changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11052 058bb3dc685f
child 11058 23eb30449fe5
--- a/server/	Mon Jan 04 18:40:30 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-# copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
-# contact --
-# This file is part of CubicWeb.
-# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
-# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
-# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
-"""Functions to add additional annotations on a rql syntax tree to ease later
-code generation.
-from __future__ import print_function
-__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
-from rql import BadRQLQuery
-from rql.nodes import Relation, VariableRef, Constant, Variable, Or, Exists
-from rql.utils import common_parent
-def _annotate_select(annotator, rqlst):
-    has_text_query = False
-    for subquery in rqlst.with_:
-        if annotator._annotate_union(subquery.query):
-            has_text_query = True
-    #if server.DEBUG:
-    #    print '-------- sql annotate', repr(rqlst)
-    getrschema = annotator.schema.rschema
-    for var in rqlst.defined_vars.values():
-        stinfo = var.stinfo
-        if stinfo.get('ftirels'):
-            has_text_query = True
-        if stinfo['attrvar']:
-            stinfo['invariant'] = False
-            stinfo['principal'] = _select_main_var(stinfo['rhsrelations'])
-            continue
-        if not stinfo['relations'] and stinfo['typerel'] is None:
-            # Any X, Any MAX(X)...
-            # those particular queries should be executed using the system
-            # entities table unless there is some type restriction
-            stinfo['invariant'] = True
-            stinfo['principal'] = None
-            continue
-        if any(rel for rel in stinfo['relations'] if rel.r_type == 'eid' and rel.operator() != '=') and \
-               not any(r for r in var.stinfo['relations'] - var.stinfo['rhsrelations']
-                       if r.r_type != 'eid' and (getrschema(r.r_type).inlined or getrschema(r.r_type).final)):
-            # Any X WHERE X eid > 2
-            # those particular queries should be executed using the system entities table
-            stinfo['invariant'] = True
-            stinfo['principal'] = None
-            continue
-        if stinfo['selected'] and var.valuable_references() == 1+bool(stinfo['constnode']):
-            # "Any X", "Any X, Y WHERE X attr Y"
-            stinfo['invariant'] = False
-            continue
-        joins = set()
-        invariant = False
-        for ref in var.references():
-            rel = ref.relation()
-            if rel is None or rel.is_types_restriction():
-                continue
-            lhs, rhs = rel.get_parts()
-            onlhs = ref is lhs
-            role = 'subject' if onlhs else 'object'
-            if rel.r_type == 'eid':
-                if not (onlhs and len(stinfo['relations']) > 1):
-                    break
-                if not stinfo['constnode']:
-                    joins.add( (rel, role) )
-                continue
-            elif rel.r_type == 'identity':
-                # identity can't be used as principal, so check other relation are used
-                # XXX explain rhs.operator == '='
-                if rhs.operator != '=' or len(stinfo['relations']) <= 1: #(stinfo['constnode'] and rhs.operator == '='):
-                    break
-                joins.add( (rel, role) )
-                continue
-            rschema = getrschema(rel.r_type)
-            if rel.optional:
-                if rel in stinfo.get('optrelations', ()):
-                    # optional variable can't be invariant if this is the lhs
-                    # variable of an inlined relation
-                    if not rel in stinfo['rhsrelations'] and rschema.inlined:
-                        break
-                # variable used as main variable of an optional relation can't
-                # be invariant, unless we can use some other relation as
-                # reference for the outer join
-                elif not stinfo['constnode']:
-                    break
-                elif len(stinfo['relations']) == 2:
-                    if onlhs:
-                        ostinfo = rhs.children[0].variable.stinfo
-                    else:
-                        ostinfo = lhs.variable.stinfo
-                    if not (ostinfo.get('optcomparisons') or
-                            any(orel for orel in ostinfo['relations']
-                                if orel.optional and orel is not rel)):
-                        break
-            if or (onlhs and rschema.inlined):
-                if rschema.type != 'has_text':
-                    # need join anyway if the variable appears in a final or
-                    # inlined relation
-                    break
-                joins.add( (rel, role) )
-                continue
-            if not stinfo['constnode']:
-                if rschema.inlined and rel.neged(strict=True):
-                    # if relation is inlined, can't be invariant if that
-                    # variable is used anywhere else.
