changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11052 058bb3dc685f
child 11058 23eb30449fe5
--- a/hooks/syncschema.py	Mon Jan 04 18:40:30 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1417 +0,0 @@
-# copyright 2003-2015 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
-# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
-# This file is part of CubicWeb.
-# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
-# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
-# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-"""schema hooks:
-- synchronize the living schema object with the persistent schema
-- perform physical update on the source when necessary
-checking for schema consistency is done in hooks.py
-__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
-from cubicweb import _
-import json
-from copy import copy
-from hashlib import md5
-from yams.schema import (BASE_TYPES, BadSchemaDefinition,
-                         RelationSchema, RelationDefinitionSchema)
-from yams import buildobjs as ybo, convert_default_value
-from logilab.common.decorators import clear_cache
-from cubicweb import validation_error
-from cubicweb.predicates import is_instance
-from cubicweb.schema import (SCHEMA_TYPES, META_RTYPES, VIRTUAL_RTYPES,
-from cubicweb.server import hook, schemaserial as ss, schema2sql as y2sql
-from cubicweb.server.sqlutils import SQL_PREFIX
-from cubicweb.hooks.synccomputed import RecomputeAttributeOperation
-# core entity and relation types which can't be removed
-    ('CWUser', 'CWGroup','login', 'upassword', 'name', 'in_group'))
-def get_constraints(cnx, entity):
-    constraints = []
-    for cstreid in cnx.transaction_data.get(entity.eid, ()):
-        cstrent = cnx.entity_from_eid(cstreid)
-        cstr = CONSTRAINTS[cstrent.type].deserialize(cstrent.value)
-        cstr.eid = cstreid
-        constraints.append(cstr)
-    return constraints
-def group_mapping(cw):
-    try:
-        return cw.transaction_data['groupmap']
-    except KeyError:
-        cw.transaction_data['groupmap'] = gmap = ss.group_mapping(cw)
-        return gmap
-def add_inline_relation_column(cnx, etype, rtype):
-    """add necessary column and index for an inlined relation"""
-    attrkey = '%s.%s' % (etype, rtype)
-    createdattrs = cnx.transaction_data.setdefault('createdattrs', set())
-    if attrkey in createdattrs:
-        return
-    createdattrs.add(attrkey)
-    table = SQL_PREFIX + etype
-    column = SQL_PREFIX + rtype
-    try:
-        cnx.system_sql(str('ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s integer REFERENCES entities (eid)' % (table, column)),
-                       rollback_on_failure=False)
-        cnx.info('added column %s to table %s', column, table)
-    except Exception:
-        # silent exception here, if this error has not been raised because the
-        # column already exists, index creation will fail anyway
-        cnx.exception('error while adding column %s to table %s',
-                      table, column)
-    # create index before alter table which may expectingly fail during test
-    # (sqlite) while index creation should never fail (test for index existence
-    # is done by the dbhelper)
-    cnx.repo.system_source.create_index(cnx, table, column)
-    cnx.info('added index on %s(%s)', table, column)
-def insert_rdef_on_subclasses(cnx, eschema, rschema, rdefdef, props):
-    # XXX 'infered': True/False, not clear actually
-    props.update({'constraints': rdefdef.constraints,
-                  'description': rdefdef.description,
-                  'cardinality': rdefdef.cardinality,
-                  'permissions': rdefdef.get_permissions(),
-                  'order': rdefdef.order,
-                  'infered': False, 'eid': None
-                  })
-    cstrtypemap = ss.cstrtype_mapping(cnx)
-    groupmap = group_mapping(cnx)
-    object = rschema.schema.eschema(rdefdef.object)
-    for specialization in eschema.specialized_by(False):
-        if (specialization, rdefdef.object) in rschema.rdefs:
-            continue
-        sperdef = RelationDefinitionSchema(specialization, rschema,
-                                           object, None, values=props)
-        ss.execschemarql(cnx.execute, sperdef,
-                         ss.rdef2rql(sperdef, cstrtypemap, groupmap))
-def check_valid_changes(cnx, entity, ro_attrs=('name', 'final')):
-    errors = {}
-    # don't use getattr(entity, attr), we would get the modified value if any
-    for attr in entity.cw_edited:
-        if attr in ro_attrs:
-            origval, newval = entity.cw_edited.oldnewvalue(attr)
-            if newval != origval:
-                errors[attr] = _("can't change this attribute")
-    if errors:
-        raise validation_error(entity, errors)
-class _MockEntity(object): # XXX use a named tuple with python 2.6
-    def __init__(self, eid):
-        self.eid = eid
-class SyncSchemaHook(hook.Hook):
-    """abstract class for schema synchronization hooks (in the `syncschema`
-    category)
-    """
-    __abstract__ = True
-    category = 'syncschema'
-# operations for low-level database alteration  ################################
-class DropTable(hook.Operation):
-    """actually remove a database from the instance's schema"""
-    table = None # make pylint happy
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        dropped = self.cnx.transaction_data.setdefault('droppedtables',
-                                                           set())
-        if self.table in dropped:
-            return # already processed
-        dropped.add(self.table)
-        self.cnx.system_sql('DROP TABLE %s' % self.table)
-        self.info('dropped table %s', self.table)
-    # XXX revertprecommit_event
-class DropRelationTable(DropTable):
-    def __init__(self, cnx, rtype):
-        super(DropRelationTable, self).__init__(
-            cnx, table='%s_relation' % rtype)
-        cnx.transaction_data.setdefault('pendingrtypes', set()).add(rtype)
-class DropColumn(hook.DataOperationMixIn, hook.Operation):
-    """actually remove the attribut's column from entity table in the system
-    database
-    """
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        cnx = self.cnx
-        for etype, attr in self.get_data():
-            table = SQL_PREFIX + etype
-            column = SQL_PREFIX + attr
-            source = cnx.repo.system_source
-            # drop index if any
-            source.drop_index(cnx, table, column)
-            if source.dbhelper.alter_column_support:
-                cnx.system_sql('ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN %s' % (table, column),
-                               rollback_on_failure=False)
-                self.info('dropped column %s from table %s', column, table)
-            else:
-                # not supported by sqlite for instance
-                self.error('dropping column not supported by the backend, handle '
-                           'it yourself (%s.%s)', table, column)
-    # XXX revertprecommit_event
-# base operations for in-memory schema synchronization  ########################
-class MemSchemaNotifyChanges(hook.SingleLastOperation):
-    """the update schema operation:
-    special operation which should be called once and after all other schema
-    operations. It will trigger internal structures rebuilding to consider
-    schema changes.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, cnx):
-        hook.SingleLastOperation.__init__(self, cnx)
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        for eschema in self.cnx.repo.schema.entities():
-            if not eschema.final:
-                clear_cache(eschema, 'ordered_relations')
