changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11052 058bb3dc685f
child 11058 23eb30449fe5
--- a/web/data/jquery.tablesorter.js	Mon Jan 04 18:40:30 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1042 +0,0 @@
- *
- * TableSorter 2.0 - Client-side table sorting with ease!
- * Version 2.0.5b
- * @requires jQuery v1.2.3
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007 Christian Bach
- * Examples and docs at: http://tablesorter.com
- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
- * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
- *
- */
- *
- * @description Create a sortable table with multi-column sorting capabilitys
- *
- * @example $('table').tablesorter();
- * @desc Create a simple tablesorter interface.
- *
- * @example $('table').tablesorter({ sortList:[[0,0],[1,0]] });
- * @desc Create a tablesorter interface and sort on the first and secound column column headers.
- *
- * @example $('table').tablesorter({ headers: { 0: { sorter: false}, 1: {sorter: false} } });
- *
- * @desc Create a tablesorter interface and disableing the first and second  column headers.
- *
- *
- * @example $('table').tablesorter({ headers: { 0: {sorter:"integer"}, 1: {sorter:"currency"} } });
- *
- * @desc Create a tablesorter interface and set a column parser for the first
- *       and second column.
- *
- *
- * @param Object
- *            settings An object literal containing key/value pairs to provide
- *            optional settings.
- *
- *
- * @option String cssHeader (optional) A string of the class name to be appended
- *         to sortable tr elements in the thead of the table. Default value:
- *         "header"
- *
- * @option String cssAsc (optional) A string of the class name to be appended to
- *         sortable tr elements in the thead on a ascending sort. Default value:
- *         "headerSortUp"
- *
- * @option String cssDesc (optional) A string of the class name to be appended
- *         to sortable tr elements in the thead on a descending sort. Default
- *         value: "headerSortDown"
- *
- * @option String sortInitialOrder (optional) A string of the inital sorting
- *         order can be asc or desc. Default value: "asc"
- *
- * @option String sortMultisortKey (optional) A string of the multi-column sort
- *         key. Default value: "shiftKey"
- *
- * @option String textExtraction (optional) A string of the text-extraction
- *         method to use. For complex html structures inside td cell set this
- *         option to "complex", on large tables the complex option can be slow.
- *         Default value: "simple"
- *
- * @option Object headers (optional) An array containing the forces sorting
- *         rules. This option let's you specify a default sorting rule. Default
- *         value: null
- *
- * @option Array sortList (optional) An array containing the forces sorting
- *         rules. This option let's you specify a default sorting rule. Default
- *         value: null
- *
- * @option Array sortForce (optional) An array containing forced sorting rules.
- *         This option let's you specify a default sorting rule, which is
- *         prepended to user-selected rules. Default value: null
- *
- * @option Boolean sortLocaleCompare (optional) Boolean flag indicating whatever
- *         to use String.localeCampare method or not. Default set to true.
- *
- *
- * @option Array sortAppend (optional) An array containing forced sorting rules.
- *         This option let's you specify a default sorting rule, which is
- *         appended to user-selected rules. Default value: null
- *
- * @option Boolean widthFixed (optional) Boolean flag indicating if tablesorter
- *         should apply fixed widths to the table columns. This is usefull when
- *         using the pager companion plugin. This options requires the dimension
- *         jquery plugin. Default value: false
- *
- * @option Boolean cancelSelection (optional) Boolean flag indicating if
- *         tablesorter should cancel selection of the table headers text.
- *         Default value: true
- *
- * @option Boolean debug (optional) Boolean flag indicating if tablesorter
- *         should display debuging information usefull for development.
