changeset 5394 105011657405
parent 5393 875bdc0fe8ce
child 5395 e0ab7433e640
--- a/doc/book/en/development/datamodel/definition.rst	Fri Apr 23 17:07:55 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Yams *schema*
-The **schema** is the core piece of a *CubicWeb* instance as it
-defines and handles the data model. It is based on entity types that
-are either already defined in `Yams`_ and the *CubicWeb* standard
-library; or more specific types defined in cubes. The schema for a
-cube is defined in a `schema` python module or package.
-.. _`Yams`:
-The core idea of the yams schema is not far from the classical
-`Entity-relationship`_ model. But while an E/R model (or `logical
-model`) traditionally has to be manually translated to a lower-level
-data description language (such as the SQL `create table`
-sublanguage), also often described as the `physical model`, no such
-step is required with |yams| and |cubicweb|.
-.. _`Entity-relationship`:
-This is because in addition to high-level, logical |yams| models, one
-uses the |rql| data manipulation language to query, insert, update and
-delete data. |rql| abstracts as much of the underlying SQL database as
-a |yams| schema abstracts from the physical layout. The vagaries of
-SQL are avoided.
-As a bonus point, such abstraction make it quite comfortable to build
-or use different backends to which |rql| queries apply.
-So, as in the E/R formalism, the building blocks are ``entities``
-(:ref:`EntityType`), ``relationships`` (:ref:`RelationType`,
-:ref:`RelationDefinition`) and ``attributes`` (handled like relation
-with |yams|).
-Let us detail a little the divergences between E/R and |yams|:
-* all relationship are binary which means that to represent a
-  non-binary relationship, one has to use an entity,
-* relationships do not support attributes (yet, see:
-, hence the need to reify it
-  as an entity if need arises,
-* all entities have an `eid` attribute (an integer) that is its
-  primary key (but it is possible to declare uniqueness on other
-  attributes)
-Also |yams| supports the notions of:
-* entity inheritance,
-* relation type: that is, relationships can be established over a set
-  of couple of entity types (henre the distinction made between
-  `RelationType` and `RelationDefinition` below)
-Finally |yams| has a few concepts of its own:
-* relationships being oriented and binary, we call the left hand
-  entity type the `subject` and the right hand entity type the
-  `object`
-.. note::
-   The |yams| schema is available at run time through the .schema
-   attribute of the `vregistry`.  It's an instance of
-   :class:`cubicweb.schema.Schema`, which extends
-   :class:`yams.schema.Schema`.
-.. _EntityType:
-Entity type
-An entity type is an instance of :class:`yams.schema.EntitySchema`. Each entity type has
-a set of attributes and relations, and some permissions which define who can add, read,
-update or delete entities of this type.
-The following built-in types are available: ``String``, ``Int``,
-``Float``, ``Decimal``, ``Boolean``, ``Date``, ``Datetime``, ``Time``,
-``Interval``, ``Byte`` and ``Password``. They can only be used as
-attributes of an other entity type.
-You can find more base entity types in
-.. XXX yams inheritance
-.. _RelationType:
-Relation type
-A relation type is an instance of
-:class:`yams.schema.RelationSchema`. A relation type is simply a
-semantic definition of a kind of relationship that may occur in an
-It may be referenced by zero, one or more relation definitions.
-It is important to choose a good name, at least to avoid conflicts
-with some semantically different relation defined in other cubes
-(since there's only a shared name space for these names).
-A relation type holds the following properties (which are hence shared
-between all relation definitions of that type):
-* `inlined`: boolean handling the physical optimization for archiving
-  the relation in the subject entity table, instead of creating a specific
-  table for the relation. This applies to relations where cardinality
-  of subject->relation->object is 0..1 (`?`) or 1..1 (`1`) for *all* its relation
-  definitions.
-* `symmetric`: boolean indicating that the relation is symmetrical, which
-  means that `X relation Y` implies `Y relation X`.
-.. _RelationDefinition:
-Relation definition
-A relation definition is an instance of
-:class:`yams.schema.RelationDefinition`. It is a complete triplet
-"<subject entity type> <relation type> <object entity type>".
