changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 169 0e031b66cb0b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Nov 05 15:52:50 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+"""extend the generic VRegistry with some cubicweb specific stuff
+:organization: Logilab
+:copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:contact: --
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+from warnings import warn
+from logilab.common.decorators import cached, clear_cache
+from rql import RQLHelper
+from cubicweb import Binary, UnknownProperty
+from cubicweb.vregistry import VRegistry, ObjectNotFound, NoSelectableObject
+_ = unicode
+class DummyCursorError(Exception): pass
+class RaiseCursor:
+    @classmethod
+    def execute(cls, rql, args=None, eid_key=None):
+        raise DummyCursorError()
+class CubicWebRegistry(VRegistry):
+    """extend the generic VRegistry with some cubicweb specific stuff"""
+    def __init__(self, config, debug=None):
+        # first init log service
+        config.init_log(debug=debug)
+        super(CubicWebRegistry, self).__init__(config)
+        self.schema = None
+        self.reset()
+        self.initialized = False
+    def items(self):
+        return [item for item in self._registries.items()
+                if not item[0] in ('propertydefs', 'propertyvalues')]
+    def values(self):
+        return [value for key,value in self._registries.items()
+                if not key in ('propertydefs', 'propertyvalues')]
+    def reset(self):
+        self._registries = {}
+        self._lastmodifs = {}
+        # two special registries, propertydefs which care all the property definitions, and
+        # propertyvals which contains values for those properties
+        self._registries['propertydefs'] = {}
+        self._registries['propertyvalues'] = self.eprop_values = {}
+        for key, propdef in self.config.eproperty_definitions():
+            self.register_property(key, **propdef)
+    def set_schema(self, schema):
+        """set application'schema and load application objects"""
+        self.schema = schema
+        clear_cache(self, 'rqlhelper')
+        # now we can load application's web objects
+        self.register_objects(self.config.vregistry_path())
+    def update_schema(self, schema):
+        """update .schema attribute on registered objects, necessary for some
+        tests
+        """
+        self.schema = schema
+        for registry, regcontent in self._registries.items():
+            if registry in ('propertydefs', 'propertyvalues'):
+                continue
+            for objects in regcontent.values():
+                for obj in objects:
+                    obj.schema = schema
+    def register_objects(self, path, force_reload=None):
+        """overriden to handle type class cache issue"""
+        if  super(CubicWebRegistry, self).register_objects(path, force_reload):
+            # clear etype cache if you don't want to run into deep weirdness
+            clear_cache(self, 'etype_class')
+            # remove vobjects that don't support any available interface
+            interfaces = set()
+            for classes in self.get('etypes', {}).values():
+                for cls in classes:
+                    interfaces.update(cls.__implements__)
+            if not self.config.cleanup_interface_sobjects:
+                return
+            for registry, regcontent in self._registries.items():
+                if registry in ('propertydefs', 'propertyvalues', 'etypes'):
+                    continue
+                for oid, objects in regcontent.items():
+                    for obj in reversed(objects[:]):
+                        if not obj in objects:
+                            continue # obj has been kicked by a previous one
+                        accepted = set(getattr(obj, 'accepts_interfaces', ()))
+                        if accepted:
+                            for accepted_iface in accepted:
+                                for found_iface in interfaces:
+                                    if issubclass(found_iface, accepted_iface):
+                                        # consider priority if necessary
+                                        if hasattr(obj.__registerer__, 'remove_all_equivalents'):
+                                            registerer = obj.__registerer__(self, obj)
+                                            registerer.remove_all_equivalents(objects)
+                                        break
+                                else:
+                                    self.debug('kicking vobject %s (unsupported interface)', obj)
+                                    objects.remove(obj)
+                    # if objects is empty, remove oid from registry
+                    if not objects:
+                        del regcontent[oid]
+    def eid_rset(self, cursor, eid, etype=None):
+        """return a result set for the given eid without doing actual query
+        (we have the eid, we can suppose it exists and user has access to the
+        entity)
+        """
+        msg = '.eid_rset is deprecated, use req.eid_rset'
+        warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+        try:
+            return cursor.req.eid_rset(eid, etype)
+        except AttributeError:
+            # cursor is a session
+            return cursor.eid_rset(eid, etype)
+    @cached
+    def etype_class(self, etype):
+        """return an entity class for the given entity type.
