changeset 1808 aa09e20dd8c0
parent 1693 49075f57cf2c
parent 1807 6d541c610165
child 1810 e95e876be17c
--- a/embedded/mx/DateTime/ISO.py	Tue May 05 17:18:49 2009 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-""" This module provides a set of constructors and routines to convert
-    between DateTime[Delta] instances and ISO representations of date
-    and time.
-    Note: Timezones are only interpreted by ParseDateTimeGMT(). All
-    other constructors silently ignore the time zone information.
-    Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Marc-Andre Lemburg; mailto:mal@lemburg.com
-    Copyright (c) 2000-2007, eGenix.com Software GmbH; mailto:info@egenix.com
-    See the documentation for further information on copyrights,
-    or contact the author.
-import DateTime,Timezone
-import re,string
-# Grammar: ISO 8601 (not all, but what we need from it)
-_year = '(?P<year>\d?\d\d\d)'
-_month = '(?P<month>\d?\d)'
-_day = '(?P<day>\d?\d)'
-_hour = '(?P<hour>\d?\d)'
-_minute = '(?P<minute>\d?\d)'
-_second = '(?P<second>\d?\d(?:\.\d+)?)'
-_sign = '(?P<sign>[-+])'
-_week = 'W(?P<week>\d?\d)'
-_zone = Timezone.isozone
-_weekdate = _year + '-?(?:' + _week + '-?' + _day + '?)?'
-_date = _year + '-?' + '(?:' + _month + '-?' + _day + '?)?'
-_time = _hour + ':?' + _minute + ':?' + _second + '?(?:' + _zone + ')?'
-isodatetimeRE = re.compile(_date + '(?:[ T]' + _time + ')?$')
-isodateRE = re.compile(_date + '$')
-isotimeRE = re.compile(_time + '$')
-isodeltaRE = re.compile(_sign + '?' + _time + '$')
-isoweekRE = re.compile(_weekdate + '$')
-isoweektimeRE = re.compile(_weekdate + '(?:[ T]' + _time + ')?$')
-def WeekTime(year,isoweek=1,isoday=1,hour=0,minute=0,second=0.0):
-    """Week(year,isoweek=1,isoday=1,hour=0,minute=0,second=0.0)
-       Returns a DateTime instance pointing to the given ISO week and
-       day.  isoday defaults to 1, which corresponds to Monday in the
-       ISO numbering. The time part is set as given.
-    """
-    d = DateTime.DateTime(year,1,1,hour,minute,second)
-    if d.iso_week[0] == year:
-        # 1.1. belongs to year (backup to Monday)
-        return d + (-d.day_of_week + 7 * (isoweek-1) + isoday-1)
-    else:
-        # 1.1. belongs to year-1 (advance to next Monday)
-        return d + (7-d.day_of_week + 7 * (isoweek-1) + isoday-1)
-# Alias
-Week = WeekTime
-# Aliases for the other constructors (they all happen to already use
-# ISO format)
-Date = DateTime.Date
-Time = DateTime.Time
-TimeDelta = DateTime.TimeDelta
-def ParseDateTime(isostring,parse_isodatetime=isodatetimeRE.match,
-                  strip=string.strip,atoi=string.atoi,atof=string.atof):
-    """ParseDateTime(isostring)
-       Returns a DateTime instance reflecting the given ISO date. A
-       time part is optional and must be delimited from the date by a
-       space or 'T'.
-       Time zone information is parsed, but not evaluated.
