changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11052 058bb3dc685f
child 11058 23eb30449fe5
--- a/web/data/cubicweb.widgets.js	Mon Jan 04 18:40:30 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,555 +0,0 @@
- * Functions dedicated to widgets.
- *
- *  :organization: Logilab
- *  :copyright: 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
- *  :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
- *
- *
- */
-// widget namespace
-Widgets = {};
- * .. function:: buildWidget(wdgnode)
- *
- * this function takes a DOM node defining a widget and
- * instantiates / builds the appropriate widget class
- */
-function buildWidget(wdgnode) {
-    var wdgclass = Widgets[wdgnode.getAttribute('cubicweb:wdgtype')];
-    if (wdgclass) {
-        return new wdgclass(wdgnode);
-    }
-    return null;
-function renderJQueryDatePicker(subject, button_image, date_format, min_date, max_date){
-    $widget = cw.jqNode(subject);
-    $widget.datepicker({buttonImage: button_image, dateFormat: date_format,
-                        firstDay: 1, showOn: "button", buttonImageOnly: true,
-                        minDate: min_date, maxDate: max_date});
-    $widget.change(function(ev) {
-        maxOfId = $(this).data('max-of');
-        if (maxOfId) {
-            cw.jqNode(maxOfId).datepicker("option", "maxDate", this.value);
-        }
-        minOfId = $(this).data('min-of');
-        if (minOfId) {
-            cw.jqNode(minOfId).datepicker("option", "minDate", this.value);
-        }
-    });
- * .. function:: buildWidgets(root)
- *
- * This function is called on load and is in charge to build
- * JS widgets according to DOM nodes found in the page
- */
-function buildWidgets(root) {
-    root = root || document;
-    jQuery(root).find('.widget').each(function() {
-        if (this.getAttribute('cubicweb:loadtype') == 'auto') {
-            buildWidget(this);
-        }
-    });
-jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-    buildWidgets();
-function postJSON(url, data, callback) {
-    return jQuery.post(url, data, callback, AJAX_BASE_URL);
-function getJSON(url, data, callback) {
-    return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, AJAX_BASE_URL);
-(function ($) {
-    var defaultSettings = {
-        initialvalue: '',
-        multiple: false,
-        mustMatch: false,
-        delay: 50,
-        limit: 50
-    };
-    function split(val) { return val.split( /\s*,\s*/ ); }
-    function extractLast(term) { return split(term).pop(); }
-    function allButLast(val) {
-        var terms = split(val);
-        terms.pop();
-        return terms;
-    }
-    var methods = {
-        __init__: function(suggestions, options) {
-            return this.each(function() {
-                // here, `this` refers to the DOM element (e.g. input) being wrapped
-                // by cwautomplete plugin
-                var instanceData = $(this).data('cwautocomplete');
-                if (instanceData) {
-                    // already initialized
-                    return;
-                }
-                var settings = $.extend({}, defaultSettings, options);
-                instanceData =  {
-                    initialvalue: settings.initialvalue,
-                    userInput: this,
-                    hiddenInput: null
-                };
-                var hiHandlers = methods.hiddenInputHandlers;
-                $(this).data('cwautocomplete', instanceData);
-                // in case of an existing value, the hidden input must be initialized even if
-                // the value is not changed
-                if (($(instanceData.userInput).attr('cubicweb:initialvalue') !== undefined) && !instanceData.hiddenInput){
-                    hiHandlers.initializeHiddenInput(instanceData);
-                }
-                $.ui.autocomplete.prototype._value = methods._value;
-                $.data(this, 'settings', settings);
-                if (settings.multiple) {
-                    $.ui.autocomplete.filter = methods.multiple.makeFilter(this);
-                    $(this).bind({
-                        autocompleteselect: methods.multiple.select,
-                        autocompletefocus: methods.multiple.focus,
-                        keydown: methods.multiple.keydown
-                        });
-                }
-                // XXX katia we dont need it if minLength == 0, but by setting minLength = 0
-                // we probably break the backward compatibility
-                $(this).bind('blur', methods.blur);
-                if ($.isArray(suggestions)) { // precomputed list of suggestions
-                    settings.source = hiHandlers.checkSuggestionsDataFormat(instanceData, suggestions);
-                } else { // url to call each time something is typed
-                    settings.source = function(request, response) {
-                        var d = loadRemote(suggestions, {q: request.term, limit: settings.limit}, 'POST');
-                        d.addCallback(function (suggestions) {
-                            suggestions = hiHandlers.checkSuggestionsDataFormat(instanceData, suggestions);
-                            response(suggestions);
-                            if((suggestions.length) == 0){
-                                methods.resetValues(instanceData);
-                            }
-                        });
-                    };
-                }
-                $(this).autocomplete(settings);
-                if (settings.mustMatch) {
-                    $(this).keypress(methods.ensureExactMatch);
-                }
-            });
-        },
-        _value: function() {
-            /* We extend the widget with the ability to lookup and
-               handle several terms at once ('multiple' option). E.g.:
-               toto, titi, tu....  The autocompletion must be
-               performed only on the last of such a list of terms.
