changeset 2920 64322aa83a1d
parent 2608 21856eda34f6
child 2968 0e3460341023
child 3252 c0e10da6f1cf
--- a/server/test/	Thu Aug 20 17:33:05 2009 +0200
+++ b/server/test/	Thu Aug 20 17:44:27 2009 +0200
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
         cnx = self.login('iaminusersgrouponly')
         cu = cnx.cursor()
-        aff2 = cu.execute("INSERT Affaire X: X sujet 'cool', X in_state S WHERE S name 'pitetre'")[0][0]
+        aff2 = cu.execute("INSERT Affaire X: X sujet 'cool'")[0][0]
         soc1 = cu.execute("INSERT Societe X: X nom 'chouette'")[0][0]
         cu.execute("SET A concerne S WHERE A eid %(a)s, S eid %(s)s", {'a': aff2, 's': soc1},
                    ('a', 's'))
@@ -347,25 +347,26 @@
     def test_attribute_security_rqlexpr(self):
         # Note.para attribute editable by managers or if the note is in "todo" state
-        eid = self.execute("INSERT Note X: X para 'bidule', X in_state S WHERE S name 'done'")[0][0]
+        note = self.execute("INSERT Note X: X para 'bidule'").get_entity(0, 0)
-        self.execute('SET X para "truc" WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': eid}, 'x')
+        note.fire_transition('markasdone')
+        self.execute('SET X para "truc" WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': note.eid}, 'x')
         cnx = self.login('iaminusersgrouponly')
         cu = cnx.cursor()
-        cu.execute("SET X para 'chouette' WHERE X eid %(x)s", {'x': eid}, 'x')
+        cu.execute("SET X para 'chouette' WHERE X eid %(x)s", {'x': note.eid}, 'x')
         self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, cnx.commit)
-        eid2 = cu.execute("INSERT Note X: X para 'bidule'")[0][0]
+        note2 = cu.execute("INSERT Note X: X para 'bidule'").get_entity(0, 0)
-        cu.execute("SET X in_state S WHERE X eid %(x)s, S name 'done'", {'x': eid2}, 'x')
+        note2.fire_transition('markasdone')
-        self.assertEquals(len(cu.execute('Any X WHERE X in_state S, S name "todo", X eid %(x)s', {'x': eid2}, 'x')),
+        self.assertEquals(len(cu.execute('Any X WHERE X in_state S, S name "todo", X eid %(x)s', {'x': note2.eid}, 'x')),
-        cu.execute("SET X para 'chouette' WHERE X eid %(x)s", {'x': eid2}, 'x')
+        cu.execute("SET X para 'chouette' WHERE X eid %(x)s", {'x': note2.eid}, 'x')
         self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, cnx.commit)
-        cu.execute("SET X in_state S WHERE X eid %(x)s, S name 'todo'", {'x': eid2}, 'x')
+        note2.fire_transition('redoit')
-        cu.execute("SET X para 'chouette' WHERE X eid %(x)s", {'x': eid2}, 'x')
+        cu.execute("SET X para 'chouette' WHERE X eid %(x)s", {'x': note2.eid}, 'x')
     def test_attribute_read_security(self):
@@ -398,16 +399,14 @@
         cu.execute('INSERT Affaire X: X ref "ARCT01", X concerne S WHERE S nom "ARCTIA"')
-        self.execute('SET X in_state S WHERE X ref "ARCT01", S name "ben non"')
+        affaire = self.execute('Any X WHERE X ref "ARCT01"').get_entity(0, 0)
+        affaire.fire_transition('abort')
         self.assertEquals(len(self.execute('TrInfo X WHERE X wf_info_for A, A ref "ARCT01"')),
-                          2)
+                          1)
         self.assertEquals(len(self.execute('TrInfo X WHERE X wf_info_for A, A ref "ARCT01",'
                                            'X owned_by U, U login "admin"')),
                           1) # TrInfo at the above state change
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.execute('TrInfo X WHERE X wf_info_for A, A ref "ARCT01",'
-                                           'X owned_by U, U login "iaminusersgrouponly"')),
-                          1) # TrInfo created at creation time
         cnx = self.login('iaminusersgrouponly')
         cu = cnx.cursor()
         cu.execute('DELETE Affaire X WHERE X ref "ARCT01"')
@@ -499,29 +498,34 @@
                           self.schema['Affaire'].check_perm, session, 'update', eid)
         cu = cnx.cursor()
-        cu.execute('SET X in_state S WHERE X ref "ARCT01", S name "ben non"')
-        cnx.commit()
-        # though changing a user state (even logged user) is reserved to managers
-        rql = u"SET X in_state S WHERE X eid %(x)s, S name 'deactivated'"
-        # XXX wether it should raise Unauthorized or ValidationError is not clear
-        # the best would probably ValidationError if the transition doesn't exist
-        # from the current state but Unauthorized if it exists but user can't pass it
-        self.assertRaises(ValidationError, cu.execute, rql, {'x': cnx.user(self.current_session()).eid}, 'x')
+        self.schema['Affaire'].set_groups('read', ('users',))
+        try:
+            aff = cu.execute('Any X WHERE X ref "ARCT01"').get_entity(0, 0)
+            aff.fire_transition('abort')
+            cnx.commit()
+            # though changing a user state (even logged user) is reserved to managers
+            user = cnx.user(self.current_session())
+            # XXX wether it should raise Unauthorized or ValidationError is not clear
+            # the best would probably ValidationError if the transition doesn't exist
+            # from the current state but Unauthorized if it exists but user can't pass it
+            self.assertRaises(ValidationError, user.fire_transition, 'deactivate')
+        finally:
+            self.schema['Affaire'].set_groups('read', ('managers',))
     def test_trinfo_security(self):
         aff = self.execute('INSERT Affaire X: X ref "ARCT01"').get_entity(0, 0)
+        aff.fire_transition('abort')
+        self.commit()
         # can change tr info comment
         self.execute('SET TI comment %(c)s WHERE TI wf_info_for X, X ref "ARCT01"',
-                     {'c': u'creation'})
+                     {'c': u'bouh!'})
         aff.clear_related_cache('wf_info_for', 'object')
-        self.assertEquals(aff.latest_trinfo().comment, 'creation')
+        trinfo = aff.latest_trinfo()
+        self.assertEquals(trinfo.comment, 'bouh!')
         # but not from_state/to_state
-        self.execute('SET X in_state S WHERE X ref "ARCT01", S name "ben non"')
-        self.commit()
         aff.clear_related_cache('wf_info_for', role='object')
-        trinfo = aff.latest_trinfo()
                           self.execute, 'SET TI from_state S WHERE TI eid %(ti)s, S name "ben non"',
                           {'ti': trinfo.eid}, 'ti')