changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 140 478bdd15bc0e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Nov 05 15:52:50 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+"""common configuration utilities for cubicweb
+:organization: Logilab
+:copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:contact: --
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+import sys
+import os
+import logging
+from os.path import exists, join, expanduser, abspath, basename
+from logilab.common.decorators import cached
+from logilab.common.configuration import (Configuration, Method,
+                                          ConfigurationMixIn, merge_options)
+from cubicweb import CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, CW_MIGRATION_MAP, ConfigurationError
+from cubicweb.toolsutils import env_path, read_config, create_dir
+_ = unicode
+class metaconfiguration(type):
+    """metaclass to automaticaly register configuration"""
+    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict):
+        cls = super(metaconfiguration, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict)
+        if classdict.get('name'):
+            CONFIGURATIONS.append(cls)
+        return cls
+def configuration_cls(name):
+    """return the configuration class registered with the given name"""
+    try:
+        return [c for c in CONFIGURATIONS if == name][0]
+    except IndexError:
+        raise ConfigurationError('no such config %r (check it exists with "cubicweb-ctl list")' % name)
+def possible_configurations(directory):
+    """return a list of installed configurations in a directory
+    according to *-ctl files
+    """
+    return [name for name in ('repository', 'twisted', 'all-in-one')
+            if exists(join(directory, '%s.conf' % name))]
+def guess_configuration(directory):
+    """try to guess the configuration to use for a directory. If multiple
+    configurations are found, ConfigurationError is raised
+    """
+    modes = possible_configurations(directory)
+    if len(modes) != 1:
+        raise ConfigurationError('unable to guess configuration from %r %s'
+                                 % (directory, modes))
+    return modes[0]
+# XXX generate this according to the configuration (repository/all-in-one/web)
+for registry in ('etypes', 'hooks', 'controllers', 'actions', 'components',
+                 'views', 'templates', 'boxes', 'contentnavigation', 'urlrewriting',
+                 'facets'):
+    VREGOPTIONS.append(('disable-%s'%registry,
+                        {'type' : 'csv', 'default': (),
+                         'help': 'list of identifier of application objects from the %s registry to disable'%registry,
+                         'group': 'appobjects', 'inputlevel': 2,
+                         }))
+# persistent options definition
+    ('encoding',
+     {'type' : 'string',
+      'default': 'UTF-8',
+      'help': _('user interface encoding'),
+      'group': 'ui', 'sitewide': True,
+      }),    
+    ('language',
+     {'type' : 'string',
+      'default': 'en',
+      'vocabulary': Method('available_languages'),
+      'help': _('language of the user interface'),
+      'group': 'ui', 
+      }),
+    ('date-format',
+     {'type' : 'string',
+      'default': '%Y/%m/%d',
+      'help': _('how to format date in the ui ("man strftime" for format description)'),
+      'group': 'ui', 
+      }),
+    ('datetime-format',
+     {'type' : 'string',
+      'default': '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M',
+      'help': _('how to format date and time in the ui ("man strftime" for format description)'),
+      'group': 'ui', 
+      }),
+    ('time-format',
+     {'type' : 'string',
+      'default': '%H:%M',
+      'help': _('how to format time in the ui ("man strftime" for format description)'),
+      'group': 'ui', 
+      }),
+    ('float-format',
+     {'type' : 'string',
+      'default': '%.3f',
+      'help': _('how to format float numbers in the ui'),
+      'group': 'ui', 
+      }),
+    ('default-text-format',
+     {'type' : 'choice',
+      'choices': ('text/plain', 'text/rest', 'text/html'),
+      'default': 'text/html', # use fckeditor in the web ui
+      'help': _('default text format for rich text fields.'),
+      'group': 'ui', 
+      }),
+    ('short-line-size',
+     {'type' : 'int',
+      'default': 40,
+      'help': _('maximum number of characters in short description'),
+      'group': 'navigation',
+      }),
+    )
+def register_persistent_options(options):
+    PERSISTENT_OPTIONS = merge_options(PERSISTENT_OPTIONS + options)
+    'string': 'String',
+    'choice': 'String',
+    'yn':     'Boolean',
+    'int':    'Int',
+    'float' : 'Float',
+    }
+class CubicWebNoAppConfiguration(ConfigurationMixIn):
+    """base class for cubicweb configuration without a specific instance directory
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = metaconfiguration
+    # to set in concrete configuration
+    name = None
+    # log messages format (see logging module documentation for available keys)
+    log_format = '%(asctime)s - (%(name)s) %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
+    # nor remove vobjects based on unused interface
+    cleanup_interface_sobjects = True
+    if os.environ.get('APYCOT_ROOT'):
+        mode = 'test'
+        CUBES_DIR = '%(APYCOT_ROOT)s/local/share/cubicweb/cubes/' % os.environ
+    elif exists(join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, '.hg')):
+        mode = 'dev'
+        CUBES_DIR = join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, '../cubes')
+    else:
+        mode = 'installed'
+        CUBES_DIR = '/usr/share/cubicweb/cubes/'
+    options = VREGOPTIONS + (
+       ('log-threshold',
+         {'type' : 'string', # XXX use a dedicated type?
