changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 237 3df2e0ae2eba
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common/	Wed Nov 05 15:52:50 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+"""abstract views and templates classes for CubicWeb web client
+:organization: Logilab
+:copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:contact: --
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from logilab.mtconverter import html_escape
+from cubicweb import NotAnEntity, NoSelectableObject
+from cubicweb.common.registerers import accepts_registerer, priority_registerer
+from cubicweb.common.selectors import (in_group_selector, anyrset_selector, 
+                                    emptyrset_selector, accept_selector,
+                                    norset_selector, chainfirst)
+from cubicweb.common.appobject import AppRsetObject, ComponentMixIn
+from cubicweb.common.utils import UStringIO, HTMLStream
+_ = unicode
+# robots control
+NOINDEX = u'<meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX" />'
+NOFOLLOW = u'<meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOFOLLOW" />'
+  <!ATTLIST html xmlns:cubicweb CDATA  #FIXED \'\'  >
+<!ENTITY % coreattrs
+ "id          ID             #IMPLIED
+  class       CDATA          #IMPLIED
+  style       CDATA   #IMPLIED
+  title       CDATA         #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:sortvalue         CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:target            CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:limit             CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:type              CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:loadtype          CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:wdgtype           CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:initfunc          CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:inputid           CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:tindex            CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:inputname         CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:value             CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:required          CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:accesskey         CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:maxlength         CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:variables         CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:displayactions    CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:fallbackvid       CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:vid               CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:rql               CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:actualrql         CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:rooteid           CDATA   #IMPLIED   
+ cubicweb:dataurl           CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:size              CDATA   #IMPLIED   
+ cubicweb:tlunit            CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:loadurl           CDATA   #IMPLIED
+ cubicweb:uselabel          CDATA   #IMPLIED
+  "> ] '''
+TRANSITIONAL_DOCTYPE = u'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "" %s>\n'
+STRICT_DOCTYPE = u'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "" %s>\n'
+class View(AppRsetObject):
+    """abstract view class, used as base for every renderable object such
+    as views, templates, some components...web
+    A view is instantiated to render a [part of a] result set. View
+    subclasses may be parametred using the following class attributes:
+    * `templatable` indicates if the view may be embeded in a main
+      template or if it has to be rendered standalone (i.e. XML for
+      instance)
+    * if the view is not templatable, it should set the `content_type` class
+      attribute to the correct MIME type (text/xhtml by default)
+    * the `category` attribute may be used in the interface to regroup related
+      objects together
+    At instantiation time, the standard `req`, `rset`, and `cursor`
+    attributes are added and the `w` attribute will be set at rendering
+    time to a write function to use.
+    """
+    __registry__ = 'views'
+    templatable = True
+    need_navigation = True
+    # content_type = 'application/xhtml+xml' # text/xhtml'
+    binary = False
+    add_to_breadcrumbs = True
+    category = 'view'
+    def __init__(self, req, rset):
+        super(View, self).__init__(req, rset)
+        self.w = None
+    @property
+    def content_type(self):
+        if self.req.xhtml_browser():
+            return 'application/xhtml+xml'
+        return 'text/html'
+    def set_stream(self, w=None):
+        if self.w is not None:
+            return
+        if w is None:
+            if self.binary:
+                self._stream = stream = StringIO()
+            else:
+                self._stream = stream = UStringIO()
+            w = stream.write
+        else:
+            stream = None
+        self.w = w
+        return stream
+    # main view interface #####################################################
+    def dispatch(self, w=None, **context):
+        """called to render a view object for a result set.
+        This method is a dispatched to an actual method selected
+        according to optional row and col parameters, which are locating
+        a particular row or cell in the result set:
+        * if row [and col] are specified, `cell_call` is called
+        * if none of them is supplied, the view is considered to apply on
+          the whole result set (which may be None in this case), `call` is
+          called
+        """
+        row, col = context.get('row'), context.get('col')
+        if row is not None:
+            context.setdefault('col', 0)
+            view_func = self.cell_call
+        else:
+            view_func =
+        stream = self.set_stream(w)
+        # stream = self.set_stream(context)
+        view_func(**context)
+        # return stream content if we have created it
+        if stream is not None:
+            return self._stream.getvalue()
+    # should default .call() method add a <div classs="section"> around each
+    # rset item
+    add_div_section = True
+    def call(self, **kwargs):
+        """the view is called for an entire result set, by default loop
+        other rows of the result set and call the same view on the
+        particular row
+        Views applicable on None result sets have to override this method
+        """
+        rset = self.rset
+        if rset is None:
+            raise NotImplementedError, self
+        wrap = self.templatable and len(rset) > 1 and self.add_div_section
+        for i in xrange(len(rset)):
+            if wrap:
+                self.w(u'<div class="section">')
+            self.wview(, rset, row=i, **kwargs)
+            if wrap:
+                self.w(u"</div>")
+    def cell_call(self, row, col, **kwargs):
+        """the view is called for a particular result set cell"""
+        raise NotImplementedError, self
+    def linkable(self):
+        """return True if the view may be linked in a menu
+        by default views without title are not meant to be displayed
+        """
+        if not getattr(self, 'title', None):
+            return False
+        return True
+    def is_primary(self):
+        return == 'primary'
+    def url(self):
+        """return the url associated with this view. Should not be
+        necessary for non linkable views, but a default implementation
+        is provided anyway.