-When creating a new instance of that class, the corresponding
-:class:`RelationType` instance is created on the fly if necessary.
-The available properties for relation definitions are enumerated
-here. There are several kind of properties, as some relation
-definitions are actually attribute definitions, and other are not.
-Some properties may be completely optional, other may have a default
-Common properties for attributes and relations:
-* `description`: an unicode string describing an attribute or a
-  relation. By default this string will be used in the editing form of
-  the entity, which means that it is supposed to help the end-user and
-  should be flagged by the function `_` to be properly
-  internationalized.
-* `constraints`: a list of conditions/constraints that the relation has to
-  satisfy (c.f. `Constraints`_)
-* `cardinality`: a two character string specifying the cardinality of
-  the relation. The first character defines the cardinality of the
-  relation on the subject, and the second on the object. When a
-  relation can have multiple subjects or objects, the cardinality
-  applies to all, not on a one-to-one basis (so it must be
-  consistent...). Default value is '**'. The possible values are
-  inspired from regular expression syntax:
-    * `1`: 1..1
-    * `?`: 0..1
-    * `+`: 1..n
-    * `*`: 0..n
-Attributes properties:
-* `unique`: boolean indicating if the value of the attribute has to be
-  unique or not within all entities of the same type (false by
-  default)
-* `indexed`: boolean indicating if an index needs to be created for
-  this attribute in the database (false by default). This is useful
-  only if you know that you will have to run numerous searches on the
-  value of this attribute.
-* `default`: default value of the attribute. In case of date types, the values
-  which could be used correspond to the RQL keywords `TODAY` and `NOW`.
-Properties for `String` attributes:
-* `fulltextindexed`: boolean indicating if the attribute is part of
-  the full text index (false by default) (*applicable on the type
-  `Byte` as well*)
-* `internationalizable`: boolean indicating if the value of the
-  attribute is internationalizable (false by default)
-Relation properties:
-* `composite`: string indicating that the subject (composite ==
-  'subject') is composed of the objects of the relations. For the
-  opposite case (when the object is composed of the subjects of the
-  relation), we just set 'object' as value. The composition implies
-  that when the relation is deleted (so when the composite is deleted,
-  at least), the composed are also deleted.
-* `fulltext_container`: string indicating if the value if the full
-  text indexation of the entity on one end of the relation should be
-  used to find the entity on the other end. The possible values are
-  'subject' or 'object'. For instance the use_email relation has that
-  property set to 'subject', since when performing a full text search
-  people want to find the entity using an email address, and not the
-  entity representing the email address.
-By default, the available constraint types are:
-General Constraints
-* `SizeConstraint`: allows to specify a minimum and/or maximum size on
-  string (generic case of `maxsize`)
-* `BoundConstraint`: allows to specify a minimum and/or maximum value
-  on numeric types and date
-.. sourcecode:: python
-   from yams.constraints import BoundConstraint, TODAY
-   BoundConstraint('<=', TODAY())
-* `IntervalBoundConstraint`: allows to specify an interval with
-  included values
-.. sourcecode:: python
-     class Node(EntityType):
-         latitude = Float(constraints=[IntervalBoundConstraint(-90, +90)])
-* `UniqueConstraint`: identical to "unique=True"
-* `StaticVocabularyConstraint`: identical to "vocabulary=(...)"
-.. XXX Attribute, NOW
-RQL Based Constraints
-RQL based constraints may take three arguments. The first one is the ``WHERE``
-clause of a RQL query used by the constraint. The second argument ``mainvars``
-is the ``Any`` clause of the query. By default this include `S` reserved for the
-subject of the relation and `O` for the object. Additional variables could be
-specified using ``mainvars``. The argument expects a single string with all
-variable's name separated by spaces. The last one, ``msg``, is the error message
-displayed when the constraint fails. As RQLVocabularyConstraint never fails the
-third argument is not available.
-* `RQLConstraint`: allows to specify a RQL query that has to be satisfied
-  by the subject and/or the object of relation. In this query the variables
-  `S` and `O` are reserved for the relation subject and object entities.