-    """
-    s = strip(isostring)
-    date = parse_isodatetime(s)
-    if not date:
-        raise ValueError,'wrong format, use YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
-    year,month,day,hour,minute,second,zone = date.groups()
-    year = atoi(year)
-    if month is None:
-        month = 1
-    else:
-        month = atoi(month)
-    if day is None:
-        day = 1
-    else:
-        day = atoi(day)
-    if hour is None:
-        hour = 0
-    else:
-        hour = atoi(hour)
-    if minute is None:
-        minute = 0
-    else:
-        minute = atoi(minute)
-    if second is None:
-        second = 0.0
-    else:
-        second = atof(second)
-    return DateTime.DateTime(year,month,day,hour,minute,second)
-def ParseDateTimeGMT(isostring,parse_isodatetime=isodatetimeRE.match,
-                     strip=string.strip,atoi=string.atoi,atof=string.atof):
-    """ParseDateTimeGMT(isostring)
-       Returns a DateTime instance in UTC reflecting the given ISO
-       date. A time part is optional and must be delimited from the
-       date by a space or 'T'. Timezones are honored.
-    """
-    s = strip(isostring)
-    date = parse_isodatetime(s)
-    if not date:
-        raise ValueError,'wrong format, use YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
-    year,month,day,hour,minute,second,zone = date.groups()
-    year = atoi(year)
-    if month is None:
-        month = 1
-    else:
-        month = atoi(month)
-    if day is None:
-        day = 1
-    else:
-        day = atoi(day)
-    if hour is None:
-        hour = 0
-    else:
-        hour = atoi(hour)
-    if minute is None:
-        minute = 0
-    else:
-        minute = atoi(minute)
-    if second is None:
-        second = 0.0
-    else:
-        second = atof(second)
-    offset = Timezone.utc_offset(zone)
-    return DateTime.DateTime(year,month,day,hour,minute,second) - offset
-# Alias
-ParseDateTimeUTC = ParseDateTimeGMT
-def ParseDate(isostring,parse_isodate=isodateRE.match,
-              strip=string.strip,atoi=string.atoi,atof=string.atof):
-    """ParseDate(isostring)
-       Returns a DateTime instance reflecting the given ISO date. A
-       time part may not be included.
-    """
-    s = strip(isostring)
-    date = parse_isodate(s)
-    if not date:
-        raise ValueError,'wrong format, use YYYY-MM-DD'
-    year,month,day = date.groups()
-    year = atoi(year)
-    if month is None:
-        month = 1
-    else:
-        month = atoi(month)
-    if day is None:
-        day = 1
-    else:
-        day = atoi(day)
-    return DateTime.DateTime(year,month,day)
-def ParseWeek(isostring,parse_isoweek=isoweekRE.match,
-              strip=string.strip,atoi=string.atoi,atof=string.atof):
-    """ParseWeek(isostring)
-       Returns a DateTime instance reflecting the given ISO date. A
-       time part may not be included.
-    """
-    s = strip(isostring)
-    date = parse_isoweek(s)
-    if not date:
-        raise ValueError,'wrong format, use yyyy-Www-d, e.g. 1998-W01-1'
-    year,week,day = date.groups()
-    year = atoi(year)
-    if week is None:
-        week = 1
-    else:
-        week = atoi(week)
-    if day is None:
-        day = 1
-    else:
-        day = atoi(day)
-    return Week(year,week,day)
-def ParseWeekTime(isostring,parse_isoweektime=isoweektimeRE.match,
-                  strip=string.strip,atoi=string.atoi,atof=string.atof):
-    """ParseWeekTime(isostring)
-       Returns a DateTime instance reflecting the given ISO date. A
-       time part is optional and must be delimited from the date by a
-       space or 'T'.
-    """
-    s = strip(isostring)
-    date = parse_isoweektime(s)
-    if not date:
-        raise ValueError,'wrong format, use e.g. "1998-W01-1 12:00:30"'
-    year,week,day,hour,minute,second,zone = date.groups()
-    year = atoi(year)
-    if week is None:
-        week = 1
-    else:
-        week = atoi(week)
-    if day is None:
-        day = 1
-    else:
-        day = atoi(day)
-    if hour is None:
-        hour = 0
-    else:
-        hour = atoi(hour)
-    if minute is None:
-        minute = 0
-    else:
-        minute = atoi(minute)
-    if second is None:
-        second = 0.0
-    else:
-        second = atof(second)
-    return WeekTime(year,week,day,hour,minute,second)
-def ParseTime(isostring,parse_isotime=isotimeRE.match,
-              strip=string.strip,atoi=string.atoi,atof=string.atof):
-    """ParseTime(isostring)
-       Returns a DateTimeDelta instance reflecting the given ISO time.