- *
- * @type jQuery
- *
- * @name tablesorter
- *
- * @cat Plugins/Tablesorter
- *
- * @author Christian Bach/christian.bach@polyester.se
- */
-(function ($) {
-    $.extend({
-        tablesorter: new
-        function () {
-            var parsers = [],
-                widgets = [];
-            this.defaults = {
-                cssHeader: "header",
-                cssAsc: "headerSortUp",
-                cssDesc: "headerSortDown",
-                cssChildRow: "expand-child",
-                sortInitialOrder: "asc",
-                sortMultiSortKey: "shiftKey",
-                sortForce: null,
-                sortAppend: null,
-                sortLocaleCompare: true,
-                textExtraction: "simple",
-                parsers: {}, widgets: [],
-                widgetZebra: {
-                    css: ["even", "odd"]
-                }, headers: {}, widthFixed: false,
-                cancelSelection: true,
-                sortList: [],
-                headerList: [],
-                dateFormat: "us",
-                decimal: '/\.|\,/g',
-                onRenderHeader: null,
-                selectorHeaders: 'thead th',
-                debug: false
-            };
-            /* debuging utils */
-            function benchmark(s, d) {
-                log(s + "," + (new Date().getTime() - d.getTime()) + "ms");
-            }
-            this.benchmark = benchmark;
-            function log(s) {
-                if (typeof console != "undefined" && typeof console.debug != "undefined") {
-                    console.log(s);
-                } else {
-                    alert(s);
-                }
-            }
-            /* parsers utils */
-            function buildParserCache(table, $headers) {
-                if (table.config.debug) {
-                    var parsersDebug = "";
-                }
-                if (table.tBodies.length == 0) return; // In the case of empty tables
-                var rows = table.tBodies[0].rows;
-                if (rows[0]) {
-                    var list = [],
-                        cells = rows[0].cells,
-                        l = cells.length;
-                    for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-                        var p = false;
-                        if ($.metadata && ($($headers[i]).metadata() && $($headers[i]).metadata().sorter)) {
-                            p = getParserById($($headers[i]).metadata().sorter);
-                        } else if ((table.config.headers[i] && table.config.headers[i].sorter)) {
-                            p = getParserById(table.config.headers[i].sorter);
-                        }
-                        if (!p) {
-                            p = detectParserForColumn(table, rows, -1, i);
-                        }
-                        if (table.config.debug) {
-                            parsersDebug += "column:" + i + " parser:" + p.id + "\n";
-                        }
-                        list.push(p);
-                    }
-                }
-                if (table.config.debug) {
-                    log(parsersDebug);
-                }
-                return list;
-            };
-            function detectParserForColumn(table, rows, rowIndex, cellIndex) {
-                var l = parsers.length,
-                    node = false,
-                    nodeValue = false,
-                    keepLooking = true;
-                while (nodeValue == '' && keepLooking) {
-                    rowIndex++;
-                    if (rows[rowIndex]) {
-                        node = getNodeFromRowAndCellIndex(rows, rowIndex, cellIndex);
-                        nodeValue = trimAndGetNodeText(table.config, node);
-                        if (table.config.debug) {
-                            log('Checking if value was empty on row:' + rowIndex);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        keepLooking = false;
-                    }
-                }
-                for (var i = 1; i < l; i++) {
-                    if (parsers[i].is(nodeValue, table, node)) {
-                        return parsers[i];
-                    }
-                }
-                // 0 is always the generic parser (text)
-                return parsers[0];
-            }
-            function getNodeFromRowAndCellIndex(rows, rowIndex, cellIndex) {
-                return rows[rowIndex].cells[cellIndex];
-            }
-            function trimAndGetNodeText(config, node) {
-                return $.trim(getElementText(config, node));
-            }
-            function getParserById(name) {
-                var l = parsers.length;
-                for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-                    if (parsers[i].id.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) {
-                        return parsers[i];
-                    }
-                }
-                return false;
-            }
-            /* utils */
-            function buildCache(table) {
-                if (table.config.debug) {
-                    var cacheTime = new Date();
-                }
-                var totalRows = (table.tBodies[0] && table.tBodies[0].rows.length) || 0,
-                    totalCells = (table.tBodies[0].rows[0] && table.tBodies[0].rows[0].cells.length) || 0,
-                    parsers = table.config.parsers,
-                    cache = {
-                        row: [],
-                        normalized: []
-                    };
-                for (var i = 0; i < totalRows; ++i) {
-                    /** Add the table data to main data array */
-                    var c = $(table.tBodies[0].rows[i]),
-                        cols = [];
-                    // if this is a child row, add it to the last row's children and
-                    // continue to the next row
-                    if (c.hasClass(table.config.cssChildRow)) {
-                        cache.row[cache.row.length - 1] = cache.row[cache.row.length - 1].add(c);
-                        // go to the next for loop
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    cache.row.push(c);
-                    for (var j = 0; j < totalCells; ++j) {
-                        cols.push(parsers[j].format(getElementText(table.config, c[0].cells[j]), table, c[0].cells[j]));
-                    }
-                    cols.push(cache.normalized.length); // add position for rowCache
-                    cache.normalized.push(cols);
-                    cols = null;
-                };
-                if (table.config.debug) {
-                    benchmark("Building cache for " + totalRows + " rows:", cacheTime);
-                }
-                return cache;
-            };
-            function getElementText(config, node) {
-                var text = "";
-                if (!node) return "";
-                if (!config.supportsTextContent) config.supportsTextContent = node.textContent || false;
-                if (config.textExtraction == "simple") {
-                    if (config.supportsTextContent) {
-                        text = node.textContent;
-                    } else {
-                        if (node.childNodes[0] && node.childNodes[0].hasChildNodes()) {
-                            text = node.childNodes[0].innerHTML;
-                        } else {
-                            text = node.innerHTML;
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    if (typeof(config.textExtraction) == "function") {
-                        text = config.textExtraction(node);
-                    } else {
-                        text = $(node).text();
-                    }
-                }
-                return text;
-            }
-            function appendToTable(table, cache) {
-                if (table.config.debug) {
-                    var appendTime = new Date()
-                }
-                var c = cache,
-                    r = c.row,
-                    n = c.normalized,
-                    totalRows = n.length,
-                    checkCell = (n[0].length - 1),
-                    tableBody = $(table.tBodies[0]),
-                    rows = [];
-                for (var i = 0; i < totalRows; i++) {
-                    var pos = n[i][checkCell];
-                    rows.push(r[pos]);
-                    if (!table.config.appender) {
-                        //var o = ;
-                        var l = r[pos].length;
-                        for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) {
-                            tableBody[0].appendChild(r[pos][j]);
-                        }
-                        //
-                    }
-                }
-                if (table.config.appender) {
-                    table.config.appender(table, rows);
-                }
-                rows = null;
-                if (table.config.debug) {
-                    benchmark("Rebuilt table:", appendTime);
-                }
-                // apply table widgets
-                applyWidget(table);
-                // trigger sortend
-                setTimeout(function () {
-                    $(table).trigger("sortEnd");
-                }, 0);
-            };
-            function buildHeaders(table) {
-                if (table.config.debug) {
-                    var time = new Date();
-                }
-                var meta = ($.metadata) ? true : false;
-                var header_index = computeTableHeaderCellIndexes(table);
-                $tableHeaders = $(table.config.selectorHeaders, table).each(function (index) {
-                    this.column = header_index[this.parentNode.rowIndex + "-" + this.cellIndex];
-                    // this.column = index;
-                    this.order = formatSortingOrder(table.config.sortInitialOrder);
-                    this.count = this.order;
-                    if (checkHeaderMetadata(this) || checkHeaderOptions(table, index)) this.sortDisabled = true;
-                    if (checkHeaderOptionsSortingLocked(table, index)) this.order = this.lockedOrder = checkHeaderOptionsSortingLocked(table, index);
-                    if (!this.sortDisabled) {
-                        var $th = $(this).addClass(table.config.cssHeader);
-                        if (table.config.onRenderHeader) table.config.onRenderHeader.apply($th);
-                    }
-                    // add cell to headerList
-                    table.config.headerList[index] = this;
-                });
-                if (table.config.debug) {
-                    benchmark("Built headers:", time);
-                    log($tableHeaders);
-                }
-                return $tableHeaders;
-            };
-            // from:
-            // http://www.javascripttoolbox.com/lib/table/examples.php
-            // http://www.javascripttoolbox.com/temp/table_cellindex.html
-            function computeTableHeaderCellIndexes(t) {
-                var matrix = [];
-                var lookup = {};
-                var thead = t.getElementsByTagName('thead')[0];
-                var trs = thead.getElementsByTagName('tr');
-                for (var i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
-                    var cells = trs[i].cells;
-                    for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) {
-                        var c = cells[j];
-                        var rowIndex = c.parentNode.rowIndex;
-                        var cellId = rowIndex + "-" + c.cellIndex;
