changeset 4335 1314772c1183
parent 4252 6c4f109c2b03
parent 4317 b2093f8f0493
child 4466 8b0ca7904820
--- a/utils.py	Fri Jan 22 14:40:29 2010 +0100
+++ b/utils.py	Fri Jan 22 14:41:08 2010 +0100
@@ -152,6 +152,9 @@
 # use networkX instead ?
 # http://networkx.lanl.gov/reference/algorithms.traversal.html#module-networkx.algorithms.traversal.astar
 def transitive_closure_of(entity, relname, _seen=None):
+    """return transitive closure *for the subgraph starting from the given
+    entity* (eg 'parent' entities are not included in the results)
+    """
     if _seen is None:
         _seen = set()