changeset 5394 105011657405
parent 5393 875bdc0fe8ce
child 5395 e0ab7433e640
--- a/doc/book/en/development/devweb/js.rst	Fri Apr 23 17:07:55 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-*CubicWeb* uses quite a bit of javascript in its user interface and
-ships with jquery (1.3.x) and parts of the jquery UI library, plus a
-number of homegrown files and also other third party libraries.
-All javascript files are stored in cubicweb/web/data/. There are
-around thirty js files there. In a cube it goes to data/.
-Obviously one does not want javascript pieces to be loaded all at
-once, hence the framework provides a number of mechanisms and
-conventions to deal with javascript resources.
-It is good practice to name cube specific js files after the name of
-the cube, like this : 'cube.mycube.js', so as to avoid name clashes.
-XXX external_resources variable (which needs love)
-CubicWeb javascript API
-Javascript resources are typically loaded on demand, from views. The
-request object (available as self._cw from most application objects,
-for instance views and entities objects) has a few methods to do that:
-* `add_js(self, jsfiles, localfile=True)` which takes a sequence of
-  javascript files and writes proper entries into the HTML header
-  section. The localfile parameter allows to declare resources which
-  are not from web/data (for instance, residing on a content delivery
-  network).
-* `add_onload(self, jscode)` which adds one raw javascript code
-  snippet inline in the html headers. This is quite useful for setting
-  up early jQuery(document).ready(...) initialisations.
-CubicWeb javascript events
-* ``server-response``: this event is triggered on HTTP responses (both
-  standard and ajax). The two following extra parameters are passed
-  to callbacks :
-  - ``ajax``: a boolean that says if the reponse was issued by an
-    ajax request
-  - ``node``: the DOM node returned by the server in case of an
-    ajax request, otherwise the document itself for standard HTTP
-    requests.
-Important AJAX APIS
-* `asyncRemoteExec` and `remoteExec` are the base building blocks for
-  doing arbitrary async (resp. sync) communications with the server
-* `reloadComponent` is a convenience function to replace a DOM node
-  with server supplied content coming from a specific registry (this
-  is quite handy to refresh the content of some boxes for instances)
-* `jQuery.fn.loadxhtml` is an important extension to jQuery which
-  allows proper loading and in-place DOM update of xhtml views. It is
-  suitably augmented to trigger necessary events, and process CubicWeb
-  specific elements such as the facet system, fckeditor, etc.
-A simple example with asyncRemoteExec
-In the python side, we have to extend the BaseController class. The
-@jsonize decorator ensures that the `return value` of the method is
-encoded as JSON data. By construction, the JSonController inputs
-everything in JSON format.
-.. sourcecode: python
-    from cubicweb.web.views.basecontrollers import JSonController, jsonize
-    @monkeypatch(JSonController)
-    @jsonize
-    def js_say_hello(self, name):
-        return u'hello %s' % name
-In the javascript side, we do the asynchronous call. Notice how it
-creates a `deferred` object. Proper treatment of the return value or
-error handling has to be done through the addCallback and addErrback
-.. sourcecode: javascript
-    function asyncHello(name) {
-        var deferred = asyncRemoteExec('say_hello', name);
-        deferred.addCallback(function (response) {
-            alert(response);
-        });
-        deferred.addErrback(function (error) {
-            alert('something fishy happened');
-        });
-     }
-     function syncHello(name) {
-         alert( remoteExec('say_hello', name) );
-     }
-Anatomy of a reloadComponent call
-`reloadComponent` allows to dynamically replace some DOM node with new
-elements. It has the following signature:
-* `compid` (mandatory) is the name of the component to be reloaded
-* `rql` (optional) will be used to generate a result set given as
-  argument to the selected component
-* `registry` (optional) defaults to 'components' but can be any other
-  valid registry name
-* `nodeid` (optional) defaults to compid + 'Component' but can be any
-  explicitly specified DOM node id
-* `extraargs` (optional) should be a dictionary of values that will be
-  given to the cell_call method of the component
-A simple reloadComponent example
-The server side implementation of `reloadComponent` is the
-js_component method of the JSonController.