-                        var rowSpan = c.rowSpan || 1;
-                        var colSpan = c.colSpan || 1
-                        var firstAvailCol;
-                        if (typeof(matrix[rowIndex]) == "undefined") {
-                            matrix[rowIndex] = [];
-                        }
-                        // Find first available column in the first row
-                        for (var k = 0; k < matrix[rowIndex].length + 1; k++) {
-                            if (typeof(matrix[rowIndex][k]) == "undefined") {
-                                firstAvailCol = k;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        lookup[cellId] = firstAvailCol;
-                        for (var k = rowIndex; k < rowIndex + rowSpan; k++) {
-                            if (typeof(matrix[k]) == "undefined") {
-                                matrix[k] = [];
-                            }
-                            var matrixrow = matrix[k];
-                            for (var l = firstAvailCol; l < firstAvailCol + colSpan; l++) {
-                                matrixrow[l] = "x";
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                return lookup;
-            }
-            function checkCellColSpan(table, rows, row) {
-                var arr = [],
-                    r = table.tHead.rows,
-                    c = r[row].cells;
-                for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
-                    var cell = c[i];
-                    if (cell.colSpan > 1) {
-                        arr = arr.concat(checkCellColSpan(table, headerArr, row++));
-                    } else {
-                        if (table.tHead.length == 1 || (cell.rowSpan > 1 || !r[row + 1])) {
-                            arr.push(cell);
-                        }
-                        // headerArr[row] = (i+row);
-                    }
-                }
-                return arr;
-            };
-            function checkHeaderMetadata(cell) {
-                if (($.metadata) && ($(cell).metadata().sorter === false)) {
-                    return true;
-                };
-                return false;
-            }
-            function checkHeaderOptions(table, i) {
-                if ((table.config.headers[i]) && (table.config.headers[i].sorter === false)) {
-                    return true;
-                };
-                return false;
-            }
-            function checkHeaderOptionsSortingLocked(table, i) {
-                if ((table.config.headers[i]) && (table.config.headers[i].lockedOrder)) return table.config.headers[i].lockedOrder;
-                return false;
-            }
-            function applyWidget(table) {
-                var c = table.config.widgets;
-                var l = c.length;
-                for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-                    getWidgetById(c[i]).format(table);
-                }
-            }
-            function getWidgetById(name) {
-                var l = widgets.length;
-                for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-                    if (widgets[i].id.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) {
-                        return widgets[i];
-                    }
-                }
-            };
-            function formatSortingOrder(v) {
-                if (typeof(v) != "Number") {
-                    return (v.toLowerCase() == "desc") ? 1 : 0;
-                } else {
-                    return (v == 1) ? 1 : 0;
-                }
-            }
-            function isValueInArray(v, a) {
-                var l = a.length;
-                for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-                    if (a[i][0] == v) {
-                        return true;
-                    }
-                }
-                return false;
-            }
-            function setHeadersCss(table, $headers, list, css) {
-                // remove all header information
-                $headers.removeClass(css[0]).removeClass(css[1]);
-                var h = [];
-                $headers.each(function (offset) {
-                    if (!this.sortDisabled) {
-                        h[this.column] = $(this);
-                    }
-                });
-                var l = list.length;
-                for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-                    h[list[i][0]].addClass(css[list[i][1]]);
-                }
-            }
-            function fixColumnWidth(table, $headers) {
-                var c = table.config;
-                if (c.widthFixed) {
-                    var colgroup = $('<colgroup>');
-                    $("tr:first td", table.tBodies[0]).each(function () {
-                        colgroup.append($('<col>').css('width', $(this).width()));
-                    });
-                    $(table).prepend(colgroup);
-                };
-            }
-            function updateHeaderSortCount(table, sortList) {
-                var c = table.config,
-                    l = sortList.length;
-                for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-                    var s = sortList[i],
-                        o = c.headerList[s[0]];
-                    o.count = s[1];
-                    o.count++;
-                }
-            }
-            /* sorting methods */
-            function multisort(table, sortList, cache) {
-                if (table.config.debug) {
-                    var sortTime = new Date();
-                }
-                var dynamicExp = "var sortWrapper = function(a,b) {",
-                    l = sortList.length;
-                // TODO: inline functions.
