changeset 5394 105011657405
parent 5388 9167751463d4
child 5400 b7ab099b128a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/book/en/devweb/form.rst	Fri Apr 23 17:31:46 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+HTML form construction
+CubicWeb provides the somewhat usual form / field / widget / renderer abstraction
+to provide generic building blocks which will greatly help you in building forms
+properly integrated with CubicWeb (coherent display, error handling, etc...),
+while keeping things as flexible as possible.
+A **form** basically only holds a set of **fields**, and has te be bound to a
+**renderer** which is responsible to layout them. Each field is bound to a
+**widget** that will be used to fill in value(s) for that field (at form
+generation time) and 'decode' (fetch and give a proper Python type to) values
+sent back by the browser.
+The **field** should be used according to the type of what you want to edit.
+E.g. if you want to edit some date, you'll have to use the
+:class:`~cubicweb.web.formfields.DateField`. Then you can choose among multiple
+widgets to edit it, for instance :class:`~cubicweb.web.formwidgets.TextInput` (a
+bare text field), :class:`~cubicweb.web.formwidgets.DateTimePicker` (a simple
+calendar) or even :class:`~cubicweb.web.formwidgets.JQueryDatePicker` (the JQuery
+calendar).  You can of course also write your own widget.
+.. automodule:: cubicweb.web.formfields
+.. automodule:: cubicweb.web.formwidgets
+.. automodule:: cubicweb.web.views.forms
+.. automodule:: cubicweb.web.views.autoform
+.. automodule:: cubicweb.web.views.formrenderers
+Now what ? Example of bare fields form
+We want to define a form doing something else than editing an entity. The idea is
+to propose a form to send an email to entities in a resultset which implements
+:class:`IEmailable`.  Let's take a simplified version of what you'll find in
+Here is the source code:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    def sender_value(form):
+	return '%s <%s>' % (form._cw.user.dc_title(), form._cw.user.get_email())
+    def recipient_choices(form, field):
+	return [(e.get_email(), e.eid) for e in form.cw_rset.entities()
+		 if e.get_email()]
+    def recipient_value(form):
+	return [e.eid for e in form.cw_rset.entities() if e.get_email()]
+    class MassMailingForm(forms.FieldsForm):
+	__regid__ = 'massmailing'
+	needs_js = ('cubicweb.widgets.js',)
+	domid = 'sendmail'
+	action = 'sendmail'
+	sender = ff.StringField(widget=TextInput({'disabled': 'disabled'}),
+				label=_('From:'),
+				value=sender_value)
+	recipient = ff.StringField(widget=CheckBox(),
+	                           label=_('Recipients:'),
+				   choices=recipient_choices,
+				   value=recipients_value)
+	subject = ff.StringField(label=_('Subject:'), max_length=256)
+	mailbody = ff.StringField(widget=AjaxWidget(wdgtype='TemplateTextField',
+						    inputid='mailbody'))
+	form_buttons = [ImgButton('sendbutton', "javascript: $('#sendmail').submit()",
+				  _('send email'), 'SEND_EMAIL_ICON'),
+			ImgButton('cancelbutton', "javascript: history.back()",
+Let's detail what's going on up there. Our form will hold four fields:
+* a sender field, which is disabled and will simply contains the user's name and
+  email
+* a recipients field, which will be displayed as a list of users in the context
+  result set with checkboxes so user can still choose who will receive his mailing
+  by checking or not the checkboxes. By default all of them will be checked since
+  field's value return a list containing same eids as those returned by the
+  vocabulary function.