-    def postcommit_event(self):
-        repo = self.cnx.repo
-        # commit event should not raise error, while set_schema has chances to
-        # do so because it triggers full vreg reloading
-        try:
-            repo.schema.rebuild_infered_relations()
-            # trigger vreg reload
-            repo.set_schema(repo.schema)
-            # CWUser class might have changed, update current session users
-            cwuser_cls = self.cnx.vreg['etypes'].etype_class('CWUser')
-            for session in repo._sessions.values():
-                session.user.__class__ = cwuser_cls
-        except Exception:
-            self.critical('error while setting schema', exc_info=True)
-    def rollback_event(self):
-        self.precommit_event()
-class MemSchemaOperation(hook.Operation):
-    """base class for schema operations"""
-    def __init__(self, cnx, **kwargs):
-        hook.Operation.__init__(self, cnx, **kwargs)
-        # every schema operation is triggering a schema update
-        MemSchemaNotifyChanges(cnx)
-# operations for high-level source database alteration  ########################
-class CWETypeAddOp(MemSchemaOperation):
-    """after adding a CWEType entity:
-    * add it to the instance's schema
-    * create the necessary table
-    * set creation_date and modification_date by creating the necessary
-      CWAttribute entities
-    * add <meta rtype> relation by creating the necessary CWRelation entity
-    """
-    entity = None # make pylint happy
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        cnx = self.cnx
-        entity = self.entity
-        schema = cnx.vreg.schema
-        etype = ybo.EntityType(eid=entity.eid, name=entity.name,
-                               description=entity.description)
-        eschema = schema.add_entity_type(etype)
-        # create the necessary table
-        tablesql = y2sql.eschema2sql(cnx.repo.system_source.dbhelper,
-                                     eschema, prefix=SQL_PREFIX)
-        for sql in tablesql.split(';'):
-            if sql.strip():
-                cnx.system_sql(sql)
-        # add meta relations
-        gmap = group_mapping(cnx)
-        cmap = ss.cstrtype_mapping(cnx)
-        for rtype in (META_RTYPES - VIRTUAL_RTYPES):
-            try:
-                rschema = schema[rtype]
-            except KeyError:
-                self.critical('rtype %s was not handled at cwetype creation time', rtype)
-                continue
-            if not rschema.rdefs:
-                self.warning('rtype %s has no relation definition yet', rtype)
-                continue
-            sampletype = rschema.subjects()[0]
-            desttype = rschema.objects()[0]
-            try:
-                rdef = copy(rschema.rdef(sampletype, desttype))
-            except KeyError:
-                # this combo does not exist because this is not a universal META_RTYPE
-                continue
-            rdef.subject = _MockEntity(eid=entity.eid)
-            mock = _MockEntity(eid=None)
-            ss.execschemarql(cnx.execute, mock, ss.rdef2rql(rdef, cmap, gmap))
-    def revertprecommit_event(self):
-        # revert changes on in memory schema
-        self.cnx.vreg.schema.del_entity_type(self.entity.name)
-        # revert changes on database
-        self.cnx.system_sql('DROP TABLE %s%s' % (SQL_PREFIX, self.entity.name))
-class CWETypeRenameOp(MemSchemaOperation):
-    """this operation updates physical storage accordingly"""
-    oldname = newname = None # make pylint happy
-    def rename(self, oldname, newname):
-        self.cnx.vreg.schema.rename_entity_type(oldname, newname)
-        # we need sql to operate physical changes on the system database
-        sqlexec = self.cnx.system_sql
-        dbhelper = self.cnx.repo.system_source.dbhelper
-        sql = dbhelper.sql_rename_table(SQL_PREFIX+oldname,
-                                        SQL_PREFIX+newname)
-        sqlexec(sql)
-        self.info('renamed table %s to %s', oldname, newname)
-        sqlexec('UPDATE entities SET type=%(newname)s WHERE type=%(oldname)s',
-                {'newname': newname, 'oldname': oldname})
-        for eid, (etype, extid, auri) in self.cnx.repo._type_source_cache.items():
-            if etype == oldname:
-                self.cnx.repo._type_source_cache[eid] = (newname, extid, auri)
-        # XXX transaction records
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        self.rename(self.oldname, self.newname)
-    def revertprecommit_event(self):
-        self.rename(self.newname, self.oldname)
-class CWRTypeUpdateOp(MemSchemaOperation):
-    """actually update some properties of a relation definition"""
-    rschema = entity = values = None # make pylint happy
-    oldvalues = None
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        rschema = self.rschema
-        if rschema.final:
-            return # watched changes to final relation type are unexpected
-        cnx = self.cnx
-        if 'fulltext_container' in self.values:
-            op = UpdateFTIndexOp.get_instance(cnx)
-            for subjtype, objtype in rschema.rdefs:
-                if self.values['fulltext_container'] == 'subject':
-                    op.add_data(subjtype)
-                    op.add_data(objtype)
-                else:
-                    op.add_data(objtype)
-                    op.add_data(subjtype)
-        # update the in-memory schema first
-        self.oldvalues = dict( (attr, getattr(rschema, attr)) for attr in self.values)
-        self.rschema.__dict__.update(self.values)
-        # then make necessary changes to the system source database
-        if 'inlined' not in self.values:
-            return # nothing to do
-        inlined = self.values['inlined']
-        # check in-lining is possible when inlined
-        if inlined:
-            self.entity.check_inlined_allowed()
-        # inlined changed, make necessary physical changes!
-        sqlexec = self.cnx.system_sql
-        rtype = rschema.type
-        eidcolumn = SQL_PREFIX + 'eid'
-        if not inlined:
-            # need to create the relation if it has not been already done by
-            # another event of the same transaction
-            if not rschema.type in cnx.transaction_data.get('createdtables', ()):
-                tablesql = y2sql.rschema2sql(rschema)
-                # create the necessary table
-                for sql in tablesql.split(';'):
-                    if sql.strip():
-                        sqlexec(sql)
-                cnx.transaction_data.setdefault('createdtables', []).append(
-                    rschema.type)
-            # copy existant data
-            column = SQL_PREFIX + rtype
-            for etype in rschema.subjects():
-                table = SQL_PREFIX + str(etype)
-                sqlexec('INSERT INTO %s_relation SELECT %s, %s FROM %s WHERE NOT %s IS NULL'
-                        % (rtype, eidcolumn, column, table, column))
-            # drop existant columns
-            #if cnx.repo.system_source.dbhelper.alter_column_support:
-            for etype in rschema.subjects():
-                DropColumn.get_instance(cnx).add_data((str(etype), rtype))
-        else:
-            for etype in rschema.subjects():
-                try:
-                    add_inline_relation_column(cnx, str(etype), rtype)
-                except Exception as ex:
-                    # the column probably already exists. this occurs when the
-                    # entity's type has just been added or if the column has not
-                    # been previously dropped (eg sqlite)
-                    self.error('error while altering table %s: %s', etype, ex)
-                # copy existant data.