-              */
-            var settings = $(this.element).data('settings');
-            var value = this.valueMethod.apply( this.element, arguments );
-            if (settings.multiple & arguments.length === 0) {
-                return extractLast(value);
-            }
-            return value
-        },
-        multiple: {
-            focus: function() {
-                // prevent value inserted on focus
-                return false;
-            },
-            select: function(event, ui) {
-                var terms = allButLast(this.value);
-                // add the selected item
-                terms.push(ui.item.value);
-                // add placeholder to get the comma-and-space at the end
-                terms.push("");
-                this.value = terms.join( ", " );
-                return false;
-            },
-            keydown: function(evt) {
-                if (evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.TAB) {
-                    evt.preventDefault();
-                }
-            },
-            makeFilter: function(userInput) {
-                return function(array, term) {
-                    // remove already entered terms from suggestion list
-                    array = cw.utils.difference(array, allButLast(userInput.value));
-                    var matcher = new RegExp( $.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(term), "i" );
-                    return $.grep( array, function(value) {
-                        return matcher.test( value.label || value.value || value );
-                    });
-                };
-            }
-        },
-        blur: function(evt){
-            var instanceData = $(this).data('cwautocomplete');
-            if($(instanceData.userInput).val().strip().length==0){
-                methods.resetValues(instanceData);
-            }
-        },
-        ensureExactMatch: function(evt) {
-            var instanceData = $(this).data('cwautocomplete');
-            if (evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER || evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.TAB) {
-                var validChoices = $.map($('ul.ui-autocomplete li'),
-                                         function(li) {return $(li).text();});
-                if ($.inArray($(instanceData.userInput).val(), validChoices) == -1) {
-                    $(instanceData.userInput).val('');
-                    $(instanceData.hiddenInput).val(instanceData.initialvalue || '');
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        resetValues: function(instanceData){
-            $(instanceData.userInput).val('');
-            $(instanceData.hiddenInput).val('');
-        },
-        hiddenInputHandlers: {
-            /**
-             * `hiddenInputHandlers` defines all methods specific to handle the
-             * hidden input created along the standard text input.
-             * An hiddenInput is necessary when displayed suggestions are
-             * different from actual values to submit.
-             * Imagine an autocompletion widget to choose among a list of CWusers.
-             * Suggestions would be the list of logins, but actual values would
-             * be the corresponding eids.
-             * To handle such cases, suggestions list should be a list of JS objects
-             * with two `label` and `value` properties.
-             **/
-            suggestionSelected: function(evt, ui) {
-                var instanceData = $(this).data('cwautocomplete');
-                instanceData.hiddenInput.value = ui.item.value;
-                instanceData.value = ui.item.label;
-                return false; // stop propagation
-            },
-            suggestionFocusChanged: function(evt, ui) {
-                var instanceData = $(this).data('cwautocomplete');
-                instanceData.userInput.value = ui.item.label;
-                return false; // stop propagation
-            },
-            needsHiddenInput: function(suggestions) {
-                return suggestions[0].label !== undefined;
-            },
-            initializeHiddenInput: function(instanceData) {
-                var userInput = instanceData.userInput;
-                var hiddenInput = INPUT({
-                    type: "hidden",
-                    name: userInput.name,
-                    // XXX katia : this must be handeled in .SuggestField widget, but
-                    // it seems not to be used anymore
-                    value: $(userInput).attr('cubicweb:initialvalue') || userInput.value
-                });
-                $(userInput).removeAttr('name').after(hiddenInput);
-                instanceData.hiddenInput = hiddenInput;
-                $(userInput).bind({
-                    autocompleteselect: methods.hiddenInputHandlers.suggestionSelected,
-                    autocompletefocus: methods.hiddenInputHandlers.suggestionFocusChanged
-                });
-            },
-            /*
-             * internal convenience function: old jquery plugin accepted to be fed
-             * with a list of couples (value, label). The new (jquery-ui) autocomplete
-             * plugin expects a list of objects with "value" and "label" properties.
-             *
-             * This function converts the old format to the new one.
