changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11052 058bb3dc685f
child 11058 23eb30449fe5
--- a/web/htmlwidgets.py	Mon Jan 04 18:40:30 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-# copyright 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
-# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
-# This file is part of CubicWeb.
-# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
-# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
-# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-"""html widgets
-those are in cubicweb since we need to know available widgets at schema
-serialization time
-import random
-from math import floor
-from six import add_metaclass
-from six.moves import range
-from logilab.mtconverter import xml_escape
-from logilab.common.deprecation import class_deprecated
-from cubicweb.utils import UStringIO
-from cubicweb.uilib import toggle_action, htmlescape
-from cubicweb.web import jsonize
-from cubicweb.web.component import _bwcompatible_render_item
-# XXX HTMLWidgets should have access to req (for datadir / static urls,
-#     i18n strings, etc.)
-class HTMLWidget(object):
-    def _initialize_stream(self, w=None):
-        if w:
-            self.w = w
-        else:
-            self._stream = UStringIO()
-            self.w = self._stream.write
-    def _render(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def render(self, w=None):
-        self._initialize_stream(w)
-        self._render()
-        if w is None:
-            return self._stream.getvalue()
-    def is_empty(self):
-        return False
-class BoxWidget(HTMLWidget): # XXX Deprecated
-    def __init__(self, title, id, items=None, _class="boxFrame",
-                 islist=True, shadow=True, escape=True):
-        self.title = title
-        self.id = id
-        self.items = items or []
-        self._class = _class
-        self.islist = islist
-        self.shadow = shadow
-        self.escape = escape
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self.items)
-    def is_empty(self):
-        return len(self) == 0
-    def append(self, item):
-        self.items.append(item)
-    def extend(self, items):
-        self.items.extend(items)
-    title_class = 'boxTitle'
-    main_div_class = 'boxContent'
-    listing_class = 'boxListing'
-    def box_begin_content(self):
-        self.w(u'<div class="%s">\n' % self.main_div_class)
-        if self.islist:
-            self.w(u'<ul class="%s">' % self.listing_class)
-    def box_end_content(self):
-        if self.islist:
-            self.w(u'</ul>\n')
-        self.w(u'</div>\n')
-        if self.shadow:
-            self.w(u'<div class="shadow">&#160;</div>')
-    def _render(self):
-        if self.id:
-            self.w(u'<div class="%s" id="%s">' % (self._class, self.id))
-        else:
-            self.w(u'<div class="%s">' % self._class)
-        if self.title:
-            if self.escape:
-                title = '<span>%s</span>' % xml_escape(self.title)
-            else:
-                title = '<span>%s</span>' % self.title
-            self.w(u'<div class="%s">%s</div>' % (self.title_class, title))
-        if self.items:
-            self.box_begin_content()
-            for item in self.items:
-                _bwcompatible_render_item(self.w, item)
-            self.box_end_content()
-        self.w(u'</div>')
-class SideBoxWidget(BoxWidget):
-    """default CubicWeb's sidebox widget"""
-    __deprecation_warning__ = '[3.10] class %(cls)s is deprecated'
-    title_class = u'sideBoxTitle'
-    main_div_class = u'sideBoxBody'
-    listing_class = ''
-    def __init__(self, title, id=None):
-        super(SideBoxWidget, self).__init__(title, id=id, _class='sideBox',
-                                            shadow=False)
-class MenuWidget(BoxWidget):
-    main_div_class = 'menuContent'
-    listing_class = 'menuListing'
-    def box_end_content(self):
-        if self.islist:
-            self.w(u'</ul>\n')
-        self.w(u'</div>\n')
-class RawBoxItem(HTMLWidget): # XXX deprecated
-    """a simple box item displaying raw data"""
-    def __init__(self, label, liclass=None):
-        self.label = label
-        self.liclass = liclass
-    def _start_li(self):
-        if self.liclass is None:
-            return u'<li>'
-        else:
-            return u'<li class="%s">' % self.liclass
-    def _render(self):
-        self.w(u'%s%s</li>' % (self._start_li(), self.label))
-class BoxMenu(RawBoxItem):
-    """a menu in a box"""
-    link_class = 'boxMenu'
-    def __init__(self, label, items=None, isitem=True, liclass=None, ident=None,
-                 link_class=None):
-        super(BoxMenu, self).__init__(label, liclass)
-        self.items = items or []
-        self.isitem = isitem
-        self.ident = ident or u'boxmenu_%s' % label.replace(' ', '_').replace("'", '')
-        if link_class:
-            self.link_class = link_class
-    def append(self, item):
-        self.items.append(item)
-    def _begin_menu(self, ident):
-        self.w(u'<ul id="%s" class="hidden">' % ident)
-    def _end_menu(self):
-        self.w(u'</ul>')
-    def _render(self):
-        if self.isitem:
-            self.w(self._start_li())
-        ident = self.ident
-        self.w(u'<a href="%s" class="%s">%s</a>' % (
-            toggle_action(ident), self.link_class, self.label))
-        self._begin_menu(ident)
-        for item in self.items:
-            _bwcompatible_render_item(self.w, item)
-        self._end_menu()
