changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11052 058bb3dc685f
child 11058 23eb30449fe5
--- a/web/data/uiprops.py	Mon Jan 04 18:40:30 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-"""define default ui properties"""
-# CSS stylesheets to include systematically in HTML headers
-# use the following line if you *need* to keep the old stylesheet
-STYLESHEETS =       [data('cubicweb.css'), ]
-STYLESHEETS_IE =    [data('cubicweb.ie.css')]
-STYLESHEETS_PRINT = [data('cubicweb.print.css')]
-# Javascripts files to include systematically in HTML headers
-JAVASCRIPTS = [data('jquery.js'),
-               data('jquery-migrate.js'),
-               data('cubicweb.js'),
-               data('cubicweb.compat.js'),
-               data('cubicweb.python.js'),
-               data('cubicweb.htmlhelpers.js')]
-# where is installed fckeditor
-FCKEDITOR_PATH = '/usr/share/fckeditor/'
-# favicon and logo for the instance
-FAVICON = data('favicon.ico')
-LOGO = data('logo.png')
-# rss logo (link to get the rss view of a selection)
-RSS_LOGO = data('rss.png')
-RSS_LOGO_16 = data('feed-icon16x16.png')
-RSS_LOGO_32 = data('feed-icon32x32.png')
-# XXX cleanup resources below, some of them are probably not used
-# (at least entity types icons...)
-# images
-HELP = data('help.png')
-SEARCH_GO = data('go.png')
-PUCE_UP = data('puce_up.png')
-PUCE_DOWN = data('puce_down.png')
-# button icons
-OK_ICON = data('ok.png')
-CANCEL_ICON = data('cancel.png')
-APPLY_ICON = data('plus.png')
-TRASH_ICON = data('trash_can_small.png')
-# icons for entity types
-BOOKMARK_ICON = data('icon_bookmark.gif')
-EMAILADDRESS_ICON = data('icon_emailaddress.gif')
-EUSER_ICON = data('icon_euser.gif')
-STATE_ICON = data('icon_state.gif')
-# other icons
-CALENDAR_ICON = data('calendar.gif')
-CANCEL_EMAIL_ICON = data('sendcancel.png')
-SEND_EMAIL_ICON = data('sendok.png')
-DOWNLOAD_ICON = data('download.gif')
-UPLOAD_ICON = data('upload.gif')
-GMARKER_ICON = data('gmap_blue_marker.png')
-UP_ICON = data('up.gif')
-# colors, fonts, etc
-# default (body, html)
-defaultColor = '#000'
-defaultFontFamily = "'Bitstream Vera Sans','Lucida Grande','Lucida Sans Unicode','Geneva','Verdana',sans-serif"
-defaultSize = '12px'
-defaultLineHeight = '1.5'
-defaultLineHeightEm = lazystr('%(defaultLineHeight)sem')
-inputHeight = '1.3em'
-inputPadding = 'O.2em'
-# XXX
-defaultLayoutMargin = '8px'
-# header
-headerBgColor = '#ff7700'
-headerBg = lazystr('%(headerBgColor)s url("banner.png") repeat-x top left')
-# scale 3:5 stranded
-# h1 { font-size:2em; }
-# h2 { font-size:1.61538em; }
-# h3 { font-size:1.23077em; }
-# scale le corbusier */
-# h1 { font-size:2.11538em; }
-# h2 { font-size:1.61538em; }
-# h3 { font-size:1.30769em; }
-# h
-h1FontSize = '2.3em' # 25.3833px
-h1Padding = '0 0 0.14em 0 '
-h1Margin = '0.8em 0 0.5em'
-h1Color = '#000'
-h1BorderBottomStyle = lazystr('0.06em solid %(h1Color)s')
-h2FontSize = '2em' #
-h2Padding = '0.4em 0 0.35em 0' # 22.0667px
-h2Margin = '0'
-h3FontSize = '1.7em' #18.75px
-h3Padding = '0.5em 0 0.57em 0'
-h3Margin = '0'
-h4FontSize = '1.4em' # 15.45px
-# links
-aColor = '#e6820e'
-# page frame
-pageBgColor = '#e2e2e2'
-pageContentBorderColor = '#ccc'
-pageContentBgColor = '#fff'
-pageContentPadding = '1em'
-pageMinHeight = '800px'
-# boxes ########################################################################
-# title of contextFree / contextual boxes
-contextFreeBoxTitleBgColor = '#CFCEB7'
-contextFreeBoxTitleBg = lazystr('%(contextFreeBoxTitleBgColor)s url("contextFreeBoxHeader.png") repeat-x 50%% 50%%')
-contextFreeBoxTitleColor = '#000'
-contextualBoxTitleBgColor = '#FF9900'
-contextualBoxTitleBg = lazystr('%(contextualBoxTitleBgColor)s url("contextualBoxHeader.png") repeat-x 50%% 50%%')
-contextualBoxTitleColor = '#FFF'
-# title of 'incontext' boxes (eg displayed inside the primary view)
-incontextBoxTitleBgColor = lazystr('%(contextFreeBoxTitleBgColor)s')
-incontextBoxTitleBg = lazystr('%(incontextBoxTitleBgColor)s url("incontextBoxHeader.png") repeat-x 50%% 50%%')
-incontextBoxTitleColor = '#000'
-# body of boxes in the left or right column (whatever contextFree / contextual)
-leftrightBoxBodyBgColor = '#FFF'
-leftrightBoxBodyBg = lazystr('%(leftrightBoxBodyBgColor)s')
-leftrightBoxBodyColor = 'black'
-leftrightBoxBodyHoverBgColor = '#EEEDD9'
-# body of 'incontext' boxes (eg displayed insinde the primary view)
-incontextBoxBodyBgColor = '#f8f8ee'
-incontextBoxBodyBg = lazystr('%(incontextBoxBodyBgColor)s')
-incontextBoxBodyColor = '#555544'
-incontextBoxBodyHoverBgColor = lazystr('%(incontextBoxBodyBgColor)s')
-# table listing & co ###########################################################
-listingBorderColor = '#ccc'
-listingHeaderBgColor = '#efefef'
-listingHighlightedBgColor = '#fbfbfb'
-# puce
-bulletDownImg = 'url("puce_down.png") 98% 6px no-repeat'
-formHeaderBgColor = lazystr('%(listingHeaderBgColor)s')
-helperColor = '#555'
-# button
-buttonBorderColor = '#edecd2'
-buttonBgColor = '#fffff8'
-buttonBgImg = 'url("button.png") repeat-x 50% 50%'
-# messages
-msgBgColor = '#f8f8ee'
-infoMsgBgImg = 'url("information.png") 5px center no-repeat'
-errorMsgBgImg = 'url("error.png") 100% 50% no-repeat'
-errorMsgColor = '#ed0d0d'
-# facets
-facet_titleFont = 'bold SansSerif'
-facet_Padding = '.4em'
-facet_MarginBottom = '.4em'
-facet_vocabMaxHeight = '12em' # ensure < FACET_GROUP_HEIGHT by some const. factor (e.g 3em)