-* `RQLVocabularyConstraint`: similar to the previous type of constraint except
-  that it does not express a "strong" constraint, which means it is only used to
-  restrict the values listed in the drop-down menu of editing form, but it does
-  not prevent another entity to be selected.
-* `RQLUniqueConstraint`: allows to the specify a RQL query that ensure that an
-  attribute is unique in a specific context. The Query must **never** return more
-  than a single result to be satisfied. In this query the variables `S` is
-  reserved for the relation subject entity. The other variables should be
-  specified with the second constructor argument (mainvars). This constraints
-  should be used when UniqueConstraint doesn't fit. Here is a simple example.
-.. sourcecode:: python
-    # Check that in the same Workflow each state's name is unique.  Using
-    # UniqueConstraint (or unique=True) here would prevent states in different
-    # workflows to have the same name.
-    # With: State S, Workflow W, String N ; S state_of W, S name N
-    RQLUniqueConstraint('S name N, S state_of WF, Y state_of WF, Y name N',
-                        mainvars='Y',
-                        msg=_('workflow already has a state of that name'))
-.. XXX note about how to add new constraint
-.. _securitymodel:
-The security model
-The security model of `CubicWeb` is based on `Access Control List`.
-The main principles are:
-* users and groups of users
-* a user belongs to at least one group of user
-* permissions (read, update, create, delete)
-* permissions are assigned to groups (and not to users)
-For *CubicWeb* in particular:
-* we associate rights at the entities/relations schema level
-* for each entity, we distinguish four kinds of permissions: `read`,
-  `add`, `update` and `delete`
-* for each relation, we distinguish three kinds of permissions: `read`,
-  `add` and `delete` (it is not possible to `modify` a relation)
-* the default groups are: `administrators`, `users` and `guests`
-* by default, users belong to the `users` group
-* there is a virtual group called `owners` to which we
-  can associate only `delete` and `update` permissions
-  * we can not add users to the `Owners` group, they are
-    implicitly added to it according to the context of the objects
-    they own
-  * the permissions of this group are only checked on `update`/`delete`
-    actions if all the other groups the user belongs to do not provide
-    those permissions
-Setting permissions is done with the attribute `__permissions__` of entities and
-relation types. The value of this attribute is a dictionary where the keys are the access types
-(action), and the values are the authorized groups or expressions.
-For an entity type, the possible actions are `read`, `add`, `update` and
-For a relation type, the possible actions are `read`, `add`, and `delete`.
-For each access type, a tuple indicates the name of the authorized groups and/or
-one or multiple RQL expressions to satisfy to grant access. The access is
-provided if the user is in one of the listed groups or if one of the RQL condition
-is satisfied.
-The standard user groups
-* `guests`
-* `users`
-* `managers`
-* `owners`: virtual group corresponding to the entity's owner.
-  This can only be used for the actions `update` and `delete` of an entity
-  type.
-It is also possible to use specific groups if they are defined in the
-precreate script of the cube (``migration/``). Defining groups in
-postcreate script or later makes them unavailable for security
-purposes (in this case, an `sync_schema_props_perms` command has to
-be issued in a CubicWeb shell).
-Use of RQL expression for write permissions
-It is possible to define RQL expression to provide update permission
-(`add`, `delete` and `update`) on relation and entity types.
-RQL expression for entity type permission:
-* you have to use the class `ERQLExpression`
-* the used expression corresponds to the WHERE statement of an RQL query
-* in this expression, the variables `X` and `U` are pre-defined references
-  respectively on the current entity (on which the action is verified) and
-  on the user who send the request
-* it is possible to use, in this expression, a special relation
-  "has_<ACTION>_permission" where the subject is the user and the
-  object is any variable, meaning that the user needs to have
-  permission to execute the action <ACTION> on the entities related
-  to this variable
-For RQL expressions on a relation type, the principles are the same except
-for the following:
-* you have to use the class `RRQLExpression` in the case of a non-final relation
-* in the expression, the variables `S`, `O` and `U` are pre-defined references
-  to respectively the subject and the object of the current relation (on
-  which the action is being verified) and the user who executed the query
-* we can also define rights over attributes of an entity (non-final relation),
-  knowing that:
-  - to define RQL expression, we have to use the class `ERQLExpression`
-    in which `X` represents the entity the attribute belongs to
-  - the permissions `add` and `delete` are equivalent. Only `add`/`read`
-    are actually taken in consideration.