+          'default': 'ERROR',
+          'help': 'server\'s log level',
+          'group': 'main', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        # pyro name server
+        ('pyro-ns-host',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': '',
+          'help': 'Pyro name server\'s host. If not set, will be detected by a \
+broadcast query',
+          'group': 'pyro-name-server', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('pyro-ns-port',
+         {'type' : 'int',
+          'default': None,
+          'help': 'Pyro name server\'s listening port. If not set, default \
+port will be used.',
+          'group': 'pyro-name-server', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('pyro-ns-group',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': 'cubicweb',
+          'help': 'Pyro name server\'s group where the repository will be \
+          'group': 'pyro-name-server', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        # common configuration options which are potentially required as soon as
+        # you're using "base" application objects (ie to really server/web
+        # specific)
+        ('base-url',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': None,
+          'help': 'web server root url',
+          'group': 'main', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('mangle-emails',
+         {'type' : 'yn',
+          'default': False,
+          'help': "don't display actual email addresses but mangle them if \
+this option is set to yes",
+          'group': 'email', 'inputlevel': 2,
+          }),
+        )
+    # static and class methods used to get application independant resources ##
+    @staticmethod
+    def cubicweb_version():
+        """return installed cubicweb version"""
+        from logilab.common.changelog import Version
+        from cubicweb import __pkginfo__
+        version = __pkginfo__.numversion
+        assert len(version) == 3, version
+        return Version(version)
+    @staticmethod
+    def persistent_options_configuration():
+        return Configuration(options=PERSISTENT_OPTIONS)
+    @classmethod
+    def shared_dir(cls):
+        """return the shared data directory (i.e. directory where standard
+        library views and data may be found)
+        """
+        if cls.mode in ('dev', 'test') and not os.environ.get('APYCOT_ROOT'):
+            return join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, 'web')
+        return join(cls.cubes_dir(), 'shared')
+    @classmethod
+    def i18n_lib_dir(cls):
+        """return application's i18n directory"""
+        if cls.mode in ('dev', 'test') and not os.environ.get('APYCOT_ROOT'):
+            return join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, 'i18n')
+        return join(cls.shared_dir(), 'i18n')
+    @classmethod
+    def available_cubes(cls):
+        cubes_dir = cls.cubes_dir()
+        return sorted(cube for cube in os.listdir(cubes_dir)
+                      if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cubes_dir, cube))
+                      and not cube in ('CVS', '.svn', 'shared', '.hg'))
+    @classmethod
+    def cubes_dir(cls):
+        """return the application cubes directory"""
+        return env_path('CW_CUBES', cls.CUBES_DIR, 'cubes')
+    @classmethod
+    def cube_dir(cls, cube):
+        """return the cube directory for the given cube id,
+        raise ConfigurationError if it doesn't exists
+        """
+        cube_dir = join(cls.cubes_dir(), cube)
+        if not exists(cube_dir):
+            raise ConfigurationError('no cube %s in %s' % (
+                cube, cls.cubes_dir()))
+        return cube_dir
+    @classmethod
+    def cube_migration_scripts_dir(cls, cube):
+        """cube migration scripts directory"""
+        return join(cls.cube_dir(cube), 'migration')
+    @classmethod
+    def cube_pkginfo(cls, cube):
+        """return the information module for the given cube"""
+        cube = CW_MIGRATION_MAP.get(cube, cube)
+        try:
+            return getattr(__import__('cubes.%s.__pkginfo__' % cube), cube).__pkginfo__
+        except ImportError:
+            raise ConfigurationError('unable to find packaging information for '
+                                     'cube %s' % cube)
+    @classmethod
+    def cube_version(cls, cube):
+        """return the version of the cube located in the given directory        
+        """
+        from logilab.common.changelog import Version
+        version = cls.cube_pkginfo(cube).numversion
+        assert len(version) == 3, version
