changeset 127 ae611743f5c6
parent 123 c5dd68070dea
child 229 767ff7f5d5a7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/book/en/A03a-concepts.en.txt	Sat Nov 22 23:59:42 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Global architecture
+.. image:: images/archi_globale.png
+.. note::
+  For real, the client and server sides are integrated in the same
+  process and interact directly, without the needs for distants
+  calls using Pyro. It is important to note down that those two
+  sides, client/server, are disjointed and it is possible to execute
+  a couple of calls in distincts processes to balance the load of
+  your web site on one or more machines.
+.. _TermsVocabulary:
+Terms and vocabulary
+  The schema defines the data model of an application based on entities
+  and relations, modeled with a comprehensive language made of Python
+  classes based on `yams`_ library. This is the core piece
+  of an application. It is initially defined in the file system and is
+  stored in the database at the time an instance is created. `CubicWeb`
+  provides a certain number of system entities included automatically as
+  it is necessarry for the core of `CubicWeb` and a library of
+  cubes that can be explicitely included if necessary.
+*entity type*
+  An entity is a set of attributes; the essential attribute of
+  an entity is its key, named eid
+*relation type*
+  Entities are linked to each others by relations. In `CubicWeb`
+  relations are binary: by convention we name the first item of
+  a relation the `subject` and the second the `object`.
+*final entity type*
+  Final types corresponds to the basic types such as string of characters,
+  integers... Those types have a main property which is that they can
+  only be used as `object` of a relation. The attributes of an entity
+  (non final) are entities (finals).
+*final relation type*
+  A relation is said final if its `object` is a final type. This is equivalent
+  to an entity attribute.
+*relation definition*
+  a relation definition is a 3-uple (subject entity type, relation type, object entity type),
+  with an associated set of property such as cardinality, constraints...
+  This is the RQL server side of `CubicWeb`. Be carefull not to get
+  confused with a Mercurial repository or a debian repository.
+  A data source is a container of data (SGBD, LDAP directory, `Google
+  App Engine`'s datastore ...) integrated in the
+  `CubicWeb` repository. This repository has at least one source, `system` which 
+  contains the schema of the application, plain-text index and others
+  vital informations for the system.
+  It is possible to create differents configurations for an instance:
+  - ``repository`` : repository only, accessible for clients using Pyro
+  - ``twisted`` : web interface only, access the repository using Pyro
+  - ``all-in-one`` : web interface and repository in a single process. 
+     The repository could be or not accessible using Pyro.
+  A cube is a model grouping one or multiple data types and/or views
+  to provide a specific functionnality or a complete `CubicWeb` application
+  potentially using other cubes. The available subes are located in the file
+  system at `/path/to/forest/cubicweb/cubes`.
+  Larger applications can be built faster by importing cubes,
+  adding entities and relationships and overriding the
+  views that need to display or edit informations not provided by
+  cubes.
+  An instance is a specific installation of a cube. All the required 
+  configuration files necessarry for the well being of your web application
+  are grouped in an instance. This will refer to the cube(s) your application
+  is based on.
+  By example and our intranet are two instances of a single
+  cube jpl, developped internally.
+  The instances are defined in the directory `~/etc/cubicweb.d`.
+  The term application is sometime used to talk about an instance
+  and sometimes to talk of a cube depending on the context. 
+  So we would like to avoid using this term and try to use *cube* and
+  *instance* instead.
+*result set*
+  This object contains the results of an RQL query sent to the source
+  and information on the query.
+  `Python Remote Object`_, distributed objects system similar to Java's RMI
+  (Remote Method Invocation), which can be used for the dialog between the web
+  side of the framework and the RQL repository.
+*query language*
+  A full-blown query language named RQL is used to formulate requests
+  to the database or any sources such as LDAP or `Google App Engine`'s 
+  datastore.
+  A view is applied to a `result set` to present it as HTML, XML,
+  JSON, CSV, etc. Views are implemented as Python classes. There is no
+  templating language.
+*generated user interface*
+  A user interface is generated on-the-fly from the schema definition:
+  entities can be created, displayed, updated and deleted. As display
+  views are not very fancy, it is usually necessary to develop your
+  own. Any generated view can be overridden by defining a new one with
+  the same identifier.
