changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11052 058bb3dc685f
child 11058 23eb30449fe5
--- a/web/request.py	Mon Jan 04 18:40:30 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1138 +0,0 @@
-# copyright 2003-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
-# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
-# This file is part of CubicWeb.
-# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
-# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
-# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-"""abstract class for http request"""
-__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
-import time
-import random
-import base64
-from hashlib import sha1 # pylint: disable=E0611
-from calendar import timegm
-from datetime import date, datetime
-from warnings import warn
-from io import BytesIO
-from six import PY2, binary_type, text_type, string_types
-from six.moves import http_client
-from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit, quote as urlquote
-from six.moves.http_cookies import SimpleCookie
-from rql.utils import rqlvar_maker
-from logilab.common.decorators import cached
-from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
-from logilab.mtconverter import xml_escape
-from cubicweb import AuthenticationError
-from cubicweb.req import RequestSessionBase
-from cubicweb.uilib import remove_html_tags, js
-from cubicweb.utils import HTMLHead, make_uid
-from cubicweb.view import TRANSITIONAL_DOCTYPE_NOEXT
-from cubicweb.web import (INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE, LOGGER, NothingToEdit,
-                          RequestError, StatusResponse)
-from cubicweb.web.httpcache import get_validators
-from cubicweb.web.http_headers import Headers, Cookie, parseDateTime
-_MARKER = object()
-def build_cb_uid(seed):
-    sha = sha1(('%s%s%s' % (time.time(), seed, random.random())).encode('ascii'))
-    return 'cb_%s' % (sha.hexdigest())
-def list_form_param(form, param, pop=False):
-    """get param from form parameters and return its value as a list,
-    skipping internal markers if any
-    * if the parameter isn't defined, return an empty list
-    * if the parameter is a single (unicode) value, return a list
-      containing that value
-    * if the parameter is already a list or tuple, just skip internal
-      markers
-    if pop is True, the parameter is removed from the form dictionary
-    """
-    if pop:
-        try:
-            value = form.pop(param)
-        except KeyError:
-            return []
-    else:
-        value = form.get(param, ())
-    if value is None:
-        value = ()
-    elif not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
-        value = [value]
-    return [v for v in value if v != INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE]
-class Counter(object):
-    """A picklable counter object, usable for e.g. page tab index count"""
-    __slots__ = ('value',)
-    def __init__(self, initialvalue=0):
-        self.value = initialvalue
-    def __call__(self):
-        value = self.value
-        self.value += 1
-        return value
-    def __getstate__(self):
-        return {'value': self.value}
-    def __setstate__(self, state):
-        self.value = state['value']
-class _CubicWebRequestBase(RequestSessionBase):
-    """abstract HTTP request, should be extended according to the HTTP backend
-    Immutable attributes that describe the received query and generic configuration
-    """
-    ajax_request = False # to be set to True by ajax controllers
-    def __init__(self, vreg, https=False, form=None, headers=None):
-        """
-        :vreg: Vregistry,
-        :https: boolean, s this a https request
-        :form: Forms value
-        :headers: dict, request header
-        """
-        super(_CubicWebRequestBase, self).__init__(vreg)
-        #: (Boolean) Is this an https request.
-        self.https = https
-        #: User interface property (vary with https) (see :ref:`uiprops`)
-        self.uiprops = None
-        #: url for serving datadir (vary with https) (see :ref:`resources`)
-        self.datadir_url = None
-        if https and vreg.config.https_uiprops is not None:
-            self.uiprops = vreg.config.https_uiprops
-        else:
-            self.uiprops = vreg.config.uiprops
-        if https and vreg.config.https_datadir_url is not None:
-            self.datadir_url = vreg.config.https_datadir_url
-        else:
-            self.datadir_url = vreg.config.datadir_url
-        #: enable UStringIO's write tracing
-        self.tracehtml = False
-        if vreg.config.debugmode:
-            self.tracehtml = bool(form.pop('_cwtracehtml', False))
-        #: raw html headers that can be added from any view
-        self.html_headers = HTMLHead(self, tracewrites=self.tracehtml)
-        #: received headers
-        self._headers_in = Headers()
-        if headers is not None:
-            for k, v in headers.items():
-                self._headers_in.addRawHeader(k, v)
-        #: form parameters
-        self.setup_params(form)
-        #: received body
-        self.content = BytesIO()
-        # prepare output header
-        #: Header used for the final response
-        self.headers_out = Headers()
-        #: HTTP status use by the final response
-        self.status_out  = 200
-        # set up language based on request headers or site default (we don't
-        # have a user yet, and might not get one)
-        self.set_user_language(None)
-        #: dictionary that may be used to store request data that has to be
-        #: shared among various components used to publish the request (views,
-        #: controller, application...)
