changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11052 058bb3dc685f
child 11058 23eb30449fe5
--- a/	Mon Jan 04 18:40:30 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# 0423.2000 by michal wallace
-# based on perl's Crypt::PasswdMD5 by Luis Munoz (
-# based on /usr/src/libcrypt/crypt.c from FreeBSD 2.2.5-RELEASE
-#  Carey Evans -
-#  Dennis Marti -
-#  For the patches that got this thing working!
-# modification by logilab:
-# * remove usage of the string module
-# * don't include the magic string in the output string
-#   for true crypt.crypt compatibility
-# * use hashlib module instead of md5
-""" - Provides interoperable MD5-based crypt() function
-        import
-        cryptedpassword = md5crypt.md5crypt(password, salt);
-unix_md5_crypt() provides a crypt()-compatible interface to the
-rather new MD5-based crypt() function found in modern operating systems.
-It's based on the implementation found on FreeBSD 2.2.[56]-RELEASE and
-contains the following license in it:
- "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
- <> wrote this file.  As long as you retain this notice you
- can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
- this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.   Poul-Henning Kamp
-MAGIC = b'$1$'                        # Magic string
-ITOA64 = b"./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-from hashlib import md5 # pylint: disable=E0611
-from six import text_type, indexbytes
-from six.moves import range
-def to64 (v, n):
-    ret = bytearray()
-    while (n - 1 >= 0):
-        n = n - 1
-        ret.append(ITOA64[v & 0x3f])
-        v = v >> 6
-    return ret
-def crypt(pw, salt):
-    if isinstance(pw, text_type):
-        pw = pw.encode('utf-8')
-    if isinstance(salt, text_type):
-        salt = salt.encode('ascii')
-    # Take care of the magic string if present
-    if salt.startswith(MAGIC):
-        salt = salt[len(MAGIC):]
-    # salt can have up to 8 characters:
-    salt = salt.split(b'$', 1)[0]
-    salt = salt[:8]
-    ctx = pw + MAGIC + salt
-    final = md5(pw + salt + pw).digest()
-    for pl in range(len(pw), 0, -16):
-        if pl > 16:
-            ctx = ctx + final[:16]
-        else:
-            ctx = ctx + final[:pl]
-    # Now the 'weird' xform (??)
-    i = len(pw)
-    while i:
-        if i & 1:
-            ctx = ctx + b'\0'  #if ($i & 1) { $ctx->add(pack("C", 0)); }
-        else:
-            ctx = ctx + pw[0]
-        i = i >> 1
-    final = md5(ctx).digest()
-    # The following is supposed to make
-    # things run slower.
-    # my question: WTF???
-    for i in range(1000):
-        ctx1 = b''
-        if i & 1:
-            ctx1 = ctx1 + pw
-        else:
-            ctx1 = ctx1 + final[:16]
-        if i % 3:
-            ctx1 = ctx1 + salt
-        if i % 7:
-            ctx1 = ctx1 + pw
-        if i & 1:
-            ctx1 = ctx1 + final[:16]
-        else:
-            ctx1 = ctx1 + pw
-        final = md5(ctx1).digest()
-    # Final xform
-    passwd = b''
-    passwd += to64((indexbytes(final, 0) << 16)
-                   |(indexbytes(final, 6) << 8)
-                   |(indexbytes(final, 12)),4)
-    passwd += to64((indexbytes(final, 1) << 16)
-                   |(indexbytes(final, 7) << 8)
-                   |(indexbytes(final, 13)), 4)
-    passwd += to64((indexbytes(final, 2) << 16)
-                   |(indexbytes(final, 8) << 8)
-                   |(indexbytes(final, 14)), 4)
-    passwd += to64((indexbytes(final, 3) << 16)
-                   |(indexbytes(final, 9) << 8)
-                   |(indexbytes(final, 15)), 4)
-    passwd += to64((indexbytes(final, 4) << 16)
-                   |(indexbytes(final, 10) << 8)
-                   |(indexbytes(final, 5)), 4)
-    passwd += to64((indexbytes(final, 11)), 2)
-    return passwd