-       Hours and minutes must be given, seconds are
-       optional. Fractions of a second may also be used,
-       e.g. 12:23:12.34.
-    """
-    s = strip(isostring)
-    time = parse_isotime(s)
-    if not time:
-        raise ValueError,'wrong format, use HH:MM:SS'
-    hour,minute,second,zone = time.groups()
-    hour = atoi(hour)
-    minute = atoi(minute)
-    if second is not None:
-        second = atof(second)
-    else:
-        second = 0.0
-    return DateTime.TimeDelta(hour,minute,second)
-def ParseTimeDelta(isostring,parse_isodelta=isodeltaRE.match,
-                   strip=string.strip,atoi=string.atoi,atof=string.atof):
-    """ParseTimeDelta(isostring)
-       Returns a DateTimeDelta instance reflecting the given ISO time
-       as delta. Hours and minutes must be given, seconds are
-       optional. Fractions of a second may also be used,
-       e.g. 12:23:12.34. In addition to the ISO standard a sign may be
-       prepended to the time, e.g. -12:34.
-    """
-    s = strip(isostring)
-    time = parse_isodelta(s)
-    if not time:
-        raise ValueError,'wrong format, use [-]HH:MM:SS'
-    sign,hour,minute,second,zone = time.groups()
-    hour = atoi(hour)
-    minute = atoi(minute)
-    if second is not None:
-        second = atof(second)
-    else:
-        second = 0.0
-    if sign and sign == '-':
-        return -DateTime.TimeDelta(hour,minute,second)
-    else:
-        return DateTime.TimeDelta(hour,minute,second)
-def ParseAny(isostring):
-    """ParseAny(isostring)
-       Parses the given string and tries to convert it to a
-       DateTime[Delta] instance.
-    """
-    try:
-        return ParseDateTime(isostring)
-    except ValueError:
-        pass
-    try:
-        return ParseWeekTime(isostring)
-    except ValueError:
-        pass
-    try:
-        return ParseTimeDelta(isostring)
-    except ValueError:
-        raise ValueError,'unsupported format: "%s"' % isostring
-def str(datetime,tz=None):
-    """str(datetime,tz=DateTime.tz_offset(datetime))
-       Returns the datetime instance as ISO date string. tz can be
-       given as DateTimeDelta instance providing the time zone
-       difference from datetime's zone to UTC. It defaults to
-       DateTime.tz_offset(datetime) which assumes local time.
-    """
-    if tz is None:
-        tz = datetime.gmtoffset()
-    return '%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i%+03i%02i' % (
-        datetime.year, datetime.month, datetime.day, 
-        datetime.hour, datetime.minute, datetime.second,
-        tz.hour,tz.minute)
-def strGMT(datetime):
-    """strGMT(datetime)
-       Returns the datetime instance as ISO date string assuming it is
-       given in GMT.
-    """
-    return '%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i+0000' % (
-        datetime.year, datetime.month, datetime.day, 
-        datetime.hour, datetime.minute, datetime.second)
-def strUTC(datetime):
-    """strUTC(datetime)
-       Returns the datetime instance as ISO date string assuming it is
-       given in UTC.
-    """
-    return '%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i+0000' % (
-        datetime.year, datetime.month, datetime.day, 
-        datetime.hour, datetime.minute, datetime.second)
-# Testing
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    e = DateTime.Date(1900,1,1)
-    for i in range(100000):
-        d = e + i
-        year,week,day = d.iso_week
-        c = WeekTime(year,week,day)
-        if d != c:
-            print ' Check %s (given; %i) != %s (parsed)' % (d,d.day_of_week,c)
-        elif i % 1000 == 0:
-            print d,'ok'