+        Try to find out a specific class for this kind of entity or
+        default to a dump of the class registered for 'Any'
+        """
+        etype = str(etype)
+        eschema = self.schema.eschema(etype)
+        baseschemas = [eschema] + eschema.ancestors()
+        # browse ancestors from most specific to most generic and
+        # try to find an associated custom entity class
+        for baseschema in baseschemas:
+            btype = str(baseschema)
+            try:
+                return'etypes', btype), etype)
+            except ObjectNotFound:
+                pass
+        # no entity class for any of the ancestors, fallback to the default one
+        return'etypes', 'Any'), etype)
+    def render(self, registry, oid, req, **context):
+        """select an object in a given registry and render it
+        - registry: the registry's name
+        - oid : the view to call
+        - req : the HTTP request         
+        """
+        objclss = self.registry_objects(registry, oid)
+        try:
+            rset = context.pop('rset')
+        except KeyError:
+            rset = None
+        selected =, req, rset, **context)
+        return selected.dispatch(**context)
+    def main_template(self, req, oid='main', **context):
+        """display query by calling the given template (default to main),
+        and returning the output as a string instead of requiring the [w]rite
+        method as argument
+        """
+        res = self.render('templates', oid, req, **context)
+        if isinstance(res, unicode):
+            return res.encode(req.encoding)
+        assert isinstance(res, str)
+        return res
+    def possible_vobjects(self, registry, *args, **kwargs):
+        """return an ordered list of possible app objects in a given registry,
+        supposing they support the 'visible' and 'order' properties (as most
+        visualizable objects)
+        """
+        return [x for x in sorted(self.possible_objects(registry, *args, **kwargs),
+                                  key=lambda x: x.propval('order'))
+                if x.propval('visible')]    
+    def possible_actions(self, req, rset, **kwargs):
+        if rset is None:
+            actions = self.possible_vobjects('actions', req, rset)
+        else:
+            actions = rset.possible_actions() # cached implementation
+        result = {}
+        for action in actions:
+            result.setdefault(action.category, []).append(action)
+        return result
+    def possible_views(self, req, rset, **kwargs):
+        """return an iterator on possible views for this result set
+        views returned are classes, not instances
+        """
+        for vid, views in self.registry('views').items():
+            if vid[0] == '_':
+                continue
+            try:
+                view =, req, rset, **kwargs)
+                if view.linkable():
+                    yield view
+            except NoSelectableObject:
+                continue
+    def select_box(self, oid, *args, **kwargs):
+        """return the most specific view according to the result set"""
+        try:
+            return self.select_object('boxes', oid, *args, **kwargs)
+        except NoSelectableObject:
+            return
+    def select_action(self, oid, *args, **kwargs):
+        """return the most specific view according to the result set"""
+        try:
+            return self.select_object('actions', oid, *args, **kwargs)
+        except NoSelectableObject:
+            return
+    def select_component(self, cid, *args, **kwargs):
+        """return the most specific component according to the result set"""
+        try:
+            return self.select_object('components', cid, *args, **kwargs)
+        except (NoSelectableObject, ObjectNotFound):
+            return
+    def select_view(self, __vid, req, rset, **kwargs):
+        """return the most specific view according to the result set"""
+        views = self.registry_objects('views', __vid)
+        return, req, rset, **kwargs)
+    # properties handling #####################################################
+    def user_property_keys(self, withsitewide=False):
+        if withsitewide:
+            return sorted(self['propertydefs'])
+        return sorted(k for k, kd in self['propertydefs'].iteritems()
+                      if not kd['sitewide'])
+    def register_property(self, key, type, help, default=None, vocabulary=None,
+                          sitewide=False):
+        """register a given property"""
+        properties = self._registries['propertydefs']
+        assert type in YAMS_TO_PY
+        properties[key] = {'type': type, 'vocabulary': vocabulary, 
+                           'default': default, 'help': help,
+                           'sitewide': sitewide}
+    def property_info(self, key):
+        """return dictionary containing description associated to the given
+        property key (including type, defaut value, help and a site wide
+        boolean)
+        """
+        try:
+            return self._registries['propertydefs'][key]
+        except KeyError:
+            if key.startswith('system.version.'):
+                soft = key.split('.')[-1]
+                return {'type': 'String', 'sitewide': True,
+                        'default': None, 'vocabulary': None,
+                        'help': _('%s software version of the database') % soft}
+            raise UnknownProperty('unregistered property %r' % key)
+    def property_value(self, key):
+        try:
+            return self._registries['propertyvalues'][key]
+        except KeyError:
+            return self._registries['propertydefs'][key]['default']
+    def typed_value(self, key, value):
+        """value is an unicode string, return it correctly typed. Let potential
+        type error propagates.