-                # XXX don't use, it's not supported by sqlite (at least at when i tried it)
-                #sqlexec('UPDATE %(etype)s SET %(rtype)s=eid_to '
-                #        'FROM %(rtype)s_relation '
-                #        'WHERE %(etype)s.eid=%(rtype)s_relation.eid_from'
-                #        % locals())
-                table = SQL_PREFIX + str(etype)
-                cursor = sqlexec('SELECT eid_from, eid_to FROM %(table)s, '
-                                 '%(rtype)s_relation WHERE %(table)s.%(eidcolumn)s='
-                                 '%(rtype)s_relation.eid_from' % locals())
-                args = [{'val': eid_to, 'x': eid} for eid, eid_to in cursor.fetchall()]
-                if args:
-                    column = SQL_PREFIX + rtype
-                    cursor.executemany('UPDATE %s SET %s=%%(val)s WHERE %s=%%(x)s'
-                                       % (table, column, eidcolumn), args)
-                # drop existant table
-                DropRelationTable(cnx, rtype)
-    def revertprecommit_event(self):
-        # revert changes on in memory schema
-        self.rschema.__dict__.update(self.oldvalues)
-        # XXX revert changes on database
-class CWComputedRTypeUpdateOp(MemSchemaOperation):
-    """actually update some properties of a computed relation definition"""
-    rschema = entity = rule = None # make pylint happy
-    old_rule = None
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        # update the in-memory schema first
-        self.old_rule = self.rschema.rule
-        self.rschema.rule = self.rule
-    def revertprecommit_event(self):
-        # revert changes on in memory schema
-        self.rschema.rule = self.old_rule
-class CWAttributeAddOp(MemSchemaOperation):
-    """an attribute relation (CWAttribute) has been added:
-    * add the necessary column
-    * set default on this column if any and possible
-    * register an operation to add the relation definition to the
-      instance's schema on commit
-    constraints are handled by specific hooks
-    """
-    entity = None # make pylint happy
-    def init_rdef(self, **kwargs):
-        entity = self.entity
-        fromentity = entity.stype
-        rdefdef = self.rdefdef = ybo.RelationDefinition(
-            str(fromentity.name), entity.rtype.name, str(entity.otype.name),
-            description=entity.description, cardinality=entity.cardinality,
-            constraints=get_constraints(self.cnx, entity),
-            order=entity.ordernum, eid=entity.eid, **kwargs)
-        try:
-            self.cnx.vreg.schema.add_relation_def(rdefdef)
-        except BadSchemaDefinition:
-            # rdef has been infered then explicitly added (current consensus is
-            # not clear at all versus infered relation handling (and much
-            # probably buggy)
-            rdef = self.cnx.vreg.schema.rschema(rdefdef.name).rdefs[rdefdef.subject, rdefdef.object]
-            assert rdef.infered
-        else:
-            rdef = self.cnx.vreg.schema.rschema(rdefdef.name).rdefs[rdefdef.subject, rdefdef.object]
-        self.cnx.execute('SET X ordernum Y+1 '
-                         'WHERE X from_entity SE, SE eid %(se)s, X ordernum Y, '
-                         'X ordernum >= %(order)s, NOT X eid %(x)s',
-                         {'x': entity.eid, 'se': fromentity.eid,
-                          'order': entity.ordernum or 0})
-        return rdefdef, rdef
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        cnx = self.cnx
-        entity = self.entity
-        # entity.defaultval is a Binary or None, but we need a correctly typed
-        # value
-        default = entity.defaultval
-        if default is not None:
-            default = default.unzpickle()
-        props = {'default': default,
-                 'indexed': entity.indexed,
-                 'fulltextindexed': entity.fulltextindexed,
-                 'internationalizable': entity.internationalizable}
-        if entity.extra_props:
-            props.update(json.loads(entity.extra_props.getvalue().decode('ascii')))
-        # entity.formula may not exist yet if we're migrating to 3.20
-        if hasattr(entity, 'formula'):
-            props['formula'] = entity.formula
-        # update the in-memory schema first
-        rdefdef, rdef = self.init_rdef(**props)
-        # then make necessary changes to the system source database
-        syssource = cnx.repo.system_source
-        attrtype = y2sql.type_from_rdef(syssource.dbhelper, rdef)
-        # XXX should be moved somehow into lgdb: sqlite doesn't support to
-        # add a new column with UNIQUE, it should be added after the ALTER TABLE
-        # using ADD INDEX
-        if syssource.dbdriver == 'sqlite' and 'UNIQUE' in attrtype:
-            extra_unique_index = True
-            attrtype = attrtype.replace(' UNIQUE', '')
-        else:
-            extra_unique_index = False
-        # added some str() wrapping query since some backend (eg psycopg) don't
-        # allow unicode queries
-        table = SQL_PREFIX + rdefdef.subject
-        column = SQL_PREFIX + rdefdef.name
-        try:
-            cnx.system_sql(str('ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s'
-                               % (table, column, attrtype)),
-                           rollback_on_failure=False)
-            self.info('added column %s to table %s', column, table)
-        except Exception as ex:
-            # the column probably already exists. this occurs when
-            # the entity's type has just been added or if the column
-            # has not been previously dropped
-            self.error('error while altering table %s: %s', table, ex)
-        if extra_unique_index or entity.indexed:
-            try:
-                syssource.create_index(cnx, table, column,
-                                      unique=extra_unique_index)
-            except Exception as ex:
-                self.error('error while creating index for %s.%s: %s',
-                           table, column, ex)
-        # final relations are not infered, propagate
-        schema = cnx.vreg.schema
-        try:
-            eschema = schema.eschema(rdefdef.subject)
-        except KeyError:
-            return # entity type currently being added
-        # propagate attribute to children classes
-        rschema = schema.rschema(rdefdef.name)
-        # if relation type has been inserted in the same transaction, its final
-        # attribute is still set to False, so we've to ensure it's False
-        rschema.final = True
-        insert_rdef_on_subclasses(cnx, eschema, rschema, rdefdef, props)
-        # update existing entities with the default value of newly added attribute
-        if default is not None:
-            default = convert_default_value(self.rdefdef, default)
-            cnx.system_sql('UPDATE %s SET %s=%%(default)s' % (table, column),
-                               {'default': default})
-        # if attribute is computed, compute it
-        if getattr(entity, 'formula', None):
-            # add rtype attribute for RelationDefinitionSchema api compat, this
-            # is what RecomputeAttributeOperation expect
-            rdefdef.rtype = rdefdef.name
-            RecomputeAttributeOperation.get_instance(cnx).add_data(rdefdef)
-    def revertprecommit_event(self):
-        # revert changes on in memory schema
