changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 10218 5ebbaf713caf
child 12792 e2cdb1be6bd9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cubicweb/web/wdoc/tut_rql_en.rst	Sat Jan 16 13:48:51 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Let's learn RQL by practice...
+.. contents::
+RQL has a syntax and principle inspirated from the SQL query language, though
+it's at a higher level in order to be more intuitive and suitable to easily make
+advanced queries on a schema based database.
+* the main idea in RQL is that we'are following relations between entities
+* attributes are a special case of relations
+* RQL has been inspirated from SQL but is at a higher level
+* a knowledge of the application'schema is necessary to build rql queries
+To use RQL, you'll have to know the basis of the language as well as a good
+knowledge of the application'schema. You can always view it using the "schema"
+link in user's dropdown menu (on the top-right of the screen) or by clicking here_.
+.. _here: ../schema
+Some bits of theory
+Variables et types
+Entities and attributes'value to follow and / or select are represented by the
+query by *variables* which must be written upper-case.
+Possible types for each variable are deducted from the schema according to
+constraints in the query.
+You can explicitly constrain a variable's type using the special relation "is".
+Base types
+* `String` (literal: between double or simple quotes)
+* `Int`, `Float` (using '.' as separator)
+* `Date`, `Datetime`, `Time` (literal: string YYYY/MM/DD[ hh:mm] or
+  `TODAY` and `NOW` keywords)
+* `Boolean` (keywords `TRUE` et `FALSE`)
+* keyword `NULL`
+* Logical operators : `AND`, `OR`, `,`
+* Mathematical operators: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`
+* Comparisons operators: `=`, `<`, `<=`, `>=`, `>`, `~=`, `LIKE`, `IN`
+  * `=` is the default comparison operator
+  * `LIKE` / `~=` permits use of the special character `%` in a string to tell
+    the string must begin or end with a prefix or suffix (as SQL LIKE operator) ::
+      Any X WHERE X name ~= 'Th%'
+      Any X WHERE X name LIKE '%lt'
+  * `IN` permits to give a list of possible values ::
+      Any X WHERE X name IN ('chauvat', 'fayolle', 'di mascio', 'thenault')
+Grammaire des requĂȘtes de recherche
+  [DISTINCT] <entity type> V1(, V2)*
+  [GROUPBY V1(, V2)*]  [ORDERBY <orderterms>]
+  [WHERE <restriction>] 
+  [LIMIT <value>] [OFFSET <value>]
+:entity type:
+  Type of the selected variable(s). You'll usually use `Any` type to not specify
+  any type.
+  List of relations to follow, in the form
+    `V1 relation V2|<constant value>`
+  Define a selection order : variable or column number, followed by the sort method
+  (`ASC`, `DESC`), with ASC as default when not specified
+notice about grouped query (e.g using a `GROUPBY` clause): every selected
+variable should be either grouped or used in an aggregat function.
+Example schema
+In this document, we will suppose the application's schema is the one described
+here. Available entity types are :
+  ::
+	name      (String, required) 
+	birthday (Date)
+  ::
+	name   (String)
+  ::
+	diem (Date)
+	type (String)
+And relations between those entities: ::
+	Person  works_for    Company
+	Person  evaluated_by Note
+	Company evaluated_by Note
+Every entities'type have the following meta-data:
+* `eid (Int)`, a unique identifier
+* `creation_date (Datetime)`, date on which the entity has been created
+* `modification_date (Datetime)`, lastest date on which the entity has been modified
+* `created_by (CWUser)`, relation to the user which has created this entity
+* `owned_by (CWUser)`, relation to the user()s considered as owner of this
+  entity, the entity's creator by default
+* `is (Eetype)`, special relation to specify a variable type.
+A user's entity has the following schema:
+  ::
+	login  	  (String) not null
+	password  (Password)
+	firstname (String)
+	surname   (String)
+Basis queries
+0. *Every persons* ::
+      Person X
+   or ::
+      Any X WHERE X is Person
+1. *The company named Logilab* ::
+      Company S WHERE S name 'Logilab'
+2. *Every entities with a "name" attribute whose value starts with 'Log'* ::
+      Any S WHERE S name LIKE 'Log%'
+   or ::
+      Any S WHERE S name ~= 'Log%'
+   This query may return Person or Company entities.
+3. *Every persons working for the Logilab company* ::
+      Person P WHERE P works_for S, S name "Logilab"
+   or ::
+      Person P WHERE P works_for S AND S name "Logilab"
+4. *Company named Caesium ou Logilab* ::
+      Company S WHERE S name IN ('Logilab','Caesium')
+   or ::
+      Company S WHERE S name 'Logilab' OR S name 'Caesium'
+5. *Every company but ones named Caesium ou Logilab* ::
+      Company S WHERE NOT S name IN ('Logilab','Caesium')
+   or ::
+      Company S WHERE NOT S name 'Logilab' AND NOT S name 'Caesium'
+6. *Entities evaluated by the note with eid 43* ::
+      Any X WHERE X evaluated_by N, N eid 43
+7. *Every persons order by birthday from the youngest to the oldest* ::
+      Person X ORDERBY D DESC WHERE X birthday D
+   Notice you've to define a variable using the birthday relation to use it in the
+   sort term. 
+8. *Number of persons working for each known company* ::
+      Any S, COUNT(X) GROUPBY S WHERE X works_for S
+   Notice you've that since you're writing a grouped query on S, X have to be
+   either grouped as well or used in an aggregat function (as in this example).
+0. *Person with no name specified (i.e NULL)* ::
+      Person P WHERE P name NULL
+1. *Person which are not working for any company* ::
+      Person P WHERE NOT p works_for S
+2. *Every company where person named toto isn't working* ::
+      Company S WHERE NOT P works_for S , P name 'toto'
+3. *Every entity which have been modified between today and yesterday* ::
+      Any X WHERE X modification_date <= TODAY, X modification_date >= TODAY - 1
+4. *Every note without type, to be done in the next 7 days, ordered by date* ::
+      Any N, D where N is Note, N type NULL, N diem D, N diem >= TODAY,
+      N diem < today + 7 ORDERBY D
+5. *Person with an homonym (without duplicate)* ::
+      DISTINCT Person X,Y where X name NX, Y name NX
+   or even better (e.g. without both (Xeid, Yeid) and (Yeid, Xeid) in the results) ::
+      Person X,Y where X name NX, Y name NX, X eid XE, Y eid > XE