+        return Version(version)
+    @classmethod
+    def cube_dependencies(cls, cube):
+        """return cubicweb cubes used by the given cube"""
+        return getattr(cls.cube_pkginfo(cube), '__use__', ())
+    @classmethod
+    def cube_recommends(cls, cube):
+        """return cubicweb cubes recommended by the given cube"""
+        return getattr(cls.cube_pkginfo(cube), '__recommend__', ())
+    @classmethod
+    def expand_cubes(cls, cubes):
+        """expand the given list of top level cubes used by adding recursivly
+        each cube dependencies
+        """
+        cubes = list(cubes)
+        todo = cubes[:]
+        while todo:
+            cube = todo.pop(0)
+            for depcube in cls.cube_dependencies(cube):
+                if depcube not in cubes:
+                    depcube = CW_MIGRATION_MAP.get(depcube, depcube)
+                    cubes.append(depcube)
+                    todo.append(depcube)
+        return cubes
+    @classmethod
+    def reorder_cubes(cls, cubes):
+        """reorder cubes from the top level cubes to inner dependencies
+        cubes
+        """
+        from logilab.common.graph import get_cycles
+        graph = {}
+        for cube in cubes:
+            cube = CW_MIGRATION_MAP.get(cube, cube)
+            deps = cls.cube_dependencies(cube) + \
+                   cls.cube_recommends(cube)
+            graph[cube] = set(dep for dep in deps if dep in cubes)
+        cycles = get_cycles(graph)
+        if cycles:
+            cycles = '\n'.join(' -> '.join(cycle) for cycle in cycles)
+            raise ConfigurationError('cycles in cubes dependencies: %s'
+                                     % cycles)
+        cubes = []
+        while graph:
+            # sorted to get predictable results
+            for cube, deps in sorted(graph.items()):
+                if not deps:
+                    cubes.append(cube)
+                    del graph[cube]
+                    for deps in graph.itervalues():
+                        try:
+                            deps.remove(cube)
+                        except KeyError:
+                            continue
+        return tuple(reversed(cubes))
+    @classmethod
+    def cls_adjust_sys_path(cls):
+        """update python path if necessary"""
+        try:
+            templdir = abspath(join(cls.cubes_dir(), '..'))
+            if not templdir in sys.path:
+                sys.path.insert(0, templdir)
+        except ConfigurationError:
+            return # cube dir doesn't exists
+    @classmethod
+    def load_cwctl_plugins(cls):
+        from logilab.common.modutils import load_module_from_file
+        cls.cls_adjust_sys_path()
+        for ctlfile in ('web/',  'etwist/',
+                        'server/', '',
+                        'devtools/', 'goa/'):
+            if exists(join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, ctlfile)):
+                load_module_from_file(join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, ctlfile))
+      'loaded cubicweb-ctl plugin %s', ctlfile)
+        templdir = cls.cubes_dir()
+        for cube in cls.available_cubes():
+            pluginfile = join(templdir, cube, '')
+            initfile = join(templdir, cube, '')
+            if exists(pluginfile):
+                try:
+                    __import__('cubes.%s.ecplugin' % cube)
+          'loaded cubicweb-ctl plugin from %s', cube)
+                except:
+                    cls.exception('while loading plugin %s', pluginfile)
+            elif exists(initfile):
+                try:
+                    __import__('cubes.%s' % cube)
+                except:
+                    cls.exception('while loading cube %s', cube)
+            else:
+                cls.warning('no __init__ file in cube %s', cube) 
+    @classmethod
+    def init_available_cubes(cls):
+        """cubes may register some sources (svnfile for instance) in their
+        __init__ file, so they should be loaded early in the startup process
+        """
+        for cube in cls.available_cubes():
+            try:
+                __import__('cubes.%s' % cube)
+            except Exception, ex:
+                cls.warning("can't init cube %s: %s", cube, ex)
+    cubicweb_vobject_path = set(['entities'])
+    cube_vobject_path = set(['entities'])
+    @classmethod
+    def build_vregistry_path(cls, templpath, evobjpath=None, tvobjpath=None):
+        """given a list of directories, return a list of sub files and
+        directories that should be loaded by the application objects registry.