+.. _`Python Remote Object`:
+.. _`yams`:
+`CubicWeb` engine
+The engine in `CubicWeb` is a set of classes managing a set of objects loaded
+dynamically at the startup of `CubicWeb` (*appobjects*). Those dynamics objects, based on the schema
+or the library, are building the final application. The differents dymanic components are
+by example:
+* client and server side
+  - entities definition, containing the logic which enables application data manipulation
+* client side
+  - *views*, or more specifically
+    - boxes
+    - header and footer
+    - forms
+    - page templates
+  - *actions*
+  - *controllers*
+* server side
+  - notification hooks
+  - notification views
+The components of the engine are:
+* a frontal web (only twisted is available so far), transparent for dynamic objects
+* an object that encapsulates the configuration
+* a `registry` (`cubicweb.cwvreg`) containing the dynamic objects loaded automatically
+Every *appobject* may access to the instance configuration using its *config* attribute
+and to the registry using its *vreg* attribute.
+API Python/RQL
+Inspired from the standard db-api, with a Connection object having the methods
+cursor, rollback and commit essentially. The most important method is
+the `execute` method of a cursor :
+`execute(rqlstring, args=None, eid_key=None, build_descr=True)`
+:rqlstring: the RQL query to execute (unicode)
+:args: if the query contains substitutions, a dictionnary containing the values to use
+   an implementation detail of the RQL queries cache implies that if a substitution
+   is used to introduce an eid *susceptible to raise the ambiguities in the query
+   type resolution*, then we have to specify the correponding key in the dictionnary
+   through this argument
+The `Connection` object owns the methods `commit` and `rollback`. You *should
+never need to use them* during the development of the web interface based on
+the `CubicWeb` framework as it determines the end of the transaction depending 
+on the query execution success.
+.. note::
+  While executing updates queries (SET, INSERT, DELETE), if a query generates
+  an error related to security, a rollback is automatically done on the current
+  transaction.
+The `Request` class (`cubicweb.web`)
+A request instance is created when an HTPP request is sent to the web server.
+It contains informations such as forms parameters, user authenticated, etc.
+**Globally, a request represents a user query, either through HTTP or not
+(we also talk about RQL queries on the server side by example)**
+An instance of `Request` has the following attributes:
+* `user`, instance of `cubicweb.common.utils.User` corresponding to the authenticated
+  user
+* `form`, dictionnary containing the values of a web form
+* `encoding`, characters encoding to use in the response
+But also:
+:Session data handling:
+  * `session_data()`, returns a dictinnary containing all the session data
+  * `get_session_data(key, default=None)`, returns a value associated to the given
+    key or the value `default` if the key is not defined
+  * `set_session_data(key, value)`, assign a value to a key
+  * `del_session_data(key)`,  suppress the value associated to a key
+:Cookies handling:
+  * `get_cookie()`, returns a dictionnary containing the value of the header
+    HTTP 'Cookie'
+  * `set_cookie(cookie, key, maxage=300)`, adds a header HTTP `Set-Cookie`,
+    with a minimal 5 minutes length of duration by default (`maxage` = None
+    returns a *session* cookie which will expire when the user closes the browser
+    window
+  * `remove_cookie(cookie, key)`, forces a value to expire
+:URL handling:
+  * `url()`, returns the full URL of the HTTP request
+  * `base_url()`, returns the root URL of the web application
+  * `relative_path()`, returns the relative path of the request
+:And more...:
+  * `set_content_type(content_type, filename=None)`, adds the header HTTP
+    'Content-Type'
+  * `get_header(header)`, returns the value associated to an arbitrary header
+    of the HTTP request
+  * `set_header(header, value)`, adds an arbitrary header in the response
+  * `cursor()` returns a RQL cursor on the session
+  * `execute(*args, **kwargs)`, shortcut to ``.cursor().execute()``
+  * `property_value(key)`, properties management (`EProperty`)
+  * dictionnary `data` to store data to share informations between components
+    *while a request is executed*
+Please note down that this class is abstract and that a concrete implementation
+will be provided by the *frontend* web used (in particular *twisted* as of
+today). For the views or others that are executed on the server side,
+most of the interface of `Request` is defined in the session associated
+to the client.