-        if getattr(self, 'rdefdef', None) is None:
-            return
-        self.cnx.vreg.schema.del_relation_def(
-            self.rdefdef.subject, self.rdefdef.name, self.rdefdef.object)
-        # XXX revert changes on database
-class CWRelationAddOp(CWAttributeAddOp):
-    """an actual relation has been added:
-    * add the relation definition to the instance's schema
-    * if this is an inlined relation, add the necessary column else if it's the
-      first instance of this relation type, add the necessary table and set
-      default permissions
-    constraints are handled by specific hooks
-    """
-    entity = None # make pylint happy
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        cnx = self.cnx
-        entity = self.entity
-        # update the in-memory schema first
-        rdefdef, rdef = self.init_rdef(composite=entity.composite)
-        # then make necessary changes to the system source database
-        schema = cnx.vreg.schema
-        rtype = rdefdef.name
-        rschema = schema.rschema(rtype)
-        # this have to be done before permissions setting
-        if rschema.inlined:
-            # need to add a column if the relation is inlined and if this is the
-            # first occurence of "Subject relation Something" whatever Something
-            if len(rschema.objects(rdefdef.subject)) == 1:
-                add_inline_relation_column(cnx, rdefdef.subject, rtype)
-            eschema = schema[rdefdef.subject]
-            insert_rdef_on_subclasses(cnx, eschema, rschema, rdefdef,
-                                      {'composite': entity.composite})
-        else:
-            if rschema.symmetric:
-                # for symmetric relations, rdefs will store relation definitions
-                # in both ways (i.e. (subj -> obj) and (obj -> subj))
-                relation_already_defined = len(rschema.rdefs) > 2
-            else:
-                relation_already_defined = len(rschema.rdefs) > 1
-            # need to create the relation if no relation definition in the
-            # schema and if it has not been added during other event of the same
-            # transaction
-            if not (relation_already_defined or
-                    rtype in cnx.transaction_data.get('createdtables', ())):
-                rschema = schema.rschema(rtype)
-                # create the necessary table
-                for sql in y2sql.rschema2sql(rschema).split(';'):
-                    if sql.strip():
-                        cnx.system_sql(sql)
-                cnx.transaction_data.setdefault('createdtables', []).append(
-                    rtype)
-    # XXX revertprecommit_event
-class RDefDelOp(MemSchemaOperation):
-    """an actual relation has been removed"""
-    rdef = None # make pylint happy
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        cnx = self.cnx
-        rdef = self.rdef
-        rschema = rdef.rtype
-        # make necessary changes to the system source database first
-        rdeftype = rschema.final and 'CWAttribute' or 'CWRelation'
-        execute = cnx.execute
-        rset = execute('Any COUNT(X) WHERE X is %s, X relation_type R,'
-                       'R eid %%(x)s' % rdeftype, {'x': rschema.eid})
-        lastrel = rset[0][0] == 0
-        # we have to update physical schema systematically for final and inlined
-        # relations, but only if it's the last instance for this relation type
-        # for other relations
-        if (rschema.final or rschema.inlined):
-            rset = execute('Any COUNT(X) WHERE X is %s, X relation_type R, '
-                           'R eid %%(r)s, X from_entity E, E eid %%(e)s'
-                           % rdeftype,
-                           {'r': rschema.eid, 'e': rdef.subject.eid})
-            if rset[0][0] == 0 and not cnx.deleted_in_transaction(rdef.subject.eid):
-                ptypes = cnx.transaction_data.setdefault('pendingrtypes', set())
-                ptypes.add(rschema.type)
-                DropColumn.get_instance(cnx).add_data((str(rdef.subject), str(rschema)))
-            elif rschema.inlined:
-                cnx.system_sql('UPDATE %s%s SET %s%s=NULL WHERE '
-                               'EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM entities '
-                               '       WHERE eid=%s%s AND type=%%(to_etype)s)'
-                               % (SQL_PREFIX, rdef.subject, SQL_PREFIX, rdef.rtype,
-                                  SQL_PREFIX, rdef.rtype),
-                               {'to_etype': rdef.object.type})
-        elif lastrel:
-            DropRelationTable(cnx, str(rschema))
-        else:
-            cnx.system_sql('DELETE FROM %s_relation WHERE '
-                           'EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM entities '
-                           '       WHERE eid=eid_from AND type=%%(from_etype)s)'
-                           ' AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM entities '
-                           '       WHERE eid=eid_to AND type=%%(to_etype)s)'
-                           % rschema,
-                           {'from_etype': rdef.subject.type, 'to_etype': rdef.object.type})
-        # then update the in-memory schema
-        if rdef.subject not in ETYPE_NAME_MAP and rdef.object not in ETYPE_NAME_MAP:
-            rschema.del_relation_def(rdef.subject, rdef.object)
-        # if this is the last relation definition of this type, drop associated
-        # relation type
-        if lastrel and not cnx.deleted_in_transaction(rschema.eid):
-            execute('DELETE CWRType X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': rschema.eid})
-    def revertprecommit_event(self):
-        # revert changes on in memory schema
-        #
-        # Note: add_relation_def takes a RelationDefinition, not a
-        # RelationDefinitionSchema, needs to fake it
-        rdef = self.rdef
-        rdef.name = str(rdef.rtype)
-        if rdef.subject not in ETYPE_NAME_MAP and rdef.object not in ETYPE_NAME_MAP:
-            self.cnx.vreg.schema.add_relation_def(rdef)
-class RDefUpdateOp(MemSchemaOperation):
-    """actually update some properties of a relation definition"""
-    rschema = rdefkey = values = None # make pylint happy
-    rdef = oldvalues = None
-    indexed_changed = null_allowed_changed = False
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        cnx = self.cnx
-        rdef = self.rdef = self.rschema.rdefs[self.rdefkey]
-        # update the in-memory schema first
-        self.oldvalues = dict( (attr, getattr(rdef, attr)) for attr in self.values)
-        rdef.update(self.values)
-        # then make necessary changes to the system source database
-        syssource = cnx.repo.system_source
-        if 'indexed' in self.values:
-            syssource.update_rdef_indexed(cnx, rdef)
-            self.indexed_changed = True
-        if 'cardinality' in self.values and rdef.rtype.final \
-              and self.values['cardinality'][0] != self.oldvalues['cardinality'][0]:
-            syssource.update_rdef_null_allowed(self.cnx, rdef)
-            self.null_allowed_changed = True
-        if 'fulltextindexed' in self.values:
-            UpdateFTIndexOp.get_instance(cnx).add_data(rdef.subject)
-        if 'formula' in self.values:
-            RecomputeAttributeOperation.get_instance(cnx).add_data(rdef)