-The following function implements a two-steps method to delete a
-standard bookmark and refresh the UI, while keeping the UI responsive.
-.. sourcecode:: javascript
-    function removeBookmark(beid) {
-        d = asyncRemoteExec('delete_bookmark', beid);
-        d.addCallback(function(boxcontent) {
-	    reloadComponent('bookmarks_box', '', 'boxes', 'bookmarks_box');
-            document.location.hash = '#header';
-            updateMessage(_("bookmark has been removed"));
-         });
-    }
-`reloadComponent` is called with the id of the bookmark box as
-argument, no rql expression (because the bookmarks display is actually
-independant of any dataset context), a reference to the 'boxes'
-registry (which hosts all left, right and contextual boxes) and
-finally an explicit 'bookmarks_box' nodeid argument that stipulates
-the target DOM node.
-Anatomy of a loadxhtml call
-`jQuery.fn.loadxhtml` is an important extension to jQuery which allows
-proper loading and in-place DOM update of xhtml views. The existing
-`jQuery.load`_ function does not handle xhtml, hence the addition. The
-API of loadxhtml is roughly similar to that of `jQuery.load`_.
-.. _`jQuery.load`:
-* `url` (mandatory) should be a complete url (typically referencing
-  the JSonController, but this is not strictly mandatory)
-* `data` (optional) is a dictionary of values given to the
-  controller specified through an `url` argument; some keys may have a
-  special meaning depending on the choosen controller (such as `fname`
-  for the JSonController); the `callback` key, if present, must refer
-  to a function to be called at the end of loadxhtml (more on this
-  below)
-* `reqtype` (optional) specifies the request method to be used (get or
-  post); if the argument is 'post', then the post method is used,
-  otherwise the get method is used
-* `mode` (optional) is one of `replace` (the default) which means the
-  loaded node will replace the current node content, `swap` to replace
-  the current node with the loaded node, and `append` which will
-  append the loaded node to the current node content
-About the `callback` option:
-* it is called with two parameters: the current node, and a list
-  containing the loaded (and post-processed node)
-* whenever is returns another function, this function is called in
-  turn with the same parameters as above
-This mechanism allows callback chaining.
-A simple example with loadxhtml
-Here we are concerned with the retrieval of a specific view to be
-injected in the live DOM. The view will be of course selected
-server-side using an entity eid provided by the client side.
-.. sourcecode:: python
-    from cubicweb import typed_eid
-    from cubicweb.web.views.basecontrollers import JSonController, xhtmlize
-    @monkeypatch(JSonController)
-    @xhtmlize
-    def js_frob_status(self, eid, frobname):
-        entity = self._cw.entity_from_eid(typed_eid(eid))
-        return entity.view('frob', name=frobname)
-.. sourcecode:: javascript
-    function update_some_div(divid, eid, frobname) {
-        var params = {fname:'frob_status', eid: eid, frobname:frobname};
-        jQuery('#'+divid).loadxhtml(JSON_BASE_URL, params, 'post');
-     }
-In this example, the url argument is the base json url of a cube
-instance (it should contain something like
-`http://myinstance/json?`). The actual JSonController method name is
-encoded in the `params` dictionary using the `fname` key.
-A more real-life example from CubicWeb
-A frequent use case of Web 2 applications is the delayed (or
-on-demand) loading of pieces of the DOM. This is typically achieved
-using some preparation of the initial DOM nodes, jQuery event handling
-and proper use of loadxhtml.
-We present here a skeletal version of the mecanism used in CubicWeb
-and available in web/views/, in the `LazyViewMixin` class.
