changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 151 343e7a18675d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Nov 05 15:52:50 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+"""%%prog %s [options] %s
+CubicWeb main applications controller. 
+import sys
+from os import remove, listdir, system, kill, getpgid
+from os.path import exists, join, isfile, isdir
+from cubicweb import ConfigurationError, ExecutionError, BadCommandUsage
+from cubicweb.cwconfig import CubicWebConfiguration, CONFIGURATIONS
+from cubicweb.toolsutils import (Command, register_commands, main_run, 
+                              rm, create_dir, pop_arg, confirm)
+def wait_process_end(pid, maxtry=10, waittime=1):
+    """wait for a process to actually die"""
+    import signal
+    from time import sleep
+    nbtry = 0
+    while nbtry < maxtry:
+        try:
+            kill(pid, signal.SIGUSR1)
+        except OSError:
+            break
+        nbtry += 1
+        sleep(waittime)
+    else:
+        raise ExecutionError('can\'t kill process %s' % pid)
+def list_instances(regdir):
+    return sorted(idir for idir in listdir(regdir) if isdir(join(regdir, idir)))
+def detect_available_modes(templdir):
+    modes = []
+    for fname in ('schema', ''):
+        if exists(join(templdir, fname)):
+            modes.append('repository')
+            break
+    for fname in ('data', 'views', ''):
+        if exists(join(templdir, fname)):
+            modes.append('web ui')
+            break
+    return modes
+class ApplicationCommand(Command):
+    """base class for command taking 0 to n application id as arguments
+    (0 meaning all registered applications)
+    """
+    arguments = '[<application>...]'    
+    options = (
+        ("force",
+         {'short': 'f', 'action' : 'store_true',
+          'default': False,
+          'help': 'force command without asking confirmation',
+          }
+         ),
+        )
+    actionverb = None
+    def ordered_instances(self):
+        """return instances in the order in which they should be started,
+        considering $REGISTRY_DIR/startorder file if it exists (useful when
+        some instances depends on another as external source
+        """
+        regdir = CubicWebConfiguration.registry_dir()
+        _allinstances = list_instances(regdir)
+        if isfile(join(regdir, 'startorder')):
+            allinstances = []
+            for line in file(join(regdir, 'startorder')):
+                line = line.strip()
+                if line and not line.startswith('#'):
+                    try:
+                        _allinstances.remove(line)
+                        allinstances.append(line)
+                    except ValueError:
+                        print 'ERROR: startorder file contains unexistant instance %s' % line
+            allinstances += _allinstances
+        else:
+            allinstances = _allinstances
+        return allinstances
+    def run(self, args):
+        """run the <command>_method on each argument (a list of application
+        identifiers)
+        """
+        if not args:
+            args = self.ordered_instances()
+            try:
+                askconfirm = not self.config.force
+            except AttributeError:
+                # no force option
+                askconfirm = False
+        else:
+            askconfirm = False
+        self.run_args(args, askconfirm)
+    def run_args(self, args, askconfirm):
+        for appid in args:
+            if askconfirm:
+                print '*'*72
+                if not confirm('%s application %r ?' % (, appid)):
+                    continue
+            self.run_arg(appid)
+    def run_arg(self, appid):
+        cmdmeth = getattr(self, '%s_application' %
+        try:
+            cmdmeth(appid)
+        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+            print >> sys.stderr, '%s aborted' %
+            sys.exit(2) # specific error code
+        except (ExecutionError, ConfigurationError), ex:
+            print >> sys.stderr, 'application %s not %s: %s' % (
+                appid, self.actionverb, ex)
+        except Exception, ex:
+            import traceback
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            print >> sys.stderr, 'application %s not %s: %s' % (
+                appid, self.actionverb, ex)
+class ApplicationCommandFork(ApplicationCommand):
+    """Same as `ApplicationCommand`, but command is forked in a new environment
+    for each argument
+    """
+    def run_args(self, args, askconfirm):
+        if len(args) > 1:
+            forkcmd = ' '.join(w for w in sys.argv if not w in args)
+        else:
+            forkcmd = None
+        for appid in args:
+            if askconfirm:
+                print '*'*72
+                if not confirm('%s application %r ?' % (, appid)):
+                    continue
+            if forkcmd:
+                status = system('%s %s' % (forkcmd, appid))
+                if status:
+                    sys.exit(status)
+            else:
+                self.run_arg(appid)
+# base commands ###############################################################
+class ListCommand(Command):
+    """List configurations, componants and applications.