-                for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-                    var c = sortList[i][0];
-                    var order = sortList[i][1];
-                    // var s = (getCachedSortType(table.config.parsers,c) == "text") ?
-                    // ((order == 0) ? "sortText" : "sortTextDesc") : ((order == 0) ?
-                    // "sortNumeric" : "sortNumericDesc");
-                    // var s = (table.config.parsers[c].type == "text") ? ((order == 0)
-                    // ? makeSortText(c) : makeSortTextDesc(c)) : ((order == 0) ?
-                    // makeSortNumeric(c) : makeSortNumericDesc(c));
-                    var s = (table.config.parsers[c].type == "text") ? ((order == 0) ? makeSortFunction("text", "asc", c) : makeSortFunction("text", "desc", c)) : ((order == 0) ? makeSortFunction("numeric", "asc", c) : makeSortFunction("numeric", "desc", c));
-                    var e = "e" + i;
-                    dynamicExp += "var " + e + " = " + s; // + "(a[" + c + "],b[" + c
-                    // + "]); ";
-                    dynamicExp += "if(" + e + ") { return " + e + "; } ";
-                    dynamicExp += "else { ";
-                }
-                // if value is the same keep orignal order
-                var orgOrderCol = cache.normalized[0].length - 1;
-                dynamicExp += "return a[" + orgOrderCol + "]-b[" + orgOrderCol + "];";
-                for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-                    dynamicExp += "}; ";
-                }
-                dynamicExp += "return 0; ";
-                dynamicExp += "}; ";
-                if (table.config.debug) {
-                    benchmark("Evaling expression:" + dynamicExp, new Date());
-                }
-                eval(dynamicExp);
-                cache.normalized.sort(sortWrapper);
-                if (table.config.debug) {
-                    benchmark("Sorting on " + sortList.toString() + " and dir " + order + " time:", sortTime);
-                }
-                return cache;
-            };
-            function makeSortFunction(type, direction, index) {
-                var a = "a[" + index + "]",
-                    b = "b[" + index + "]";
-                if (type == 'text' && direction == 'asc') {
-                    return "(" + a + " == " + b + " ? 0 : (" + a + " === null ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : (" + b + " === null ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : (" + a + " < " + b + ") ? -1 : 1 )));";
-                } else if (type == 'text' && direction == 'desc') {
-                    return "(" + a + " == " + b + " ? 0 : (" + a + " === null ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : (" + b + " === null ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : (" + b + " < " + a + ") ? -1 : 1 )));";
-                } else if (type == 'numeric' && direction == 'asc') {
-                    return "(" + a + " === null && " + b + " === null) ? 0 :(" + a + " === null ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : (" + b + " === null ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : " + a + " - " + b + "));";
-                } else if (type == 'numeric' && direction == 'desc') {
-                    return "(" + a + " === null && " + b + " === null) ? 0 :(" + a + " === null ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : (" + b + " === null ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : " + b + " - " + a + "));";
-                }
-            };
-            function makeSortText(i) {
-                return "((a[" + i + "] < b[" + i + "]) ? -1 : ((a[" + i + "] > b[" + i + "]) ? 1 : 0));";
-            };
-            function makeSortTextDesc(i) {
-                return "((b[" + i + "] < a[" + i + "]) ? -1 : ((b[" + i + "] > a[" + i + "]) ? 1 : 0));";
-            };
-            function makeSortNumeric(i) {
-                return "a[" + i + "]-b[" + i + "];";
-            };
-            function makeSortNumericDesc(i) {
-                return "b[" + i + "]-a[" + i + "];";
-            };
-            function sortText(a, b) {
-                if (table.config.sortLocaleCompare) return a.localeCompare(b);
-                return ((a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0));
-            };
-            function sortTextDesc(a, b) {
-                if (table.config.sortLocaleCompare) return b.localeCompare(a);
-                return ((b < a) ? -1 : ((b > a) ? 1 : 0));
-            };
-            function sortNumeric(a, b) {
-                return a - b;
-            };
-            function sortNumericDesc(a, b) {
-                return b - a;
-            };
-            function getCachedSortType(parsers, i) {
-                return parsers[i].type;
-            }; /* public methods */
-            this.construct = function (settings) {
-                return this.each(function () {
-                    // if no thead or tbody quit.
