changeset 5394 105011657405
parent 5222 ed6905d98a5e
child 8032 bcb87336c7d2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/book/en/devweb/internationalization.rst	Fri Apr 23 17:31:46 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+.. _internationalization:
+Cubicweb fully supports the internalization of its content and interface.
+Cubicweb's interface internationalization is based on the translation project `GNU gettext`_.
+.. _`GNU gettext`:
+Cubicweb' internalization involves two steps:
+* in your Python code and cubicweb-tal templates : mark translatable strings
+* in your instance : handle the translation catalog, edit translations
+String internationalization
+User defined string
+In the Python code and cubicweb-tal templates translatable strings can be
+marked in one of the following ways :
+ * by using the *built-in* function `_` ::
+     class PrimaryView(EntityView):
+         """the full view of an non final entity"""
+         __regid__ = 'primary'
+         title = _('primary')
+  OR
+ * by using the equivalent request's method ::
+     class NoResultView(View):
+         """default view when no result has been found"""
+         __regid__ = 'noresult'
+         def call(self, **kwargs):
+             self.w(u'<div class="searchMessage"><strong>%s</strong></div>\n'
+                 % self._cw._('No result matching query'))
+The goal of the *built-in* function `_` is only **to mark the
+translatable strings**, it will only return the string to translate
+itself, but not its translation (it's actually another name for the
+`unicode` builtin).
+In the other hand the request's method `self._cw._` is also meant to
+retrieve the proper translation of translation strings in the
+requested language.
+Finally you can also use the `__` attribute of request object to get a
+translation for a string *which should not itself added to the catalog*,
+usually in case where the actual msgid is created by string interpolation ::
+  self._cw.__('This %s' % etype)
+In this example ._cw.__` is used instead of ._cw._` so we don't have 'This %s' in
+messages catalogs.
+Translations in cubicweb-tal template can also be done with TAL tags
+`i18n:content` and `i18n:replace`.
+If you need to add messages on top of those that can be found in the source,
+you can create a file named `i18n/static-messages.pot`.
+You could put there messages not found in the python sources or
+overrides for some messages of used cubes.
+Generated string
+We do not need to mark the translation strings of entities/relations used by a
+particular instance's schema as they are generated automatically. String for
+various actions are also generated.
+For exemple the following schema ::
+  Class EntityA(EntityType):
+      relation_a2b = SubjectRelation('EntityB')
+  class EntityB(EntityType):
+      pass
+May generate the following message ::
+  add EntityA relation_a2b EntityB subject
+This message will be used in views of ``EntityA`` for creation of a new
+``EntityB`` with a preset relation ``relation_a2b`` between the current
+``EntityA`` and the new ``EntityB``. The opposite message ::
+  add EntityA relation_a2b EntityB object
+Is used for similar creation of an ``EntityA`` from a view of ``EntityB``. The
+title of they respective creation form will be ::
+  creating EntityB (EntityA %(linkto)s relation_a2b EntityB)
+  creating EntityA (EntityA relation_a2b %(linkto)s EntityA)
+In the translated string you can use ``%(linkto)s`` for reference to the source
+Handling the translation catalog
+Once the internationalization is done in your code, you need to populate and
+update the translation catalog. Cubicweb provides the following commands for this
+* `i18ncubicweb` updates Cubicweb framework's translation
+  catalogs. Unless you actually work on the framework itself, you
+  don't need to use this command.
+* `i18ncube` updates the translation catalogs of *one particular cube*
+  (or of all cubes). After this command is executed you must update
+  the translation files *.po* in the "i18n" directory of your
+  cube. This command will of course not remove existing translations
+  still in use. It will mark unused translation but not remove them.
+* `i18ninstance` recompiles the translation catalogs of *one particular
+  instance* (or of all instances) after the translation catalogs of
+  its cubes have been updated. This command is automatically
+  called every time you create or update your instance. The compiled
+  catalogs (*.mo*) are stored in the i18n/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES of
+  instance where `lang` is the language identifier ('en' or 'fr'
+  for exemple).
+You have added and/or modified some translation strings in your cube
+(after creating a new view or modifying the cube's schema for exemple).
+To update the translation catalogs you need to do:
+1. `cubicweb-ctl i18ncube <cube>`
+2. Edit the <cube>/i18n/xxx.po  files and add missing translations (empty `msgstr`)
+3. `hg ci -m "updated i18n catalogs"`
+4. `cubicweb-ctl i18ninstance <myinstance>`
+Editing po files
+Using a PO aware editor
+Many tools exist to help maintain .po (PO) files. Common editors or
+development environment provides modes for these. One can also find
+dedicated PO files editor, such as `poedit`_.
+.. _`poedit`:
+While usage of such a tool is commendable, PO files are perfectly
+editable with a (unicode aware) plain text editor. It is also useful
+to know their structure for troubleshooting purposes.
+Structure of a PO file
+In this section, we selectively quote passages of the `GNU gettext`_
+manual chapter on PO files, available there::
+One PO file entry has the following schematic structure::
+     white-space
+     #  translator-comments
+     #. extracted-comments
+     #: reference...
+     #, flag...
+     #| msgid previous-untranslated-string
+     msgid untranslated-string
+     msgstr translated-string
+A simple entry can look like this::
+     #: lib/error.c:116
+     msgid "Unknown system error"
+     msgstr "Error desconegut del sistema"
+It is also possible to have entries with a context specifier. They
+look like this::
+     white-space
+     #  translator-comments
+     #. extracted-comments
+     #: reference...
+     #, flag...
+     #| msgctxt previous-context
+     #| msgid previous-untranslated-string
+     msgctxt context
+     msgid untranslated-string
+     msgstr translated-string
+The context serves to disambiguate messages with the same
+untranslated-string. It is possible to have several entries with the
+same untranslated-string in a PO file, provided that they each have a
+different context. Note that an empty context string and an absent
+msgctxt line do not mean the same thing.
+Contexts and CubicWeb
+CubicWeb PO files have both non-contextual and contextual msgids.
+Contextual entries are automatically used in some cases. For instance,
+entity.dc_type(), eschema.display_name(req) or display_name(etype,
+req, form, context) methods/function calls will use them.
+It is also possible to explicitly use the with _cw.pgettext(context,