+    list available configurations, installed web and server componants, and
+    registered applications
+    """
+    name = 'list'
+    options = (
+        ('verbose',
+         {'short': 'v', 'action' : 'store_true', 
+          'help': "display more information."}),        
+        )
+    def run(self, args):
+        """run the command with its specific arguments"""
+        if args:
+            raise BadCommandUsage('Too much arguments')
+        print 'CubicWeb version:', CubicWebConfiguration.cubicweb_version()
+        print 'Detected mode:', CubicWebConfiguration.mode
+        print
+        print 'Available configurations:'
+        for config in CONFIGURATIONS:
+            print '*',
+            for line in config.__doc__.splitlines():
+                line = line.strip()
+                if not line:
+                    continue
+                print '   ', line
+        print 
+        try:
+            cubesdir = CubicWebConfiguration.cubes_dir()
+            namesize = max(len(x) for x in CubicWebConfiguration.available_cubes())
+        except ConfigurationError, ex:
+            print 'No cubes available:', ex
+        except ValueError:
+            print 'No cubes available in %s' % cubesdir
+        else:
+            print 'Available cubes (%s):' % cubesdir
+            for cube in CubicWebConfiguration.available_cubes():
+                if cube in ('CVS', '.svn', 'shared', '.hg'):
+                    continue
+                templdir = join(cubesdir, cube)
+                try:
+                    tinfo = CubicWebConfiguration.cube_pkginfo(cube)
+                    tversion = tinfo.version
+                except ConfigurationError:
+                    tinfo = None
+                    tversion = '[missing cube information]'
+                print '* %s %s' % (cube.ljust(namesize), tversion)
+                if self.config.verbose:
+                    shortdesc = tinfo and (getattr(tinfo, 'short_desc', '')
+                                           or tinfo.__doc__)
+                    if shortdesc:
+                        print '    '+ '    \n'.join(shortdesc.splitlines())
+                    modes = detect_available_modes(templdir)
+                    print '    available modes: %s' % ', '.join(modes)
+        print
+        try:
+            regdir = CubicWebConfiguration.registry_dir()
+        except ConfigurationError, ex:
+            print 'No application available:', ex
+            print
+            return
+        instances = list_instances(regdir)
+        if instances:
+            print 'Available applications (%s):' % regdir
+            for appid in instances:
+                modes = CubicWebConfiguration.possible_configurations(appid)
+                if not modes:
+                    print '* %s (BROKEN application, no configuration found)' % appid
+                    continue
+                print '* %s (%s)' % (appid, ', '.join(modes))
+                try:
+                    config = CubicWebConfiguration.config_for(appid, modes[0])
+                except Exception, exc: 
+                    print '    (BROKEN application, %s)' % exc
+                    continue
+        else:
+            print 'No application available in %s' % regdir
+        print
+class CreateApplicationCommand(Command):
+    """Create an application from a cube. This is an unified
+    command which can handle web / server / all-in-one installation
+    according to available parts of the software library and of the
+    desired cube.
+    <cube>
+      the name of cube to use (list available cube names using
+      the "list" command). You can use several cubes by separating
+      them using comma (e.g. 'jpl,eemail')
+    <application>
+      an identifier for the application to create
+    """
+    name = 'create'
+    arguments = '<cube> <application>'
+    options = (
+        ("config-level",
+         {'short': 'l', 'type' : 'int', 'metavar': '<level>',
+          'default': 0,
+          'help': 'configuration level (0..2): 0 will ask for essential \
+configuration parameters only while 2 will ask for all parameters',
+          }
+         ),
+        ("config",
+         {'short': 'c', 'type' : 'choice', 'metavar': '<install type>',
+          'choices': ('all-in-one', 'repository', 'twisted'),
+          'default': 'all-in-one',
+          'help': 'installation type, telling which part of an application \
+should be installed. You can list available configurations using the "list" \
+command. Default to "all-in-one", e.g. an installation embedding both the RQL \
+repository and the web server.',
+          }
+         ),
+        )
+    def run(self, args):
+        """run the command with its specific arguments"""
+        from logilab.common.textutils import get_csv
+        configname = self.config.config
+        cubes = get_csv(pop_arg(args, 1))
+        appid = pop_arg(args)
+        # get the configuration and helper
+        CubicWebConfiguration.creating = True
+        config = CubicWebConfiguration.config_for(appid, configname)
