changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 1398 5fe84a5f7035
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/misc/migration/postcreate.py	Wed Nov 05 15:52:50 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+"""cubicweb post creation script, set user's workflow"""
+activatedeid = add_state(_('activated'), 'EUser', initial=True)
+deactivatedeid = add_state(_('deactivated'), 'EUser')
+add_transition(_('deactivate'), 'EUser',
+               (activatedeid,), deactivatedeid,
+               requiredgroups=('managers',))
+add_transition(_('activate'), 'EUser',
+               (deactivatedeid,), activatedeid,
+               requiredgroups=('managers',))
+# need this since we already have at least one user in the database (the default admin)
+rql('SET X in_state S WHERE X is EUser, S eid %s' % activatedeid)
+# create anonymous user if all-in-one config and anonymous user has been specified
+if hasattr(config, 'anonymous_user'):
+    anonlogin, anonpwd = config.anonymous_user()
+    if anonlogin:
+        rql('INSERT EUser X: X login %(login)s, X upassword %(pwd)s,'
+            'X in_state S, X in_group G WHERE G name "guests", S name "activated"',
+            {'login': unicode(anonlogin), 'pwd': anonpwd})
+cfg = config.persistent_options_configuration()
+if interactive_mode:
+    cfg.input_config(inputlevel=0)
+for section, options in cfg.options_by_section():
+    for optname, optdict, value in options:
+        key = '%s.%s' % (section, optname)
+        default = cfg.option_default(optname, optdict)
+        # only record values differing from default
+        if value != default:
+            rql('INSERT EProperty X: X pkey %(k)s, X value %(v)s', {'k': key, 'v': value})
+# add PERM_USE_TEMPLATE_FORMAT permission
+from cubicweb.schema import PERM_USE_TEMPLATE_FORMAT
+eid = add_entity('EPermission', name=PERM_USE_TEMPLATE_FORMAT,
+                 label=_('use template languages'))
+rql('SET X require_group G WHERE G name "managers", X eid %(x)s',
+    {'x': eid}, 'x')