+The `AppObject` class
+In general:
+* we do not inherit directly from this class but from a more specific
+  class such as `AnyEntity`, `EntityView`, `AnyRsetView`,
+  `Action`...
+* to be recordable, a subclass has to define its own register (attribute
+  `__registry__`) and its identifier (attribute `id`). Usually we do not have
+  to take care of the register, only the identifier `id`.
+We can find a certain number of attributes and methods defined in this class 
+and so common to all the application objects:
+At the recording, the following attributes are dynamically added to
+the *subclasses*:
+* `vreg`, the `vregistry` of the application
+* `schema`, the application schema
+* `config`, the application configuration
+We also find on instances, the following attributes:
+* `req`, `Request` instance
+* `rset`, the *result set* associated to the object if necessarry
+* `cursor`, rql cursor on the session
+:URL handling:
+  * `build_url(method=None, **kwargs)`, returns an absolute URL based on
+    the given arguments. The *controller* supposed to handle the response
+    can be specified through the special parameter `method` (the connection
+    is theoretically done automatically :).
+  * `datadir_url()`, returns the directory of the application data
+    (contains static files such as images, css, js...)
+  * `base_url()`, shortcut to `req.base_url()`
+  * `url_quote(value)`, version *unicode safe* of the function `urllib.quote`
+:Data manipulation:
+  * `etype_rset(etype, size=1)`, shortcut to `vreg.etype_rset()`
+  * `eid_rset(eid, rql=None, descr=True)`, returns a *result set* object for
+    the given eid
+  * `entity(row, col=0)`, returns the entity corresponding to the data position
+    in the *result set* associated to the object
+  * `complete_entity(row, col=0, skip_bytes=True)`, is equivalent to `entity` but
+    also call the method `complete()` on the entity before returning it
+:Data formatting:
+  * `format_date(date, date_format=None, time=False)`
+  * `format_time(time)`
+:And more...:
+  * `external_resource(rid, default=_MARKER)`, access to a value defined in the
+    configuration file `external_resource`
+  * `tal_render(template, variables)`, 
+.. note::
+  When we inherit from `AppObject` (even not directly), you *always* have to use
+  **super()** to get the methods and attributes of the superclasses, and not
+  use the class identifier.
+  By example, instead of writting: ::
+      class Truc(PrimaryView):
+          def f(self, arg1):
+              PrimaryView.f(self, arg1)
+  You'd better write: ::
+      class Truc(PrimaryView):
+          def f(self, arg1):
+              super(Truc, self).f(arg1)
+Standard structure for a cube
+A complex cube is structured as follows:
+  mycube/
+  |
+  |--
+  |
+  |-- entities/
+  |
+  |-- sobjects/
+  |
+  |-- views/
+  |
+  |-- test/
+  |
+  |-- i18n/
+  |
+  |-- data/
+  |
+  |-- migration/
+  | |-
+  | \-
+  |
+  |-- debian/
+  |
+  \--
+We can use simple Python module instead of packages, by example: 
+  mycube/
+  |
+  |--
+  |--
+  \--
+where :
+* ``schema`` contains the schema definition (server side only)
+* ``entities`` contains the entities definition (server side and web interface)
+* ``sobjects`` contains hooks and/or views notifications (server side only)
+* ``views`` contains the different components of the web interface (web interface only)
+* ``test`` contains tests specifics to the application (not installed)
+* ``i18n`` contains the messages catalog for supported languages (server side and 
+  web interface) 
+* ``data`` contains arbitrary data files served statically
+  (images, css, javascripts files)... (web interface only)
+* ``migration`` contains the initialization file for new instances
+  (````) and in general a file containing the `CubicWeb` dependancies 
+  of the cube depending on its version (````)
+* ``debian`` contains all the files that manages the debian packaging
+  (you would find there the classical structure with ``control``, ``rules``, 
+  ``changelog``... (not installed)
+* the file ```` provides meta-data on the cube, especially the 
+  distribution name and the current version (server side and web interface) or
+  also the sub-cubes used by this cube
+The only required files are:
+* the file ````
+* the schema definition
+  XXX false, we may want to have cubes which are only adding a service, no persistent data (eg embeding for instance)