-.. sourcecode:: python
-    def lazyview(self, vid, rql=None):
-        """ a lazy version of wview """
-        w = self.w
-        self._cw.add_js('cubicweb.lazy.js')
-        urlparams = {'vid' : vid, 'fname' : 'view'}
-        if rql is not None:
-            urlparams['rql'] = rql
-        w(u'<div id="lazy-%s" cubicweb:loadurl="%s">' % (
-            vid, xml_escape(self._cw.build_url('json', **urlparams))))
-        w(u'</div>')
-        self._cw.add_onload(u"""
-            jQuery('#lazy-%(vid)s').bind('%(event)s', function() {
-                   load_now('#lazy-%(vid)s');});"""
-            % {'event': 'load_%s' % vid, 'vid': vid})
-This creates a `div` with a specific event associated to it.
-The full version deals with:
-* optional parameters such as an entity eid, an rset
-* the ability to further reload the fragment
-* the ability to display a spinning wheel while the fragment is still
-  not loaded
-* handling of browsers that do not support ajax (search engines,
-  text-based browsers such as lynx, etc.)
-The javascript side is quite simple, due to loadxhtml awesomeness.
-.. sourcecode:: javascript
-    function load_now(eltsel) {
-        var lazydiv = jQuery(eltsel);
-        lazydiv.loadxhtml(lazydiv.attr('cubicweb:loadurl'));
-    }
-This is all significantly different of the previous `simple example`
-(albeit this example actually comes from real-life code).
-Notice how the `cubicweb:loadurl` is used to convey the url
-information. The base of this url is similar to the global javascript
-JSON_BASE_URL. According to the pattern described earlier,
-the `fname` parameter refers to the standard `js_view` method of the
-JSonController. This method renders an arbitrary view provided a view
-id (or `vid`) is provided, and most likely an rql expression yielding
-a result set against which a proper view instance will be selected.
-The `cubicweb:loadurl` is one of the 29 attributes extensions to XHTML
-in a specific cubicweb namespace. It is a means to pass information
-without breaking HTML nor XHTML compliance and without resorting to
-ungodly hacks.
-Given all this, it is easy to add a small nevertheless useful feature
-to force the loading of a lazy view (for instance, a very
-computation-intensive web page could be scinded into one fast-loading
-part and a delayed part).
-On the server side, a simple call to a javascript function is
-.. sourcecode:: python
-    def forceview(self, vid):
-        """trigger an event that will force immediate loading of the view
-        on dom readyness
-        """
-        self._cw.add_onload("trigger_load('%s');" % vid)
-The browser-side definition follows.
-.. sourcecode:: javascript
-    function trigger_load(divid) {
-        jQuery('#lazy-' + divd).trigger('load_' + divid);
-    }
-XXX reloadComponent
-XXX userCallback / user_callback
-Javascript library: overview
-* jquery.* : jquery and jquery UI library
-* cubicweb.ajax.js : concentrates all ajax related facilities (it
-  extends jQuery with the loahxhtml function, provides a handfull of
-  high-level ajaxy operations like asyncRemoteExec, reloadComponent,
-  replacePageChunk, getDomFromResponse)
-* cubicweb.python.js : adds a number of practical extension to stdanrd
-  javascript objects (on Date, Array, String, some list and dictionary
-  operations), and a pythonesque way to build classes. Defines a
-  CubicWeb namespace.
-* cubicweb.htmlhelpers.js : a small bag of convenience functions used
-  in various other cubicweb javascript resources (baseuri, progress
-  cursor handling, popup login box, html2dom function, etc.)
-* cubicweb.widgets.js : provides a widget namespace and constructors
-  and helpers for various widgets (mainly facets and timeline)
-* cubicweb.edition.js : used by edition forms
-* cubicweb.preferences.js : used by the preference form
-* cubicweb.facets.js : used by the facets mechanism
-There is also javascript support for massmailing, gmap (google maps),
-fckcwconfig (fck editor), timeline, calendar, goa (CubicWeb over
-AppEngine), flot (charts drawing), tabs and bookmarks.