changeset 5394 105011657405
parent 5286 43d7044f8d0b
child 6120 c000e41316ec
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/book/en/devweb/facets.rst	Fri Apr 23 17:31:46 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+The facets system
+Facets allow to restrict searches according to some criteria. CubicWeb
+has a builtin `facet`_ system to define restrictions `filters`_ really
+as easily as possible. A few base classes for facets are provided in
+````. All classes inherits from the base class
+Here is an overview of the facets rendering pick from the `tracker` cube:
+.. image:: ../images/facet_overview.png
+Facets will appear on each page presenting more than one entity.
+The ``VocabularyFacet`` inherits from the ``AbstractFacet``.
+A class which inherits from VocabularyFacets must redefine these methods:
+.. automethod:: cubicweb.web.facet.VocabularyFacet.vocabulary
+.. automethod:: cubicweb.web.facet.VocabularyFacet.possible_values
+The ``RelationFacet`` inherits from the ``VocabularyFacet``. It allows to filter entities according to certain relation's values. Generally, you just have to define some class attributes like:
+- rtype: the name of the relation
+- role: the default value is set to `subject`
+- target_attr: needed if it is not the default attribute of the entity
+To illustrate this facet, let's take for example an *excerpt* of the schema of an office location search application:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+  class Office(WorkflowableEntityType):
+      price = Int(description='euros / m2 / HC / HT')
+      surface = Int(description='m2')
+      description = RichString(fulltextindexed=True)
+      has_address = SubjectRelation('PostalAddress',
+                                    cardinality='1?',
+                                    composite='subject')
+      proposed_by = SubjectRelation('Agency')
+      comments = ObjectRelation('Comment',
+                                cardinality='1*',
+                                composite='object')
+      screenshots = SubjectRelation(('File', 'Image'),
+                                    cardinality='*1',
+                                    composite='subject')
+We define a facet to filter offices according to the attribute
+`postalcode` of their associated `PostalAdress`.
+.. sourcecode:: python
+  class PostalCodeFacet(RelationFacet):
+      __regid__ = 'postalcode-facet'      # every registered class must have an id
+      __select__ = implements('Office')   # this facet should only be selected when
+                                          # visualizing offices
+      rtype = 'has_address'               # this facet is a filter on the entity linked to
+                                          # the office thrhough the relation
+                                          # has_address
+      target_attr = 'postalcode'          # the filter's key is the attribute "postal_code"
+                                          # of the target PostalAddress entity
+The ``AttributeFacet`` inherits from the ``RelationFacet``. It allows to filter entities according to certain attribute's values.
+The example below resumes the former schema. We define now a filter based on the `surface` attribute of the
+.. sourcecode:: python
+  class SurfaceFacet(AttributeFacet):
+      __regid__ = 'surface-facet'       # every registered class must have an id
+      __select__ = implements('Office') # this facet should only be selected when
+                                        # visualizing offices
+      rtype = 'surface'                 # the filter's key is the attribute "surface"
+      comparator = '>='                 # override the default value of operator since
+                                        # we want to filter according to a
+                                        # minimal
+                                        # value, not an exact one
+      def rset_vocabulary(self, ___):
+          """override the default vocabulary method since we want to hard-code
+          our threshold values.
+          Not overriding would generate a filter box with all existing surfaces
+          defined in the database.
+          """
+          return [('> 200', '200'), ('> 250', '250'),
+                  ('> 275', '275'), ('> 300', '300')]
+The ``RangeFacet`` inherits from the ``AttributeFacet``. It allows to filter entities according to certain attributes of numerical type.
+The ``RangeFacet`` displays a slider using `jquery`_ to choose a lower bound and an upper bound.
+The example below defines a facet to filter a selection of books according to their number of pages.
+.. sourcecode:: python
+   class BookPagesFacet(RangeFacet):
+       __regid__ = 'priority-facet'
+       __select__ = RangeFacet.__select__ & implements('Book')
+       rtype = 'pages'
+The image below display the rendering of the ``RangeFacet``:
+.. image:: ../images/facet_range.png
+The ``DateRangeFacet`` inherits from the ``RangeFacet``. It allows to filter entities according to certain attributes of date type.
+Here is an example of code that defines a facet to filter
+musical works according to their composition date:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+    class CompositionDateFacet(DateRangeFacet):
+        # 1. make sure this facet is displayed only on Track selection
+        __select__ = DateRangeFacet.__select__ & implements('Track')
+        # 2. give the facet an id required by CubicWeb)
+        __regid__ = 'compdate-facet'
+        # 3. specify the attribute name that actually stores the date in the DB
+        rtype = 'composition_date'
+With this facet, on each page displaying tracks, you'll be able to filter them
+according to their composition date with a jquery slider.
+The image below display the rendering of the ``DateRangeFacet``:
+.. image:: ../images/facet_date_range.png
+The ``DateRangeFacet`` inherits from the ``AbstractFacet``. It will
+display a simple checkbox and lets you refine your selection in order
+to get only entities that actually use this relation.
+Here is an example of the rendering of the ``HasRelationFacet`` to
+filter entities with image and the corresponding code:
+.. image:: ../images/facet_has_image.png
+.. sourcecode:: python
+  class HasImageFacet(HasRelationFacet):
+      __regid__ = 'hasimage-facet'
+      __select__ = HasRelationFacet.__select__ & implements('Book')
+      rtype = 'has_image'
+To use ``HasRelationFacet`` on a reverse relation add ``role = 'object'`` in
+it's definitions.
+.. _facet:
+.. _filters:
+.. _jquery: