changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 151 343e7a18675d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/etwist/	Wed Nov 05 15:52:50 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+"""twisted server for CubicWeb web applications
+:organization: Logilab
+:copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:contact: --
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+import sys
+import select
+from mx.DateTime import today, RelativeDate
+from twisted.application import service, strports
+from twisted.internet import reactor, task, threads
+from twisted.internet.defer import maybeDeferred
+from twisted.web2 import channel, http, server, iweb
+from twisted.web2 import static, resource, responsecode
+from cubicweb import ObjectNotFound
+from cubicweb.web import (AuthenticationError, NotFound, Redirect, 
+                       RemoteCallFailed, DirectResponse, StatusResponse,
+                       ExplicitLogin)
+from cubicweb.web.application import CubicWebPublisher
+from cubicweb.etwist.request import CubicWebTwistedRequestAdapter
+def start_task(interval, func):
+    lc = task.LoopingCall(func)
+    lc.start(interval)
+def start_looping_tasks(repo):
+    for interval, func in repo._looping_tasks:
+'starting twisted task %s with interval %.2fs',
+                  func.__name__, interval)
+        def catch_error_func(repo=repo, func=func):
+            try:
+                func()
+            except:
+                repo.exception('error in looping task')
+        start_task(interval, catch_error_func)
+    # ensure no tasks will be further added
+    repo._looping_tasks = ()
+class LongTimeExpiringFile(static.File):
+    """overrides static.File and sets a far futre ``Expires`` date
+    on the resouce.
+    versions handling is done by serving static files by different
+    URLs for each version. For instance::
+      http://localhost:8080/data-2.48.2/cubicweb.css
+      http://localhost:8080/data-2.49.0/cubicweb.css
+      etc.
+    """
+    def renderHTTP(self, request):
+        def setExpireHeader(response):
+            response = iweb.IResponse(response)
+            # Don't provide additional resource information to error responses
+            if response.code < 400:
+                # the HTTP RFC recommands not going further than 1 year ahead
+                expires = today() + RelativeDate(months=6)
+                response.headers.setHeader('Expires', int(expires.ticks()))
+            return response
+        d = maybeDeferred(super(LongTimeExpiringFile, self).renderHTTP, request)
+        return d.addCallback(setExpireHeader)
+class CubicWebRootResource(resource.PostableResource):
+    addSlash = False
+    def __init__(self, config, debug=None):
+        self.appli = CubicWebPublisher(config, debug=debug)
+        self.debugmode = debug
+        self.config = config
+        self.base_url = config['base-url'] or config.default_base_url()
+        self.versioned_datadir = 'data%s' % config.instance_md5_version()
+        assert self.base_url[-1] == '/'
+        self.https_url = config['https-url']
+        assert not self.https_url or self.https_url[-1] == '/'
+        # when we have an in-memory repository, clean unused sessions every XX
+        # seconds and properly shutdown the server
+        if config.repo_method == 'inmemory':
+            reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown',
+                                          self.shutdown_event)
+            # monkey path start_looping_task to get proper reactor integration
+            self.appli.repo.__class__.start_looping_tasks = start_looping_tasks
+            if config.pyro_enabled():
+                # if pyro is enabled, we have to register to the pyro name
+                # server, create a pyro daemon, and create a task to handle pyro
+                # requests
+                self.pyro_daemon = self.appli.repo.pyro_register()
+                self.pyro_listen_timeout = 0.02
+                start_task(1, self.pyro_loop_event)
+            self.appli.repo.start_looping_tasks()
+        try:
+            self.url_rewriter = self.appli.vreg.select_component('urlrewriter')
+        except ObjectNotFound:
+            self.url_rewriter = None
+        interval = min(config['cleanup-session-time'] or 120,
+                       config['cleanup-anonymous-session-time'] or 720) / 2.
