changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 447 0e52d72104a6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common/	Wed Nov 05 15:52:50 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+"""utility to ease migration of application version to newly installed
+:organization: Logilab
+:copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+:contact: --
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+import sys
+import os
+import logging
+from tempfile import mktemp
+from os.path import exists, join, basename, splitext
+from logilab.common.decorators import cached
+from logilab.common.configuration import REQUIRED, read_old_config
+def migration_files(config, toupgrade):
+    """return an orderer list of path of scripts to execute to upgrade
+    an installed application according to installed cube and cubicweb versions
+    """
+    merged = []
+    for cube, fromversion, toversion in toupgrade:
+        if cube == 'cubicweb':
+            migrdir = config.migration_scripts_dir()
+        else:
+            migrdir = config.cube_migration_scripts_dir(cube)
+        scripts = filter_scripts(config, migrdir, fromversion, toversion)
+        merged += [s[1] for s in scripts]
+    if config.accept_mode('Any'):
+        migrdir = config.migration_scripts_dir()
+        merged.insert(0, join(migrdir, ''))
+    return merged
+def filter_scripts(config, directory, fromversion, toversion, quiet=True):
+    """return a list of paths of migration files to consider to upgrade
+    from a version to a greater one
+    """
+    from logilab.common.changelog import Version # doesn't work with appengine
+    assert fromversion
+    assert toversion
+    assert isinstance(fromversion, tuple), fromversion.__class__
+    assert isinstance(toversion, tuple), toversion.__class__
+    assert fromversion <= toversion, (fromversion, toversion)
+    if not exists(directory):
+        if not quiet:
+            print directory, "doesn't exists, no migration path"
+        return []
+    if fromversion == toversion:
+        return []
+    result = []
+    for fname in os.listdir(directory):
+        if fname.endswith('.pyc') or fname.endswith('.pyo') \
+               or fname.endswith('~'):
+            continue
+        fpath = join(directory, fname)
+        try:
+            tver, mode = fname.split('_', 1)
+        except ValueError:
+            continue
+        mode = mode.split('.', 1)[0]
+        if not config.accept_mode(mode):
+            continue
+        try:
+            tver = Version(tver)
+        except ValueError:
+            continue
+        if tver <= fromversion:
+            continue
+        if tver > toversion:
+            continue
+        result.append((tver, fpath))
+    # be sure scripts are executed in order
+    return sorted(result)
+IGNORED_EXTENSIONS = ('.swp', '~')
+def execscript_confirm(scriptpath):
+    """asks for confirmation before executing a script and provides the
+    ability to show the script's content
+    """
+    while True:
+        confirm = raw_input('** execute %r (Y/n/s[how]) ?' % scriptpath)
+        confirm = confirm.strip().lower()
+        if confirm in ('n', 'no'):
+            return False
+        elif confirm in ('s', 'show'):
+            stream = open(scriptpath)
+            scriptcontent =
+            stream.close()
+            print
+            print scriptcontent
+            print
+        else:
+            return True
+def yes(*args, **kwargs):
+    return True
+class MigrationHelper(object):
+    """class holding CubicWeb Migration Actions used by migration scripts"""
+    def __init__(self, config, interactive=True, verbosity=1):
+        self.config = config
+        self.config.init_log(logthreshold=logging.ERROR, debug=True)
+        # 0: no confirmation, 1: only main commands confirmed, 2 ask for everything
+        self.verbosity = verbosity
+        self.need_wrap = True
+        if not interactive or not verbosity:
+            self.confirm = yes
+            self.execscript_confirm = yes
+        else:
+            self.execscript_confirm = execscript_confirm
+        self._option_changes = []
+        self.__context = {'confirm': self.confirm,
+                          'config': self.config,
+                          'interactive_mode': interactive,
+                          }
+    def repo_connect(self):
+        return self.config.repository()
+    def migrate(self, vcconf, toupgrade, options):
+        """upgrade the given set of cubes
+        `cubes` is an ordered list of 3-uple:
+        (cube, fromversion, toversion)
+        """