-.. note::
-  Potentially, the `use of an RQL expression to add an entity or a
-  relation` can cause problems for the user interface, because if the
-  expression uses the entity or the relation to create, then we are
-  not able to verify the permissions before we actually add the entity
-  (please note that this is not a problem for the RQL server at all,
-  because the permissions checks are done after the creation). In such
-  case, the permission check methods (CubicWebEntitySchema.check_perm
-  and has_perm) can indicate that the user is not allowed to create
-  this entity but can obtain the permission.  To compensate this
-  problem, it is usually necessary, for such case, to use an action
-  that reflects the schema permissions but which enables to check
-  properly the permissions so that it would show up if necessary.
-Use of RQL expression for reading rights
-The principles are the same but with the following restrictions:
-* we can not use `RRQLExpression` on relation types for reading
-* special relations "has_<ACTION>_permission" can not be used
-Defining your schema using yams
-Entity type definition
-An entity type is defined by a Python class which inherits from
-:class:`yams.buildobjs.EntityType`.  The class definition contains the
-description of attributes and relations for the defined entity type.
-The class name corresponds to the entity type name. It is expected to
-be defined in the module ``mycube.schema``.
-:Note on schema definition:
- The code in ``mycube.schema`` is not meant to be executed. The class
- EntityType mentioned above is different from the EntitySchema class
- described in the previous chapter. EntityType is a helper class to
- make Entity definition easier. Yams will process EntityType classes
- and create EntitySchema instances from these class definitions. Similar
- manipulation happen for relations.
-When defining a schema using python files, you may use the following shortcuts:
-- `required`: boolean indicating if the attribute is required, ed subject cardinality is '1'
-- `vocabulary`: specify static possible values of an attribute
-- `maxsize`: integer providing the maximum size of a string (no limit by default)
-For example:
-.. sourcecode:: python
-  class Person(EntityType):
-    """A person with the properties and the relations necessary for my
-    application"""
-    last_name = String(required=True, fulltextindexed=True)
-    first_name = String(required=True, fulltextindexed=True)
-    title = String(vocabulary=('Mr', 'Mrs', 'Miss'))
-    date_of_birth = Date()
-    works_for = SubjectRelation('Company', cardinality='?*')
-The entity described above defines three attributes of type String,
-last_name, first_name and title, an attribute of type Date for the date of
-birth and a relation that connects a `Person` to another entity of type
-`Company` through the semantic `works_for`.
-:Naming convention:
- Entity class names must start with an uppercase letter. The common
- usage is to use ``CamelCase`` names.
- Attribute and relation names must start with a lowercase letter. The
- common usage is to use ``underscore_separated_words``. Attribute and
- relation names starting with a single underscore are permitted, to
- denote a somewhat "protected" or "private" attribute.
- In any case, identifiers starting with "CW" or "cw" are reserved for
- internal use by the framework.
-The name of the Python attribute corresponds to the name of the attribute
-or the relation in *CubicWeb* application.
-An attribute is defined in the schema as follows::
-    attr_name = attr_type(properties)
-where `attr_type` is one of the type listed above and `properties` is
-a list of the attribute needs to satisfy (see `Properties`_
-for more details).
-* it is possible to use the attribute `meta` to flag an entity type as a `meta`
-  (e.g. used to describe/categorize other entities)
-.. XXX the paragraph below needs clarification and / or moving out in
-.. another place
-*Note*: if you end up with an `if` in the definition of your entity, this probably
-means that you need two separate entities that implement the `ITree` interface and
-get the result from `.children()` which ever entity is concerned.