+        start_task(interval, self.appli.session_handler.clean_sessions)
+    def shutdown_event(self):
+        """callback fired when the server is shutting down to properly
+        clean opened sessions
+        """
+        self.appli.repo.shutdown()
+    def pyro_loop_event(self):
+        """listen for pyro events"""
+        try:
+            self.pyro_daemon.handleRequests(self.pyro_listen_timeout)
+        except select.error:
+            return
+    def locateChild(self, request, segments):
+        """Indicate which resource to use to process down the URL's path"""
+        if segments:
+            if segments[0] == 'https':
+                segments = segments[1:]
+            if len(segments) >= 2:
+                if segments[0] in (self.versioned_datadir, 'data'):
+                    # Anything in data/ is treated as static files
+                    datadir = self.config.locate_resource(segments[1])
+                    if datadir is None:
+                        return None, []
+          'static file %s from %s', segments[-1], datadir)
+                    if segments[0] == 'data':
+                        return static.File(str(datadir)), segments[1:]
+                    else:
+                        return LongTimeExpiringFile(datadir), segments[1:]
+                elif segments[0] == 'fckeditor':
+                    fckeditordir = self.config.ext_resources['FCKEDITOR_PATH']
+                    return static.File(fckeditordir), segments[1:]
+        # Otherwise we use this single resource
+        return self, ()
+    def render(self, request):
+        """Render a page from the root resource"""
+        # reload modified files (only in development or debug mode)
+        if self.config.mode == 'dev' or self.debugmode:
+            self.appli.vreg.register_objects(self.config.vregistry_path())
+        if self.config['profile']: # default profiler don't trace threads
+            return self.render_request(request)
+        else:
+            return threads.deferToThread(self.render_request, request)
+    def render_request(self, request):
+        origpath = request.path
+        host =
+        # dual http/https access handling: expect a rewrite rule to prepend
+        # 'https' to the path to detect https access
+        if origpath.split('/', 2)[1] == 'https':
+            origpath = origpath[6:]
+            request.uri = request.uri[6:]
+            https = True
+            baseurl = self.https_url or self.base_url 
+        else:
+            https = False
+            baseurl = self.base_url
+        req = CubicWebTwistedRequestAdapter(request, self.appli.vreg, https, baseurl)
+        if req.authmode == 'http':
+            # activate realm-based auth
+            realm = self.config['realm']
+            req.set_header('WWW-Authenticate', [('Basic', {'realm' : realm })], raw=False)
+        try:
+            self.appli.connect(req)
+        except AuthenticationError:
+            return self.request_auth(req)
+        except Redirect, ex:
+            return self.redirect(req, ex.location)
+        if https and req.cnx.anonymous_connection:
+            # don't allow anonymous on https connection
+            return self.request_auth(req)            
+        if self.url_rewriter is not None:
+            # XXX should occurs before authentication?
+            try:
+                path = self.url_rewriter.rewrite(host, origpath)
+            except Redirect, ex:
+                return self.redirect(req, ex.location)
+            request.uri.replace(origpath, path, 1)
+        else:
+            path = origpath
+        if not path or path == "/":
+            path = 'view'
+        try:
+            result = self.appli.publish(path, req)
+        except DirectResponse, ex:
+            return ex.response
+        except StatusResponse, ex:
+            return http.Response(stream=ex.content, code=ex.status,
+                                 headers=req.headers_out or None)
+        except RemoteCallFailed, ex:
+            req.set_header('content-type', 'application/json')
+            return http.Response(stream=ex.dumps(),
+                                 code=responsecode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+        except NotFound:
+            result = self.appli.notfound_content(req)
+            return http.Response(stream=result, code=responsecode.NOT_FOUND,
+                                 headers=req.headers_out or None)
+        except ExplicitLogin:  # must be before AuthenticationError
+            return self.request_auth(req)
+        except AuthenticationError:
+            if self.config['auth-mode'] == 'cookie':
+                # in cookie mode redirecting to the index view is enough :
+                # either anonymous connection is allowed and the page will
+                # be displayed or we'll be redirected to the login form
+                msg = req._('you have been logged out')
+                if req.https:
+                    req._base_url =  self.base_url
+                    req.https = False
+                url = req.build_url('view', vid='index', __message=msg)
+                return self.redirect(req, url)
+            else:
+                # in http we have to request auth to flush current http auth
+                # information
+                return self.request_auth(req, loggedout=True)
+        except Redirect, ex:
+            return self.redirect(req, ex.location)
+        if not result:
+            # no result, something went wrong...