-                    if (!this.tHead || !this.tBodies) return;
-                    // declare
-                    var $this, $document, $headers, cache, config, shiftDown = 0,
-                        sortOrder;
-                    // new blank config object
-                    this.config = {};
-                    // merge and extend.
-                    config = $.extend(this.config, $.tablesorter.defaults, settings);
-                    // store common expression for speed
-                    $this = $(this);
-                    // save the settings where they read
-                    $.data(this, "tablesorter", config);
-                    // build headers
-                    $headers = buildHeaders(this);
-                    // try to auto detect column type, and store in tables config
-                    this.config.parsers = buildParserCache(this, $headers);
-                    // build the cache for the tbody cells
-                    cache = buildCache(this);
-                    // get the css class names, could be done else where.
-                    var sortCSS = [config.cssDesc, config.cssAsc];
-                    // fixate columns if the users supplies the fixedWidth option
-                    fixColumnWidth(this);
-                    // apply event handling to headers
-                    // this is to big, perhaps break it out?
-                    $headers.click(
-                    function (e) {
-                        var totalRows = ($this[0].tBodies[0] && $this[0].tBodies[0].rows.length) || 0;
-                        if (!this.sortDisabled && totalRows > 0) {
-                            // Only call sortStart if sorting is
-                            // enabled.
-                            $this.trigger("sortStart");
-                            // store exp, for speed
-                            var $cell = $(this);
-                            // get current column index
-                            var i = this.column;
-                            // get current column sort order
-                            this.order = this.count++ % 2;
-                            // always sort on the locked order.
-                            if(this.lockedOrder) this.order = this.lockedOrder;
-                            // user only whants to sort on one
-                            // column
-                            if (!e[config.sortMultiSortKey]) {
-                                // flush the sort list
-                                config.sortList = [];
-                                if (config.sortForce != null) {
-                                    var a = config.sortForce;
-                                    for (var j = 0; j < a.length; j++) {
-                                        if (a[j][0] != i) {
-                                            config.sortList.push(a[j]);
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                // add column to sort list
-                                config.sortList.push([i, this.order]);
-                                // multi column sorting
-                            } else {
-                                // the user has clicked on an all
-                                // ready sortet column.
-                                if (isValueInArray(i, config.sortList)) {
-                                    // revers the sorting direction
-                                    // for all tables.
-                                    for (var j = 0; j < config.sortList.length; j++) {
-                                        var s = config.sortList[j],
-                                            o = config.headerList[s[0]];
-                                        if (s[0] == i) {
-                                            o.count = s[1];
-                                            o.count++;
-                                            s[1] = o.count % 2;
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                } else {
-                                    // add column to sort list array
-                                    config.sortList.push([i, this.order]);
-                                }
-                            };
-                            setTimeout(function () {
-                                // set css for headers
-                                setHeadersCss($this[0], $headers, config.sortList, sortCSS);
-                                appendToTable(
-	                                $this[0], multisort(
-	                                $this[0], config.sortList, cache)
-								);
-                            }, 1);
-                            // stop normal event by returning false
-                            return false;
-                        }
-                        // cancel selection
-                    }).mousedown(function () {
-                        if (config.cancelSelection) {
-                            this.onselectstart = function () {
-                                return false
-                            };
-                            return false;
-                        }
-                    });
-                    // apply easy methods that trigger binded events
-                    $this.bind("update", function () {
-                        var me = this;
-                        setTimeout(function () {
-                            // rebuild parsers.
-                            me.config.parsers = buildParserCache(
-                            me, $headers);
-                            // rebuild the cache map
-                            cache = buildCache(me);
-                        }, 1);
-                    }).bind("updateCell", function (e, cell) {
-                        var config = this.config;
-                        // get position from the dom.