-             */
-            checkSuggestionsDataFormat: function(instanceData, suggestions) {
-                // check for old (value, label) format
-                if ($.isArray(suggestions) && suggestions.length &&
-                    $.isArray(suggestions[0])){
-                    if (suggestions[0].length == 2) {
-                        cw.log('[3.10] autocomplete init func should return {label,value} dicts instead of lists');
-                        suggestions = $.map(suggestions, function(sugg) {
-                                            return {value: sugg[0], label: sugg[1]};
-                                            });
-                    } else {
-                        if(suggestions[0].length == 1){
-                            suggestions = $.map(suggestions, function(sugg) {
-                                return {value: sugg[0], label: sugg[0]};
-                            });
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                var hiHandlers = methods.hiddenInputHandlers;
-                if (suggestions.length && hiHandlers.needsHiddenInput(suggestions)
-                    && !instanceData.hiddenInput) {
-                    hiHandlers.initializeHiddenInput(instanceData);
-                    hiHandlers.fixUserInputInitialValue(instanceData, suggestions);
-                }
-                // otherwise, assume data shape is correct
-                return suggestions;
-            },
-            fixUserInputInitialValue: function(instanceData, suggestions) {
-                // called when the data is loaded to reset the correct displayed
-                // value in the visible input field (typically replacing an eid
-                // by a displayable value)
-                var curvalue = instanceData.userInput.value;
-                if (!curvalue) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                for (var i=0, length=suggestions.length; i < length; i++) {
-                    var sugg = suggestions[i];
-                    if (sugg.value == curvalue) {
-                        instanceData.userInput.value = sugg.label;
-                        return;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    $.fn.cwautocomplete = function(data, options) {
-        return methods.__init__.apply(this, [data, options]);
-    };
-Widgets.SuggestField = defclass('SuggestField', null, {
-    __init__: function(node, options) {
-        options = options || {};
-        var multi = node.getAttribute('cubicweb:multi');
-        options.multiple = (multi == "yes") ? true: false;
-        var d = loadRemote(node.getAttribute('cubicweb:dataurl'));
-        d.addCallback(function(data) {
-            $(node).cwautocomplete(data, options);
-        });
-    }
-Widgets.StaticFileSuggestField = defclass('StaticSuggestField', [Widgets.SuggestField], {
-    __init__: function(node) {
-        Widgets.SuggestField.__init__(this, node, {
-            method: 'get' // XXX
-        });
-    }
-Widgets.RestrictedSuggestField = defclass('RestrictedSuggestField', [Widgets.SuggestField], {
-    __init__: function(node) {
-        Widgets.SuggestField.__init__(this, node, {
-            mustMatch: true
-        });
-    }
-//remote version of RestrictedSuggestField
-Widgets.LazySuggestField = defclass('LazySuggestField', [Widgets.SuggestField], {
-    __init__: function(node, options) {
-        var self = this;
-        options = options || {};
-        options.delay = 50;
-        // multiple selection not supported yet (still need to formalize correctly
-        // initial values / display values)
-        var initialvalue = cw.evalJSON(node.getAttribute('cubicweb:initialvalue') || 'null');
-        if (!initialvalue) {
-            initialvalue = node.value;
-        }
-        options.initialvalue = initialvalue;
-        Widgets.SuggestField.__init__(this, node, options);
-    }
- * .. function:: toggleTree(event)
- *
- * called when the use clicks on a tree node
- *  - if the node has a `cubicweb:loadurl` attribute, replace the content of the node
- *    by the url's content.
- *  - else, there's nothing to do, let the jquery plugin handle it.
- */
-function toggleTree(event) {
-    var linode = jQuery(this);
-    var url = linode.attr('cubicweb:loadurl');
-    if (url) {
-        linode.find('ul.placeholder').remove();
-        var d = linode.loadxhtml(url, null, 'post', 'append');
-        d.addCallback(function(domnode) {
-                linode.removeAttr('cubicweb:loadurl');
-                linode.find('> ul.treeview').treeview({
-                    toggle: toggleTree,
-                    prerendered: true
-                });
-                return null;
-            }
-        );
-    }
-Widgets.TemplateTextField = defclass("TemplateTextField", null, {
-    __init__: function(wdgnode) {
-        this.variables = jQuery(wdgnode).attr('cubicweb:variables').split(',');
-        this.options = {
-            name: wdgnode.getAttribute('cubicweb:inputid'),
-            rows: wdgnode.getAttribute('cubicweb:rows') || 40,
-            cols: wdgnode.getAttribute('cubicweb:cols') || 80
-        };
-        // this.variableRegexp = /%\((\w+)\)s/;
-        this.errorField = DIV({
-            'class': "errorMessage"
-        });
-        this.textField = TEXTAREA(this.options);
-        jQuery(this.textField).bind('keyup', {
-            'self': this
-        },
-        this.highlightInvalidVariables);
-        jQuery('#substitutions').prepend(this.errorField);
-        jQuery('#substitutions .errorMessage').hide();
-        wdgnode.appendChild(this.textField);
-    },
-    /* signal callbacks */
-    highlightInvalidVariables: function(event) {
-        var self = event.data.self;
-        var text = self.textField.value;
-        var unknownVariables = [];
-        var it = 0;
-        var group = null;
-        var variableRegexp = /%\((\w+)\)s/g;
-        // emulates rgx.findAll()
-        while ( (group = variableRegexp.exec(text)) ) {
-            if ($.inArray(group[1], self.variables) == -1) {
-                unknownVariables.push(group[1]);
-            }
-            it++;
-            if (it > 5) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        var errText = '';
-        if (unknownVariables.length) {
-            errText = "Detected invalid variables : " + unknownVariables.join(', ');
-            jQuery('#substitutions .errorMessage').show();
-        } else {
-            jQuery('#substitutions .errorMessage').hide();
-        }
-        self.errorField.innerHTML = errText;
-    }
-cw.widgets = {
-    /**
-     * .. function:: insertText(text, areaId)
-     *
-     * inspects textarea with id `areaId` and replaces the current selected text
-     * with `text`. Cursor is then set at the end of the inserted text.