-                    # see 'Any P WHERE NOT N ecrit_par P, N eid 512':
-                    # sql for 'NOT N ecrit_par P' is 'N.ecrit_par is NULL' so P
-                    # can use N.ecrit_par as principal
-                    if (stinfo['selected'] or len(stinfo['relations']) > 1):
-                        break
-            joins.add( (rel, role) )
-        else:
-            # if there is at least one ambigous relation and no other to
-            # restrict types, can't be invariant since we need to filter out
-            # other types
-            if not annotator.is_ambiguous(var):
-                invariant = True
-        stinfo['invariant'] = invariant
-        if invariant and joins:
-            # remember rqlst/solutions analyze information
-            # we have to select a kindof "main" relation which will "extrajoins"
-            # the other
-            # priority should be given to relation which are not in inner queries
-            # (eg exists)
-            try:
-                stinfo['principal'] = principal = _select_principal(var.scope, joins)
-                if getrschema(principal.r_type).inlined:
-                    # the scope of the lhs variable must be equal or outer to the
-                    # rhs variable's scope (since it's retrieved from lhs's table)
-                    sstinfo = principal.children[0].variable.stinfo
-                    sstinfo['scope'] = common_parent(sstinfo['scope'], stinfo['scope']).scope
-            except CantSelectPrincipal:
-                stinfo['invariant'] = False
-    # see unittest_rqlannotation. test_has_text_security_cache_bug
-    # XXX probably more to do, but yet that work without more...
-    for col_alias in rqlst.aliases.values():
-        if col_alias.stinfo.get('ftirels'):
-            has_text_query = True
-    return has_text_query
-class CantSelectPrincipal(Exception):
-    """raised when no 'principal' variable can be found"""
-def _select_principal(scope, relations, _sort=lambda x:x):
-    """given a list of rqlst relations, select one which will be used to
-    represent an invariant variable (e.g. using on extremity of the relation
-    instead of the variable's type table
-    """
-    # _sort argument is there for test
-    diffscope_rels = {}
-    ored_rels = set()
-    diffscope_rels = set()
-    for rel, role in _sort(relations):
-        # note: only eid and has_text among all final relations may be there
-        if rel.r_type in ('eid', 'identity'):
-            continue
-        if rel.optional is not None and len(relations) > 1:
-            if role == 'subject' and rel.optional == 'right':
-                continue
-            if role == 'object' and rel.optional == 'left':
-                continue
-        if rel.ored(traverse_scope=True):
-            ored_rels.add(rel)
-        elif rel.scope is scope:
-            return rel
-        elif not rel.neged(traverse_scope=True):
-            diffscope_rels.add(rel)
-    if len(ored_rels) > 1:
-        ored_rels_copy = tuple(ored_rels)
-        for rel1 in ored_rels_copy:
-            for rel2 in ored_rels_copy:
-                if rel1 is rel2:
-                    continue
-                if isinstance(common_parent(rel1, rel2), Or):
-                    ored_rels.discard(rel1)
-                    ored_rels.discard(rel2)
-    for rel in _sort(ored_rels):
-        if rel.scope is scope:
-            return rel
-        diffscope_rels.add(rel)
-    # if DISTINCT query, can use variable from a different scope as principal
-    # since introduced duplicates will be removed
-    if scope.stmt.distinct and diffscope_rels:
-        return next(iter(_sort(diffscope_rels)))
-    # XXX could use a relation from a different scope if it can't generate
-    # duplicates, so we should have to check cardinality
-    raise CantSelectPrincipal()
-def _select_main_var(relations):
-    """given a list of rqlst relations, select one which will be used as main
-    relation for the rhs variable
-    """
-    principal = None
-    others = []
-    # sort for test predictability
-    for rel in sorted(relations, key=lambda x: (x.children[0].name, x.r_type)):
-        # only equality relation with a variable as rhs may be principal
-        if rel.operator() not in ('=', 'IS') \
-               or not isinstance(rel.children[1].children[0], VariableRef) or rel.neged(strict=True):