+        config.set_language = False
+        config.init_cubes(config.expand_cubes(cubes))
+        helper = self.config_helper(config)
+        # check the cube exists
+        try:
+            templdirs = [CubicWebConfiguration.cube_dir(cube)
+                         for cube in cubes]
+        except ConfigurationError, ex:
+            print ex
+            print '\navailable cubes:',
+            print ', '.join(CubicWebConfiguration.available_cubes())
+            return
+        # create the registry directory for this application
+        create_dir(config.apphome)
+        # load site_cubicweb from the cubes dir (if any)
+        config.load_site_cubicweb()
+        # cubicweb-ctl configuration
+        print '** application\'s %s configuration' % configname
+        print '-' * 72
+        config.input_config('main', self.config.config_level)
+        # configuration'specific stuff
+        print
+        helper.bootstrap(cubes, self.config.config_level)
+        # write down configuration
+        # handle i18n files structure
+        # XXX currently available languages are guessed from translations found
+        # in the first cube given
+        from cubicweb.common import i18n
+        langs = [lang for lang, _ in i18n.available_catalogs(join(templdirs[0], 'i18n'))]
+        errors = config.i18ncompile(langs)
+        if errors:
+            print '\n'.join(errors)
+            if not confirm('error while compiling message catalogs, '
+                           'continue anyway ?'):
+                print 'creation not completed'
+                return
+        # create the additional data directory for this application
+        if config.appdatahome != config.apphome: # true in dev mode
+            create_dir(config.appdatahome)
+        if config['uid']:
+            from logilab.common.shellutils import chown
+            # this directory should be owned by the uid of the server process
+            print 'set %s as owner of the data directory' % config['uid']
+            chown(config.appdatahome, config['uid'])
+        print
+        print
+        print '*' * 72
+        print 'application %s (%s) created in %r' % (appid, configname,
+                                                     config.apphome)
+        print
+        helper.postcreate()
+class DeleteApplicationCommand(Command):
+    """Delete an application. Will remove application's files and
+    unregister it.
+    """
+    name = 'delete'
+    arguments = '<application>'
+    options = ()
+    def run(self, args):
+        """run the command with its specific arguments"""
+        appid = pop_arg(args, msg="No application specified !")
+        configs = [CubicWebConfiguration.config_for(appid, configname)
+                   for configname in CubicWebConfiguration.possible_configurations(appid)]
+        if not configs:
+            raise ExecutionError('unable to guess configuration for %s' % appid)
+        for config in configs:
+            helper = self.config_helper(config, required=False)
+            if helper:
+                helper.cleanup()
+        # remove home
+        rm(config.apphome)
+        # remove instance data directory
+        try:
+            rm(config.appdatahome)
+        except OSError, ex:
+            import errno
+            if ex.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+                raise
+        confignames = ', '.join([ for config in configs])
+        print 'application %s (%s) deleted' % (appid, confignames)
+# application commands ########################################################
+class StartApplicationCommand(ApplicationCommand):
+    """Start the given applications. If no application is given, start them all.
+    <application>...
+      identifiers of the applications to start. If no application is
+      given, start them all.
+    """
+    name = 'start'
+    actionverb = 'started'
+    options = (
+        ("debug",
+         {'short': 'D', 'action' : 'store_true',
+          'help': 'start server in debug mode.'}),
+        ("force",
+         {'short': 'f', 'action' : 'store_true',
+          'default': False,
+          'help': 'start the application even if it seems to be already \
+        ('profile',
+         {'short': 'P', 'type' : 'string', 'metavar': '<stat file>',
+          'default': None,
+          'help': 'profile code and use the specified file to store stats',
+          }),
+        )
+    def start_application(self, appid):
+        """start the application's server"""
+        # use get() since start may be used from other commands (eg upgrade)
+        # without all options defined
+        debug = self.get('debug')
+        force = self.get('force')
+        config = CubicWebConfiguration.config_for(appid)
+        if self.get('profile'):
+            config.global_set_option('profile', self.config.profile)
+        helper = self.config_helper(config, cmdname='start')
+        pidf = config['pid-file']
+        if exists(pidf) and not force:
+            msg = "%s seems to be running. Remove %s by hand if necessary or use \
+the --force option."
