changeset 1714 a721966779be
parent 1499 fd8751c3f3ee
child 1715 cba9f175da2d
--- a/doc/book/en/B0030-data-as-objects.en.txt	Tue Apr 28 11:22:43 2009 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Data as objects
-In this chapter, we will introduce the objects that are used to handle
-the data stored in the database.
-Class `Entity` and `AnyEntity`
-To provide a specific behavior for each entity, we have to define
-a class inheriting from `cubicweb.entities.AnyEntity`. In general, we
-define this class in a module of `mycube.entities` package of an application
-so that it will be available on both server and client side.
-The class `AnyEntity` is loaded dynamically from the class `Entity` 
-(`cubciweb.common.entity`). We define a sub-class to add methods or to
-specialize the handling of a given entity type
-Descriptors are added when classes are registered in order to initialize the class
-according to its schema:
-* we can access the defined attributes in the schema thanks to the attributes of
-  the same name on instances (typed value)
-* we can access the defined relations in the schema thanks to the relations of
-  the same name on instances (entities instances list)
-The methods defined for `AnyEntity` or `Entity` are the following ones:
-* `has_eid()`, returns true is the entity has an definitive eid (e.g. not in the
-  creation process)
-* `check_perm(action)`, checks if the user has the permission to execute the
-  requested action on the entity
-:Formatting and output generation:
-  * `view(vid, **kwargs)`, applies the given view to the entity
-  * `absolute_url(**kwargs)`, returns an absolute URL to access the primary view
-    of an entity
-  * `rest_path()`, returns a relative REST URL to get the entity
-  * `format(attr)`, returns the format (MIME type) of the field given un parameter
-  * `printable_value(attr, value=_marker, attrtype=None, format='text/html')`, 
-    returns a string enabling the display of an attribute value in a given format
-    (the value is automatically recovered if necessary)
-  * `display_name(form='')`, returns a string to display the entity type by 
-    specifying the preferred form (`plural` for a plural form)
-:Data handling:
-  * `as_rset()`, converts the entity into an equivalent result set simulating the 
-     request `Any X WHERE X eid _eid_`
-  * `complete(skip_bytes=True)`, executes a request that recovers in one time
-    all the missing attributes of an entity
-  * `get_value(name)`, returns the value associated to the attribute name given
-    in parameter
-  * `related(rtype, x='subject', limit=None, entities=False)`, returns a list
-    of entities related to the current entity by the relation given in parameter
-  * `unrelated(rtype, targettype, x='subject', limit=None)`, returns a result set
-    corresponding to the entities not related to the current entity by the
-    relation given in parameter and satisfying its constraints
-  * `set_attributes(**kwargs)`, updates the attributes list with the corresponding
-    values given named parameters
-  * `copy_relations(ceid)`, copies the relations of the entities having the eid
-    given in the parameters on the current entity
-  * `last_modified(view)`, returns the date the object has been modified
-    (used by HTTP cache handling)
-  * `delete()` allows to delete the entity
-:Standard meta-data (Dublin Core):
-  * `dc_title()`, returns a unicode string corresponding to the meta-data
-    `Title` (used by default the first attribute non-meta of the entity
-    schema)
-  * `dc_long_title()`, same as dc_title but can return a more
-    detailled title
-  * `dc_description(format='text/plain')`, returns a unicode string 
-    corresponding to the meta-data `Description` (look for a description
-    attribute by default)
-  * `dc_authors()`, returns a unicode string corresponding to the meta-data 
-    `Authors` (owners by default)
-  * `dc_date(date_format=None)`, returns a unicode string corresponding to 
-    the meta-data `Date` (update date by default)
-:Vocabulary control on relations:
-  * `vocabulary(rtype, x='subject', limit=None)`, called by the
-    editing views, it returns a list of couples (label, eid) of entities
-    that could be related to the entity by the relation `rtype`
-  * `subject_relation_vocabulary(rtype, limit=None)`, called internally 
-    by  `vocabulary` in the case of a subject relation
-  * `object_relation_vocabulary(rtype, limit=None)`, called internally 
-    by  `vocabulary` in the case of an object relation
-  * `relation_vocabulary(rtype, targettype, x, limit=None)`, called
-    internally by `subject_relation_vocabulary` and `object_relation_vocabulary`
-Class `TreeMixIn`
-This class provides a tree interface. This mixin has to be inherited 
-explicitly and configured using the tree_attribute, parent_target and 
-children_target class attribute to benefit from this default implementation.