+        :param evobjpath:
+          optional list of sub-directories (or files without the .py ext) of
+          the cubicweb library that should be tested and added to the output list
+          if they exists. If not give, default to `cubicweb_vobject_path` class
+          attribute.
+        :param tvobjpath:
+          optional list of sub-directories (or files without the .py ext) of
+          directories given in `templpath` that should be tested and added to
+          the output list if they exists. If not give, default to
+          `cube_vobject_path` class attribute.
+        """
+        vregpath = cls.build_vregistry_cubicweb_path(evobjpath)
+        vregpath += cls.build_vregistry_cube_path(templpath, tvobjpath)
+        return vregpath
+    @classmethod
+    def build_vregistry_cubicweb_path(cls, evobjpath=None):
+        vregpath = []
+        if evobjpath is None:
+            evobjpath = cls.cubicweb_vobject_path
+        for subdir in evobjpath:
+            path = join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, subdir)
+            if exists(path):
+                vregpath.append(path)
+        return vregpath
+    @classmethod
+    def build_vregistry_cube_path(cls, templpath, tvobjpath=None):
+        vregpath = []
+        if tvobjpath is None:
+            tvobjpath = cls.cube_vobject_path
+        for directory in templpath:
+            for subdir in tvobjpath:
+                path = join(directory, subdir)
+                if exists(path):
+                    vregpath.append(path)
+                elif exists(path + '.py'):
+                    vregpath.append(path + '.py')
+        return vregpath
+    def __init__(self):
+        ConfigurationMixIn.__init__(self)
+        self.adjust_sys_path()
+        self.load_defaults()
+        self.translations = {} 
+    def adjust_sys_path(self):
+        self.cls_adjust_sys_path()
+    def init_log(self, logthreshold=None, debug=False, 
+                 logfile=None, syslog=False):
+        """init the log service"""
+        if os.environ.get('APYCOT_ROOT'):
+            logthreshold = logging.CRITICAL
+            # redirect logs to stdout to avoid apycot output parsing failure
+            handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+        else:
+            if debug:
+                if logthreshold is None:
+                    logthreshold = logging.DEBUG # LLDEBUG
+                handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+            elif logfile is None:
+                if syslog:
+                    from logging import handlers
+                    handler = handlers.SysLogHandler()
+                else:
+                    handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+            else:
+                try:
+                    handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile)
+                except IOError:
+                    handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+            if logthreshold is None:
+                thresholdname = self['log-threshold']
+                logthreshold = getattr(logging, THRESHOLD_MAP.get(thresholdname,
+                                                                  thresholdname))
+        # configure the root logger
+        logger = logging.getLogger()
+        logger.setLevel(logthreshold)
+        # only addHandler and removeHandler method while I would like a
+        # setHandler method, so do it this way :$
+        logger.handlers = [handler]
+        isatty = hasattr(sys.__stdout__, 'isatty') and sys.__stdout__.isatty()
+        if debug and isatty:
+            from logilab.common.logging_ext import ColorFormatter
+            fmt = ColorFormatter(self.log_format, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+            def col_fact(record):
+                if 'XXX' in record.message:
+                    return 'cyan'
+                if 'kick' in record.message:
+                    return 'red'
+            fmt.colorfilters.append(col_fact)
+        else:
+            fmt = logging.Formatter(self.log_format, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+        logger.handlers[0].setFormatter(fmt)
+        # configure simpleTal logger
+        logging.getLogger('simpleTAL').setLevel(logging.ERROR)
+    def vregistry_path(self):
+        """return a list of files or directories where the registry will look
+        for application objects. By default return nothing in NoApp config.