-     */
-    insertText: function (text, areaId) {
-        var textarea = jQuery('#' + areaId);
-        if (document.selection) { // IE
-            var selLength;
-            textarea.focus();
-            var sel = document.selection.createRange();
-            selLength = sel.text.length;
-            sel.text = text;
-            sel.moveStart('character', selLength - text.length);
-            sel.select();
-        } else if (textarea.selectionStart || textarea.selectionStart == '0') { // mozilla
-            var startPos = textarea.selectionStart;
-            var endPos = textarea.selectionEnd;
-            // insert text so that it replaces the [startPos, endPos] part
-            textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, startPos) + text + textarea.value.substring(endPos, textarea.value.length);
-            // set cursor pos at the end of the inserted text
-            textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = startPos + text.length;
-            textarea.focus();
-        } else { // safety belt for other browsers
-            textarea.value += text;
-        }
-    }
-// InOutWidget  This contains specific InOutnWidget javascript
-// IE things can not handle hide/show options on select, this cloned list solition (should propably have 2 widgets)
-(function ($) {
-    var methods = {
-        __init__: function(fromSelect, toSelect) {
-            // closed over state
-            var state = {'$fromNode' : $(cw.escape('#' + fromSelect)),
-                         '$toNode'   : $(cw.escape('#' + toSelect)),
-                         'name'      : this.attr('id')};
-            function sortoptions($optionlist) {
-                var $sorted = $optionlist.find('option').sort(function(opt1, opt2) {
-                    return $(opt1).text() > $(opt2).text() ? 1 : -1;
-                });
-                // this somehow translates to an inplace sort
-                $optionlist.append($sorted);
-            };
-            sortoptions(state.$fromNode);
-            sortoptions(state.$toNode);
-            // will move selected options from one list to the other
-            // and call an option handler on each option
-            function moveoptions ($fromlist, $tolist, opthandler) {
-                $fromlist.find('option:selected').each(function(index, option) {
-                    var $option = $(option);
-                    // add a new option to the target list
-                    $tolist.append(OPTION({'value' : $option.val()},
-	 			          $option.text()));
-                    // process callback on the option
-                    opthandler.call(null, $option);
-                    // remove option from the source list
-                    $option.remove();
-                });
-                // re-sort both lists
-                sortoptions($fromlist);
-                sortoptions($tolist);
-            };
-            function addvalues () {
-                moveoptions(state.$fromNode, state.$toNode, function ($option) {
-                    // add an hidden input for the edit controller
-                    var hiddenInput = INPUT({
-                        type: 'hidden', name: state.name,
-                        value : $option.val()
-                    });
-                    state.$toNode.parent().append(hiddenInput);
-                });
-            };
-            function removevalues () {
-                moveoptions(state.$toNode, state.$fromNode, function($option) {
-                    // remove hidden inputs for the edit controller
-                    var selector = 'input[name=' + cw.escape(state.name) + ']'
-                    state.$toNode.parent().find(selector).each(function(index, input) {
-                        if ($(input).val() == $option.val()) {
-                            $(input).remove();
-                        }
-                    });
-                });
-            };
-            var $this = $(this);
-            $this.find('.cwinoutadd').bind( // 'add >>>' symbol
-                'click', {'state' : state}, addvalues);
-            $this.find('.cwinoutremove').bind( // 'remove <<<' symbol
-                'click', {'state' : state}, removevalues);
-            state.$fromNode.bind('dblclick', {'state': state}, addvalues);
-            state.$toNode.bind('dblclick', {'state': state}, removevalues);
-        }
-    };
-    $.fn.cwinoutwidget = function(fromSelect, toSelect) {
-        return methods.__init__.apply(this, [fromSelect, toSelect]);
-    };