-This class provides the following methods:
-  * `different_type_children(entities=True)`, returns children entities
-    of different type as this entity. According to the `entities` parameter, 
-    returns entity objects (if entity=True) or the equivalent result set.
-  * `same_type_children(entities=True)`, returns children entities of 
-    the same type as this entity. According to the `entities` parameter, 
-    return entity objects (if entity=True) or the equivalent result set.
-  * `iterchildren( _done=None)`, iters on the children of the entity.
-  * `prefixiter( _done=None)`
-  * `path()`, returns the list of eids from the root object to this object.
-  * `iterparents()`, iters on the parents of the entity.
-  * `notification_references(view)`, used to control References field 
-    of email send on notification for this entity. `view` is the notification view.
-    Should return a list of eids which can be used to generate message ids
-    of previously sent email.
-`TreeMixIn` implements also the ITree interface (``cubicweb.interfaces``):
-  * `parent()`, returns the parent entity if any, else None (e.g. if we are on the
-    root)
-  * `children(entities=True, sametype=False)`, returns children entities
-    according to the `entities` parameter, return entity objects or the
-    equivalent result set.
-  * `children_rql()`, returns the RQL query corresponding to the children
-    of the entity.
-  * `is_leaf()`, returns True if the entity does not have any children.
-  * `is_root()`, returns True if the entity does not have any parent.
-  * `root()`, returns the root object of the tree representation of
-    the entity and its related entities.
-Example of use
-Imagine you defined three types of entities in your schema, and they
-relates to each others as follows in ````::
-  class Entity1(EntityType):
-      title = String()
-      is_related_to = SubjectRelation('Entity2', 'subject')
-  class Entity2(EntityType):
-      title = String()
-      belongs_to = SubjectRelation('Entity3', 'subject')
-  class Entity3(EntityType):
-      name = String()
-You would like to create a view that applies to both entity types
-`Entity1` and `Entity2` and which lists the entities they are related to.
-That means when you view `Entity1` you want to list all `Entity2`, and
-when you view `Entity2` you want to list all `Entity3`.
-In ````::
-  class Entity1(TreeMixIn, AnyEntity):
-      id = 'Entity1'
-      __implements__ = AnyEntity.__implements__ + (ITree,)
-      __rtags__ = {('is_related_to', 'Entity2', 'object'): 'link'}
-      tree_attribute = 'is_related_to'
-      def children(self, entities=True):
-          return self.different_type_children(entities)
-  class Entity2(TreeMixIn, AnyEntity):
-      id = 'Entity2'
-      __implements__ = AnyEntity.__implements__ + (ITree,)
-      __rtags__ = {('belongs_to', 'Entity3', 'object'): 'link'}
-      tree_attribute = 'belongs_to'
-      def children(self, entities=True):
-          return self.different_type_children(entities)
-Once this is done, you can define your common view as follows::
-  class E1E2CommonView(baseviews.PrimaryView):
-      accepts = ('Entity11, 'Entity2')
-      def render_entity_relations(self, entity, siderelations):
-          self.wview('list', entity.children(entities=False))
-*rtags* allow to specify certain behaviors of relations relative to a given
-entity type (see later). They are defined on the entity class by the attribute
-`rtags` which is a dictionary with as keys the triplets ::
-  <relation type>, <target entity type>, <context position ("subject" ou "object")>
-and as values a `set` or a tuple of markers defining the properties that
-apply to this relation.
-It is possible to simplify this dictionary:
-* if we want to specifiy a single marker, it is not necessary to
-  use a tuple as value, the marker by itself (character string)
-  is enough
-* if we only care about a single type of relation and not about the target
-  and the context position (or when this one is not ambigous), we can simply
-  use the name of the relation type as key
-* if we want a marker to apply independently from the target entity type,
-  we have to use the string `*` as target entity type
-Please note that this dictionary is *treated at the time the class is created*.
-It is automatically merged with the parent class(es) (no need to copy the
-dictionary from the parent class to modify it). Also, modifying it after the 
-class is created will not have any effect...
-.. include:: B0031-define-entities.en.txt