+        """
+        return []
+    def eproperty_definitions(self):
+        cfg = self.persistent_options_configuration()
+        for section, options in cfg.options_by_section():
+            section = section.lower()
+            for optname, optdict, value in options:
+                key = '%s.%s' % (section, optname)
+                type, vocab = self.map_option(optdict)
+                default = cfg.option_default(optname, optdict)
+                pdef = {'type': type, 'vocabulary': vocab, 'default': default,
+                        'help': optdict['help'],
+                        'sitewide': optdict.get('sitewide', False)}
+                yield key, pdef
+    def map_option(self, optdict):
+        try:
+            vocab = optdict['choices']
+        except KeyError:
+            vocab = optdict.get('vocabulary')
+            if isinstance(vocab, Method):
+                vocab = getattr(self, vocab.method, ())
+        return CFGTYPE2ETYPE_MAP[optdict['type']], vocab
+class CubicWebConfiguration(CubicWebNoAppConfiguration):
+    """base class for cubicweb server and web configurations"""
+    if CubicWebNoAppConfiguration.mode == 'test':
+        root = os.environ['APYCOT_ROOT']
+        REGISTRY_DIR = '%s/etc/cubicweb.d/' % root
+        RUNTIME_DIR = '/tmp/'
+        MIGRATION_DIR = '%s/local/share/cubicweb/migration/' % root
+        if not exists(REGISTRY_DIR):
+            os.makedirs(REGISTRY_DIR)
+    elif CubicWebNoAppConfiguration.mode == 'dev':
+        REGISTRY_DIR = expanduser('~/etc/cubicweb.d/')
+        RUNTIME_DIR = '/tmp/'
+        MIGRATION_DIR = join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, 'misc', 'migration')
+    else: #mode = 'installed'
+        REGISTRY_DIR = '/etc/cubicweb.d/'
+        INSTANCE_DATA_DIR = '/var/lib/cubicweb/instances/'
+        RUNTIME_DIR = '/var/run/cubicweb/'
+        MIGRATION_DIR = '/usr/share/cubicweb/migration/'
+    # for some commands (creation...) we don't want to initialize gettext
+    set_language = True
+    # set this to true to avoid false error message while creating an application
+    creating = False
+    options = CubicWebNoAppConfiguration.options + (
+        ('log-file',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': Method('default_log_file'),
+          'help': 'file where output logs should be written',
+          'group': 'main', 'inputlevel': 2,
+          }),
+        # email configuration
+        ('smtp-host',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': 'mail',
+          'help': 'hostname of the SMTP mail server',
+          'group': 'email', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('smtp-port',
+         {'type' : 'int',
+          'default': 25,
+          'help': 'listening port of the SMTP mail server',
+          'group': 'email', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        ('sender-name',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': Method('default_application_id'), 
+          'help': 'name used as HELO name for outgoing emails from the \
+          'group': 'email', 'inputlevel': 2,
+          }),
+        ('sender-addr',
+         {'type' : 'string',
+          'default': '',
+          'help': 'email address used as HELO address for outgoing emails from \
+the repository',
+          'group': 'email', 'inputlevel': 1,
+          }),
+        )
+    @classmethod
+    def runtime_dir(cls):
+        """run time directory for pid file..."""
