changeset 5265 97ab2ea6d367
parent 5227 ed1c138299f2
child 5314 86e5abbebfaf
--- a/web/uicfg.py	Wed Apr 14 18:33:56 2010 +0200
+++ b/web/uicfg.py	Wed Apr 14 18:54:28 2010 +0200
@@ -8,107 +8,6 @@
 To configure the interface generation, we use ``RelationTag`` objects.
-Primary view configuration
-XXX section moved to the doc, is maintained there
-If you want to customize the primary view of an entity, overriding the primary
-view class may not be necessary. For simple adjustments (attributes or relations
-display locations and styles), a much simpler way is to use uicfg.
-Attributes/relations display location
-In the primary view, there are 3 sections where attributes and relations can be
-displayed (represented in pink in the image below):
-* attributes
-* relations
-* sideboxes
-.. image:: ../../images/primaryview_template.png
-**Attributes** can only be displayed in the attributes section (default
-  behavior). They can also be hidden.
-For instance, to hide the ``title`` attribute of the ``Blog`` entity:
-.. sourcecode:: python
-   from cubicweb.web import uicfg
-   uicfg.primaryview_section.tag_attribute(('Blog', 'title'), 'hidden')
-**Relations** can be either displayed in one of the three sections or hidden.
-For relations, there are two methods:
-* ``tag_object_of`` for modifying the primary view of the object
-* ``tag_subject_of`` for modifying the primary view of the subject
-These two methods take two arguments:
-* a triplet ``(subject, relation_name, object)``, where subject or object can be replaced with ``'*'``
-* the section name or ``hidden``
-.. sourcecode:: python
-   # hide every relation ``entry_of`` in the ``Blog`` primary view
-   uicfg.primaryview_section.tag_object_of(('*', 'entry_of', 'Blog'), 'hidden')
-   # display ``entry_of`` relations in the ``relations`` section in the ``BlogEntry`` primary view
-   uicfg.primaryview_section.tag_subject_of(('BlogEntry', 'entry_of', '*'),
-                                             'relations')
-Display content
-You can use ``primaryview_display_ctrl`` to customize the display of attributes
-or relations. Values of ``primaryview_display_ctrl`` are dictionaries.
-Common keys for attributes and relations are:
-* ``vid``: specifies the regid of the view for displaying the attribute or the relation.
-  If ``vid`` is not specified, the default value depends on the section:
-  * ``attributes`` section: 'reledit' view
-  * ``relations`` section: 'autolimited' view
-  * ``sideboxes`` section: 'sidebox' view
-* ``order``: int used to control order within a section. When not specified,
-  automatically set according to order in which tags are added.
-Keys for relations only:
-* ``label``: label for the relations section or side box
-* ``showlabel``: boolean telling whether the label is displayed
-* ``limit``: boolean telling if the results should be limited. If so, a link to all results is displayed
-* ``filter``: callback taking the related result set as argument and returning it filtered
-.. sourcecode:: python
-   # in ``CWUser`` primary view, display ``created_by`` relations in relations section
-   uicfg.primaryview_section.tag_object_of(('*', 'created_by', 'CWUser'), 'relations')
-   # displays this relation as a list, sets the label, limits the number of results and filters on comments
-   uicfg.primaryview_display_ctrl.tag_object_of(
-       ('*', 'created_by', 'CWUser'),
-       {'vid': 'list', 'label': _('latest comment(s):'), 'limit': True,
-        'filter': lambda rset: rset.filtered_rset(lambda x: x.e_schema == 'Comment')})
-.. Warning:: with the ``primaryview_display_ctrl`` rtag, the subject or the
-   object of the relation is ignored for respectively ``tag_object_of`` or
-   ``tag_subject_of``. To avoid warnings during execution, they should be set to
-   ``'*'``.
 Index view configuration