changeset 1889 874a055c373b
parent 1858 69e41c88e195
child 1977 606923dff11b
--- a/web/formfields.py	Thu May 21 00:44:57 2009 +0200
+++ b/web/formfields.py	Thu May 21 00:50:24 2009 +0200
@@ -213,20 +213,21 @@
             return req.data[self]
         except KeyError:
+            fkwargs = {}
             if self.use_fckeditor(form):
                 # if fckeditor is used and format field isn't explicitly
                 # deactivated, we want an hidden field for the format
-                widget = HiddenInput()
-                choices = None
+                fkwargs['widget'] = HiddenInput()
+                fkwargs['initial'] = 'text/html'
                 # else we want a format selector
-                # XXX compute vocabulary
-                widget = Select()
+                fkwargs['widget'] = Select()
+                fkwargs['widget'].attrs['size'] = 1
                 fcstr = FormatConstraint()
-                choices = [(req._(fmt), fmt) for fmt in fcstr.vocabulary(req=req)]
-                widget.attrs['size'] = 1
-            field = StringField(name=self.name + '_format', widget=widget,
-                                choices=choices)
+                fkwargs['choices'] = fcstr.vocabulary(req=req)
+                fkwargs['internationalizable'] = True
+                fkwargs['initial'] = lambda f: f.form_field_format(self)
+            field = StringField(name=self.name + '_format', **fkwargs)
             req.data[self] = field
             return field
@@ -471,7 +472,10 @@
                     kwargs.setdefault('widget', Select())
                     kwargs.setdefault('choices', cstr.vocabulary)
                     if card in '?1':
+                        if isinstance(kwargs['widget'], type):
+                            kwargs['widget'] = kwargs['widget']()
                         kwargs['widget'].attrs.setdefault('size', 1)
+            for cstr in constraints:
                 if isinstance(cstr, SizeConstraint) and cstr.max is not None:
                     if cstr.max < 257:
                         kwargs.setdefault('widget', TextInput())