRQLQuery), err:
+ return uquery,
+ schema = self.vreg.schema
+ # rql syntax tree will be modified in place if necessary
+ translate_rql_tree(rqlst, trmap(self.config, schema, req.lang), schema)
+ return rqlst.as_string(),
+class QSPreProcessor(BaseQueryProcessor):
+ """Quick search preprocessor
+ preprocessing query in shortcut form to their RQL form
+ """
+ priority = 4
+ def preprocess_query(self, uquery, req):
+ """"""
+ args = None
+ self.req = req
+ try:
+ # Process as if there was a quoted part
+ args = self._quoted_words_query(uquery)
+ ## No quoted part
+ except BadRQLQuery:
+ words = uquery.split()
+ if len(words) == 1:
+ args = self._one_word_query(*words)
+ elif len(words) == 2:
+ args = self._two_words_query(*words)
+ elif len(words) == 3:
+ args = self._three_words_query(*words)
+ else:
+ args = self._multiple_words_query(words)
+ return args
+ def _get_entity_type(self, word):
+ """check if the given word is matching an entity type, return it if
+ it's the case or raise BadRQLQuery if not
+ """
+ etype = word.capitalize()
+ try:
+ return trmap(self.config, self.vreg.schema, self.req.lang)[etype]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise BadRQLQuery('%s is not a valid entity name' % etype)
+ def _get_attribute_name(self, word, eschema):
+ """check if the given word is matching an attribute of the given entity type,
+ return it normalized if found or return it untransformed else
+ """
+ """Returns the attributes's name as stored in the DB"""
+ # Need to convert from unicode to string (could be whatever)
+ rtype = word.lower()
+ # Find the entity name as stored in the DB
+ translations = trmap(self.config, self.vreg.schema, self.req.lang)
+ try:
+ translations = translations[rtype]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise BadRQLQuery('%s is not a valid attribute for %s entity type'
+ % (word, eschema))
+ rtype = _get_approriate_translation(translations, eschema)
+ if rtype is None:
+ raise BadRQLQuery('%s is not a valid attribute for %s entity type'
+ % (word, eschema))
+ return rtype
+ def _one_word_query(self, word):
+ """Specific process for one word query (case (1) of preprocess_rql)
+ """
+ # if this is an integer, then directly go to eid
+ try:
+ eid = int(word)
+ return 'Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': eid}, 'x'
+ except ValueError:
+ etype = self._get_entity_type(word)
+ return '%s %s' % (etype, etype[0]),
+ def _complete_rql(self, searchstr, etype, rtype=None, var=None, searchattr=None):
+ searchop = ''
+ if '%' in searchstr:
+ if rtype:
+ possible_etypes = self.schema.rschema(rtype).objects(etype)
+ else:
+ possible_etypes = [self.schema.eschema(etype)]
+ if searchattr or len(possible_etypes) == 1:
+ searchattr = searchattr or possible_etypes[0].main_attribute()
+ searchop = 'LIKE '
+ searchattr = searchattr or 'has_text'
+ if var is None:
+ var = etype[0]
+ return '%s %s %s%%(text)s' % (var, searchattr, searchop)
+ def _two_words_query(self, word1, word2):
+ """Specific process for two words query (case (2) of preprocess_rql)
+ """
+ etype = self._get_entity_type(word1)
+ # this is a valid RQL query : ("Person X", or "Person TMP1")
+ if len(word2) == 1 and word2.isupper():
+ return '%s %s' % (etype, word2),
+ # else, suppose it's a shortcut like : Person Smith
+ rql = '%s %s WHERE %s' % (etype, etype[0], self._complete_rql(word2, etype))
+ return rql, {'text': word2}
+ def _three_words_query(self, word1, word2, word3):
+ """Specific process for three words query (case (3) of preprocess_rql)
+ """
+ etype = self._get_entity_type(word1)
+ eschema = self.schema.eschema(etype)
+ rtype = self._get_attribute_name(word2, eschema)
+ # expand shortcut if rtype is a non final relation
+ if not self.schema.rschema(rtype).is_final():
+ return self._expand_shortcut(etype, rtype, word3)
+ if '%' in word3:
+ searchop = 'LIKE '
+ else:
+ searchop = ''
+ rql = '%s %s WHERE %s' % (etype, etype[0],
+ self._complete_rql(word3, etype, searchattr=rtype))