-                        var pos = [(cell.parentNode.rowIndex - 1), cell.cellIndex];
-                        // update cache
-                        cache.normalized[pos[0]][pos[1]] = config.parsers[pos[1]].format(
-                        getElementText(config, cell), cell);
-                    }).bind("sorton", function (e, list) {
-                        $(this).trigger("sortStart");
-                        config.sortList = list;
-                        // update and store the sortlist
-                        var sortList = config.sortList;
-                        // update header count index
-                        updateHeaderSortCount(this, sortList);
-                        // set css for headers
-                        setHeadersCss(this, $headers, sortList, sortCSS);
-                        // sort the table and append it to the dom
-                        appendToTable(this, multisort(this, sortList, cache));
-                    }).bind("appendCache", function () {
-                        appendToTable(this, cache);
-                    }).bind("applyWidgetId", function (e, id) {
-                        getWidgetById(id).format(this);
-                    }).bind("applyWidgets", function () {
-                        // apply widgets
-                        applyWidget(this);
-                    });
-                    if ($.metadata && ($(this).metadata() && $(this).metadata().sortlist)) {
-                        config.sortList = $(this).metadata().sortlist;
-                    }
-                    // if user has supplied a sort list to constructor.
-                    if (config.sortList.length > 0) {
-                        $this.trigger("sorton", [config.sortList]);
-                    }
-                    // apply widgets
-                    applyWidget(this);
-                });
-            };
-            this.addParser = function (parser) {
-                var l = parsers.length,
-                    a = true;
-                for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-                    if (parsers[i].id.toLowerCase() == parser.id.toLowerCase()) {
-                        a = false;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (a) {
-                    parsers.push(parser);
-                };
-            };
-            this.addWidget = function (widget) {
-                widgets.push(widget);
-            };
-            this.formatFloat = function (s) {
-                var i = parseFloat(s);
-                return (isNaN(i)) ? 0 : i;
-            };
-            this.formatInt = function (s) {
-                var i = parseInt(s);
-                return (isNaN(i)) ? 0 : i;
-            };
-            this.isDigit = function (s, config) {
-                // replace all an wanted chars and match.
-                return /^[-+]?\d*$/.test($.trim(s.replace(/[,.']/g, '')));
-            };
-            this.clearTableBody = function (table) {
-                if ($.browser.msie) {
-                    function empty() {
-                        while (this.firstChild)
-                        this.removeChild(this.firstChild);
-                    }
-                    empty.apply(table.tBodies[0]);
-                } else {
-                    table.tBodies[0].innerHTML = "";
-                }
-            };
-        }
-    });
-    // extend plugin scope
-    $.fn.extend({
-        tablesorter: $.tablesorter.construct
-    });
-    // make shortcut
-    var ts = $.tablesorter;
-    // add default parsers
-    ts.addParser({
-        id: "text",
-        is: function (s) {
-            return true;
-        }, format: function (s) {
-            return $.trim(s); // CW PATCH: lowercasing decision taken in the server
-        }, type: "text"
-    });
-    // CW PATCH: ugly hack to catch booleans
-    ts.addParser({
-        id: 'boolean',
-        is: function (s) {
-            return (s == "true" || s == "false");
-        },
-       format: function (s) {
-           if (s) { return "0"; } else { return "1"; }
-       },
-      type: 'boolean'});
-    ts.addParser({
-        id: "digit",
-        is: function (s, table) {
-            var c = table.config;
-            return $.tablesorter.isDigit(s, c);
-        }, format: function (s) {
-            return $.tablesorter.formatFloat(s);
-        }, type: "numeric"
-    });
-    ts.addParser({
-        id: "currency",
-        is: function (s) {
-            return /^[£$€?.]/.test(s);
-        }, format: function (s) {
