changeset 5147 70181998897f
parent 5146 fe56baf63ecb
child 5148 ec0ea7366066
--- a/doc/book/en/development/vreg/vreg.rst	Tue Apr 06 10:10:47 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-.. VRegistry:
-The `VRegistry`
-The `VRegistry` can be seen as a two level dictionary. It contains all objects
-loaded dynamically to build a |cubicweb| application. Basically:
-* first level key return a *registry*. This key corresponds to the `__registry__`
-  attribute of application object classes
-* second level key return a list of application objects which share the same
-  identifier. This key corresponds to the `__regid__` attribute of application
-  object classes.
-A *registry* hold a specific kind of application objects. You've for instance
-a registry for entity classes, another for views, etc...
-The `VRegistry` has two main responsibilities:
-- being the access point to all registries
-- handling the registration process at startup time, and during automatic
-  reloading in debug mode.
-.. _AppObjectRecording:
-Managing the recording process
-Details of the recording process
-.. index::
-   vregistry: registration_callback
-On startup, |cubicweb| have to load application objects defined in its library
-and in cubes used by the instance. Application objects from the library are
-loaded first, then those provided by cubes are loaded in an ordered way (e.g. if
-your cube depends on an other, objects from the dependancy will be loaded
-first). Cube's modules or packages where appobject are looked at is explained in
-For each module:
-* by default all objects are registered automatically
-* if some objects have to replace other objects, or be included only if some
-  condition is true, you'll have to define a `registration_callback(vreg)`
-  function in your module and explicitly register **all objects** in this module,
-  using the api defined below.
-.. Note::
-    Once the function `registration_callback(vreg)` is implemented in a module,
-    all the objects from this module have to be explicitly registered as it
-    disables the automatic objects registration.
-API for objects registration
-Here are the registration methods that you can use in the `registration_callback`
-to register your objects to the `VRegistry` instance given as argument (usually
-named `vreg`):
-.. automethod:: cubicweb.cwvreg.CubicWebVRegistry.register_all
-.. automethod:: cubicweb.cwvreg.CubicWebVRegistry.register_and_replace
-.. automethod:: cubicweb.cwvreg.CubicWebVRegistry.register
-.. automethod:: cubicweb.cwvreg.CubicWebVRegistry.register_if_interface_found
-.. automethod:: cubicweb.cwvreg.CubicWebVRegistry.unregister
-.. sourcecode:: python
-   # web/views/
-   def registration_callback(vreg):
-      # register everything in the module except SeeAlsoComponent
-      vreg.register_all(globals().values(), __name__, (SeeAlsoVComponent,))
-      # conditionally register SeeAlsoVComponent
-      if 'see_also' in vreg.schema:
-          vreg.register(SeeAlsoVComponent)
-In this example, we register all application object classes defined in the module
-except `SeeAlsoVComponent`. This class is then registered only if the 'see_also'
-relation type is defined in the instance'schema.
-.. sourcecode:: python
-   # goa/appobjects/
-   def registration_callback(vreg):
-      vreg.register(SessionsCleaner)
-      # replace AuthenticationManager by GAEAuthenticationManager
-      vreg.register_and_replace(GAEAuthenticationManager, AuthenticationManager)
-      # replace PersistentSessionManager by GAEPersistentSessionManager
-      vreg.register_and_replace(GAEPersistentSessionManager, PersistentSessionManager)
-In this example, we explicitly register classes one by one:
-* the `SessionCleaner` class
-* the `GAEAuthenticationManager` to replace the `AuthenticationManager`
-* the `GAEPersistentSessionManager` to replace the `PersistentSessionManager`
-If at some point we register a new appobject class in this module, it won't be
-registered at all without modification to the `registration_callback`
-implementation. The previous example will register it though, thanks to the call
-to the `register_all` method.
-.. _Selection:
-Runtime objects selection
-Now that we've all application objects loaded, the question is : when I want some
-specific object, for instance the primary view for a given entity, how do I get
-the proper object ? This is what we call the **selection mechanism**.
-As explained in the :ref:`Concepts` section:
-* each application object has a **selector**, defined by its `__select__` class attribute
-* this selector is responsible to return a **score** for a given context
-  - 0 score means the object doesn't apply to this context
-  - else, the higher the score, the better the object suits the context
-* the object with the higher score is selected.
-.. Note::
-  When no score is higher than the others, an exception is raised in development
-  mode to let you know that the engine was not able to identify the view to
-  apply. This error is silenced in production mode and one of the objects with
-  the higher score is picked.
-  In such cases you would need to review your design and make sure your selectors
-  or appobjects are properly defined.
-For instance, if you are selecting the primary (eg `__regid__ = 'primary'`) view (eg
-`__registry__ = 'views'`) for a result set containing a `Card` entity, 2 objects
-will probably be selectable:
-* the default primary view (`__select__ = implements('Any')`), meaning
-  that the object is selectable for any kind of entity type
-* the specific `Card` primary view (`__select__ = implements('Card')`,
-  meaning that the object is selectable for Card entities
-Other primary views specific to other entity types won't be selectable in this
-case. Among selectable objects, the implements selector will return a higher
-score than the second view since it's more specific, so it will be selected as
-.. _SelectionAPI:
-API for objects selections
-Here is the selection API you'll get on every registry. Some of them, as the
-'etypes' registry, containing entity classes, extend it. In those methods,
-`*args, **kwargs` is what we call the **context**. Those arguments are given to
-selectors that will inspect there content and return a score accordingly.