+        return env_path('CW_RUNTIME', cls.RUNTIME_DIR, 'run time')
+    @classmethod
+    def registry_dir(cls):
+        """return the control directory"""
+        return env_path('CW_REGISTRY', cls.REGISTRY_DIR, 'registry')
+    @classmethod
+    def instance_data_dir(cls):
+        """return the instance data directory"""
+        return env_path('CW_INSTANCE_DATA', cls.INSTANCE_DATA_DIR,
+                        'additional data')
+    @classmethod
+    def migration_scripts_dir(cls):
+        """cubicweb migration scripts directory"""
+        return env_path('CW_MIGRATION', cls.MIGRATION_DIR, 'migration')
+    @classmethod
+    def config_for(cls, appid, config=None):
+        """return a configuration instance for the given application identifier
+        """
+        config = config or guess_configuration(cls.application_home(appid))
+        configcls = configuration_cls(config)
+        return configcls(appid)
+    @classmethod
+    def possible_configurations(cls, appid):
+        """return the name of possible configurations for the given
+        application id
+        """
+        home = cls.application_home(appid)
+        return possible_configurations(home)
+    @classmethod
+    def application_home(cls, appid):
+        """return the home directory of the application with the given
+        application id
+        """
+        home = join(cls.registry_dir(), appid)
+        if not exists(home):
+            raise ConfigurationError('no such application %s (check it exists with "cubicweb-ctl list")' % appid)
+        return home
+    MODES = ('common', 'repository', 'Any', 'web')
+    MCOMPAT = {'all-in-one': MODES,
+               'repository': ('common', 'repository', 'Any'),
+               'twisted'   : ('common', 'web'),}
+    @classmethod
+    def accept_mode(cls, mode):
+        #assert mode in cls.MODES, mode
+        return mode in cls.MCOMPAT[]
+    # default configuration methods ###########################################
+    def default_application_id(self):
+        """return the application identifier, useful for option which need this
+        as default value
+        """
+        return self.appid
+    def default_log_file(self):
+        """return default path to the log file of the application'server"""
+        if self.mode == 'dev':
+            basepath = '/tmp/%s-%s' % (basename(self.appid),
+            path = basepath + '.log'
+            i = 1
+            while exists(path) and i < 100: # arbitrary limit to avoid infinite loop
+                try:
+                    file(path, 'a')
+                    break
+                except IOError:
+                    path = '%s-%s.log' % (basepath, i)
+                    i += 1
+            return path
+        return '/var/log/cubicweb/%s-%s.log' % (self.appid,
+    def default_pid_file(self):
+        """return default path to the pid file of the application'server"""
+        return join(self.runtime_dir(), '' % (self.appid,
+    # instance methods used to get application specific resources #############
+    def __init__(self, appid):
+        self.appid = appid
+        CubicWebNoAppConfiguration.__init__(self)
+        self._cubes = None
+        self._site_loaded = set()
+        self.load_file_configuration(self.main_config_file())
+    def adjust_sys_path(self):
+        CubicWebNoAppConfiguration.adjust_sys_path(self)
+        # adding apphome to python path is not usually necessary in production
+        # environments, but necessary for tests
+        if self.apphome and not self.apphome in sys.path:
+            sys.path.insert(0, self.apphome)
+    @property
+    def apphome(self):
+        return join(self.registry_dir(), self.appid)
+    @property
+    def appdatahome(self):
+        return join(self.instance_data_dir(), self.appid)
+    def init_cubes(self, cubes):
+        assert self._cubes is None
+        self._cubes = self.reorder_cubes(cubes)
+        # load cubes' file first
+        for cube in cubes:
+            __import__('cubes.%s' % cube)
+        self.load_site_cubicweb()
+        # reload config file in cases options are defined in cubes __init__
+        # or site_cubicweb files
+        self.load_file_configuration(self.main_config_file())
+        # configuration initialization hook
+        self.load_configuration()
+    def cubes(self):
+        """return the list of cubes used by this instance
+        result is ordered from the top level cubes to inner dependencies
+        cubes
+        """
+        assert self._cubes is not None
+        return self._cubes
+    def cubes_path(self):
+        """return the list of path to cubes used by this instance, from outer
+        most to inner most cubes
+        """
+        return [self.cube_dir(p) for p in self.cubes()]
+    def add_cubes(self, cubes):
+        """add given cubes to the list of used cubes"""
+        if not isinstance(cubes, list):
+            cubes = list(cubes)
+        self._cubes = self.reorder_cubes(list(self._cubes) + cubes)
+    def main_config_file(self):
+        """return application's control configuration file"""