-        self.data = {}
-        self._search_state = None
-        #: page id, set by htmlheader template
-        self.pageid = None
-        self._set_pageid()
-    def _set_pageid(self):
-        """initialize self.pageid
-        if req.form provides a specific pageid, use it, otherwise build a
-        new one.
-        """
-        pid = self.form.get('pageid')
-        if pid is None:
-            pid = make_uid(id(self))
-            self.html_headers.define_var('pageid', pid, override=False)
-        self.pageid = pid
-    def _get_json_request(self):
-        warn('[3.15] self._cw.json_request is deprecated, use self._cw.ajax_request instead',
-             DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        return self.ajax_request
-    def _set_json_request(self, value):
-        warn('[3.15] self._cw.json_request is deprecated, use self._cw.ajax_request instead',
-             DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        self.ajax_request = value
-    json_request = property(_get_json_request, _set_json_request)
-    def _base_url(self, secure=None):
-        """return the root url of the instance
-        secure = False -> base-url
-        secure = None  -> https-url if req.https
-        secure = True  -> https if it exist
-        """
-        if secure is None:
-            secure = self.https
-        base_url = None
-        if secure:
-            base_url = self.vreg.config.get('https-url')
-        if base_url is None:
-            base_url = super(_CubicWebRequestBase, self)._base_url()
-        return base_url
-    @property
-    def authmode(self):
-        """Authentification mode of the instance
-        (see :ref:`WebServerConfig`)"""
-        return self.vreg.config['auth-mode']
-    # Various variable generator.
-    @property
-    def varmaker(self):
-        """the rql varmaker is exposed both as a property and as the
-        set_varmaker function since we've two use cases:
-        * accessing the req.varmaker property to get a new variable name
-        * calling req.set_varmaker() to ensure a varmaker is set for later ajax
-          calls sharing our .pageid
-        """
-        return self.set_varmaker()
-    def next_tabindex(self):
-        nextfunc = self.get_page_data('nexttabfunc')
-        if nextfunc is None:
-            nextfunc = Counter(1)
-            self.set_page_data('nexttabfunc', nextfunc)
-        return nextfunc()
-    def set_varmaker(self):
-        varmaker = self.get_page_data('rql_varmaker')
-        if varmaker is None:
-            varmaker = rqlvar_maker()
-            self.set_page_data('rql_varmaker', varmaker)
-        return varmaker
-    # input form parameters management ########################################
-    # common form parameters which should be protected against html values
-    # XXX can't add 'eid' for instance since it may be multivalued
-    # dont put rql as well, if query contains < and > it will be corrupted!
-    no_script_form_params = set(('vid',
-                                 'etype',
-                                 'vtitle', 'title',
-                                 '__redirectvid', '__redirectrql'))
-    def setup_params(self, params):
-        """WARNING: we're intentionally leaving INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE here
-        subclasses should overrides to
-        """
-        self.form = {}
-        if params is None:
-            return
-        encoding = self.encoding
-        for param, val in params.items():
-            if isinstance(val, (tuple, list)):
-                if PY2:
-                    val = [unicode(x, encoding) for x in val]
-                if len(val) == 1:
-                    val = val[0]
-            elif PY2 and isinstance(val, str):
-                val = unicode(val, encoding)
-            if param in self.no_script_form_params and val:
-                val = self.no_script_form_param(param, val)
-            if param == '_cwmsgid':
-                self.set_message_id(val)
-            else:
-                self.form[param] = val
-    def no_script_form_param(self, param, value):
-        """ensure there is no script in a user form param
-        by default return a cleaned string instead of raising a security
-        exception
-        this method should be called on every user input (form at least) fields
-        that are at some point inserted in a generated html page to protect
-        against script kiddies
-        """
-        # safety belt for strange urls like http://...?vtitle=yo&vtitle=yo
-        if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
-            self.error('no_script_form_param got a list (%s). Who generated the URL ?',
-                       repr(value))
-            value = value[0]
-        return remove_html_tags(value)
-    def list_form_param(self, param, form=None, pop=False):
-        """get param from form parameters and return its value as a list,
-        skipping internal markers if any
-        * if the parameter isn't defined, return an empty list
-        * if the parameter is a single (unicode) value, return a list
-          containing that value
-        * if the parameter is already a list or tuple, just skip internal
-          markers
-        if pop is True, the parameter is removed from the form dictionary
-        """
-        if form is None:
-            form = self.form
-        return list_form_param(form, param, pop)
-    def reset_headers(self):
-        """used by AutomaticWebTest to clear html headers between tests on
-        the same resultset
-        """