-        if self.isitem:
-            self.w(u'</li>')
-class PopupBoxMenu(BoxMenu):
-    """like BoxMenu but uses div and specific css class
-    in order to behave like a popup menu
-    """
-    link_class = 'popupMenu'
-    def _begin_menu(self, ident):
-        self.w(u'<div class="popupWrapper"><div id="%s" class="hidden popup"><ul>' % ident)
-    def _end_menu(self):
-        self.w(u'</ul></div></div>')
-class BoxField(HTMLWidget):
-    """couples label / value meant to be displayed in a box"""
-    __deprecation_warning__ = '[3.10] class %(cls)s is deprecated'
-    def __init__(self, label, value):
-        self.label = label
-        self.value = value
-    def _render(self):
-        self.w(u'<li><div><span class="label">%s</span>&#160;'
-               u'<span class="value">%s</span></div></li>'
-               % (self.label, self.value))
-class BoxSeparator(HTMLWidget):
-    """a menu separator"""
-    __deprecation_warning__ = '[3.10] class %(cls)s is deprecated'
-    def _render(self):
-        self.w(u'</ul><hr class="boxSeparator"/><ul>')
-class BoxLink(HTMLWidget):
-    """a link in a box"""
-    __deprecation_warning__ = '[3.10] class %(cls)s is deprecated'
-    def __init__(self, href, label, _class='', title='', ident='', escape=False):
-        self.href = href
-        if escape:
-            self.label = xml_escape(label)
-        else:
-            self.label = label
-        self._class = _class or ''
-        self.title = title
-        self.ident = ident
-    def _render(self):
-        link = u'<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>' % (
-            xml_escape(self.href), xml_escape(self.title), self.label)
-        if self.ident:
-            self.w(u'<li id="%s" class="%s">%s</li>\n' % (self.ident, self._class, link))
-        else:
-            self.w(u'<li class="%s">%s</li>\n' % (self._class, link))
-class BoxHtml(HTMLWidget):
-    """a form in a box"""
-    __deprecation_warning__ = '[3.10] class %(cls)s is deprecated'
-    def __init__(self, rawhtml):
-        self.rawhtml = rawhtml
-    def _render(self):
-        self.w(self.rawhtml)
-class TableColumn(object):
-    def __init__(self, name, rset_sortcol):
-        """
-        :param name: the column's name
-        :param rset_sortcol: the model's column used to sort this column view
-        """
-        self.name = name
-        self.cellrenderers = []
-        self.rset_sortcol = rset_sortcol
-        self.cell_attrs = {}
-    def append_renderer(self, cellvid, colindex):
-        # XXX (adim) : why do we need colindex here ?
-        self.cellrenderers.append( (cellvid, colindex) )
-    def add_attr(self, attr, value):
-        self.cell_attrs[attr] = value
-class SimpleTableModel(object):
-    """
-    uses a list of lists as a storage backend
-    NB: the model expectes the cellvid passed to
-    TableColumn.append_renderer to be a callable accepting a single
-    argument and returning a unicode object
-    """
-    def __init__(self, rows):
-        self._rows = rows
-    def get_rows(self):
-        return self._rows
-    def render_cell(self, cellvid, rowindex, colindex, w):
-        value = self._rows[rowindex][colindex]
-        w(cellvid(value))
-    @htmlescape
-    @jsonize
-    def sortvalue(self, rowindex, colindex):
-        value =  self._rows[rowindex][colindex]
-        if value is None:
-            return u''
-        elif isinstance(value, int):
-            return u'%09d' % value
-        else:
-            return unicode(value)
-class TableWidget(HTMLWidget):
-    """
-    Display data in a Table with sortable column.
-    When using remember to include the required css and js with:
-    self._cw.add_js('jquery.tablesorter.js')
-    self._cw.add_css(('cubicweb.tablesorter.css', 'cubicweb.tableview.css'))
-    """
-    highlight = "onmouseover=\"$(this).addClass('highlighted');\" " \
-                "onmouseout=\"$(this).removeClass('highlighted');\""
-    def __init__(self, model):
-        self.model = model
-        self.columns = []
-    def append_column(self, column):
-        """
-        :type column: TableColumn
-        """
-        self.columns.append(column)
-    def _render(self):
-        self.w(u'<table class="listing">')
-        self.w(u'<thead>')
-        self.w(u'<tr class="header">')
-        for column in self.columns:
-            attrs = ('%s="%s"' % (name, value) for name, value in column.cell_attrs.items())
-            self.w(u'<th %s>%s</th>' % (' '.join(attrs), column.name or u''))
-        self.w(u'</tr>')
-        self.w(u'</thead><tbody>')
-        for rowindex in range(len(self.model.get_rows())):
-            klass = (rowindex%2==1) and 'odd' or 'even'
-            self.w(u'<tr class="%s" %s>' % (klass, self.highlight))
-            for column, sortvalue in self.itercols(rowindex):
-                attrs = dict(column.cell_attrs)
-                attrs["cubicweb:sortvalue"] = sortvalue
-                attrs = ('%s="%s"' % (name, value) for name, value in attrs.items())
-                self.w(u'<td %s>' % (' '.join(attrs)))
-                for cellvid, colindex in column.cellrenderers:
-                    self.model.render_cell(cellvid, rowindex, colindex, w=self.w)
-                self.w(u'</td>')
-            self.w(u'</tr>')
-        self.w(u'</tbody>')
-        self.w(u'</table>')
-    def itercols(self, rowindex):
-        for column in self.columns:
-            yield column, self.model.sortvalue(rowindex, column.rset_sortcol)