changeset 9450 af4b93bc38a5
parent 8696 0bb18407c053
--- a/misc/migration/3.11.0_Any.py	Mon Jun 17 00:07:35 2013 +0200
+++ b/misc/migration/3.11.0_Any.py	Tue Jan 21 18:20:28 2014 +0100
@@ -9,77 +9,3 @@
     add_attribute('CWSource', 'url')
     add_attribute('CWSource', 'parser')
     add_attribute('CWSource', 'latest_retrieval')
-    from cubicweb.server.sources.pyrorql import PyroRQLSource
-except ImportError:
-    pass
-    from os.path import join
-    # function to read old python mapping file
-    def load_mapping_file(source):
-        mappingfile = source.config['mapping-file']
-        mappingfile = join(source.repo.config.apphome, mappingfile)
-        mapping = {}
-        execfile(mappingfile, mapping)
-        for junk in ('__builtins__', '__doc__'):
-            mapping.pop(junk, None)
-        mapping.setdefault('support_relations', {})
-        mapping.setdefault('dont_cross_relations', set())
-        mapping.setdefault('cross_relations', set())
-        # do some basic checks of the mapping content
-        assert 'support_entities' in mapping, \
-               'mapping file should at least define support_entities'
-        assert isinstance(mapping['support_entities'], dict)
-        assert isinstance(mapping['support_relations'], dict)
-        assert isinstance(mapping['dont_cross_relations'], set)
-        assert isinstance(mapping['cross_relations'], set)
-        unknown = set(mapping) - set( ('support_entities', 'support_relations',
-                                       'dont_cross_relations', 'cross_relations') )
-        assert not unknown, 'unknown mapping attribute(s): %s' % unknown
-        # relations that are necessarily not crossed
-        for rtype in ('is', 'is_instance_of', 'cw_source'):
-            assert rtype not in mapping['dont_cross_relations'], \
-                   '%s relation should not be in dont_cross_relations' % rtype
-            assert rtype not in mapping['support_relations'], \
-                   '%s relation should not be in support_relations' % rtype
-        return mapping
-    # for now, only pyrorql sources have a mapping
-    for source in repo.sources_by_uri.itervalues():
-        if not isinstance(source, PyroRQLSource):
-            continue
-        sourceentity = session.entity_from_eid(source.eid)
-        mapping = load_mapping_file(source)
-        # write mapping as entities
-        print 'migrating map for', source
-        for etype, write in mapping['support_entities'].items():
-            create_entity('CWSourceSchemaConfig',
-                          cw_for_source=sourceentity,
-                          cw_schema=session.entity_from_eid(schema[etype].eid),
-                          options=write and u'write' or None,
-                          ask_confirm=False)
-        for rtype, write in mapping['support_relations'].items():
-            options = []
-            if write:
-                options.append(u'write')
-            if rtype in mapping['cross_relations']:
-                options.append(u'maycross')
-            create_entity('CWSourceSchemaConfig',
-                          cw_for_source=sourceentity,
-                          cw_schema=session.entity_from_eid(schema[rtype].eid),
-                          options=u':'.join(options) or None,
-                          ask_confirm=False)
-        for rtype in mapping['dont_cross_relations']:
-            create_entity('CWSourceSchemaConfig',
-                          cw_for_source=source,
-                          cw_schema=session.entity_from_eid(schema[rtype].eid),
-                          options=u'dontcross',
-                          ask_confirm=False)
-        # latest update time cwproperty is now a source attribute (latest_retrieval)
-        pkey = u'sources.%s.latest-update-time' % source.uri
-        rset = session.execute('Any V WHERE X is CWProperty, X value V, X pkey %(k)s',
-                               {'k': pkey})
-        timestamp = int(rset[0][0])
-        sourceentity.cw_set(latest_retrieval=datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp))
-        session.execute('DELETE CWProperty X WHERE X pkey %(k)s', {'k': pkey})