+        return join(self.apphome, '%s.conf' %
+    def save(self):
+        """write down current configuration"""
+        self.generate_config(open(self.main_config_file(), 'w'))
+    @cached
+    def instance_md5_version(self):
+        import md5
+        infos = []
+        for pkg in self.cubes():
+            version = self.cube_version(pkg)
+            infos.append('%s-%s' % (pkg, version))
+        return';'.join(infos)).hexdigest()
+    def load_site_cubicweb(self):
+        """load (web?) application's specific site_cubicweb file"""
+        for path in reversed([self.apphome] + self.cubes_path()):
+            sitefile = join(path, '')
+            if exists(sitefile) and not sitefile in self._site_loaded:
+                self._load_site_cubicweb(sitefile)
+                self._site_loaded.add(sitefile)
+            else:
+                sitefile = join(path, '')
+                if exists(sitefile) and not sitefile in self._site_loaded:
+                    self._load_site_cubicweb(sitefile)
+                    self._site_loaded.add(sitefile)
+                    self.warning(' is deprecated, should be renamed to')
+    def _load_site_cubicweb(self, sitefile):
+        context = {}
+        execfile(sitefile, context, context)
+'%s loaded', sitefile)
+        # cube specific options
+        if context.get('options'):
+            self.register_options(context['options'])
+            self.load_defaults()
+    def load_configuration(self):
+        """load application's configuration files"""
+        super(CubicWebConfiguration, self).load_configuration()
+        if self.apphome and self.set_language:
+            # init gettext
+            self._set_language()
+    def init_log(self, logthreshold=None, debug=False, force=False):
+        """init the log service"""
+        if not force and hasattr(self, '_logging_initialized'):
+            return
+        self._logging_initialized = True
+        CubicWebNoAppConfiguration.init_log(self, logthreshold, debug,
+                                         logfile=self.get('log-file'))
+        # read a config file if it exists
+        logconfig = join(self.apphome, 'logging.conf')
+        if exists(logconfig):
+            logging.fileConfig(logconfig)
+    def available_languages(self, *args):
+        """return available translation for an application, by looking for
+        compiled catalog
+        take *args to be usable as a vocabulary method
+        """
+        from glob import glob
+        yield 'en' # ensure 'en' is yielded even if no .mo found
+        for path in glob(join(self.apphome, 'i18n',
+                              '*', 'LC_MESSAGES', '')):
+            lang = path.split(os.sep)[-3]
+            if lang != 'en':
+                yield lang
+    def _set_language(self):
+        """set language for gettext"""
+        from gettext import translation
+        path = join(self.apphome, 'i18n')
+        for language in self.available_languages():
+  "loading language %s", language)
+            try:
+                tr = translation('cubicweb', path, languages=[language])
+                self.translations[language] = tr.ugettext
+            except (ImportError, AttributeError, IOError):
+                self.exception('localisation support error for language %s',
+                               language)            
+    def vregistry_path(self):
+        """return a list of files or directories where the registry will look
+        for application objects
+        """
+        templpath = list(reversed(self.cubes_path()))
+        if self.apphome: # may be unset in tests
+            templpath.append(self.apphome)
+        return self.build_vregistry_path(templpath)
+    def set_sources_mode(self, sources):
+        if not 'all' in sources:
+            print 'warning: ignoring specified sources, requires a repository '\
+                  'configuration'
+    def migration_handler(self):
+        """return a migration handler instance"""
+        from cubicweb.common.migration import MigrationHelper
+        return MigrationHelper(self, verbosity=self.verbosity)
+    def i18ncompile(self, langs=None):
+        from cubicweb.common import i18n
+        if langs is None:
+            langs = self.available_languages()
+        i18ndir = join(self.apphome, 'i18n')
+        if not exists(i18ndir):
+            create_dir(i18ndir)
+        sourcedirs = [join(path, 'i18n') for path in self.cubes_path()]
+        sourcedirs.append(self.i18n_lib_dir())
+        return i18n.compile_i18n_catalogs(sourcedirs, i18ndir, langs)
+# alias to get a configuration instance from an application id
+application_configuration = CubicWebConfiguration.config_for        
+# map logilab.common.logger thresholds to logging thresholds
+                 'LOG_INFO':   'INFO',
+                 'LOG_NOTICE': 'INFO',
+                 'LOG_WARN':   'WARNING',
+                 'LOG_ERR':    'ERROR',
+                 'LOG_CRIT':   'CRITICAL',
+                 }
+from cubicweb import set_log_methods
+set_log_methods(CubicWebConfiguration, logging.getLogger('cubicweb.configuration'))