-    def revertprecommit_event(self):
-        if self.rdef is None:
-            return
-        # revert changes on in memory schema
-        self.rdef.update(self.oldvalues)
-        # revert changes on database
-        syssource = self.cnx.repo.system_source
-        if self.indexed_changed:
-            syssource.update_rdef_indexed(self.cnx, self.rdef)
-        if self.null_allowed_changed:
-            syssource.update_rdef_null_allowed(self.cnx, self.rdef)
-def _set_modifiable_constraints(rdef):
-    # for proper in-place modification of in-memory schema: if rdef.constraints
-    # is already a list, reuse it (we're updating multiple constraints of the
-    # same rdef in the same transaction)
-    if not isinstance(rdef.constraints, list):
-        rdef.constraints = list(rdef.constraints)
-class CWConstraintDelOp(MemSchemaOperation):
-    """actually remove a constraint of a relation definition"""
-    rdef = oldcstr = newcstr = None # make pylint happy
-    size_cstr_changed = unique_changed = False
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        cnx = self.cnx
-        rdef = self.rdef
-        # in-place modification of in-memory schema first
-        _set_modifiable_constraints(rdef)
-        if self.oldcstr in rdef.constraints:
-            rdef.constraints.remove(self.oldcstr)
-        else:
-            self.critical('constraint %s for rdef %s was missing or already removed',
-                          self.oldcstr, rdef)
-        if cnx.deleted_in_transaction(rdef.eid):
-            # don't try to alter a table that's going away (or is already gone)
-            return
-        # then update database: alter the physical schema on size/unique
-        # constraint changes
-        syssource = cnx.repo.system_source
-        cstrtype = self.oldcstr.type()
-        if cstrtype == 'SizeConstraint':
-            # if the size constraint is being replaced with a new max size, we'll
-            # call update_rdef_column in CWConstraintAddOp, skip it here
-            for cstr in cnx.transaction_data.get('newsizecstr', ()):
-                rdefentity = cstr.reverse_constrained_by[0]
-                cstrrdef = cnx.vreg.schema.schema_by_eid(rdefentity.eid)
-                if cstrrdef == rdef:
-                    return
-            # we found that the size constraint for this rdef is really gone,
-            # not just replaced by another
-            syssource.update_rdef_column(cnx, rdef)
-            self.size_cstr_changed = True
-        elif cstrtype == 'UniqueConstraint':
-            syssource.update_rdef_unique(cnx, rdef)
-            self.unique_changed = True
-        if cstrtype in ('BoundaryConstraint', 'IntervalBoundConstraint', 'StaticVocabularyConstraint'):
-            cstrname = 'cstr' + md5((rdef.subject.type + rdef.rtype.type + cstrtype +
-                                     (self.oldcstr.serialize() or '')).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
-            cnx.system_sql('ALTER TABLE %s%s DROP CONSTRAINT %s' % (SQL_PREFIX, rdef.subject.type, cstrname))
-    def revertprecommit_event(self):
-        # revert changes on in memory schema
-        if self.newcstr is not None:
-            self.rdef.constraints.remove(self.newcstr)
-        if self.oldcstr is not None:
-            self.rdef.constraints.append(self.oldcstr)
-        # revert changes on database
-        syssource = self.cnx.repo.system_source
-        if self.size_cstr_changed:
-            syssource.update_rdef_column(self.cnx, self.rdef)
-        if self.unique_changed:
-            syssource.update_rdef_unique(self.cnx, self.rdef)
-class CWConstraintAddOp(CWConstraintDelOp):
-    """actually update constraint of a relation definition"""
-    entity = None # make pylint happy
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        cnx = self.cnx
-        rdefentity = self.entity.reverse_constrained_by[0]
-        # when the relation is added in the same transaction, the constraint
-        # object is created by the operation adding the attribute or relation,
-        # so there is nothing to do here
-        if cnx.added_in_transaction(rdefentity.eid):
-            return
-        rdef = self.rdef = cnx.vreg.schema.schema_by_eid(rdefentity.eid)
-        cstrtype = self.entity.type
-        if cstrtype in UNIQUE_CONSTRAINTS:
-            oldcstr = self.oldcstr = rdef.constraint_by_type(cstrtype)
-        else:
-            oldcstr = None
-        newcstr = self.newcstr = CONSTRAINTS[cstrtype].deserialize(self.entity.value)
-        # in-place modification of in-memory schema first
-        _set_modifiable_constraints(rdef)
-        newcstr.eid = self.entity.eid
-        if oldcstr is not None:
-            rdef.constraints.remove(oldcstr)
-        rdef.constraints.append(newcstr)
-        # then update database: alter the physical schema on size/unique
-        # constraint changes
-        syssource = cnx.repo.system_source
-        if cstrtype == 'SizeConstraint' and (oldcstr is None or
-                                             oldcstr.max != newcstr.max):
-            syssource.update_rdef_column(cnx, rdef)
-            self.size_cstr_changed = True
-        elif cstrtype == 'UniqueConstraint' and oldcstr is None:
-            syssource.update_rdef_unique(cnx, rdef)
-            self.unique_changed = True
-        if cstrtype in ('BoundaryConstraint', 'IntervalBoundConstraint', 'StaticVocabularyConstraint'):
-            if oldcstr is not None:
-                oldcstrname = 'cstr' + md5((rdef.subject.type + rdef.rtype.type + cstrtype +
-                                            (self.oldcstr.serialize() or '')).encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
-                cnx.system_sql('ALTER TABLE %s%s DROP CONSTRAINT %s' %
-                               (SQL_PREFIX, rdef.subject.type, oldcstrname))
-            cstrname, check = y2sql.check_constraint(rdef.subject, rdef.object, rdef.rtype.type,
-                    newcstr, syssource.dbhelper, prefix=SQL_PREFIX)
-            cnx.system_sql('ALTER TABLE %s%s ADD CONSTRAINT %s CHECK(%s)' %
-                           (SQL_PREFIX, rdef.subject.type, cstrname, check))
-class CWUniqueTogetherConstraintAddOp(MemSchemaOperation):
-    entity = None # make pylint happy
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        cnx = self.cnx
-        prefix = SQL_PREFIX
-        entity = self.entity
-        table = '%s%s' % (prefix, entity.constraint_of[0].name)
-        cols = ['%s%s' % (prefix, r.name) for r in entity.relations]
-        dbhelper = cnx.repo.system_source.dbhelper
-        sqls = dbhelper.sqls_create_multicol_unique_index(table, cols, entity.name)
-        for sql in sqls:
-            cnx.system_sql(sql)
-    def postcommit_event(self):
-        entity = self.entity
-        eschema = self.cnx.vreg.schema.schema_by_eid(entity.constraint_of[0].eid)
-        attrs = [r.name for r in entity.relations]
-        eschema._unique_together.append(attrs)
-class CWUniqueTogetherConstraintDelOp(MemSchemaOperation):
-    entity = cstrname = None # for pylint
-    cols = () # for pylint
-    def insert_index(self):
-        # We need to run before CWConstraintDelOp: if a size constraint is
-        # removed and the column is part of a unique_together constraint, we
-        # remove the unique_together index before changing the column's type.