+        """
+        try:
+            return self.build_url(, rql=self.req.form['rql'])
+        except KeyError:
+            return self.build_url(
+    def set_request_content_type(self):
+        """set the content type returned by this view"""
+        self.req.set_content_type(self.content_type)
+    # view utilities ##########################################################
+    def view(self, __vid, rset, __fallback_vid=None, **kwargs):
+        """shortcut to self.vreg.render method avoiding to pass self.req"""
+        try:
+            view = self.vreg.select_view(__vid, self.req, rset, **kwargs)
+        except NoSelectableObject:
+            if __fallback_vid is None:
+                raise
+            view = self.vreg.select_view(__fallback_vid, self.req, rset, **kwargs)
+        return view.dispatch(**kwargs)
+    def wview(self, __vid, rset, __fallback_vid=None, **kwargs):
+        """shortcut to self.view method automatically passing self.w as argument
+        """
+        self.view(__vid, rset, __fallback_vid, w=self.w, **kwargs)
+    def whead(self, data):
+        self.req.html_headers.write(data)
+    def wdata(self, data):
+        """simple helper that escapes `data` and writes into `self.w`"""
+        self.w(html_escape(data))
+    def action(self, actionid, row=0):
+        """shortcut to get action object with id `actionid`"""
+        return self.vreg.select_action(actionid, self.req, self.rset,
+                                       row=row)
+    def action_url(self, actionid, label=None, row=0):
+        """simple method to be able to display `actionid` as a link anywhere
+        """
+        action = self.vreg.select_action(actionid, self.req, self.rset,
+                                         row=row)
+        if action:
+            label = label or self.req._(action.title)
+            return u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (html_escape(action.url()), label)
+        return u''
+    def html_headers(self):
+        """return a list of html headers (eg something to be inserted between
+        <head> and </head> of the returned page
+        by default return a meta tag to disable robot indexation of the page
+        """
+        return [NOINDEX]
+    def page_title(self):
+        """returns a title according to the result set - used for the
+        title in the HTML header
+        """
+        vtitle = self.req.form.get('vtitle')
+        if vtitle:
+            return self.req._(vtitle)
+        # class defined title will only be used if the resulting title doesn't
+        # seem clear enough
+        vtitle = getattr(self, 'title', None) or u''
+        if vtitle:
+            vtitle = self.req._(vtitle)
+        rset = self.rset
+        if rset and rset.rowcount:
+            if rset.rowcount == 1:
+                try:
+                    entity = self.complete_entity(0)
+                    # use long_title to get context information if any
+                    clabel = entity.dc_long_title()
+                except NotAnEntity:
+                    clabel = display_name(self.req, rset.description[0][0])
+                    clabel = u'%s (%s)' % (clabel, vtitle)
+            else :
+                etypes = rset.column_types(0)
+                if len(etypes) == 1:
+                    etype = iter(etypes).next()
+                    clabel = display_name(self.req, etype, 'plural')
+                else :
+                    clabel = u'#[*] (%s)' % vtitle
+        else:
+            clabel = vtitle
+        return u'%s (%s)' % (clabel, self.req.property_value(''))
+    def output_url_builder( self, name, url, args ):
+        self.w(u'<script language="JavaScript"><!--\n' \
+               u'function %s( %s ) {\n' % (name, ','.join(args) ) )
+        url_parts = url.split("%s")
+        self.w(u' url="%s"' % url_parts[0] )
+        for arg, part in zip(args, url_parts[1:]):
+            self.w(u'+str(%s)' % arg )
+            if part:
+                self.w(u'+"%s"' % part)
+        self.w('\n document.window.href=url;\n')
+        self.w('}\n-->\n</script>\n')
+    def create_url(self, etype, **kwargs):
+        """ return the url of the entity creation form for a given entity type"""
+        return self.req.build_url('add/%s'%etype, **kwargs)
+# concrete views base classes #################################################
+class EntityView(View):
+    """base class for views applying on an entity (i.e. uniform result set)
+    """
+    __registerer__ = accepts_registerer
+    __selectors__ = (accept_selector,)
+    category = 'entityview'
+    def field(self, label, value, row=True, show_label=True, w=None, tr=True):
+        """ read-only field """
+        if w is None:
+            w = self.w
+        if row:
+            w(u'<div class="row">')
+        if show_label:
+            if tr:
+                label = display_name(self.req, label)
+            w(u'<span class="label">%s</span>' % label)
+        w(u'<div class="field">%s</div>' % value)
+        if row:
+            w(u'</div>')
+class StartupView(View):
+    """base class for views which doesn't need a particular result set
+    to be displayed (so they can always be displayed !)