-        self.html_headers = HTMLHead(self)
-        return self
-    # web state helpers #######################################################
-    @property
-    def message(self):
-        try:
-            return self.session.data.pop(self._msgid, u'')
-        except AttributeError:
-            try:
-                return self._msg
-            except AttributeError:
-                return None
-    def set_message(self, msg):
-        assert isinstance(msg, text_type)
-        self.reset_message()
-        self._msg = msg
-    def set_message_id(self, msgid):
-        self._msgid = msgid
-    @cached
-    def redirect_message_id(self):
-        return make_uid()
-    def set_redirect_message(self, msg):
-        # TODO - this should probably be merged with append_to_redirect_message
-        assert isinstance(msg, text_type)
-        msgid = self.redirect_message_id()
-        self.session.data[msgid] = msg
-        return msgid
-    def append_to_redirect_message(self, msg):
-        msgid = self.redirect_message_id()
-        currentmsg = self.session.data.get(msgid)
-        if currentmsg is not None:
-            currentmsg = u'%s %s' % (currentmsg, msg)
-        else:
-            currentmsg = msg
-        self.session.data[msgid] = currentmsg
-        return msgid
-    def reset_message(self):
-        if hasattr(self, '_msg'):
-            del self._msg
-        if hasattr(self, '_msgid'):
-            self.session.data.pop(self._msgid, u'')
-            del self._msgid
-    def _load_search_state(self, searchstate):
-        if searchstate is None or searchstate == 'normal':
-            self._search_state = ('normal',)
-        else:
-            self._search_state = ('linksearch', searchstate.split(':'))
-            assert len(self._search_state[-1]) == 4, 'invalid searchstate'
-    @property
-    def search_state(self):
-        """search state: 'normal' or 'linksearch' (i.e. searching for an object
-        to create a relation with another)"""
-        if self._search_state is None:
-            searchstate = self.session.data.get('search_state', 'normal')
-            self._load_search_state(searchstate)
-        return self._search_state
-    @search_state.setter
-    def search_state(self, searchstate):
-        self._search_state = searchstate
-    def update_search_state(self):
-        """update the current search state if needed"""
-        searchstate = self.form.get('__mode')
-        if searchstate:
-            self.set_search_state(searchstate)
-    def set_search_state(self, searchstate):
-        """set a new search state"""
-        self.session.data['search_state'] = searchstate
-        self._load_search_state(searchstate)
-    def match_search_state(self, rset):
-        """when searching an entity to create a relation, return True if entities in
-        the given rset may be used as relation end
-        """
-        try:
-            searchedtype = self.search_state[1][-1]
-        except IndexError:
-            return False # no searching for association
-        for etype in rset.column_types(0):
-            if etype != searchedtype:
-                return False
-        return True
-    # web edition helpers #####################################################
-    @cached # so it's writed only once
-    def fckeditor_config(self):
-        fckeditor_url = self.build_url('fckeditor/fckeditor.js')
-        self.add_js(fckeditor_url, localfile=False)
-        self.html_headers.define_var('fcklang', self.lang)
-        self.html_headers.define_var('fckconfigpath',
-                                     self.data_url('cubicweb.fckcwconfig.js'))
-    def use_fckeditor(self):
-        return self.vreg.config.fckeditor_installed() and self.property_value('ui.fckeditor')
-    def edited_eids(self, withtype=False):
-        """return a list of edited eids"""
-        yielded = False
-        # warning: use .keys since the caller may change `form`
-        form = self.form
-        try:
-            eids = form['eid']
-        except KeyError:
-            raise NothingToEdit(self._('no selected entities'))
-        if isinstance(eids, string_types):
-            eids = (eids,)
-        for peid in eids:
-            if withtype:
-                typekey = '__type:%s' % peid
-                assert typekey in form, 'no entity type specified'
-                yield peid, form[typekey]
-            else:
-                yield peid
-            yielded = True
-        if not yielded:
-            raise NothingToEdit(self._('no selected entities'))
-    # minparams=3 by default: at least eid, __type, and some params to change
-    def extract_entity_params(self, eid, minparams=3):
-        """extract form parameters relative to the given eid"""
-        params = {}
-        eid = str(eid)
-        form = self.form
-        for param in form:
-            try:
-                name, peid = param.split(':', 1)
-            except ValueError:
-                if not param.startswith('__') and param not in ('eid', '_cw_fields'):
-                    self.warning('param %s mis-formatted', param)
-                continue
-            if peid == eid:
-                value = form[param]
-                if value == INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE:
-                    value = None
-                params[name] = value
-        params['eid'] = eid
-        if len(params) < minparams:
-            raise RequestError(self._('missing parameters for entity %s') % eid)
-        return params
-    # XXX this should go to the GenericRelationsField. missing edition cancel protocol.