-        # SQL Server does not support unique indices on unlimited text columns.
-        return 0
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        cnx = self.cnx
-        prefix = SQL_PREFIX
-        table = '%s%s' % (prefix, self.entity.type)
-        dbhelper = cnx.repo.system_source.dbhelper
-        cols = ['%s%s' % (prefix, c) for c in self.cols]
-        sqls = dbhelper.sqls_drop_multicol_unique_index(table, cols, self.cstrname)
-        for sql in sqls:
-            cnx.system_sql(sql)
-    def postcommit_event(self):
-        eschema = self.cnx.vreg.schema.schema_by_eid(self.entity.eid)
-        cols = set(self.cols)
-        unique_together = [ut for ut in eschema._unique_together
-                           if set(ut) != cols]
-        eschema._unique_together = unique_together
-# operations for in-memory schema synchronization  #############################
-class MemSchemaCWETypeDel(MemSchemaOperation):
-    """actually remove the entity type from the instance's schema"""
-    etype = None # make pylint happy
-    def postcommit_event(self):
-        # del_entity_type also removes entity's relations
-        self.cnx.vreg.schema.del_entity_type(self.etype)
-class MemSchemaCWRTypeAdd(MemSchemaOperation):
-    """actually add the relation type to the instance's schema"""
-    rtypedef = None # make pylint happy
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        self.cnx.vreg.schema.add_relation_type(self.rtypedef)
-    def revertprecommit_event(self):
-        self.cnx.vreg.schema.del_relation_type(self.rtypedef.name)
-class MemSchemaCWRTypeDel(MemSchemaOperation):
-    """actually remove the relation type from the instance's schema"""
-    rtype = None # make pylint happy
-    def postcommit_event(self):
-        try:
-            self.cnx.vreg.schema.del_relation_type(self.rtype)
-        except KeyError:
-            # s/o entity type have already been deleted
-            pass
-class MemSchemaPermissionAdd(MemSchemaOperation):
-    """synchronize schema when a *_permission relation has been added on a group
-    """
-    eid = action = group_eid = expr = None # make pylint happy
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        """the observed connections.cnxset has been commited"""
-        try:
-            erschema = self.cnx.vreg.schema.schema_by_eid(self.eid)
-        except KeyError:
-            # duh, schema not found, log error and skip operation
-            self.warning('no schema for %s', self.eid)
-            return
-        perms = list(erschema.action_permissions(self.action))
-        if self.group_eid is not None:
-            perm = self.cnx.entity_from_eid(self.group_eid).name
-        else:
-            perm = erschema.rql_expression(self.expr)
-        try:
-            perms.index(perm)
-            self.warning('%s already in permissions for %s on %s',
-                         perm, self.action, erschema)
-        except ValueError:
-            perms.append(perm)
-            erschema.set_action_permissions(self.action, perms)
-    # XXX revertprecommit_event
-class MemSchemaPermissionDel(MemSchemaPermissionAdd):
-    """synchronize schema when a *_permission relation has been deleted from a
-    group
-    """
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        """the observed connections set has been commited"""
-        try:
-            erschema = self.cnx.vreg.schema.schema_by_eid(self.eid)
-        except KeyError:
-            # duh, schema not found, log error and skip operation
-            self.warning('no schema for %s', self.eid)
-            return
-        perms = list(erschema.action_permissions(self.action))
-        if self.group_eid is not None:
-            perm = self.cnx.entity_from_eid(self.group_eid).name
-        else:
-            perm = erschema.rql_expression(self.expr)
-        try:
-            perms.remove(perm)
-            erschema.set_action_permissions(self.action, perms)
-        except ValueError:
-            self.error('can\'t remove permission %s for %s on %s',
-                       perm, self.action, erschema)
-    # XXX revertprecommit_event
-class MemSchemaSpecializesAdd(MemSchemaOperation):
-    etypeeid = parentetypeeid = None # make pylint happy
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        eschema = self.cnx.vreg.schema.schema_by_eid(self.etypeeid)
-        parenteschema = self.cnx.vreg.schema.schema_by_eid(self.parentetypeeid)
-        eschema._specialized_type = parenteschema.type
-        parenteschema._specialized_by.append(eschema.type)
-    # XXX revertprecommit_event
-class MemSchemaSpecializesDel(MemSchemaOperation):
-    etypeeid = parentetypeeid = None # make pylint happy
-    def precommit_event(self):
-        try:
-            eschema = self.cnx.vreg.schema.schema_by_eid(self.etypeeid)
-            parenteschema = self.cnx.vreg.schema.schema_by_eid(self.parentetypeeid)
-        except KeyError:
-            # etype removed, nothing to do
-            return
-        eschema._specialized_type = None
-        parenteschema._specialized_by.remove(eschema.type)
-    # XXX revertprecommit_event
-# CWEType hooks ################################################################
-class DelCWETypeHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    """before deleting a CWEType entity:
-    * check that we don't remove a core entity type
-    * cascade to delete related CWAttribute and CWRelation entities
-    * instantiate an operation to delete the entity type on commit
-    """
-    __regid__ = 'syncdelcwetype'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & is_instance('CWEType')
-    events = ('before_delete_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        # final entities can't be deleted, don't care about that
-        name = self.entity.name
-        if name in CORE_TYPES:
-            raise validation_error(self.entity, {None: _("can't be deleted")})
-        # delete every entities of this type
-        if name not in ETYPE_NAME_MAP:
-            MemSchemaCWETypeDel(self._cw, etype=name)
-        DropTable(self._cw, table=SQL_PREFIX + name)
-class AfterDelCWETypeHook(DelCWETypeHook):
-    __regid__ = 'wfcleanup'
-    events = ('after_delete_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        # workflow cleanup
-        self._cw.execute('DELETE Workflow X WHERE NOT X workflow_of Y')
-class AfterAddCWETypeHook(DelCWETypeHook):
-    """after adding a CWEType entity:
-    * create the necessary table
-    * set creation_date and modification_date by creating the necessary
-      CWAttribute entities
-    * add owned_by relation by creating the necessary CWRelation entity
-    * register an operation to add the entity type to the instance's
-      schema on commit
-    """
-    __regid__ = 'syncaddcwetype'
-    events = ('after_add_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        entity = self.entity
-        if entity.cw_edited.get('final'):
-            # final entity types don't need a table in the database and are
-            # systematically added by yams at schema initialization time so
-            # there is no need to do further processing. Simply assign its eid.
