--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/goa/tools/i18n.py Wed Nov 05 15:52:50 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""This script is just a thin wrapper around ``msgcat`` and ``msgfmt``
+to generate ``.mo`` files
+import sys
+import os
+import os.path as osp
+import shutil
+from tempfile import mktemp
+from glob import glob
+from mx.DateTime import now
+from logilab.common.fileutils import ensure_fs_mode
+from logilab.common.shellutils import find, rm
+from yams import BASE_TYPES
+from cubicweb import CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT
+# from cubicweb.__pkginfo__ import version as cubicwebversion
+cubicwebversion = '2.48.2'
+DEFAULT_POT_HEAD = r'''# LAX application po file
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: cubicweb %s\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-28 18:14+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Logilab Team <contact@logilab.fr>\n"
+"Language-Team: fr <contact@logilab.fr>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Generated-By: cubicweb-devtools\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+''' % cubicwebversion
+STDLIB_ERTYPES = BASE_TYPES | set( ('EUser', 'EProperty', 'Card', 'identity', 'for_user') )
+def create_dir(directory):
+ """create a directory if it doesn't exist yet"""
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(directory)
+ print 'created directory', directory
+ except OSError, ex:
+ import errno
+ if ex.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+ print 'directory %s already exists' % directory
+def execute(cmd):
+ """display the command, execute it and raise an Exception if returned
+ status != 0
+ """
+ print cmd.replace(os.getcwd() + os.sep, '')
+ status = os.system(cmd)
+ if status != 0:
+ raise Exception()
+def add_msg(w, msgid):
+ """write an empty pot msgid definition"""
+ if isinstance(msgid, unicode):
+ msgid = msgid.encode('utf-8')
+ msgid = msgid.replace('"', r'\"').splitlines()
+ if len(msgid) > 1:
+ w('msgid ""\n')
+ for line in msgid:
+ w('"%s"' % line.replace('"', r'\"'))
+ else:
+ w('msgid "%s"\n' % msgid[0])
+ w('msgstr ""\n\n')
+def generate_schema_pot(w, vreg, tmpldir):
+ """generate a pot file with schema specific i18n messages
+ notice that relation definitions description and static vocabulary
+ should be marked using '_' and extracted using xgettext
+ """
+ cube = tmpldir and osp.split(tmpldir)[-1]
+ config = vreg.config
+ vreg.register_objects(config.vregistry_path())
+ _generate_schema_pot(w, vreg, vreg.schema, libschema=None, # no libschema for now
+ cube=cube)
+def _generate_schema_pot(w, vreg, schema, libschema=None, cube=None):
+ w('# schema pot file, generated on %s\n' % now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
+ w('# \n')
+ w('# singular and plural forms for each entity type\n')
+ w('\n')
+ # XXX hard-coded list of stdlib's entity schemas
+ libschema = libschema or STDLIB_ERTYPES
+ entities = [e for e in schema.entities() if not e in libschema]
+ done = set()
+ for eschema in sorted(entities):
+ etype = eschema.type
+ add_msg(w, etype)
+ add_msg(w, '%s_plural' % etype)
+ if not eschema.is_final():
+ add_msg(w, 'This %s' % etype)
+ add_msg(w, 'New %s' % etype)
+ add_msg(w, 'add a %s' % etype)
+ add_msg(w, 'remove this %s' % etype)
+ if eschema.description and not eschema.description in done:
+ done.add(eschema.description)
+ add_msg(w, eschema.description)
+ w('# subject and object forms for each relation type\n')
+ w('# (no object form for final relation types)\n')
+ w('\n')
+ if libschema is not None:
+ relations = [r for r in schema.relations() if not r in libschema]
+ else:
+ relations = schema.relations()
+ for rschema in sorted(set(relations)):
+ rtype = rschema.type
+ add_msg(w, rtype)
+ if not (schema.rschema(rtype).is_final() or rschema.symetric):
+ add_msg(w, '%s_object' % rtype)
+ if rschema.description and rschema.description not in done:
+ done.add(rschema.description)
+ add_msg(w, rschema.description)
+ w('# add related box generated message\n')
+ w('\n')
+ for eschema in schema.entities():
+ if eschema.is_final():
+ continue
+ entity = vreg.etype_class(eschema)(None, None)
+ for x, rschemas in (('subject', eschema.subject_relations()),
+ ('object', eschema.object_relations())):
+ for rschema in rschemas:
+ if rschema.is_final():
+ continue
+ for teschema in rschema.targets(eschema, x):
+ if defined_in_library(libschema, eschema, rschema, teschema, x):
+ continue
+ if entity.relation_mode(rschema.type, teschema.type, x) == 'create':
+ if x == 'subject':
+ label = 'add %s %s %s %s' % (eschema, rschema, teschema, x)
+ label2 = "creating %s (%s %%(linkto)s %s %s)" % (teschema, eschema, rschema, teschema)
+ else:
+ label = 'add %s %s %s %s' % (teschema, rschema, eschema, x)
+ label2 = "creating %s (%s %s %s %%(linkto)s)" % (teschema, teschema, rschema, eschema)
+ add_msg(w, label)
+ add_msg(w, label2)
+ cube = (cube or 'cubicweb') + '.'