-    def remove_pending_operations(self):
-        """shortcut to clear req's pending_{delete,insert} entries
-        This is needed when the edition is completed (whether it's validated
-        or cancelled)
-        """
-        self.session.data.pop('pending_insert', None)
-        self.session.data.pop('pending_delete', None)
-    def cancel_edition(self, errorurl):
-        """remove pending operations and `errorurl`'s specific stored data
-        """
-        self.session.data.pop(errorurl, None)
-        self.remove_pending_operations()
-    # high level methods for HTTP headers management ##########################
-    # must be cached since login/password are popped from the form dictionary
-    # and this method may be called multiple times during authentication
-    @cached
-    def get_authorization(self):
-        """Parse and return the Authorization header"""
-        if self.authmode == "cookie":
-            try:
-                user = self.form.pop("__login")
-                passwd = self.form.pop("__password", '')
-                return user, passwd.encode('UTF8')
-            except KeyError:
-                self.debug('no login/password in form params')
-                return None, None
-        else:
-            return self.header_authorization()
-    def get_cookie(self):
-        """retrieve request cookies, returns an empty cookie if not found"""
-        # XXX use http_headers implementation
-        try:
-            return SimpleCookie(self.get_header('Cookie'))
-        except KeyError:
-            return SimpleCookie()
-    def set_cookie(self, name, value, maxage=300, expires=None, secure=False, httponly=False):
-        """set / update a cookie
-        by default, cookie will be available for the next 5 minutes.
-        Give maxage = None to have a "session" cookie expiring when the
-        client close its browser
-        """
-        if isinstance(name, SimpleCookie):
-            warn('[3.13] set_cookie now takes name and value as two first '
-                 'argument, not anymore cookie object and name',
-                 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
-            secure = name[value]['secure']
-            name, value = value, name[value].value
-        if maxage: # don't check is None, 0 may be specified
-            assert expires is None, 'both max age and expires cant be specified'
-            expires = maxage + time.time()
-        elif expires:
-            # we don't want to handle times before the EPOCH (cause bug on
-            # windows). Also use > and not >= else expires == 0 and Cookie think
-            # that means no expire...
-            assert expires > date(1970, 1, 1)
-            expires = timegm(expires.timetuple())
-        else:
-            expires = None
-        # make sure cookie is set on the correct path
-        cookie = Cookie(str(name), str(value), self.base_url_path(),
-                        expires=expires, secure=secure, httponly=httponly)
-        self.headers_out.addHeader('Set-cookie', cookie)
-    def remove_cookie(self, name, bwcompat=None):
-        """remove a cookie by expiring it"""
-        if bwcompat is not None:
-            warn('[3.13] remove_cookie now take only a name as argument',
-                 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
-            name = bwcompat
-        self.set_cookie(name, '', maxage=0, expires=date(2000, 1, 1))
-    def set_content_type(self, content_type, filename=None, encoding=None,
-                         disposition='inline'):
-        """set output content type for this request. An optional filename
-        may be given.
-        The disposition argument may be `attachement` or `inline` as specified
-        for the Content-disposition HTTP header. The disposition parameter have
-        no effect if no filename are specified.
-        """
-        if content_type.startswith('text/') and ';charset=' not in content_type:
-            content_type += ';charset=' + (encoding or self.encoding)
-        self.set_header('content-type', content_type)
-        if filename:
-            header = [disposition]
-            unicode_filename = None
-            try:
-                ascii_filename = filename.encode('ascii').decode('ascii')
-            except UnicodeEncodeError:
-                # fallback filename for very old browser
-                unicode_filename = filename
-                ascii_filename = filename.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
-            # escape " and \
-            # see http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/#attwithfilenameandextparamescaped
-            ascii_filename = ascii_filename.replace('\x5c', r'\\').replace('"', r'\"')
-            header.append('filename="%s"' % ascii_filename)
-            if unicode_filename is not None:
-                # encoded filename according RFC5987
-                urlquoted_filename = urlquote(unicode_filename.encode('utf-8'), '')
-                header.append("filename*=utf-8''" + urlquoted_filename)
-            self.set_header('content-disposition', ';'.join(header))
-    # high level methods for HTML headers management ##########################
-    def add_onload(self, jscode):
-        self.html_headers.add_onload(jscode)
-    def add_js(self, jsfiles, localfile=True):
-        """specify a list of JS files to include in the HTML headers.