-            self._cw.vreg.schema[entity.name].eid = entity.eid
-            return
-        CWETypeAddOp(self._cw, entity=entity)
-class BeforeUpdateCWETypeHook(DelCWETypeHook):
-    """check name change, handle final"""
-    __regid__ = 'syncupdatecwetype'
-    events = ('before_update_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        entity = self.entity
-        check_valid_changes(self._cw, entity, ro_attrs=('final',))
-        # don't use getattr(entity, attr), we would get the modified value if any
-        if 'name' in entity.cw_edited:
-            oldname, newname = entity.cw_edited.oldnewvalue('name')
-            if newname.lower() != oldname.lower():
-                CWETypeRenameOp(self._cw, oldname=oldname, newname=newname)
-# CWRType hooks ################################################################
-class DelCWRTypeHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    """before deleting a CWRType entity:
-    * check that we don't remove a core relation type
-    * cascade to delete related CWAttribute and CWRelation entities
-    * instantiate an operation to delete the relation type on commit
-    """
-    __regid__ = 'syncdelcwrtype'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & is_instance('CWRType')
-    events = ('before_delete_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        name = self.entity.name
-        if name in CORE_TYPES:
-            raise validation_error(self.entity, {None: _("can't be deleted")})
-        # delete relation definitions using this relation type
-        self._cw.execute('DELETE CWAttribute X WHERE X relation_type Y, Y eid %(x)s',
-                        {'x': self.entity.eid})
-        self._cw.execute('DELETE CWRelation X WHERE X relation_type Y, Y eid %(x)s',
-                        {'x': self.entity.eid})
-        MemSchemaCWRTypeDel(self._cw, rtype=name)
-class AfterAddCWComputedRTypeHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    """after a CWComputedRType entity has been added:
-    * register an operation to add the relation type to the instance's
-      schema on commit
-    We don't know yet this point if a table is necessary
-    """
-    __regid__ = 'syncaddcwcomputedrtype'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & is_instance('CWComputedRType')
-    events = ('after_add_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        entity = self.entity
-        rtypedef = ybo.ComputedRelation(name=entity.name,
-                                        eid=entity.eid,
-                                        rule=entity.rule)
-        MemSchemaCWRTypeAdd(self._cw, rtypedef=rtypedef)
-class AfterAddCWRTypeHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    """after a CWRType entity has been added:
-    * register an operation to add the relation type to the instance's
-      schema on commit
-    We don't know yet this point if a table is necessary
-    """
-    __regid__ = 'syncaddcwrtype'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & is_instance('CWRType')
-    events = ('after_add_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        entity = self.entity
-        rtypedef = ybo.RelationType(name=entity.name,
-                                    description=entity.description,
-                                    inlined=entity.cw_edited.get('inlined', False),
-                                    symmetric=entity.cw_edited.get('symmetric', False),
-                                    eid=entity.eid)
-        MemSchemaCWRTypeAdd(self._cw, rtypedef=rtypedef)
-class BeforeUpdateCWRTypeHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    """check name change, handle final"""
-    __regid__ = 'syncupdatecwrtype'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & is_instance('CWRType')
-    events = ('before_update_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        entity = self.entity
-        check_valid_changes(self._cw, entity)
-        newvalues = {}
-        for prop in ('symmetric', 'inlined', 'fulltext_container'):
-            if prop in entity.cw_edited:
-                old, new = entity.cw_edited.oldnewvalue(prop)
-                if old != new:
-                    newvalues[prop] = new
-        if newvalues:
-            rschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.rschema(entity.name)
-            CWRTypeUpdateOp(self._cw, rschema=rschema, entity=entity,
-                            values=newvalues)
-class BeforeUpdateCWComputedRTypeHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    """check name change, handle final"""
-    __regid__ = 'syncupdatecwcomputedrtype'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & is_instance('CWComputedRType')
-    events = ('before_update_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        entity = self.entity
-        check_valid_changes(self._cw, entity)
-        if 'rule' in entity.cw_edited:
-            old, new = entity.cw_edited.oldnewvalue('rule')
-            if old != new:
-                rschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.rschema(entity.name)
-                CWComputedRTypeUpdateOp(self._cw, rschema=rschema,
-                                        entity=entity, rule=new)
-class AfterDelRelationTypeHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    """before deleting a CWAttribute or CWRelation entity:
-    * if this is a final or inlined relation definition, instantiate an
-      operation to drop necessary column, else if this is the last instance
-      of a non final relation, instantiate an operation to drop necessary
-      table
-    * instantiate an operation to delete the relation definition on commit
-    * delete the associated relation type when necessary
-    """
-    __regid__ = 'syncdelrelationtype'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & hook.match_rtype('relation_type')
-    events = ('after_delete_relation',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        cnx = self._cw
-        try:
-            rdef = cnx.vreg.schema.schema_by_eid(self.eidfrom)
-        except KeyError:
-            self.critical('cant get schema rdef associated to %s', self.eidfrom)
-            return
-        subjschema, rschema, objschema = rdef.as_triple()
-        pendingrdefs = cnx.transaction_data.setdefault('pendingrdefs', set())
-        # first delete existing relation if necessary
-        if rschema.final:
-            rdeftype = 'CWAttribute'
-            pendingrdefs.add((subjschema, rschema))
-        else:
-            rdeftype = 'CWRelation'
-            pendingrdefs.add((subjschema, rschema, objschema))
-        RDefDelOp(cnx, rdef=rdef)
-# CWComputedRType hooks #######################################################
-class DelCWComputedRTypeHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    """before deleting a CWComputedRType entity:
-    * check that we don't remove a core relation type
-    * instantiate an operation to delete the relation type on commit
-    """
-    __regid__ = 'syncdelcwcomputedrtype'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & is_instance('CWComputedRType')
-    events = ('before_delete_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        name = self.entity.name
-        if name in CORE_TYPES:
-            raise validation_error(self.entity, {None: _("can't be deleted")})
-        MemSchemaCWRTypeDel(self._cw, rtype=name)
-# CWAttribute / CWRelation hooks ###############################################
-class AfterAddCWAttributeHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    __regid__ = 'syncaddcwattribute'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & is_instance('CWAttribute')
-    events = ('after_add_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        CWAttributeAddOp(self._cw, entity=self.entity)
-class AfterAddCWRelationHook(AfterAddCWAttributeHook):
-    __regid__ = 'syncaddcwrelation'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & is_instance('CWRelation')
-    def __call__(self):
-        CWRelationAddOp(self._cw, entity=self.entity)
-class AfterUpdateCWRDefHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    __regid__ = 'syncaddcwattribute'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & is_instance('CWAttribute',
-                                                         'CWRelation')