+        if options.fs_only:
+            # monkey path configuration.accept_mode so database mode (e.g. Any)
+            # won't be accepted
+            orig_accept_mode = self.config.accept_mode
+            def accept_mode(mode):
+                if mode == 'Any':
+                    return False
+                return orig_accept_mode(mode)
+            self.config.accept_mode = accept_mode
+        scripts = migration_files(self.config, toupgrade)
+        if scripts:
+            vmap = dict( (pname, (fromver, tover)) for pname, fromver, tover in toupgrade)
+            self.__context.update({'applcubicwebversion': vcconf['cubicweb'],
+                                   'cubicwebversion': self.config.cubicweb_version(),
+                                   'versions_map': vmap})
+            self.scripts_session(scripts)
+        else:
+            print 'no migration script to execute'            
+    def shutdown(self):
+        pass
+    def __getattribute__(self, name):
+        try:
+            return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
+        except AttributeError:
+            cmd = 'cmd_%s' % name
+            if hasattr(self, cmd):
+                meth = getattr(self, cmd) 
+                return lambda *args, **kwargs: self.interact(args, kwargs,
+                                                             meth=meth)
+            raise
+        raise AttributeError(name)
+    def interact(self, args, kwargs, meth):
+        """execute the given method according to user's confirmation"""
+        msg = 'execute command: %s(%s) ?' % (
+            meth.__name__[4:],
+            ', '.join([repr(arg) for arg in args] +
+                      ['%s=%r' % (n,v) for n,v in kwargs.items()]))
+        if 'ask_confirm' in kwargs:
+            ask_confirm = kwargs.pop('ask_confirm')
+        else:
+            ask_confirm = True
+        if not ask_confirm or self.confirm(msg):
+            return meth(*args, **kwargs)
+    def confirm(self, question, shell=True, abort=True, retry=False):
+        """ask for confirmation and return true on positive answer
+        if `retry` is true the r[etry] answer may return 2
+        """
+        print question,
+        possibleanswers = 'Y/n'
+        if abort:
+            possibleanswers += '/a[bort]'
+        if shell:
+            possibleanswers += '/s[hell]'
+        if retry:
+            possibleanswers += '/r[etry]'
+        try:
+            confirm = raw_input('(%s): ' % ( possibleanswers, ))
+            answer = confirm.strip().lower()
+        except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
+            answer = 'abort'
+        if answer in ('n', 'no'):
+            return False
+        if answer in ('r', 'retry'):
+            return 2
+        if answer in ('a', 'abort'):
+            self.rollback()
+            raise SystemExit(1)
+        if shell and answer in ('s', 'shell'):
+            self.interactive_shell()
+            return self.confirm(question)
+        return True
+    def interactive_shell(self):
+        self.confirm = yes
+        self.need_wrap = False
+        # avoid '_' to be added to builtins by sys.display_hook
+        def do_not_add___to_builtins(obj):
+            if obj is not None:
+                print repr(obj)
+        sys.displayhook = do_not_add___to_builtins
+        local_ctx = self._create_context()
+        try:
+            import readline
+            from rlcompleter import Completer
+        except ImportError:
+            # readline not available
+            pass
+        else:        
+            readline.set_completer(Completer(local_ctx).complete)
+            readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
+            histfile = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".eshellhist")
+            try:
+                readline.read_history_file(histfile)
+            except IOError:
+                pass
+        from code import interact
+        banner = """entering the migration python shell
+just type migration commands or arbitrary python code and type ENTER to execute it
+type "exit" or Ctrl-D to quit the shell and resume operation"""
+        # give custom readfunc to avoid
+        def unicode_raw_input(prompt):
+            return unicode(raw_input(prompt), sys.stdin.encoding)
+        interact(banner, readfunc=unicode_raw_input, local=local_ctx)
+        readline.write_history_file(histfile)
+        # delete instance's confirm attribute to avoid questions
+        del self.confirm
+        self.need_wrap = True
+    @cached
+    def _create_context(self):
