changeset 8298 2a4bc6f75e9c
parent 8272 18893bb969d2
child 8308 805a257709f6
--- a/etwist/	Thu Mar 01 17:22:56 2012 +0100
+++ b/etwist/	Mon Feb 27 17:02:31 2012 +0100
@@ -69,166 +69,6 @@
     return baseurl
-class ForbiddenDirectoryLister(resource.Resource):
-    def render(self, request):
-        return HTTPResponse(twisted_request=request,
-                            code=http.FORBIDDEN,
-                            stream='Access forbidden')
-class NoListingFile(static.File):
-    def __init__(self, config, path=None):
-        if path is None:
-            path = config.static_directory
-        static.File.__init__(self, path)
-        self.config = config
-    def set_expires(self, request):
-        if not self.config.debugmode:
-            # XXX: Don't provide additional resource information to error responses
-            #
-            # the HTTP RFC recommands not going further than 1 year ahead
-            expires = + timedelta(days=6*30)
-            request.setHeader('Expires', generateDateTime(mktime(expires.timetuple())))
-    def directoryListing(self):
-        return ForbiddenDirectoryLister()
-class DataLookupDirectory(NoListingFile):
-    def __init__(self, config, path):
-        self.md5_version = config.instance_md5_version()
-        NoListingFile.__init__(self, config, path)
- = path
-        self._defineChildResources()
-        if self.config.debugmode:
-            self.data_modconcat_basepath = '/data/??'
-        else:
-            self.data_modconcat_basepath = '/data/%s/??' % self.md5_version
-    def _defineChildResources(self):
-        self.putChild(self.md5_version, self)
-    def getChild(self, path, request):
-        if not path:
-            uri = request.uri
-            if uri.startswith('/https/'):
-                uri = uri[6:]
-            if uri.startswith(self.data_modconcat_basepath):
-                resource_relpath = uri[len(self.data_modconcat_basepath):]
-                if resource_relpath:
-                    paths = resource_relpath.split(',')
-                    try:
-                        self.set_expires(request)
-                        return ConcatFiles(self.config, paths)
-                    except ConcatFileNotFoundError:
-                        return self.childNotFound
-            return self.directoryListing()
-        childpath = join(, path)
-        dirpath, rid = self.config.locate_resource(childpath)
-        if dirpath is None:
-            # resource not found
-            return self.childNotFound
-        filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, rid)
-        if os.path.isdir(filepath):
-            resource = DataLookupDirectory(self.config, childpath)
-            # cache resource for this segment path to avoid recomputing
-            # directory lookup
-            self.putChild(path, resource)
-            return resource
-        else:
-            self.set_expires(request)
-            return NoListingFile(self.config, filepath)
-class FCKEditorResource(NoListingFile):
-    def getChild(self, path, request):
-        pre_path = request.path.split('/')[1:]
-        if pre_path[0] == 'https':
-            pre_path.pop(0)
-            uiprops = self.config.https_uiprops
-        else:
-            uiprops = self.config.uiprops
-        return static.File(osp.join(uiprops['FCKEDITOR_PATH'], path))
-class LongTimeExpiringFile(DataLookupDirectory):
-    """overrides static.File and sets a far future ``Expires`` date
-    on the resouce.
-    versions handling is done by serving static files by different
-    URLs for each version. For instance::
-      http://localhost:8080/data-2.48.2/cubicweb.css
-      http://localhost:8080/data-2.49.0/cubicweb.css
-      etc.
-    """
-    def _defineChildResources(self):
-        pass
-class ConcatFileNotFoundError(CubicWebException):
-    pass
-class ConcatFiles(LongTimeExpiringFile):
-    def __init__(self, config, paths):
-        _, ext = osp.splitext(paths[0])
-        self._resources = {}
-        # create a unique / predictable filename. We don't consider cubes
-        # version since uicache is cleared at server startup, and file's dates
-        # are checked in debug mode
-        fname = 'cache_concat_' + md5(';'.join(paths)).hexdigest() + ext
-        filepath = osp.join(config.appdatahome, 'uicache', fname)
-        LongTimeExpiringFile.__init__(self, config, filepath)
-        self._concat_cached_filepath(filepath, paths)
-    def _resource(self, path):
-        try:
-            return self._resources[path]
-        except KeyError:
-            self._resources[path] = self.config.locate_resource(path)
-            return self._resources[path]
-    def _concat_cached_filepath(self, filepath, paths):
-        if not self._up_to_date(filepath, paths):
-            with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
-                for path in paths:
-                    dirpath, rid = self._resource(path)
-                    if rid is None:
-                        # In production mode log an error, do not return a 404
-                        # XXX the erroneous content is cached anyway
-                        LOGGER.error('concatenated data url error: %r file '
-                                     'does not exist', path)
-                        if self.config.debugmode:
-                            raise ConcatFileNotFoundError(path)
-                    else:
-                        for line in open(osp.join(dirpath, rid)):
-                            f.write(line)
-                        f.write('\n')
-    def _up_to_date(self, filepath, paths):
-        """
-        The concat-file is considered up-to-date if it exists.
-        In debug mode, an additional check is performed to make sure that
-        concat-file is more recent than all concatenated files
-        """
-        if not osp.isfile(filepath):
-            return False
-        if self.config.debugmode:
-            concat_lastmod = os.stat(filepath).st_mtime
-            for path in paths:
-                dirpath, rid = self._resource(path)
-                if rid is None:
-                    raise ConcatFileNotFoundError(path)
-                path = osp.join(dirpath, rid)
-                if os.stat(path).st_mtime > concat_lastmod:
-                    return False
-        return True
 class CubicWebRootResource(resource.Resource):
     def __init__(self, config, vreg=None):
@@ -240,9 +80,6 @@
         self.https_url = config['https-url']
         global MAX_POST_LENGTH
         MAX_POST_LENGTH = config['max-post-length']
-        self.putChild('static', NoListingFile(config))
-        self.putChild('fckeditor', FCKEditorResource(self.config, ''))
-        self.putChild('data', DataLookupDirectory(self.config, ''))
     def init_publisher(self):
         config = self.config