-            continue
-        if rel.optional:
-            others.append(rel)
-            continue
-        if rel.scope is rel.stmt:
-            return rel
-        principal = rel
-    if principal is None:
-        if others:
-            return others[0]
-        raise BadRQLQuery('unable to find principal in %s' % ', '.join(
-            r.as_string() for r in relations))
-    return principal
-def set_qdata(getrschema, union, noinvariant):
-    """recursive function to set querier data on variables in the syntax tree
-    """
-    for select in union.children:
-        for subquery in select.with_:
-            set_qdata(getrschema, subquery.query, noinvariant)
-        for var in select.defined_vars.values():
-            if var.stinfo['invariant']:
-                if var in noinvariant and not var.stinfo['principal'].r_type == 'has_text':
-                    var._q_invariant = False
-                else:
-                    var._q_invariant = True
-            else:
-                var._q_invariant = False
-class SQLGenAnnotator(object):
-    def __init__(self, schema):
-        self.schema = schema
-        self.nfdomain = frozenset(eschema.type for eschema in schema.entities()
-                                  if not
-    def annotate(self, rqlst):
-        """add information to the rql syntax tree to help sources to do their
-        job (read sql generation)
-        a variable is tagged as invariant if:
-        * it's a non final variable
-        * it's not used as lhs in any final or inlined relation
-        * there is no type restriction on this variable (either explicit in the
-          syntax tree or because a solution for this variable has been removed
-          due to security filtering)
-        """
-        #assert rqlst.TYPE == 'select', rqlst
-        rqlst.has_text_query = self._annotate_union(rqlst)
-    def _annotate_union(self, union):
-        has_text_query = False
-        for select in union.children:
-            if _annotate_select(self, select):
-                has_text_query = True
-        return has_text_query
-    def is_ambiguous(self, var):
-        # ignore has_text relation when we know it will be used as principal.
-        # This is expected by the rql2sql generator which will use the `entities`
-        # table to filter out by type if necessary, This optimisation is very
-        # interesting in multi-sources cases, as it may avoid a costly query
-        # on sources to get all entities of a given type to achieve this, while
-        # we have all the necessary information.
-        root = var.stmt.root # Union node
-        # rel.scope -> Select or Exists node, so add .parent to get Union from
-        # Select node
-        rels = [rel for rel in var.stinfo['relations'] if rel.scope.parent is root]
-        if len(rels) == 1 and rels[0].r_type == 'has_text':
-            return False
-        try:
-            data = var.stmt._deamb_data
-        except AttributeError:
-            data = var.stmt._deamb_data = IsAmbData(self.schema, self.nfdomain)
-            data.compute(var.stmt)
-        return data.is_ambiguous(var)
-class IsAmbData(object):
-    def __init__(self, schema, nfdomain):
-        self.schema = schema
-        # shortcuts
-        self.rschema = schema.rschema
-        self.eschema = schema.eschema
-        # domain for non final variables
-        self.nfdomain = nfdomain
-        # {var: possible solutions set}
-        self.varsols = {}
-        # set of ambiguous variables
-        self.ambiguousvars = set()
-        # remember if a variable has been deambiguified by another to avoid
-        # doing the opposite
-        self.deambification_map = {}
-        # not invariant variables (access to final.inlined relation)
-        self.not_invariants = set()
-    def is_ambiguous(self, var):
-        return var in self.ambiguousvars
-    def restrict(self, var, restricted_domain):
-        self.varsols[var] &= restricted_domain
-        if var in self.ambiguousvars and self.varsols[var] == var.stinfo['possibletypes']:
-            self.ambiguousvars.remove(var)
-    def compute(self, rqlst):
-        # set domains for each variable
-        for varname, var in rqlst.defined_vars.items():
-            if var.stinfo['uidrel'] is not None or \
-                   self.eschema([0][varname]).final:
-                ptypes = var.stinfo['possibletypes']
-            else:
-                ptypes = set(self.nfdomain)
-                self.ambiguousvars.add(var)
-            self.varsols[var] = ptypes
-        if not self.ambiguousvars:
-            return
-        # apply relation restriction
-        self.maydeambrels = maydeambrels = {}
-        for rel in rqlst.iget_nodes(Relation):
-            if rel.r_type == 'eid' or rel.is_types_restriction():
-                continue
-            lhs, rhs = rel.get_variable_parts()
-            if isinstance(lhs, VariableRef) or isinstance(rhs, VariableRef):
-                rschema = self.rschema(rel.r_type)
-                if rschema.inlined or
-                    self.not_invariants.add(lhs.variable)
-                self.set_rel_constraint(lhs, rel, rschema.subjects)
-                self.set_rel_constraint(rhs, rel, rschema.objects)
-        # try to deambiguify more variables by considering other variables'type
-        modified = True
-        while modified and self.ambiguousvars:
-            modified = False
-            for var in self.ambiguousvars.copy():
-                try:
-                    for rel in (var.stinfo['relations'] & maydeambrels[var]):
-                        if self.deambiguifying_relation(var, rel):
-                            modified = True
-                            break
-                except KeyError:
-                    # no relation to deambiguify
-                    continue
-    def _debug_print(self):
-        print('varsols', dict((x, sorted(str(v) for v in values))
-                               for x, values in self.varsols.items()))
-        print('ambiguous vars', sorted(self.ambiguousvars))
-    def set_rel_constraint(self, term, rel, etypes_func):
-        if isinstance(term, VariableRef) and self.is_ambiguous(term.variable):
-            var = term.variable
-            if len(var.stinfo['relations']) == 1 \
-                   or rel.scope is var.scope or rel.r_type == 'identity':
-                self.restrict(var, frozenset(etypes_func()))
-                try:
-                    self.maydeambrels[var].add(rel)
-                except KeyError:
-                    self.maydeambrels[var] = set((rel,))
-    def deambiguifying_relation(self, var, rel):
-        lhs, rhs = rel.get_variable_parts()
-        onlhs = var is getattr(lhs, 'variable', None)
-        other = onlhs and rhs or lhs
-        otheretypes = None
-        # XXX isinstance(other.variable, Variable) to skip column alias
-        if isinstance(other, VariableRef) and isinstance(other.variable, Variable):
-            deambiguifier = other.variable
-            if not var is self.deambification_map.get(deambiguifier):
-                if var.stinfo['typerel'] is None:
-                    otheretypes = deambiguifier.stinfo['possibletypes']
-                elif not self.is_ambiguous(deambiguifier):
-                    otheretypes = self.varsols[deambiguifier]
-                elif deambiguifier in self.not_invariants:
-                    # we know variable won't be invariant, try to use
-                    # it to deambguify the current variable
-                    otheretypes = self.varsols[deambiguifier]
-            if deambiguifier.stinfo['typerel'] is None:
-                # if deambiguifier has no type restriction using 'is',
-                # don't record it
-                deambiguifier = None
-        elif isinstance(other, Constant) and other.uidtype:
-            otheretypes = (other.uidtype,)
-            deambiguifier = None
-        if otheretypes is not None:
-            # to restrict, we must check that for all type in othertypes,
-            # possible types on the other end of the relation are matching
-            # variable's possible types
-            rschema = self.rschema(rel.r_type)
-            if onlhs:
-                rtypefunc = rschema.subjects
-            else:
-                rtypefunc = rschema.objects
-            for otheretype in otheretypes:
-                reltypes = frozenset(rtypefunc(otheretype))
-                if var.stinfo['possibletypes'] != reltypes:
-                    return False
-            self.restrict(var, var.stinfo['possibletypes'])
-            self.deambification_map[var] = deambiguifier
-            return True
-        return False