-        :param jsfiles: a JS filename or a list of JS filenames
-        :param localfile: if True, the default data dir prefix is added to the
-                          JS filename
-        """
-        if isinstance(jsfiles, string_types):
-            jsfiles = (jsfiles,)
-        for jsfile in jsfiles:
-            if localfile:
-                jsfile = self.data_url(jsfile)
-            self.html_headers.add_js(jsfile)
-    def add_css(self, cssfiles, media=u'all', localfile=True, ieonly=False,
-                iespec=u'[if lt IE 8]'):
-        """specify a CSS file to include in the HTML headers
-        :param cssfiles: a CSS filename or a list of CSS filenames.
-        :param media: the CSS's media if necessary
-        :param localfile: if True, the default data dir prefix is added to the
-                          CSS filename
-        :param ieonly: True if this css is specific to IE
-        :param iespec: conditional expression that will be used around
-                       the css inclusion. cf:
-                       http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537512(VS.85).aspx
-        """
-        if isinstance(cssfiles, string_types):
-            cssfiles = (cssfiles,)
-        if ieonly:
-            if self.ie_browser():
-                extraargs = [iespec]
-                add_css = self.html_headers.add_ie_css
-            else:
-                return # no need to do anything on non IE browsers
-        else:
-            extraargs = []
-            add_css = self.html_headers.add_css
-        for cssfile in cssfiles:
-            if localfile:
-                cssfile = self.data_url(cssfile)
-            add_css(cssfile, media, *extraargs)
-    def ajax_replace_url(self, nodeid, replacemode='replace', **extraparams):
-        """builds an ajax url that will replace nodeid's content
-        :param nodeid: the dom id of the node to replace
-        :param replacemode: defines how the replacement should be done.
-          Possible values are :
-          - 'replace' to replace the node's content with the generated HTML
-          - 'swap' to replace the node itself with the generated HTML
-          - 'append' to append the generated HTML to the node's content
-        Arbitrary extra named arguments may be given, they will be included as
-        parameters of the generated url.
-        """
-        # define a function in headers and use it in the link to avoid url
-        # unescaping pb: browsers give the js expression to the interpreter
-        # after having url unescaping the content. This may make appear some
-        # quote or other special characters that will break the js expression.
-        extraparams.setdefault('fname', 'view')
-        # remove pageid from the generated URL as it's forced as a parameter
-        # to the loadxhtml call below.
-        extraparams.pop('pageid', None)
-        url = self.build_url('ajax', **extraparams)
-        cbname = build_cb_uid(url[:50])
-        # think to propagate pageid. XXX see https://www.cubicweb.org/ticket/1753121
-        jscode = u'function %s() { $("#%s").%s; }' % (
-            cbname, nodeid, js.loadxhtml(url, {'pageid': self.pageid},
-                                         'get', replacemode))
-        self.html_headers.add_post_inline_script(jscode)
-        return "javascript: %s()" % cbname
-    # urls/path management ####################################################
-    def build_url(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """return an absolute URL using params dictionary key/values as URL
-        parameters. Values are automatically URL quoted, and the
-        publishing method to use may be specified or will be guessed.
-        """
-        if '__message' in kwargs:
-            msg = kwargs.pop('__message')
-            kwargs['_cwmsgid'] = self.set_redirect_message(msg)
-        if not args:
-            method = 'view'
-            if (self.from_controller() == 'view'
-                and not '_restpath' in kwargs):
-                method = self.relative_path(includeparams=False) or 'view'
-            args = (method,)
-        return super(_CubicWebRequestBase, self).build_url(*args, **kwargs)
-    def url(self, includeparams=True):
-        """return currently accessed url"""
-        return self.base_url() + self.relative_path(includeparams)
-    def selected(self, url):
-        """return True if the url is equivalent to currently accessed url"""
-        reqpath = self.relative_path().lower()
-        baselen = len(self.base_url())
-        return (reqpath == url[baselen:].lower())
-    def base_url_prepend_host(self, hostname):
-        protocol, roothost = urlsplit(self.base_url())[:2]
-        if roothost.startswith('www.'):
-            roothost = roothost[4:]
-        return '%s://%s.%s' % (protocol, hostname, roothost)
-    def base_url_path(self):
-        """returns the absolute path of the base url"""
-        return urlsplit(self.base_url())[2]
-    def data_url(self, relpath):
-        """returns the absolute path for a data resource"""
-        return self.datadir_url + relpath
-    @cached
-    def from_controller(self):
-        """return the id (string) of the controller issuing the request"""
-        controller = self.relative_path(False).split('/', 1)[0]
-        if controller in self.vreg['controllers']:
-            return controller
-        return 'view'
-    def is_client_cache_valid(self):
-        """check if a client cached page exists (as specified in request
-        headers) and is still usable.
-        Return False if the page has to be calculated, else True.
-        Some response cache headers may be set by this method.