+        """
+        pdef = self.property_info(key)
+        try:
+            value = YAMS_TO_PY[pdef['type']](value)
+        except (TypeError, ValueError):
+            raise ValueError(_('bad value'))
+        vocab = pdef['vocabulary']
+        if vocab is not None:
+            if callable(vocab):
+                vocab = vocab(key, None) # XXX need a req object
+            if not value in vocab:
+                raise ValueError(_('unauthorized value'))
+        return value
+    def init_properties(self, propvalues):
+        """init the property values registry using the given set of couple (key, value)
+        """
+        self.initialized = True
+        values = self._registries['propertyvalues']
+        for key, val in propvalues:
+            try:
+                values[key] = self.typed_value(key, val)
+            except ValueError:
+                self.warning('%s (you should probably delete that property '
+                             'from the database)', ex)
+            except UnknownProperty, ex:
+                self.warning('%s (you should probably delete that property '
+                             'from the database)', ex)
+    def property_value_widget(self, propkey, req=None, **attrs):
+        """return widget according to key's type / vocab"""
+        from cubicweb.web.widgets import StaticComboBoxWidget, widget_factory
+        if req is None:
+            tr = unicode
+        else:
+            tr = req._
+        try:
+            pdef = self.property_info(propkey)
+        except UnknownProperty, ex:
+            self.warning('%s (you should probably delete that property '
+                         'from the database)', ex)
+            return widget_factory(self, 'EProperty', self.schema['value'], 'String',
+                                  description=u'', **attrs)
+        req.form['value'] = pdef['default'] # XXX hack to pass the default value
+        vocab = pdef['vocabulary']
+        if vocab is not None:
+            if callable(vocab):
+                # list() just in case its a generator function
+                vocabfunc = lambda e: list(vocab(propkey, req))
+            else:
+                vocabfunc = lambda e: vocab
+            w = StaticComboBoxWidget(self, 'EProperty', self.schema['value'], 'String',
+                                     vocabfunc=vocabfunc, description=tr(pdef['help']),
+                                     **attrs)
+        else:
+            w = widget_factory(self, 'EProperty', self.schema['value'], pdef['type'],
+                               description=tr(pdef['help']), **attrs)
+        return w
+    def parse(self, session, rql, args=None):
+        rqlst = self.rqlhelper.parse(rql)
+        def type_from_eid(eid, session=session):
+            return session.describe(eid)[0]
+        self.rqlhelper.compute_solutions(rqlst, {'eid': type_from_eid}, args)
+        return rqlst
+    @property
+    @cached
+    def rqlhelper(self):
+        return RQLHelper(self.schema,
+                         special_relations={'eid': 'uid', 'has_text': 'fti'})
+class MulCnxCubicWebRegistry(CubicWebRegistry):
+    """special registry to be used when an application has to deal with
+    connections to differents repository. This class add some additional wrapper
+    trying to hide buggy class attributes since classes are not designed to be
+    shared.
+    """
+    def etype_class(self, etype):
+        """return an entity class for the given entity type.
+        Try to find out a specific class for this kind of entity or
+        default to a dump of the class registered for 'Any'
+        """
+        usercls = super(MulCnxCubicWebRegistry, self).etype_class(etype)
+        usercls.e_schema = self.schema.eschema(etype)
+        return usercls
+    def select(self, vobjects, *args, **kwargs):
+        """return an instance of the most specific object according
+        to parameters
+        raise NoSelectableObject if not object apply
+        """
+        for vobject in vobjects:
+            vobject.vreg = self
+            vobject.schema = self.schema
+            vobject.config = self.config
+        return super(MulCnxCubicWebRegistry, self).select(vobjects, *args, **kwargs)
+from mx.DateTime import DateTime, Time, DateTimeDelta
+    'Boolean':  bool,
+    'String' :  unicode,
+    'Password': str,
+    'Bytes':    Binary,
+    'Int':      int,
+    'Float':    float,
+    'Date':     DateTime,
+    'Datetime': DateTime,
+    'Time':     Time,
+    'Interval': DateTimeDelta,
+    }