-XXX feed me
-Definition of relations
-XXX add note about defining relation type / definition
-A relation is defined by a Python class heriting `RelationType`. The name
-of the class corresponds to the name of the type. The class then contains
-a description of the properties of this type of relation, and could as well
-contain a string for the subject and a string for the object. This allows to create
-new definition of associated relations, (so that the class can have the
-definition properties from the relation) for example ::
-  class locked_by(RelationType):
-    """relation on all entities indicating that they are locked"""
-    inlined = True
-    cardinality = '?*'
-    subject = '*'
-    object = 'CWUser'
-If provided, the `subject` and `object` attributes denote the subject
-and object of the various relation definitions related to the relation
-type. Allowed values for these attributes are:
-* a string corresponding to an entity type
-* a tuple of string corresponding to multiple entity types
-* special string such as follows:
-  - "**": all types of entities
-  - "*": all types of non-meta entities
-  - "@": all types of meta entities but not system entities (e.g. used for
-    the basic schema description)
-When a relation is not inlined and not symmetrical, and it does not require
-specific permissions, it can be defined using a `SubjectRelation`
-attribute in the EntityType class. The first argument of `SubjectRelation` gives
-the entity type for the object of the relation.
-:Naming convention:
- Although this way of defining relations uses a Python class, the
- naming convention defined earlier prevails over the PEP8 conventions
- used in the framework: relation type class names use
- ``underscore_separated_words``.
-:Historical note:
-   It has been historically possible to use `ObjectRelation` which
-   defines a relation in the opposite direction. This feature is soon to be
-   deprecated and therefore should not be used in newly written code.
-:Future deprecation note:
-  In an even more remote future, it is quite possible that the
-  SubjectRelation shortcut will become deprecated, in favor of the
-  RelationType declaration which offers some advantages in the context
-  of reusable cubes.
-Definition of permissions
-The entity type `CWPermission` from the standard library
-allows to build very complex and dynamic security architectures. The schema of
-this entity type is as follow:
-.. sourcecode:: python
-    class CWPermission(EntityType):
-        """entity type that may be used to construct some advanced security configuration
-        """
-        name = String(required=True, indexed=True, internationalizable=True, maxsize=100)
-        require_group = SubjectRelation('CWGroup', cardinality='+*',
-                                        description=_('groups to which the permission is granted'))
-        require_state = SubjectRelation('State',
-                                        description=_("entity's state in which the permission is applicable"))
-        # can be used on any entity
-        require_permission = ObjectRelation('**', cardinality='*1', composite='subject',
-                                            description=_("link a permission to the entity. This "
-                                                          "permission should be used in the security "
-                                                          "definition of the entity's type to be useful."))
-Example of configuration:
-.. sourcecode:: python
-    class Version(EntityType):
-        """a version is defining the content of a particular project's release"""
-        __permissions__ = {'read':   ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
-                           'update': ('managers', 'logilab', 'owners',),
-                           'delete': ('managers', ),
-                           'add':    ('managers', 'logilab',
-                                       ERQLExpression('X version_of PROJ, U in_group G,'
-                                                 'PROJ require_permission P, P name "add_version",'
-                                                 'P require_group G'),)}
-    class version_of(RelationType):
-        """link a version to its project. A version is necessarily linked to one and only one project.
-        """
-        __permissions__ = {'read':   ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
-                           'delete': ('managers', ),
-                           'add':    ('managers', 'logilab',
-                                  RRQLExpression('O require_permission P, P name "add_version",'
-                                                 'U in_group G, P require_group G'),)
-                       }
-        inlined = True
-This configuration indicates that an entity `CWPermission` named
-"add_version" can be associated to a project and provides rights to create
-new versions on this project to specific groups. It is important to notice that:
-* in such case, we have to protect both the entity type "Version" and the relation
-  associating a version to a project ("version_of")
-* because of the genericity of the entity type `CWPermission`, we have to execute
-  a unification with the groups and/or the states if necessary in the expression
-  ("U in_group G, P require_group G" in the above example)
-Handling schema changes
-Also, it should be clear that to properly handle data migration, an
-instance's schema is stored in the database, so the python schema file
-used to defined it is only read when the instance is created or
-.. XXX complete me