-        """
-        modified = True
-        # Here, we search for any invalid 'not modified' condition
-        # see http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec13.html#sec13.3
-        validators = get_validators(self._headers_in)
-        if validators: # if we have no
-            modified = any(func(val, self.headers_out) for func, val in validators)
-        # Forge expected response
-        if not modified:
-            # overwrite headers_out to forge a brand new not-modified response
-            self.headers_out = self._forge_cached_headers()
-            if self.http_method() in ('HEAD', 'GET'):
-                self.status_out = http_client.NOT_MODIFIED
-            else:
-                self.status_out = http_client.PRECONDITION_FAILED
-            # XXX replace by True once validate_cache bw compat method is dropped
-            return self.status_out
-        # XXX replace by False once validate_cache bw compat method is dropped
-        return None
-    @deprecated('[3.18] use .is_client_cache_valid() method instead')
-    def validate_cache(self):
-        """raise a `StatusResponse` exception if a cached page along the way
-        exists and is still usable.
-        """
-        status_code = self.is_client_cache_valid()
-        if status_code is not None:
-            raise StatusResponse(status_code)
-    # abstract methods to override according to the web front-end #############
-    def http_method(self):
-        """returns 'POST', 'GET', 'HEAD', etc."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def _forge_cached_headers(self):
-        # overwrite headers_out to forge a brand new not-modified response
-        headers = Headers()
-        for header in (
-            # Required from sec 10.3.5:
-            'date', 'etag', 'content-location', 'expires',
-            'cache-control', 'vary',
-            # Others:
-            'server', 'proxy-authenticate', 'www-authenticate', 'warning'):
-            value = self._headers_in.getRawHeaders(header)
-            if value is not None:
-                headers.setRawHeaders(header, value)
-        return headers
-    def relative_path(self, includeparams=True):
-        """return the normalized path of the request (ie at least relative
-        to the instance's root, but some other normalization may be needed
-        so that the returned path may be used to compare to generated urls
-        :param includeparams:
-           boolean indicating if GET form parameters should be kept in the path
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    # http headers ############################################################
-    ### incoming headers
-    def get_header(self, header, default=None, raw=True):
-        """return the value associated with the given input header, raise
-        KeyError if the header is not set
-        """
-        if raw:
-            return self._headers_in.getRawHeaders(header, [default])[0]
-        return self._headers_in.getHeader(header, default)
-    def header_accept_language(self):
-        """returns an ordered list of preferred languages"""
-        acceptedlangs = self.get_header('Accept-Language', raw=False) or {}
-        for lang, _ in sorted(acceptedlangs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1],
-                              reverse=True):
-            lang = lang.split('-')[0]
-            yield lang
-    def header_if_modified_since(self):
-        """If the HTTP header If-modified-since is set, return the equivalent
-        date time value (GMT), else return None
-        """
-        mtime = self.get_header('If-modified-since', raw=False)
-        if mtime:
-            return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime)
-        return None
-    ### outcoming headers
-    def set_header(self, header, value, raw=True):
-        """set an output HTTP header"""
-        if raw:
-            # adding encoded header is important, else page content
-            # will be reconverted back to unicode and apart unefficiency, this
-            # may cause decoding problem (e.g. when downloading a file)
-            self.headers_out.setRawHeaders(header, [str(value)])
-        else:
-            self.headers_out.setHeader(header, value)
-    def add_header(self, header, value):
-        """add an output HTTP header"""
-        # adding encoded header is important, else page content
-        # will be reconverted back to unicode and apart unefficiency, this
-        # may cause decoding problem (e.g. when downloading a file)
-        self.headers_out.addRawHeader(header, str(value))
-    def remove_header(self, header):
-        """remove an output HTTP header"""
-        self.headers_out.removeHeader(header)
-    def header_authorization(self):
-        """returns a couple (auth-type, auth-value)"""
-        auth = self.get_header("Authorization", None)
-        if auth:
-            scheme, rest = auth.split(' ', 1)
-            scheme = scheme.lower()
-            try:
-                assert scheme == "basic"
-                user, passwd = base64.decodestring(rest.encode('ascii')).split(b":", 1)
-                # XXX HTTP header encoding: use email.Header?