-    events = ('before_update_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        entity = self.entity
-        if self._cw.deleted_in_transaction(entity.eid):
-            return
-        subjtype = entity.stype.name
-        objtype = entity.otype.name
-        if subjtype in ETYPE_NAME_MAP or objtype in ETYPE_NAME_MAP:
-            return
-        rschema = self._cw.vreg.schema[entity.rtype.name]
-        # note: do not access schema rdef here, it may be added later by an
-        # operation
-        newvalues = {}
-        for prop in RelationDefinitionSchema.rproperty_defs(objtype):
-            if prop == 'constraints':
-                continue
-            if prop == 'order':
-                attr = 'ordernum'
-            else:
-                attr = prop
-            if attr in entity.cw_edited:
-                old, new = entity.cw_edited.oldnewvalue(attr)
-                if old != new:
-                    newvalues[prop] = new
-        if newvalues:
-            RDefUpdateOp(self._cw, rschema=rschema, rdefkey=(subjtype, objtype),
-                         values=newvalues)
-# constraints synchronization hooks ############################################
-class AfterAddCWConstraintHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    __regid__ = 'syncaddcwconstraint'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & is_instance('CWConstraint')
-    events = ('after_add_entity', 'after_update_entity')
-    def __call__(self):
-        if self.entity.cstrtype[0].name == 'SizeConstraint':
-            txdata = self._cw.transaction_data
-            if 'newsizecstr' not in txdata:
-                txdata['newsizecstr'] = set()
-            txdata['newsizecstr'].add(self.entity)
-        CWConstraintAddOp(self._cw, entity=self.entity)
-class AfterAddConstrainedByHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    __regid__ = 'syncaddconstrainedby'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & hook.match_rtype('constrained_by')
-    events = ('after_add_relation',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        if self._cw.added_in_transaction(self.eidfrom):
-            # used by get_constraints() which is called in CWAttributeAddOp
-            self._cw.transaction_data.setdefault(self.eidfrom, []).append(self.eidto)
-class BeforeDeleteCWConstraintHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    __regid__ = 'syncdelcwconstraint'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & is_instance('CWConstraint')
-    events = ('before_delete_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        entity = self.entity
-        schema = self._cw.vreg.schema
-        try:
-            # KeyError, e.g. composite chain deletion
-            rdef = schema.schema_by_eid(entity.reverse_constrained_by[0].eid)
-            # IndexError
-            cstr = rdef.constraint_by_eid(entity.eid)
-        except (KeyError, IndexError):
-            self._cw.critical('constraint type no more accessible')
-        else:
-            CWConstraintDelOp(self._cw, rdef=rdef, oldcstr=cstr)
-# unique_together constraints
-# XXX: use setoperations and before_add_relation here (on constraint_of and relations)
-class AfterAddCWUniqueTogetherConstraintHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    __regid__ = 'syncadd_cwuniquetogether_constraint'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & is_instance('CWUniqueTogetherConstraint')
-    events = ('after_add_entity',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        CWUniqueTogetherConstraintAddOp(self._cw, entity=self.entity)
-class BeforeDeleteConstraintOfHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    __regid__ = 'syncdelconstraintof'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & hook.match_rtype('constraint_of')
-    events = ('before_delete_relation',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        if self._cw.deleted_in_transaction(self.eidto):
-            return
-        schema = self._cw.vreg.schema
-        cstr = self._cw.entity_from_eid(self.eidfrom)
-        entity = schema.schema_by_eid(self.eidto)
-        cols = tuple(r.name for r in cstr.relations)
-        CWUniqueTogetherConstraintDelOp(self._cw, entity=entity,
-                                        cstrname=cstr.name, cols=cols)
-# permissions synchronization hooks ############################################
-class AfterAddPermissionHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    """added entity/relation *_permission, need to update schema"""
-    __regid__ = 'syncaddperm'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & hook.match_rtype(
-        'read_permission', 'add_permission', 'delete_permission',
-        'update_permission')
-    events = ('after_add_relation',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        action = self.rtype.split('_', 1)[0]
-        if self._cw.entity_metas(self.eidto)['type'] == 'CWGroup':
-            MemSchemaPermissionAdd(self._cw, action=action, eid=self.eidfrom,
-                                   group_eid=self.eidto)
-        else: # RQLExpression
-            expr = self._cw.entity_from_eid(self.eidto).expression
-            MemSchemaPermissionAdd(self._cw, action=action, eid=self.eidfrom,
-                                   expr=expr)
-class BeforeDelPermissionHook(AfterAddPermissionHook):
-    """delete entity/relation *_permission, need to update schema
-    skip the operation if the related type is being deleted
-    """
-    __regid__ = 'syncdelperm'
-    events = ('before_delete_relation',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        if self._cw.deleted_in_transaction(self.eidfrom):
-            return
-        action = self.rtype.split('_', 1)[0]
-        if self._cw.entity_metas(self.eidto)['type'] == 'CWGroup':
-            MemSchemaPermissionDel(self._cw, action=action, eid=self.eidfrom,
-                                   group_eid=self.eidto)
-        else: # RQLExpression
-            expr = self._cw.entity_from_eid(self.eidto).expression
-            MemSchemaPermissionDel(self._cw, action=action, eid=self.eidfrom,
-                                   expr=expr)
-class UpdateFTIndexOp(hook.DataOperationMixIn, hook.SingleLastOperation):
-    """operation to update full text indexation of entity whose schema change
-    We wait after the commit to as the schema in memory is only updated after
-    the commit.
-    """
-    containercls = list
-    def postcommit_event(self):
-        cnx = self.cnx
-        source = cnx.repo.system_source
-        schema = cnx.repo.vreg.schema
-        to_reindex = self.get_data()
-        self.info('%i etypes need full text indexed reindexation',
-                  len(to_reindex))
-        for etype in to_reindex:
-            rset = cnx.execute('Any X WHERE X is %s' % etype)
-            self.info('Reindexing full text index for %i entity of type %s',
-                      len(rset), etype)
-            still_fti = list(schema[etype].indexable_attributes())
-            for entity in rset.entities():
-                source.fti_unindex_entities(cnx, [entity])
-                for container in entity.cw_adapt_to('IFTIndexable').fti_containers():
-                    if still_fti or container is not entity:
-                        source.fti_unindex_entities(cnx, [container])
-                        source.fti_index_entities(cnx, [container])
-        if to_reindex:
-            # Transaction has already been committed
-            cnx.cnxset.commit()
-# specializes synchronization hooks ############################################
-class AfterAddSpecializesHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    __regid__ = 'syncaddspecializes'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & hook.match_rtype('specializes')
-    events = ('after_add_relation',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        MemSchemaSpecializesAdd(self._cw, etypeeid=self.eidfrom,
-                                parentetypeeid=self.eidto)
-class AfterDelSpecializesHook(SyncSchemaHook):
-    __regid__ = 'syncdelspecializes'
-    __select__ = SyncSchemaHook.__select__ & hook.match_rtype('specializes')
-    events = ('after_delete_relation',)
-    def __call__(self):
-        MemSchemaSpecializesDel(self._cw, etypeeid=self.eidfrom,
-                                parentetypeeid=self.eidto)