changeset 1714 a721966779be
parent 1499 fd8751c3f3ee
child 1715 cba9f175da2d
--- a/doc/book/en/B0031-define-entities.en.txt	Tue Apr 28 11:22:43 2009 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Parametrization and specific extensions
-Dynamic default values
-It is possible to define *static* default values in the schema.
-It is also possible to define *dynamic* default values
-by defining in the entity class a method `default_<attribut name>` for
-a given attribute.
-Loaded attributes and default sorting management
-* The class attribute `fetch_attrs` allows to defined in an entity class
-  a list of names of attributes or relations that should be automatically
-  loaded when we recover the entities of this type. In the case of relations,
-  we are limited to *subject of cardinality `?` or `1`* relations.
-* The class method `fetch_order(attr, var)` expects an attribute (or relation)
-  name as a parameter and a variable name, and it should return a string
-  to use in the requirement `ORDER BY` of an RQL query to automatically
-  sort the list of entities of such type according to this attribute, or
-  `None` if we do not want to sort on the attribute given in the parameter.
-  By default, the entities are sorted according to their creation date.
-* The class method `fetch_unrelated_order(attr, var)` is similar to the 
-  method `fetch_order` except that it is essentially used to control
-  the sorting of drop-down lists enabling relations creation in 
-  the editing view of an entity.
-The function `fetch_config(fetchattrs, mainattr=None)` simplifies the
-definition of the attributes to load and the sorting by returning a 
-list of attributes to pre-load (considering automatically the attributes
-of `AnyEntity`) and a sorting function based on the main attribute
-(the second parameter if specified otherwisethe first attribute from
-the list `fetchattrs`).
-This function is defined in `cubicweb.entities`.
-For example: ::
-  class Transition(AnyEntity):
-    """..."""
-    id = 'Transition'
-    fetch_attrs, fetch_order = fetch_config(['name'])
-Indicates that for the entity type "Transition", you have to pre-load
-the attribute `name` and sort by default on this attribute.
-Editing forms management
-It is possible to manage attributes/relations in the simple or multiple
-editing form thanks to the following *rtags*: 
-* `primary`, indicates that an attribute or a relation has to be
-  inserted **in the simple or multiple editing forms**. In the case of
-  a relation, the related entity editing form will be included in the
-  editing form and represented as a combobox. Each item of the
-  combobox is a link to an existing entity.
-* `secondary`, indicates that an attribute or a relation has to be
-  inserted **in the simple editing form only**. In the case of a
-  relation, the related entity editing form will be included in the
-  editing form and represented as a combobox. Each item of the combobox
-  is a link to an existing entity.
-* `inlineview`, includes the target entity's form in the editing form
-  of the current entity. It allows to create the target entity in the
-  same time as the current entity.
-* `generic`, indicates that a relation has to be inserted in the simple
-  editing form, in the generic box of relation creation.
-* `generated`, indicates that an attribute is dynamically computed
-  or other,  and that it should not be displayed in the editing form.
-If necessary, it is possible to overwrite the method  
-`relation_category(rtype, x='subject')` to dynamically compute
-a relation editing category.
-``add_related`` box management
-The box ``add_related`` is an automatic box that allows to create
-an entity automatically related to the initial entity (context in
-which the box is displayed). By default, the links generated in this
-box are computed from the schema properties of the displayed entity,
-but it is possible to explicitely specify them thanks to the
-following *rtags*:
-* `link`, indicates that a relation is in general created pointing
-  to an existing entity and that we should not to display a link
-  for this relation
-* `create`, indicates that a relation is in general created pointing
-  to new entities and that we should display a link to create a new
-  entity and link to it automatically
-If necessary, it is possible to overwrite the method  
-`relation_mode(rtype, targettype, x='subject')` to dynamically
-compute a relation creation category.
-Please note that if at least one action belongs to the `addrelated` category,
-the automatic behavior is desactivated in favor of an explicit behavior
-(e.g. display of `addrelated` category actions only).
-Filtering table forms management
-By default, the view ``table`` manages automatically a filtering
-form of its content. The algorithm is as follows:
-1. we consider that the first column contains the entities to constraint
-2. we collect the first entity of the table (row 0) to represent all the 
-   others
-3. for all the other variables defined in the original request:
-   1. if the variable is related to the main variable by at least one relation
-   2. we call the method ``filterform_vocabulary(rtype, x)`` on the entity,
-      if nothing is returned (meaning a tuple `Non`, see below), we go to the
-      next variable, otherwise a form filtering element is created based on
-      the vocabulary values returned
-4. there are no other limitations to the `RQL`, it can include sorting, grouping
-   conditions... JavaScript functions are used to regenerate a request based on the
-   initial request and on the selected values from the filtering form.
-The method ``filterform_vocabulary(rtype, x, var, rqlst, args, cachekey)`` takes 
-the name of a relation and the target as parameters,
-[XXX what does it mean ?]
-which indicates of the
-entity on which we apply the method is subject or object of the relation. It
-has to return:
-* a 2-uple of None if it does not know how to handle the relation
-* a type and a list containing the vocabulary
-  * the list has to contain couples (value, label)
-  * the type indicates if the value designate an integer (`type == 'int'`),
-    a string (`type =='string'` or a non-final relation (`type == 'eid'`)
-For example in our application managing tickets, we want to be able to filter
-them by :
-* type
-* priority
-* state (in_state)
-* tag (tags)
-* version (done_in)
-For that we define the following method: ::
-    class Ticket(AnyEntity):
-	    ...
-    	def filterform_vocabulary(self, rtype, x, var, rqlst, args, cachekey):
-	        _ = self.req._
-	        if rtype == 'type':
-        		return 'string', [(x, _(x)) for x in ('bug', 'story')]
-	        if rtype == 'priority':
-    	    	return 'string', [(x, _(x)) for x in ('minor', 'normal', 'important')]
-    	    if rtype == 'done_in':
-	        	rql = insert_attr_select_relation(rqlst, var, rtype, 'num')
-		        return 'eid', self.req.execute(rql, args, cachekey)
-	        return super(Ticket, self).filterform_vocabulary(rtype, x, var, rqlst,
-							     args, cachekey)
-.. note::
-  Filtering on state and tags is automatically installed, no need to handle it.