changeset 6880 4be32427b2b9
parent 5470 fb004819cab4
child 7233 614f23606091
--- a/doc/tools/	Mon Jan 24 09:42:09 2011 +0100
+++ b/doc/tools/	Mon Jan 24 11:39:53 2011 +0100
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 from __future__ import with_statement
+import os.path as osp
 import sys, os, getopt, re
 def clean_comment(match):
@@ -71,34 +72,48 @@
     if rst_dir is None and len(args) != 1:
         rst_dir = 'apidocs'
     js_dir = opts.get('--jspath') or opts.get('-p')
-    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(rst_dir)):
-        os.makedirs(os.path.join(rst_dir))
+    if not osp.exists(osp.join(rst_dir)):
+        os.makedirs(osp.join(rst_dir))
-    f_index = open(os.path.join(rst_dir, 'index.rst'), 'wb')
-    f_index.write('''
+    index = set()
+    for js_path, js_dirs, js_files in os.walk(js_dir):
+        rst_path = re.sub('%s%s*' % (js_dir, osp.sep), '', js_path)
+        for js_file in js_files:
+            if not js_file.endswith('.js'):
+                continue
+            if js_file in FILES_TO_IGNORE:
+                continue
+            if not osp.exists(osp.join(rst_dir, rst_path)):
+                os.makedirs(osp.join(rst_dir, rst_path))
+            rst_content =  extract_rest(js_path, js_file)
+            filename = osp.join(rst_path, js_file[:-3])
+            # add to index
+            index.add(filename)
+            # save rst file
+            with open(osp.join(rst_dir, filename) + '.rst', 'wb') as f_rst:
+                f_rst.write(rst_content)
+    stream = open(osp.join(rst_dir, 'index.rst'), 'w')
+    stream.write('''
 .. toctree::
     :maxdepth: 1
-    for js_path, js_dirs, js_files in os.walk(js_dir):
-        rst_path = re.sub('%s%s*' % (js_dir, os.path.sep), '', js_path)
-        for js_file in js_files:
-            if not js_file.endswith('.js'):
-                continue
-            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(rst_dir, rst_path)):
-                os.makedirs(os.path.join(rst_dir, rst_path))
-            rst_content =  extract_rest(js_path, js_file)
-            filename = os.path.join(rst_path, js_file[:-3])
-            # add to index
-            f_index.write('    %s\n' % filename)
-            # save rst file
-            with open(os.path.join(rst_dir, filename) + '.rst', 'wb') as f_rst:
-                f_rst.write(rst_content)
-    f_index.close()
+    # first write expected files in order
+    for fileid in INDEX_IN_ORDER:
+        try:
+            index.remove(fileid)
+        except:
+            raise Exception(
+        'Bad file id %s referenced in INDEX_IN_ORDER in %s, '
+        'fix this please' % (fileid, __file__))
+        stream.write('    %s\n' % fileid)
+    # append remaining, by alphabetical order
+    for fileid in sorted(index):
+        stream.write('    %s\n' % fileid)
+    stream.close()
 def extract_rest(js_dir, js_file):
-    js_filepath = os.path.join(js_dir, js_file)
+    js_filepath = osp.join(js_dir, js_file)
     filecontent = open(js_filepath, 'U').read()
     comments = get_doc_comments(filecontent)
     rst = rest_title(js_file, 0)
@@ -106,5 +121,50 @@
     rst += '\n\n'.join(comments)
     return rst
+    'cubicweb',
+    'cubicweb.python',
+    'cubicweb.htmlhelpers',
+    'cubicweb.ajax',
+    'cubicweb.lazy',
+    'cubicweb.tabs',
+    '',
+    'cubicweb.facets',
+    'cubicweb.widgets',
+    'cubicweb.image',
+    'cubicweb.flot',
+    'cubicweb.calendar',
+    'cubicweb.preferences',
+    'cubicweb.edition',
+    'cubicweb.reledit',
+    'cubicweb.iprogress',
+    'cubicweb.rhythm',
+    'cubicweb.gmap',
+    'cubicweb.timeline-ext',
+    'jquery.js',
+    'jquery.treeview.js',
+    'jquery.json.js',
+    'jquery.tablesorter.js',
+    'jquery.timePicker.js',
+    'jquery.flot.js',
+    'jquery.corner.js',
+    'jquery.ui.js',
+    'ui.core.js',
+    'ui.tabs.js',
+    'ui.slider.js',
+    'excanvas.js',
+    'gmap.utility.labeledmarker.js',
+    'cubicweb.fckcwconfig.js',
+    'cubicweb.fckcwconfig-full.js',
+    'cubicweb.goa.js',
+    'cubicweb.compat.js',
+    'cubicweb.timeline-bundle.js',
+    ])
 if __name__ == '__main__':