+            raise ExecutionError(msg % (appid, pidf))
+        command = helper.start_command(config, debug)
+        if debug:
+            print "starting server with command :"
+            print command
+        if system(command):
+            print 'an error occured while starting the application, not started'
+            print
+            return False
+        if not debug:
+            print 'application %s started' % appid
+        return True
+class StopApplicationCommand(ApplicationCommand):
+    """Stop the given applications.
+    <application>...
+      identifiers of the applications to stop. If no application is
+      given, stop them all.
+    """
+    name = 'stop'
+    actionverb = 'stopped'
+    def ordered_instances(self):
+        instances = super(StopApplicationCommand, self).ordered_instances()
+        instances.reverse()
+        return instances
+    def stop_application(self, appid):
+        """stop the application's server"""
+        config = CubicWebConfiguration.config_for(appid)
+        helper = self.config_helper(config, cmdname='stop')
+        helper.poststop() # do this anyway
+        pidf = config['pid-file']
+        if not exists(pidf):
+            print >> sys.stderr, "%s doesn't exist." % pidf
+            return
+        import signal
+        pid = int(open(pidf).read().strip())
+        try:
+            kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+        except:
+            print >> sys.stderr, "process %s seems already dead." % pid
+        else:
+            try:
+                wait_process_end(pid)
+            except ExecutionError, ex:
+                print >> sys.stderr, ex
+                print >> sys.stderr, 'trying SIGKILL'
+                try:
+                    kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
+                except:
+                    # probably dead now
+                    pass
+                wait_process_end(pid)
+        try:
+            remove(pidf)
+        except OSError:
+            # already removed by twistd
+            pass
+        print 'application %s stopped' % appid
+class RestartApplicationCommand(StartApplicationCommand,
+                                StopApplicationCommand):
+    """Restart the given applications.
+    <application>...
+      identifiers of the applications to restart. If no application is
+      given, restart them all.
+    """
+    name = 'restart'
+    actionverb = 'restarted'
+    def run_args(self, args, askconfirm):
+        regdir = CubicWebConfiguration.registry_dir()
+        if not isfile(join(regdir, 'startorder')) or len(args) <= 1:
+            # no specific startorder
+            super(RestartApplicationCommand, self).run_args(args, askconfirm)
+            return
+        print ('some specific start order is specified, will first stop all '
+               'applications then restart them.')
+        # get instances in startorder
+        stopped = []
+        for appid in args:
+            if askconfirm:
+                print '*'*72
+                if not confirm('%s application %r ?' % (, appid)):
+                    continue
+            self.stop_application(appid)
+            stopped.append(appid)
+        forkcmd = [w for w in sys.argv if not w in args]
+        forkcmd[1] = 'start'
+        forkcmd = ' '.join(forkcmd)
+        for appid in reversed(args):
+            status = system('%s %s' % (forkcmd, appid))
+            if status:
+                sys.exit(status)
+    def restart_application(self, appid):
+        self.stop_application(appid)
+        if self.start_application(appid):
+            print 'application %s %s' % (appid, self.actionverb)
+class ReloadConfigurationCommand(RestartApplicationCommand):
+    """Reload the given applications. This command is equivalent to a
+    restart for now.
+    <application>...
+      identifiers of the applications to reload. If no application is
+      given, reload them all.
+    """
+    name = 'reload'
+    def reload_application(self, appid):
+        self.restart_application(appid)
+class StatusCommand(ApplicationCommand):
+    """Display status information about the given applications.
+    <application>...
+      identifiers of the applications to status. If no application is
+      given, get status information about all registered applications.
+    """
+    name = 'status'
+    options = ()
+    def status_application(self, appid):
+        """print running status information for an application"""
+        for mode in CubicWebConfiguration.possible_configurations(appid):
+            config = CubicWebConfiguration.config_for(appid, mode)
+            print '[%s-%s]' % (appid, mode),
+            try:
+                pidf = config['pid-file']
+            except KeyError:
+                print 'buggy application, pid file not specified'
+                continue
+            if not exists(pidf):
+                print "doesn't seem to be running"
+                continue
+            pid = int(open(pidf).read().strip())
+            # trick to guess whether or not the process is running
+            try:
+                getpgid(pid)
+            except OSError:
+                print "should be running with pid %s but the process can not be found" % pid
+                continue
+            print "running with pid %s" % (pid)
+class UpgradeApplicationCommand(ApplicationCommandFork,
+                                StartApplicationCommand,
+                                StopApplicationCommand):
+    """Upgrade an application after cubicweb and/or component(s) upgrade.