+    """
+    __registerer__ = priority_registerer
+    __selectors__ = (in_group_selector, norset_selector)
+    require_groups = ()
+    category = 'startupview'
+    def url(self):
+        """return the url associated with this view. We can omit rql here"""
+        return self.build_url('view',
+    def html_headers(self):
+        """return a list of html headers (eg something to be inserted between
+        <head> and </head> of the returned page
+        by default startup views are indexed
+        """
+        return []
+class EntityStartupView(EntityView):
+    """base class for entity views which may also be applied to None
+    result set (usually a default rql is provided by the view class)
+    """
+    __registerer__ = accepts_registerer
+    __selectors__ = (chainfirst(norset_selector, accept_selector),)
+    default_rql = None
+    def __init__(self, req, rset):
+        super(EntityStartupView, self).__init__(req, rset)
+        if rset is None:
+            # this instance is not in the "entityview" category
+            self.category = 'startupview'
+    def startup_rql(self):
+        """return some rql to be executedif the result set is None"""
+        return self.default_rql
+    def call(self, **kwargs):
+        """override call to execute rql returned by the .startup_rql
+        method if necessary
+        """
+        if self.rset is None:
+            self.rset = self.req.execute(self.startup_rql())
+        rset = self.rset
+        for i in xrange(len(rset)):
+            self.wview(, rset, row=i, **kwargs)
+    def url(self):
+        """return the url associated with this view. We can omit rql if we
+        are on a result set on which we do not apply.
+        """
+        if not self.__select__(self.req, self.rset):
+            return self.build_url(
+        return super(EntityStartupView, self).url()
+class AnyRsetView(View):
+    """base class for views applying on any non empty result sets"""
+    __registerer__ = priority_registerer
+    __selectors__ = (anyrset_selector,)
+    category = 'anyrsetview'
+class EmptyRsetView(View):
+    """base class for views applying on any empty result sets"""
+    __registerer__ = priority_registerer
+    __selectors__ = (emptyrset_selector,)
+# concrete template base classes ##############################################
+class Template(View):
+    """a template is almost like a view, except that by default a template
+    is only used globally (i.e. no result set adaptation)
+    """
+    __registry__ = 'templates'
+    __registerer__ = priority_registerer
+    __selectors__ = (in_group_selector,)
+    require_groups = ()
+    def template(self, oid, **kwargs):
+        """shortcut to self.registry.render method on the templates registry"""
+        w = kwargs.pop('w', self.w)
+        self.vreg.render('templates', oid, self.req, w=w, **kwargs)
+class MainTemplate(Template):
+    """main template are primary access point to render a full HTML page.
+    There is usually at least a regular main template and a simple fallback
+    one to display error if the first one failed
+    """
+    base_doctype = STRICT_DOCTYPE
+    @property
+    def doctype(self):
+        if self.req.xhtml_browser():
+            return self.base_doctype % CW_XHTML_EXTENSIONS
+        return self.base_doctype % ''
+    def set_stream(self, w=None, templatable=True):
+        if templatable and self.w is not None:
+            return
+        if w is None:
+            if self.binary:
+                self._stream = stream = StringIO()
+            elif not templatable:
+                # not templatable means we're using a non-html view, we don't
+                # want the HTMLStream stuff to interfere during data generation
+                self._stream = stream = UStringIO()
+            else:
+                self._stream = stream = HTMLStream(self.req)
+            w = stream.write
+        else:
+            stream = None
+        self.w = w
+        return stream
+    def write_doctype(self, xmldecl=True):
+        assert isinstance(self._stream, HTMLStream)
+        self._stream.doctype = self.doctype
+        if not xmldecl:
+            self._stream.xmldecl = u''
+# viewable components base classes ############################################
+class VComponent(ComponentMixIn, View):
+    """base class for displayable components"""
+    property_defs = {
+        'visible':  dict(type='Boolean', default=True,
+                         help=_('display the component or not')),}
+class SingletonVComponent(VComponent):
+    """base class for displayable unique components"""
+    __registerer__ = priority_registerer