+ return rql, {'text': word3}
+ def _multiple_words_query(self, words):
+ """specific process for more than 3 words query"""
+ return ' '.join(words),
+ def _expand_shortcut(self, etype, rtype, searchstr):
+ """Expands shortcut queries on a non final relation to use has_text or
+ the main attribute (according to possible entity type) if '%' is used in the
+ search word
+ Transforms : 'person worksat IBM' into
+ 'Personne P WHERE P worksAt C, C has_text "IBM"'
+ """
+ # check out all possilbe entity types for the relation represented
+ # by 'rtype'
+ mainvar = etype[0]
+ searchvar = mainvar + '1'
+ rql = '%s %s WHERE %s %s %s, %s' % (etype, mainvar, # Person P
+ mainvar, rtype, searchvar, # P worksAt C
+ self._complete_rql(searchstr, etype,
+ rtype=rtype, var=searchvar))
+ return rql, {'text': searchstr}
+ def _quoted_words_query(self, ori_rql):
+ """Specific process when there's a "quoted" part
+ """
+ m = QUOTED_SRE.match(ori_rql)
+ # if there's no quoted part, then no special pre-processing to do
+ if m is None:
+ raise BadRQLQuery("unable to handle request %r" % ori_rql)
+ left_words = m.group(1).split()
+ quoted_part = m.group(3)
+ # Case (1) : Company "My own company"
+ if len(left_words) == 1:
+ try:
+ word1 = left_words[0]
+ return self._two_words_query(word1, quoted_part)
+ except BadRQLQuery, error:
+ raise BadRQLQuery("unable to handle request %r" % ori_rql)
+ # Case (2) : Company name "My own company";
+ elif len(left_words) == 2:
+ word1, word2 = left_words
+ return self._three_words_query(word1, word2, quoted_part)
+ # return ori_rql
+ raise BadRQLQuery("unable to handle request %r" % ori_rql)
+class FullTextTranslator(BaseQueryProcessor):
+ priority = 10
+ name = 'text'
+ def preprocess_query(self, uquery, req):
+ """suppose it's a plain text query"""
+ return 'Any X WHERE X has_text %(text)s', {'text': uquery}
+class MagicSearchComponent(SingletonComponent):
+ id = 'magicsearch'
+ def __init__(self, req, rset=None):
+ super(MagicSearchComponent, self).__init__(req, rset)
+ processors = []
+ self.by_name = {}
+ for processorcls in self.vreg.registry_objects('components',
+ 'magicsearch_processor'):
+ # instantiation needed
+ processor = processorcls()
+ processors.append(processor)
+ if processor.name is not None:
+ assert not processor.name in self.by_name
+ self.by_name[processor.name.lower()] = processor
+ self.processors = sorted(processors, key=lambda x: x.priority)
+ def process_query(self, uquery, req):
+ assert isinstance(uquery, unicode)
+ try:
+ procname, query = uquery.split(':', 1)
+ proc = self.by_name[procname.strip().lower()]
+ uquery = query.strip()
+ except:
+ # use processor chain
+ unauthorized = None
+ for proc in self.processors:
+ try:
+ return proc.process_query(uquery, req)
+ # FIXME : we don't want to catch any exception type here !
+ except (RQLSyntaxError, BadRQLQuery):
+ pass
+ except Unauthorized, ex:
+ unauthorized = ex
+ continue
+ except Exception, ex:
+ LOGGER.debug('%s: %s', ex.__class__.__name__, ex)
+ continue
+ if unauthorized:
+ raise unauthorized
+ else:
+ # let exception propagate
+ return proc.process_query(uquery, req)
+ raise BadRQLQuery(req._('sorry, the server is unable to handle this query'))
+# Do not make a strong dependency on NlpTools
+ from NlpTools.rqltools.client import RQLClient
+except ImportError:
+ LOGGER.info('could not import RQLClient (NlpTools)')
+ try:
+ from Pyro.errors import NamingError
+ except ImportError:
+ LOGGER.warning("pyro is not installed, can't try to connect to nlp server")
+ else:
+ try:
+ class NLPProcessor(BaseQueryProcessor):
+ priority = 8
+ nlp_agent = RQLClient('ivan')
+ def preprocess_query(self, uquery, req):
+ try:
+ answer = self.nlp_agent.get_translation(uquery)
+ if not answer:
+ raise BadRQLQuery(uquery)
+ return answer or uquery,
+ except Exception, ex:
+ LOGGER.exception(str(ex))
+ return uquery,
+ except NamingError: # NlpTools available but no server registered
+ LOGGER.warning('could not find any RQLServer object named "ivan"')