+    For repository update, you will be prompted for a login / password to use
+    to connect to the system database.  For some upgrades, the given user
+    should have create or alter table permissions.
+    <application>...
+      identifiers of the applications to upgrade. If no application is
+      given, upgrade them all.
+    """
+    name = 'upgrade'
+    actionverb = 'upgraded'
+    options = ApplicationCommand.options + (
+        ('force-componant-version',
+         {'short': 't', 'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': 'cube1=X.Y.Z,cube2=X.Y.Z',
+          'default': None,
+          'help': 'force migration from the indicated  version for the specified cube.'}),
+        ('force-cubicweb-version',
+         {'short': 'e', 'type' : 'string', 'metavar': 'X.Y.Z',
+          'default': None,
+          'help': 'force migration from the indicated cubicweb version.'}),
+        ('fs-only',
+         {'short': 's', 'action' : 'store_true',
+          'default': False,
+          'help': 'only upgrade files on the file system, not the database.'}),
+        ('nostartstop',
+         {'short': 'n', 'action' : 'store_true',
+          'default': False,
+          'help': 'don\'t try to stop application before migration and to restart it after.'}),
+        ('verbosity',
+         {'short': 'v', 'type' : 'int', 'metavar': '<0..2>',
+          'default': 1,
+          'help': "0: no confirmation, 1: only main commands confirmed, 2 ask \
+for everything."}),
+        ('backup-db',
+         {'short': 'b', 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar': '<y or n>',
+          'default': None,
+          'help': "Backup the application database before upgrade.\n"\
+          "If the option is ommitted, confirmation will be ask.",
+          }),
+        ('ext-sources',
+         {'short': 'E', 'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '<sources>',
+          'default': None,
+          'help': "For multisources instances, specify to which sources the \
+repository should connect to for upgrading. When unspecified or 'migration' is \
+given, appropriate sources for migration will be automatically selected \
+(recommended). If 'all' is given, will connect to all defined sources.",
+          }),
+        )
+    def ordered_instances(self):
+        # need this since mro return StopApplicationCommand implementation
+        return ApplicationCommand.ordered_instances(self)
+    def upgrade_application(self, appid):
+        from logilab.common.changelog import Version
+        if not (CubicWebConfiguration.mode == 'dev' or self.config.nostartstop):
+            self.stop_application(appid)
+        config = CubicWebConfiguration.config_for(appid)
+        config.creating = True # notice we're not starting the server
+        config.verbosity = self.config.verbosity
+        config.set_sources_mode(self.config.ext_sources or ('migration',))
+        # get application and installed versions for the server and the componants
+        print 'getting versions configuration from the repository...'
+        mih = config.migration_handler()
+        repo = mih.repo_connect()
+        vcconf = repo.get_versions()
+        print 'done'
+        if self.config.force_componant_version:
+            packversions = {}
+            for vdef in self.config.force_componant_version:
+                componant, version = vdef.split('=')
+                packversions[componant] = Version(version)
+            vcconf.update(packversions)
+        toupgrade = []
+        for cube in config.cubes():
+            installedversion = config.cube_version(cube)
+            try:
+                applversion = vcconf[cube]
+            except KeyError:
+                config.error('no version information for %s' % cube)
+                continue
+            if installedversion > applversion:
+                toupgrade.append( (cube, applversion, installedversion) )
+        cubicwebversion = config.cubicweb_version()           
+        if self.config.force_cubicweb_version:
+            applcubicwebversion = Version(self.config.force_cubicweb_version)
+            vcconf['cubicweb'] = applcubicwebversion
+        else:
+            applcubicwebversion = vcconf.get('cubicweb')
+        if cubicwebversion > applcubicwebversion:
+            toupgrade.append( ('cubicweb', applcubicwebversion, cubicwebversion) )
+        if not self.config.fs_only and not toupgrade:
+            print 'no software migration needed for application %s' % appid
+            return
+        for cube, fromversion, toversion in toupgrade:
+            print '**** %s migration %s -> %s' % (cube, fromversion, toversion)
+        # run cubicweb/componants migration scripts
+        mih.migrate(vcconf, reversed(toupgrade), self.config)
+        # rewrite main configuration file
+        mih.rewrite_configuration()
+        # handle i18n upgrade:
+        # * install new languages
+        # * recompile catalogs
+        # XXX currently available languages are guessed from translations found
+        # in the first componant given
+        from cubicweb.common import i18n
+        templdir = CubicWebConfiguration.cube_dir(config.cubes()[0])
+        langs = [lang for lang, _ in i18n.available_catalogs(join(templdir, 'i18n'))]
+        errors = config.i18ncompile(langs)
+        if errors:
+            print '\n'.join(errors)
+            if not confirm('error while compiling message catalogs, '
+                           'continue anyway ?'):
+                print 'migration not completed'
+                return
+        mih.rewrite_vcconfiguration()
+        mih.shutdown()
+        print
+        print 'application migrated'
+        if not (CubicWebConfiguration.mode == 'dev' or self.config.nostartstop):
+            self.start_application(appid)
+        print
+class ShellCommand(Command):
+    """Run an interactive migration shell. This is a python shell with
+    enhanced migration commands predefined in the namespace. An additional
+    argument may be given corresponding to a file containing commands to
+    execute in batch mode.