+        """return a dictionary to use as migration script execution context"""
+        context = self.__context
+        for attr in dir(self):
+            if attr.startswith('cmd_'):
+                if self.need_wrap:
+                    context[attr[4:]] = getattr(self, attr[4:])
+                else:
+                    context[attr[4:]] = getattr(self, attr)
+        return context
+    def process_script(self, migrscript, funcname=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        """execute a migration script
+        in interactive mode,  display the migration script path, ask for
+        confirmation and execute it if confirmed
+        """
+        assert migrscript.endswith('.py'), migrscript
+        if self.execscript_confirm(migrscript):
+            scriptlocals = self._create_context().copy()
+            if funcname is None:
+                pyname = '__main__'
+            else:
+                pyname = splitext(basename(migrscript))[0]
+            scriptlocals.update({'__file__': migrscript, '__name__': pyname})
+            execfile(migrscript, scriptlocals)
+            if funcname is not None:
+                try:
+                    func = scriptlocals[funcname]
+          'found %s in locals', funcname)
+                    assert callable(func), '%s (%s) is not callable' % (func, funcname)
+                except KeyError:
+                    self.critical('no %s in script %s', funcname, migrscript)
+                    return None
+                return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    def scripts_session(self, migrscripts):
+        """execute some scripts in a transaction"""
+        try:
+            for migrscript in migrscripts:
+                self.process_script(migrscript)
+            self.commit()
+        except:
+            self.rollback()
+            raise
+    def cmd_option_renamed(self, oldname, newname):
+        """a configuration option has been renamed"""
+        self._option_changes.append(('renamed', oldname, newname))
+    def cmd_option_group_change(self, option, oldgroup, newgroup):
+        """a configuration option has been moved in another group"""
+        self._option_changes.append(('moved', option, oldgroup, newgroup))
+    def cmd_option_added(self, optname):
+        """a configuration option has been added"""
+        self._option_changes.append(('added', optname))
+    def cmd_option_removed(self, optname):
+        """a configuration option has been removed"""
+        # can safely be ignored
+        #self._option_changes.append(('removed', optname))
+    def cmd_option_type_changed(self, optname, oldtype, newvalue):
+        """a configuration option's type has changed"""
+        self._option_changes.append(('typechanged', optname, oldtype, newvalue))
+    def cmd_add_cube(self, cube):
+        origcubes = self.config.cubes()
+        newcubes = [p for p in self.config.expand_cubes([cube]) 
+                       if not p in origcubes]
+        if newcubes:
+            assert cube in newcubes
+            self.config.add_cubes(newcubes)
+        return newcubes
+    def cmd_remove_cube(self, cube):
+        origcubes = self.config._cubes
+        basecubes = list(origcubes)
+        for pkg in self.config.expand_cubes([cube]):
+            try:
+                basecubes.remove(pkg)
+            except ValueError:
+                continue
+        self.config._cubes = tuple(self.config.expand_cubes(basecubes))
+        removed = [p for p in origcubes if not p in self.config._cubes]
+        assert cube in removed, \
+               "can't remove cube %s, used as a dependancy" % cube
+        return removed
+    def rewrite_configuration(self):
+        # import locally, show_diffs unavailable in gae environment
+        from cubicweb.toolsutils import show_diffs
+        configfile = self.config.main_config_file()
+        if self._option_changes:
+            read_old_config(self.config, self._option_changes, configfile)
+        newconfig = mktemp()
+        for optdescr in self._option_changes:
+            if optdescr[0] == 'added':
+                optdict = self.config.get_option_def(optdescr[1])
+                if optdict.get('default') is REQUIRED:
+                    self.config.input_option(option, optdict)
+        self.config.generate_config(open(newconfig, 'w'))
+        show_diffs(configfile, newconfig)
+        if exists(newconfig):
+            os.unlink(newconfig)
+from logging import getLogger
+from cubicweb import set_log_methods
+set_log_methods(MigrationHelper, getLogger('cubicweb.migration'))