-                return user.decode('UTF8'), passwd
-            except Exception as ex:
-                self.debug('bad authorization %s (%s: %s)',
-                           auth, ex.__class__.__name__, ex)
-        return None, None
-    def parse_accept_header(self, header):
-        """returns an ordered list of accepted values"""
-        try:
-            value_parser, value_sort_key = ACCEPT_HEADER_PARSER[header.lower()]
-        except KeyError:
-            value_parser = value_sort_key = None
-        accepteds = self.get_header(header, '')
-        values = _parse_accept_header(accepteds, value_parser, value_sort_key)
-        return (raw_value for (raw_value, parsed_value, score) in values)
-    @deprecated('[3.17] demote_to_html is deprecated as we always serve html')
-    def demote_to_html(self):
-        """helper method to dynamically set request content type to text/html
-        The global doctype and xmldec must also be changed otherwise the browser
-        will display '<[' at the beginning of the page
-        """
-        pass
-    # xml doctype #############################################################
-    def set_doctype(self, doctype, reset_xmldecl=None):
-        """helper method to dynamically change page doctype
-        :param doctype: the new doctype, e.g. '<!DOCTYPE html>'
-        """
-        if reset_xmldecl is not None:
-            warn('[3.17] reset_xmldecl is deprecated as we only serve html',
-                 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        self.main_stream.set_doctype(doctype)
-    # page data management ####################################################
-    def get_page_data(self, key, default=None):
-        """return value associated to `key` in current page data"""
-        page_data = self.session.data.get(self.pageid)
-        if page_data is None:
-            return default
-        return page_data.get(key, default)
-    def set_page_data(self, key, value):
-        """set value associated to `key` in current page data"""
-        self.html_headers.add_unload_pagedata()
-        page_data = self.session.data.setdefault(self.pageid, {})
-        page_data[key] = value
-        self.session.data[self.pageid] = page_data
-    def del_page_data(self, key=None):
-        """remove value associated to `key` in current page data
-        if `key` is None, all page data will be cleared
-        """
-        if key is None:
-            self.session.data.pop(self.pageid, None)
-        else:
-            try:
-                del self.session.data[self.pageid][key]
-            except KeyError:
-                pass
-    # user-agent detection ####################################################
-    @cached
-    def useragent(self):
-        return self.get_header('User-Agent', None)
-    def ie_browser(self):
-        useragent = self.useragent()
-        return useragent and 'MSIE' in useragent
-    @deprecated('[3.17] xhtml_browser is deprecated (xhtml is no longer served)')
-    def xhtml_browser(self):
-        """return True if the browser is considered as xhtml compatible.
-        If the instance is configured to always return text/html and not
-        application/xhtml+xml, this method will always return False, even though
-        this is semantically different
-        """
-        return False
-    def html_content_type(self):
-        return 'text/html'
-    def set_user_language(self, user):
-        vreg = self.vreg
-        if user is not None:
-            try:
-                # 1. user-specified language
-                lang = vreg.typed_value('ui.language', user.properties['ui.language'])
-                self.set_language(lang)
-                return
-            except KeyError:
-                pass
-        if vreg.config.get('language-negociation', False):
-            # 2. http accept-language
-            self.headers_out.addHeader('Vary', 'Accept-Language')
-            for lang in self.header_accept_language():
-                if lang in self.translations:
-                    self.set_language(lang)
-                    return
-        # 3. site's default language
-        self.set_default_language(vreg)
-def _cnx_func(name):
-    def proxy(req, *args, **kwargs):
-        return getattr(req.cnx, name)(*args, **kwargs)
-    return proxy
-class _NeedAuthAccessMock(object):
-    def __getattribute__(self, attr):
-        raise AuthenticationError()
-    def __bool__(self):
-        return False
-    __nonzero__ = __bool__
-class _MockAnonymousSession(object):
-    sessionid = 'thisisnotarealsession'
-    @property
-    def data(self):
-        return {}
-    @property
-    def anonymous_session(self):
-        return True
-class ConnectionCubicWebRequestBase(_CubicWebRequestBase):
-    cnx = None
-    session = None
-    def __init__(self, vreg, https=False, form=None, headers={}):
-        """"""
-        self.vreg = vreg
-        try:
-            # no vreg or config which doesn't handle translations
-            self.translations = vreg.config.translations
-        except AttributeError:
-            self.translations = {}
-        super(ConnectionCubicWebRequestBase, self).__init__(vreg, https=https,
-                                                       form=form, headers=headers)
-        self.session = _MockAnonymousSession()
-        self.cnx = self.user = _NeedAuthAccessMock()
-    @property
-    def transaction_data(self):
-        return self.cnx.transaction_data
-    def set_cnx(self, cnx):
-        self.cnx = cnx
-        self.session = cnx.session