+* a subject field, limited to 256 characters (hence we know a
+  :class:`~cubicweb.web.formwidgets.TextInput` will be used, as explained in
+  :class:`~cubicweb.web.formfields.StringField`)
+* a mailbody field. This field use an ajax widget, defined in `cubicweb.widgets.js`,
+  and whose definition won't be shown here. Notice though that we tell this form
+  need this javascript file by using `needs_js`
+Last but not least, we add two buttons control: one to post the form using
+javascript (`$('#sendmail')` being the jQuery call to get the element with DOM id
+set to 'sendmail', which is our form DOM id as specified by its `domid`
+attribute), another to cancel the form which will go back to the previous page
+using another javascript call. Also we specify an image to use as button icon as a
+resource identifier (see :ref:`external_resources`) given as last argument to
+To see this form, we still have to wrap it in a view. This is pretty simple:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    class MassMailingFormView(form.FormViewMixIn, EntityView):
+	__regid__ = 'massmailing'
+	__select__ = implements(IEmailable) & authenticated_user()
+	def call(self):
+	    form = self._cw.vreg['forms'].select('massmailing', self._cw,
+	                                         rset=self.cw_rset)
+	    self.w(form.render())
+As you see, we simply define a view with proper selector so it only apply to a
+result set containing :class:`IEmailable` entities, and so that only users in the
+managers or users group can use it. Then in the `call()` method for this view we
+simply select the above form and write what its `.render()` method returns.
+When this form is submitted, a controller with id 'sendmail' will be called (as
+specified using `action`). This controller will be responsible to actually send
+the mail to specified recipients.
+Here is what it looks like:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    class SendMailController(Controller):
+        __regid__ = 'sendmail'
+        __select__ = authenticated_user() & match_form_params('recipient', 'mailbody', 'subject')
+        def publish(self, rset=None):
+            body = self._cw.form['mailbody']
+            subject = self._cw.form['subject']
+            eids = self._cw.form['recipient']
+            # eids may be a string if only one recipient was specified
+            if isinstance(eids, basestring):
+                rset = self._cw.execute('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': eids})
+            else:
+                rset = self._cw.execute('Any X WHERE X eid in (%s)' % (','.join(eids)))
+            recipients = list(rset.entities())
+            msg = format_mail({'email' : self._cw.user.get_email(),
+                               'name' : self._cw.user.dc_title()},
+                              recipients, body, subject)
+            if not self._cw.vreg.config.sendmails([(msg, recipients]):
+                msg = self._cw._('could not connect to the SMTP server')
+            else:
+                msg = self._cw._('emails successfully sent')
+            raise Redirect(self._cw.build_url(__message=msg))
+The entry point of a controller is the publish method. In that case we simply get
+back post values in request's `form` attribute, get user instances according
+to eids found in the 'recipient' form value, and send email after calling
+:func:`format_mail` to get a proper email message. If we can't send email or
+if we successfully sent email, we redirect to the index page with proper message
+to inform the user.
+Also notice that our controller has a selector that deny access to it to
+anonymous users (we don't want our instance to be used as a spam relay), but also
+check expected parameters are specified in forms. That avoids later defensive
+programming (though it's not enough to handle all possible error cases).
+To conclude our example, suppose we wish a different form layout and that existent
+renderers are not satisfying (we would check that first of course :). We would then
+have to define our own renderer:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    class MassMailingFormRenderer(formrenderers.FormRenderer):
+        __regid__ = 'massmailing'
+        def _render_fields(self, fields, w, form):
+            w(u'<table class="headersform">')
+            for field in fields:
+                if == 'mailbody':
+                    w(u'</table>')
+                    w(u'<div id="toolbar">')
+                    w(u'<ul>')
+                    for button in form.form_buttons:
+                        w(u'<li>%s</li>' % button.render(form))
+                    w(u'</ul>')
+                    w(u'</div>')
+                    w(u'<div>')
+                    w(field.render(form, self))
+                    w(u'</div>')
+                else:
+                    w(u'<tr>')
+                    w(u'<td class="hlabel">%s</td>' % self.render_label(form, field))
+                    w(u'<td class="hvalue">')
+                    w(field.render(form, self))
+                    w(u'</td></tr>')
+        def render_buttons(self, w, form):
+            pass
+We simply override the `_render_fields` and `render_buttons` method of the base form renderer
+to arrange fields as we desire it: here we'll have first a two columns table with label and
+value of the sender, recipients and subject field (form order respected), then form controls,
+then a div containing the textarea for the email's content.
+To bind this renderer to our form, we should add to our form definition above:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    form_renderer_id = 'massmailing'
+.. Example of entity fields form