-            return $.tablesorter.formatFloat(s.replace(new RegExp(/[£$€]/g), ""));
-        }, type: "numeric"
-    });
-    ts.addParser({
-        id: "ipAddress",
-        is: function (s) {
-            return /^\d{2,3}[\.]\d{2,3}[\.]\d{2,3}[\.]\d{2,3}$/.test(s);
-        }, format: function (s) {
-            var a = s.split("."),
-                r = "",
-                l = a.length;
-            for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-                var item = a[i];
-                if (item.length == 2) {
-                    r += "0" + item;
-                } else {
-                    r += item;
-                }
-            }
-            return $.tablesorter.formatFloat(r);
-        }, type: "numeric"
-    });
-    ts.addParser({
-        id: "url",
-        is: function (s) {
-            return /^(https?|ftp|file):\/\/$/.test(s);
-        }, format: function (s) {
-            return jQuery.trim(s.replace(new RegExp(/(https?|ftp|file):\/\//), ''));
-        }, type: "text"
-    });
-    ts.addParser({
-        id: "isoDate",
-        is: function (s) {
-            return /^\d{4}[\/-]\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{1,2}$/.test(s);
-        }, format: function (s) {
-            return $.tablesorter.formatFloat((s != "") ? new Date(s.replace(
-            new RegExp(/-/g), "/")).getTime() : "0");
-        }, type: "numeric"
-    });
-    ts.addParser({
-        id: "percent",
-        is: function (s) {
-            return /\%$/.test($.trim(s));
-        }, format: function (s) {
-            return $.tablesorter.formatFloat(s.replace(new RegExp(/%/g), ""));
-        }, type: "numeric"
-    });
-    ts.addParser({
-        id: "usLongDate",
-        is: function (s) {
-            return s.match(new RegExp(/^[A-Za-z]{3,10}\.? [0-9]{1,2}, ([0-9]{4}|'?[0-9]{2}) (([0-2]?[0-9]:[0-5][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]\s(AM|PM)))$/));
-        }, format: function (s) {
-            return $.tablesorter.formatFloat(new Date(s).getTime());
-        }, type: "numeric"
-    });
-    ts.addParser({
-        id: "shortDate",
-        is: function (s) {
-            return /\d{1,2}[\/\-]\d{1,2}[\/\-]\d{2,4}/.test(s);
-        }, format: function (s, table) {
-            var c = table.config;
-            s = s.replace(/\-/g, "/");
-            if (c.dateFormat == "us") {
-                // reformat the string in ISO format
-                s = s.replace(/(\d{1,2})[\/\-](\d{1,2})[\/\-](\d{4})/, "$3/$1/$2");
-            } else if (c.dateFormat == "uk") {
-                // reformat the string in ISO format
-                s = s.replace(/(\d{1,2})[\/\-](\d{1,2})[\/\-](\d{4})/, "$3/$2/$1");
-            } else if (c.dateFormat == "dd/mm/yy" || c.dateFormat == "dd-mm-yy") {
-                s = s.replace(/(\d{1,2})[\/\-](\d{1,2})[\/\-](\d{2})/, "$1/$2/$3");
-            }
-            return $.tablesorter.formatFloat(new Date(s).getTime());
-        }, type: "numeric"
-    });
-    ts.addParser({
-        id: "time",
-        is: function (s) {
-            return /^(([0-2]?[0-9]:[0-5][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]\s(am|pm)))$/.test(s);
-        }, format: function (s) {
-            return $.tablesorter.formatFloat(new Date("2000/01/01 " + s).getTime());
-        }, type: "numeric"
-    });
-    ts.addParser({
-        id: "metadata",
-        is: function (s) {
-            return false;
-        }, format: function (s, table, cell) {
-            var c = table.config,
-                p = (!c.parserMetadataName) ? 'sortValue' : c.parserMetadataName;
-            return $(cell).metadata()[p];
-        }, type: "numeric"
-    });
-    // add default widgets
-    ts.addWidget({
-        id: "zebra",
-        format: function (table) {
-            if (table.config.debug) {
-                var time = new Date();
-            }
-            var $tr, row = -1,
-                odd;
-            // loop through the visible rows
-            $("tr:visible", table.tBodies[0]).each(function (i) {
-                $tr = $(this);
-                // style children rows the same way the parent
-                // row was styled
-                if (!$tr.hasClass(table.config.cssChildRow)) row++;
-                odd = (row % 2 == 0);
-                $tr.removeClass(
-                table.config.widgetZebra.css[odd ? 0 : 1]).addClass(
-                table.config.widgetZebra.css[odd ? 1 : 0])
-            });
-            if (table.config.debug) {
-                $.tablesorter.benchmark("Applying Zebra widget", time);
-            }
-        }
-    });