+    <application>
+      the identifier of the application to connect.
+    """
+    name = 'shell'
+    arguments = '<application> [batch command file]'
+    options = (
+        ('system-only',
+         {'short': 'S', 'action' : 'store_true',
+          'default': False,
+          'help': 'only connect to the system source when the instance is '
+          'using multiple sources. You can\'t use this option and the '
+          '--ext-sources option at the same time.'}),
+        ('ext-sources',
+         {'short': 'E', 'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '<sources>',
+          'default': None,
+          'help': "For multisources instances, specify to which sources the \
+repository should connect to for upgrading. When unspecified or 'all' given, \
+will connect to all defined sources. If 'migration' is given, appropriate \
+sources for migration will be automatically selected.",
+          }),
+        )
+    def run(self, args):
+        appid = pop_arg(args, 99, msg="No application specified !")
+        config = CubicWebConfiguration.config_for(appid)
+        if self.config.ext_sources:
+            assert not self.config.system_only
+            sources = self.config.ext_sources
+        elif self.config.system_only:
+            sources = ('system',)
+        else:
+            sources = ('all',)
+        config.set_sources_mode(sources)
+        mih = config.migration_handler()
+        if args:
+            mih.scripts_session(args)
+        else:
+            mih.interactive_shell()
+        mih.shutdown() 
+class RecompileApplicationCatalogsCommand(ApplicationCommand):
+    """Recompile i18n catalogs for applications.
+    <application>...
+      identifiers of the applications to consider. If no application is
+      given, recompile for all registered applications.
+    """
+    name = 'i18ncompile'
+    def i18ncompile_application(self, appid):
+        """recompile application's messages catalogs"""
+        config = CubicWebConfiguration.config_for(appid)
+        try:
+            config.bootstrap_cubes()
+        except IOError, ex:
+            import errno
+            if ex.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+                raise
+            # bootstrap_cubes files doesn't exist
+            # set creating to notify this is not a regular start
+            config.creating = True
+            # create an in-memory repository, will call config.init_cubes()
+            config.repository()
+        except AttributeError:
+            # web only config
+            config.init_cubes(config.repository().get_cubes())
+        errors = config.i18ncompile()
+        if errors:
+            print '\n'.join(errors)
+class ListInstancesCommand(Command):
+    """list available instances, useful for bash completion."""
+    name = 'listinstances'
+    hidden = True
+    def run(self, args):
+        """run the command with its specific arguments"""
+        regdir = CubicWebConfiguration.registry_dir()
+        for appid in sorted(listdir(regdir)):
+            print appid
+class ListCubesCommand(Command):
+    """list available componants, useful for bash completion."""
+    name = 'listcubes'
+    hidden = True
+    def run(self, args):
+        """run the command with its specific arguments"""
+        for cube in CubicWebConfiguration.available_cubes():
+            print cube
+                   CreateApplicationCommand,
+                   DeleteApplicationCommand,
+                   StartApplicationCommand,
+                   StopApplicationCommand,
+                   RestartApplicationCommand,
+                   ReloadConfigurationCommand,
+                   StatusCommand,
+                   UpgradeApplicationCommand,
+                   ShellCommand,
+                   RecompileApplicationCatalogsCommand,
+                   ListInstancesCommand, ListCubesCommand,
+                   ))
+def run(args):
+    """command line tool"""
+    CubicWebConfiguration.load_cwctl_plugins()
+    main_run(args, __doc__)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    run(sys.argv[1:])