-.. automethod::
-.. automethod:: cubicweb.vregistry.Registry.select_or_none
-.. automethod:: cubicweb.vregistry.Registry.possible_objects
-.. automethod:: cubicweb.vregistry.Registry.object_by_id
-.. _Selectors:
-Using and combining existant selectors
-You can combine selectors using the `&`, `|` and `~` operators.
-When two selectors are combined using the `&` operator (formerly `chainall`), it
-means that both should return a positive score. On success, the sum of scores is returned.
-When two selectors are combined using the `|` operator (former `chainfirst`), it
-means that one of them should return a positive score. On success, the first
-positive score is returned.
-You can also "negate" a selector by precedeing it by the `~` unary operator.
-Of course you can use parens to balance expressions.
-.. Note:
-  When one chains selectors, the final score is the sum of the score of each
-  individual selector (unless one of them returns 0, in which case the object is
-  non selectable)
-The goal: when on a Blog, one wants the RSS link to refer to blog entries, not to
-the blog entity itself.
-To do that, one defines a method on entity classes that returns the RSS stream
-url for a given entity. The default implementation on
-:class:`~cubicweb.entities.AnyEntity` (the generic entity class used as base for
-all others) and a specific implementation on Blog will do what we want.
-But when we have a result set containing several Blog entities (or different
-entities), we don't know on which entity to call the aforementioned method. In
-this case, we keep the generic behaviour.
-Hence we have two cases here, one for a single-entity rsets, the other for
-multi-entities rsets.
-In web/views/ lies the RSSIconBox class. Look at its selector ::
-  class RSSIconBox(ExtResourcesBoxTemplate):
-    """just display the RSS icon on uniform result set"""
-    __select__ = ExtResourcesBoxTemplate.__select__ & non_final_entity()
-It takes into account:
-* the inherited selection criteria (one has to look them up in the class
-  hierarchy to know the details)
-* :class:`~cubicweb.selectors.non_final_entity`, which filters on result sets
-  containing non final entities (a 'final entity' being synonym for entity
-  attributes type, eg `String`, `Int`, etc)
-This matches our second case. Hence we have to provide a specific component for
-the first case::
-  class EntityRSSIconBox(RSSIconBox):
-    """just display the RSS icon on uniform result set for a single entity"""
-    __select__ = RSSIconBox.__select__ & one_line_rset()
-Here, one adds the :class:`~cubicweb.selectors.one_line_rset` selector, which
-filters result sets of size 1. Thus, on a result set containing multiple
-entities, :class:`one_line_rset` makes the EntityRSSIconBox class non
-selectable. However for a result set with one entity, the `EntityRSSIconBox`
-class will have a higher score than `RSSIconBox`, which is what we wanted.
-Of course, once this is done, you have to:
-* fill in the call method of `EntityRSSIconBox`
-* provide the default implementation of the method returning the RSS stream url
-  on :class:`~cubicweb.entities.AnyEntity`
-* redefine this method on `Blog`.
-When to use selectors?
-Selectors are to be used whenever arises the need of dispatching on the shape or
-content of a result set or whatever else context (value in request form params,
-authenticated user groups, etc...). That is, almost all the time.
-.. XXX add and example of a single view w/ big "if" inside splitted into two views with appropriate selectors.
-.. _CustomSelectors:
-Defining your own selectors
-.. autoclass:: cubicweb.appobject.Selector
-   :members: __call__
-.. autofunction:: cubicweb.appobject.objectify_selector
-Selectors __call__ should *always* return a positive integer, and shall never
-return `None`.
-Useful abstract base classes for 'entity' selectors:
-.. autoclass:: cubicweb.selectors.EClassSelector
-.. autoclass:: cubicweb.selectors.EntitySelector
-Also, think to use the `lltrace` decorator on your selector class' :meth:`__call__` method
-or below the :func:`objectify_selector` decorator of your selector function so it gets
-traceable when :class:`traced_selection` is activated (see :ref:DebuggingSelectors).
-.. autofunction:: cubicweb.selectors.lltrace
-.. _DebuggingSelectors:
-Debugging selection
-Once in a while, one needs to understand why a view (or any AppObject) is, or is
-not selected appropriately. Looking at which selectors fired (or did not) is the
-way. There exists a traced_selection context manager to help with that, *if
-you're running your instance in debug mode*.
-Here is an example:
-.. sourcecode:: python
-     from cubicweb.selectors import traced_selection
-     with traced_selection():
-         mycomp = self._cw.vreg['views'].select('wfhistory', self._cw, rset=rset)
-Don't forget the 'from __future__ import with_statement' at the module
-top-level if you're using python 2.5.
-This will yield additional WARNINGs in the logs, like this::
-    2009-01-09 16:43:52 - (cubicweb.selectors) WARNING: selector one_line_rset returned 0 for <class 'cubicweb.web.views.basecomponents.WFHistoryVComponent'>
-You can also give to traced_selection the registry ids of objects on which to debug
-you want to debug selection ('wfhistory' in the example above).
-.. |cubicweb| replace:: *CubicWeb*