changeset 1714 a721966779be
parent 1440 4fc48f2a1748
child 2172 cf8f9180e63e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/book/en/development/migration/index.rst	Thu May 07 16:33:22 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+.. _migration:
+One of the main concept in `CubicWeb` is to create incremental applications.
+For this purpose, multiple actions are provided to facilitate the improvement
+of an application, and in particular to handle the changes to be applied
+to the data model, without loosing existing data.
+The current version of an application model is provided in the file
+`` as a tuple of 3 integers.
+Migration scripts management
+Migration scripts has to be located in the directory `migration` of your
+application and named accordingly:
+  <version n° X.Y.Z>[_<description>]_<mode>.py
+in which : 
+* X.Y.Z is the model version number to which the script enables to migrate.
+* *mode* (between the last "_" and the extension ".py") is used for 
+  distributed installation. It indicates to which part
+  of the application (RQL server, web server) the script applies.
+  Its value could be :
+  * `common`, applies to the RQL server as well as the web server and updates
+    files on the hard drive (configuration files migration for example).
+  * `web`, applies only to the web server and updates files on the hard drive.
+  * `repository`, applies only to the RQL server and updates files on the
+    hard drive.
+  * `Any`, applies only to the RQL server and updates data in the database
+    (schema and data migration for example).
+Again in the directory `migration`, the file `` allows to indicate
+that for the migration to a particular model version, you always have to first 
+migrate to a particular `CubicWeb` version. This file can contain comments (lines
+starting by `#`) and a dependancy is listed as follows: ::
+  <model version n° X.Y.Z> : <cubicweb version n° X.Y.Z>
+For example: ::
+  0.12.0: 2.26.0
+  0.13.0: 2.27.0
+  # 0.14 works with 2.27 <= cubicweb <= 2.28 at least
+  0.15.0: 2.28.0
+Base context
+The following identifiers are pre-defined in migration scripts:
+* `config`, instance configuration
+* `interactive_mode`, boolean indicating that the script is executed in
+  an interactive mode or not 
+* `appltemplversion`, application model version of the instance
+* `templversion`, installed application model version
+* `cubicwebversion`, installed cubicweb version
+* `confirm(question)`, function asking the user and returning true
+  if the user answers yes, false otherwise (always returns true in
+  non-interactive mode)
+* the function `_`, it is equivalent to `unicode` allowing to flag the strings
+  to internationalize in the migration scripts.
+In the `repository` scripts, the following identifiers are also defined:
+* `checkpoint`, request confirming and executing a "commit" at checking point
+* `repo_schema`, instance persisting schema (e.g. instance schema of the
+  current migration)
+* `newschema`, installed schema on the file system (e.g. schema of 
+  the updated model and cubicweb)
+* `sqlcursor`, SQL cursor for very rare cases where it is really
+   necessary or beneficial to go through the sql
+* `repo`, repository object
+Schema migration
+The following functions for schema migration are available in `repository`
+* `add_attribute(etype, attrname, attrtype=None, commit=True)`, adds a new
+  attribute to an existing entity type. If the attribute type is not specified, 
+  then it is extracted from the updated schema.
+* `drop_attribute(etype, attrname, commit=True)`, removes an attribute from an
+  existing entity type.
+* `rename_attribute(etype, oldname, newname, commit=True)`, renames an attribute
+* `add_entity_type(etype, auto=True, commit=True)`, adds a new entity type.
+  If `auto` is True, all the relations using this entity type and having a known
+  entity type on the other hand will automatically be added.
+* `drop_entity_type(etype, commit=True)`, removes an entity type and all the 
+  relations using it.
+* `rename_entity_type(oldname, newname, commit=True)`, renames an entity type
+* `add_relation_type(rtype, addrdef=True, commit=True)`, adds a new relation
+  type. If `addrdef` is True, all the relations definitions of this type will
+  be added.
+* `drop_relation_type(rtype, commit=True)`, removes a relation type and all the
+  definitions of this type.
+* `rename_relation(oldname, newname, commit=True)`, renames a relation.
+* `add_relation_definition(subjtype, rtype, objtype, commit=True)`, adds a new
+  relation definition.
+* `drop_relation_definition(subjtype, rtype, objtype, commit=True)`, removes
+  a relation definition.
+* `synchronize_permissions(ertype, commit=True)`, synchronizes permissions on
+  an entity type or relation type.
+* `synchronize_rschema(rtype, commit=True)`, synchronizes properties and permissions
+  on a relation type.
+* `synchronize_eschema(etype, commit=True)`, synchronizes properties and persmissions
+  on an entity type.
+* `synchronize_schema(commit=True)`, synchronizes the persisting schema with the
+  updated schema (but without adding or removing new entity types, relations types 
+  or even relations definitions).
+* `change_relation_props(subjtype, rtype, objtype, commit=True, **kwargs)`, changes
+  properties of a relation definition by using the named parameters of the properties
+  to change.
+* `set_widget(etype, rtype, widget, commit=True)`, changes the widget used for the
+  relation <rtype> of entity type <etype>.
+* `set_size_constraint(etype, rtype, size, commit=True)`, changes the size constraints
+  for the relation <rtype> of entity type <etype>.
+Data migration
+The following functions for data migration are available in `repository` scripts:
+* `rql(rql, kwargs=None, cachekey=None, ask_confirm=True)`, executes an arbitrary RQL
+  query, either to interrogate or update. A result set object is returned.  
+* `add_entity(etype, *args, **kwargs)`, adds a nes entity type of the given
+  type. The attribute and relation values are specified using the named and
+  positionned parameters.
+Workflow creation
+The following functions for workflow creation are available in `repository`
+* `add_state(name, stateof, initial=False, commit=False, **kwargs)`, adds a new state
+  in the workflow.
+* `add_transition(name, transitionof, fromstates, tostate, requiredgroups=(), commit=False, **kwargs)`, 
+  adds a new transition in the workflow.
+You can find more details about workflows in the chapter :ref:`Workflow` .
+Configuration migration
+The following functions for configuration migration are available in all 
+* `option_renamed(oldname, newname)`, indicates that an option has been renamed
+* `option_group_change(option, oldgroup, newgroup)`, indicates that an option does not
+  belong anymore to the same group.
+* `option_added(oldname, newname)`, indicates that an option has been added.
+* `option_removed(oldname, newname)`, indicates that an option has been deleted.
+Others migration functions
+Those functions are only used for low level operations that could not be 
+accomplished otherwise or to repair damaged databases during interactive 
+session. They are available in `repository` scripts:
+* `sqlexec(sql, args=None, ask_confirm=True)`, executes an arbitrary SQL query
+* `add_entity_type_table(etype, commit=True)`
+* `add_relation_type_table(rtype, commit=True)`
+* `uninline_relation(rtype, commit=True)`
+[FIXME] Add explanation on how to use cubicweb-ctl shell