+            self.error('no data (%s)', req)
+            # 500 Internal server error
+            return self.redirect(req, req.build_url('error'))
+        # request may be referenced by "onetime callback", so clear its entity
+        # cache to avoid memory usage
+        req.drop_entity_cache()
+        return http.Response(stream=result, code=responsecode.OK,
+                             headers=req.headers_out or None)
+    def redirect(self, req, location):
+        req.headers_out.setHeader('location', str(location))
+        self.debug('redirecting to %s', location)
+        # 303 See other
+        return http.Response(code=303, headers=req.headers_out)
+    def request_auth(self, req, loggedout=False):
+        if self.https_url and req.base_url() != self.https_url:
+            req.headers_out.setHeader('location', self.https_url + 'login')
+            return http.Response(code=303, headers=req.headers_out)            
+        if self.config['auth-mode'] == 'http':
+            code = responsecode.UNAUTHORIZED
+        else:
+            code = responsecode.FORBIDDEN
+        if loggedout:
+            if req.https:
+                req._base_url =  self.base_url
+                req.https = False
+            content = self.appli.loggedout_content(req)
+        else:
+            content = self.appli.need_login_content(req)
+        return http.Response(code, req.headers_out, content)
+# This part gets run when you run this file via: "twistd -noy"
+def main(appid, cfgname):
+    """Starts an cubicweb  twisted server for an application
+    appid: application's identifier
+    cfgname: name of the configuration to use (twisted or all-in-one)
+    """
+    from cubicweb.cwconfig import CubicWebConfiguration
+    from cubicweb.etwist import twconfig # trigger configuration registration
+    config = CubicWebConfiguration.config_for(appid, cfgname)
+    # XXX why calling init_available_cubes here ?
+    config.init_available_cubes()
+    # create the site and application objects
+    if '-n' in sys.argv: # debug mode
+        cubicweb = CubicWebRootResource(config, debug=True)
+    else:
+        cubicweb = CubicWebRootResource(config)
+    #toplevel = vhost.VHostURIRewrite(base_url, cubicweb)
+    toplevel = cubicweb
+    website = server.Site(toplevel)
+    application = service.Application("cubicweb")
+    # serve it via standard HTTP on port set in the configuration
+    s = strports.service('tcp:%04d' % (config['port'] or 8080),
+                         channel.HTTPFactory(website))
+    s.setServiceParent(application)
+    return application
+from twisted.python import failure
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.web2 import fileupload
+# XXX set max file size to 100Mo: put max upload size in the configuration
+# line below for twisted >= 8.0, default param value for earlier version
+resource.PostableResource.maxSize = 100*1024*1024 
+def parsePOSTData(request, maxMem=100*1024, maxFields=1024,
+                  maxSize=100*1024*1024):
+    if == 0:
+        return defer.succeed(None)
+    ctype = request.headers.getHeader('content-type')
+    if ctype is None:
+        return defer.succeed(None)
+    def updateArgs(data):
+        args = data
+        request.args.update(args)
+    def updateArgsAndFiles(data):
+        args, files = data
+        request.args.update(args)
+        request.files.update(files)
+    def error(f):
+        f.trap(fileupload.MimeFormatError)
+        raise http.HTTPError(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST)
+    if ctype.mediaType == 'application' and ctype.mediaSubtype == 'x-www-form-urlencoded':
+        d = fileupload.parse_urlencoded(, keep_blank_values=True)
+        d.addCallbacks(updateArgs, error)
+        return d
+    elif ctype.mediaType == 'multipart' and ctype.mediaSubtype == 'form-data':
+        boundary = ctype.params.get('boundary')
+        if boundary is None:
+            return
+                http.StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST,
+                                    "Boundary not specified in Content-Type.")))
+        d = fileupload.parseMultipartFormData(, boundary,
+                                              maxMem, maxFields, maxSize)
+        d.addCallbacks(updateArgsAndFiles, error)
+        return d
+    else:
+        raise http.HTTPError(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST)
+server.parsePOSTData = parsePOSTData
+from logging import getLogger
+from cubicweb import set_log_methods
+set_log_methods(CubicWebRootResource, getLogger('cubicweb.twisted'))
+def _gc_debug():
+    import gc
+    from pprint import pprint
+    from cubicweb.vregistry import VObject
+    gc.collect()
+    count = 0
+    acount = 0
+    ocount = {}
+    for obj in gc.get_objects():
+        if isinstance(obj, CubicWebTwistedRequestAdapter):
+            count += 1
+        elif isinstance(obj, VObject):
+            acount += 1
+        else:
+            try:
+                ocount[obj.__class__]+= 1
+            except KeyError:
+                ocount[obj.__class__] = 1
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass
+    print 'IN MEM REQUESTS', count
+    print 'IN MEM APPOBJECTS', acount
+    ocount = sorted(ocount.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:20]
+    pprint(ocount)
+    print 'UNREACHABLE', gc.garbage