+ done = set()
+ for reg, objdict in vreg.items():
+ for objects in objdict.values():
+ for obj in objects:
+ objid = '%s_%s' % (reg, obj.id)
+ if objid in done:
+ continue
+ if obj.__module__.startswith(cube) and obj.property_defs:
+ add_msg(w, '%s_description' % objid)
+ add_msg(w, objid)
+ done.add(objid)
+def defined_in_library(libschema, etype, rtype, tetype, x):
+ """return true if the given relation definition exists in cubicweb's library"""
+ if libschema is None:
+ return False
+ if x == 'subject':
+ subjtype, objtype = etype, tetype
+ else:
+ subjtype, objtype = tetype, etype
+ try:
+ return libschema.rschema(rtype).has_rdef(subjtype, objtype)
+ except (KeyError, AttributeError):
+ # if libschema is a simple list of entity types (lax specific)
+ # or if the relation could not be found
+ return False
+# XXX check if this is a pure duplication of the original
+# `cubicweb.common.i18n` function
+def compile_i18n_catalogs(sourcedirs, destdir, langs):
+ """generate .mo files for a set of languages into the `destdir` i18n directory
+ """
+ print 'compiling %s catalogs...' % destdir
+ errors = []
+ for lang in langs:
+ langdir = osp.join(destdir, lang, 'LC_MESSAGES')
+ if not osp.exists(langdir):
+ create_dir(langdir)
+ pofiles = [osp.join(path, '%s.po' % lang) for path in sourcedirs]
+ pofiles = [pof for pof in pofiles if osp.exists(pof)]
+ mergedpo = osp.join(destdir, '%s_merged.po' % lang)
+ try:
+ # merge application messages' catalog with the stdlib's one
+ execute('msgcat --use-first --sort-output --strict %s > %s'
+ % (' '.join(pofiles), mergedpo))
+ # make sure the .mo file is writeable and compile with *msgfmt*
+ applmo = osp.join(destdir, lang, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'cubicweb.mo')
+ try:
+ ensure_fs_mode(applmo)
+ except OSError:
+ pass # suppose not osp.exists
+ execute('msgfmt %s -o %s' % (mergedpo, applmo))
+ except Exception, ex:
+ errors.append('while handling language %s: %s' % (lang, ex))
+ try:
+ # clean everything
+ os.unlink(mergedpo)
+ except Exception:
+ continue
+ return errors
+def update_cubes_catalog(vreg, appdirectory, langs):
+ toedit = []
+ tmpl = osp.basename(osp.normpath(appdirectory))
+ tempdir = mktemp()
+ os.mkdir(tempdir)
+ print '*' * 72
+ print 'updating %s cube...' % tmpl
+ os.chdir(appdirectory)
+ potfiles = []
+ if osp.exists(osp.join('i18n', 'entities.pot')):
+ potfiles = potfiles.append( osp.join('i18n', scfile) )
+ print '******** extract schema messages'
+ schemapot = osp.join(tempdir, 'schema.pot')
+ potfiles.append(schemapot)
+ # XXX
+ generate_schema_pot(open(schemapot, 'w').write, vreg, appdirectory)
+ print '******** extract Javascript messages'
+ jsfiles = find('.', '.js')
+ if jsfiles:
+ tmppotfile = osp.join(tempdir, 'js.pot')
+ execute('xgettext --no-location --omit-header -k_ -L java --from-code=utf-8 -o %s %s'
+ % (tmppotfile, ' '.join(jsfiles)))
+ # no pot file created if there are no string to translate
+ if osp.exists(tmppotfile):
+ potfiles.append(tmppotfile)
+ print '******** create cube specific catalog'
+ tmppotfile = osp.join(tempdir, 'generated.pot')
+ execute('xgettext --no-location --omit-header -k_ -o %s %s'
+ % (tmppotfile, ' '.join(glob('*.py'))))
+ if osp.exists(tmppotfile): # doesn't exists of no translation string found
+ potfiles.append(tmppotfile)
+ potfile = osp.join(tempdir, 'cube.pot')
+ print '******** merging .pot files'
+ execute('msgcat %s > %s' % (' '.join(potfiles), potfile))
+ print '******** merging main pot file with existing translations'
+ os.chdir('i18n')
+ for lang in langs:
+ print '****', lang
+ tmplpo = '%s.po' % lang
+ if not osp.exists(tmplpo):
+ shutil.copy(potfile, tmplpo)
+ else:
+ execute('msgmerge -N -s %s %s > %snew' % (tmplpo, potfile, tmplpo))
+ ensure_fs_mode(tmplpo)
+ shutil.move('%snew' % tmplpo, tmplpo)
+ toedit.append(osp.abspath(tmplpo))
+ # cleanup
+ rm(tempdir)
+ # instructions pour la suite
+ print '*' * 72
+ print 'you can now edit the following files:'
+ print '* ' + '\n* '.join(toedit)
+def getlangs(i18ndir):
+ return [fname[:-3] for fname in os.listdir(i18ndir)
+ if fname.endswith('.po')]
+def get_i18n_directory(appdirectory):
+ if not osp.isdir(appdirectory):
+ print '%s is not an application directory' % appdirectory
+ sys.exit(2)
+ i18ndir = osp.join(appdirectory, 'i18n')
+ if not osp.isdir(i18ndir):
+ print '%s is not an application directory ' \
+ '(i18n subdirectory missing)' % appdirectory
+ sys.exit(2)
+ return i18ndir