-        self._set_user(cnx.user)
-        self.set_user_language(cnx.user)
-    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        rset = self.cnx.execute(*args, **kwargs)
-        rset.req = self
-        return rset
-    def set_default_language(self, vreg):
-        try:
-            lang = vreg.property_value('ui.language')
-        except Exception: # property may not be registered
-            lang = 'en'
-        try:
-            self.set_language(lang)
-        except KeyError:
-            # this occurs usually during test execution
-            self._ = self.__ = text_type
-            self.pgettext = lambda x, y: text_type(y)
-    entity_metas = _cnx_func('entity_metas')
-    source_defs = _cnx_func('source_defs')
-    get_shared_data = _cnx_func('get_shared_data')
-    set_shared_data = _cnx_func('set_shared_data')
-    describe = _cnx_func('describe') # deprecated XXX
-    # security #################################################################
-    security_enabled = _cnx_func('security_enabled')
-    # server-side service call #################################################
-    def call_service(self, regid, **kwargs):
-        return self.cnx.call_service(regid, **kwargs)
-    # entities cache management ###############################################
-    def entity_cache(self, eid):
-        return self.transaction_data['req_ecache'][eid]
-    def set_entity_cache(self, entity):
-        ecache = self.transaction_data.setdefault('req_ecache', {})
-        ecache.setdefault(entity.eid, entity)
-    def cached_entities(self):
-        return self.transaction_data.get('req_ecache', {}).values()
-    def drop_entity_cache(self, eid=None):
-        if eid is None:
-            self.transaction_data.pop('req_ecache', None)
-        else:
-            del self.transaction_data['req_ecache'][eid]
-CubicWebRequestBase = ConnectionCubicWebRequestBase
-## HTTP-accept parsers / utilies ##############################################
-def _mimetype_sort_key(accept_info):
-    """accepted mimetypes must be sorted by :
-    1/ highest score first
-    2/ most specific mimetype first, e.g. :
-       - 'text/html level=1' is more specific 'text/html'
-       - 'text/html' is more specific than 'text/*'
-       - 'text/*' itself more specific than '*/*'
-    """
-    raw_value, (media_type, media_subtype, media_type_params), score = accept_info
-    # FIXME: handle '+' in media_subtype ? (should xhtml+xml have a
-    # higher precedence than xml ?)
-    if media_subtype == '*':
-        score -= 0.0001
-    if media_type == '*':
-        score -= 0.0001
-    return 1./score, media_type, media_subtype, 1./(1+len(media_type_params))
-def _charset_sort_key(accept_info):
-    """accepted mimetypes must be sorted by :
-    1/ highest score first
-    2/ most specific charset first, e.g. :
-       - 'utf-8' is more specific than '*'
-    """
-    raw_value, value, score = accept_info
-    if value == '*':
-        score -= 0.0001
-    return 1./score, value
-def _parse_accept_header(raw_header, value_parser=None, value_sort_key=None):
-    """returns an ordered list accepted types
-    :param value_parser: a function to parse a raw accept chunk. If None
-    is provided, the function defaults to identity. If a function is provided,
-    it must accept 2 parameters ``value`` and ``other_params``. ``value`` is
-    the value found before the first ';', `other_params` is a dictionary
-    built from all other chunks after this first ';'
-    :param value_sort_key: a key function to sort values found in the accept
-    header. This function will be passed a 3-tuple
-    (raw_value, parsed_value, score). If None is provided, the default
-    sort_key is 1./score
-    :return: a list of 3-tuple (raw_value, parsed_value, score),
-    ordered by score. ``parsed_value`` will be the return value of
-    ``value_parser(raw_value)``
-    """
-    if value_sort_key is None:
-        value_sort_key = lambda infos: 1./infos[-1]
-    values = []
-    for info in raw_header.split(','):
-        score = 1.0
-        other_params = {}
-        try:
-            value, infodef = info.split(';', 1)
-        except ValueError:
-            value = info
-        else:
-            for info in infodef.split(';'):
-                try:
-                    infokey, infoval = info.split('=')
-                    if infokey == 'q': # XXX 'level'
-                        score = float(infoval)
-                        continue
-                except ValueError:
-                    continue
-                other_params[infokey] = infoval
-        parsed_value = value_parser(value, other_params) if value_parser else value
-        values.append( (value.strip(), parsed_value, score) )
-    values.sort(key=value_sort_key)
-    return values
-def _mimetype_parser(value, other_params):
-    """return a 3-tuple
-    (type, subtype, type_params) corresponding to the mimetype definition
-    e.g. : for 'text/*', `mimetypeinfo` will be ('text', '*', {}), for
-    'text/html;level=1', `mimetypeinfo` will be ('text', '*', {'level': '1'})
-    """
-    try:
-        media_type, media_subtype = value.strip().split('/', 1)
-    except ValueError: # safety belt : '/' should always be present
-        media_type = value.strip()
-        media_subtype = '*'
-    return (media_type, media_subtype, other_params)
-    'accept': (_mimetype_parser, _mimetype_sort_key),
-    'accept-charset': (None, _charset_sort_key),
-    }
-from cubicweb import set_log_methods
-set_log_methods(_CubicWebRequestBase, LOGGER)