changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 10669 155c29e0ed1c
child 11759 7b7108eb8178
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cubicweb/web/views/	Sat Jan 16 13:48:51 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+# copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+# contact --
+# This file is part of CubicWeb.
+# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
+HTML views
+Special views
+.. autoclass:: NullView
+.. autoclass:: NoResultView
+.. autoclass:: FinalView
+Base entity views
+.. autoclass:: InContextView
+.. autoclass:: OutOfContextView
+.. autoclass:: OneLineView
+Those are used to display a link to an entity, whose label depends on the entity
+having to be displayed in or out of context (of another entity): some entities
+make sense in the context of another entity. For instance, the `Version` of a
+`Project` in forge. So one may expect that 'incontext' will be called when
+display a version from within the context of a project, while 'outofcontext"'
+will be called in other cases. In our example, the 'incontext' view of the
+version would be something like '0.1.2', while the 'outofcontext' view would
+include the project name, e.g. 'baz 0.1.2' (since only a version number without
+the associated project doesn't make sense if you don't know yet that you're
+talking about the famous 'baz' project. |cubicweb| tries to make guess and call
+'incontext'/'outofcontext' nicely. When it can't know, the 'oneline' view should
+be used.
+List entity views
+.. autoclass:: ListView
+.. autoclass:: SimpleListView
+.. autoclass:: SameETypeListView
+.. autoclass:: CSVView
+Those list views can be given a 'subvid' arguments, telling the view to use of
+each item in the list. When not specified, the value of the 'redirect_vid'
+attribute of :class:`ListItemView` (for 'listview') or of
+:class:`SimpleListView` will be used. This default to 'outofcontext' for 'list'
+/ 'incontext' for 'simplelist'
+Text entity views
+Basic HTML view have some variants to be used when generating raw text, not HTML
+(for notifications for instance). Also, as explained above, some of the HTML
+views use those text views as a basis.
+.. autoclass:: TextView
+.. autoclass:: InContextTextView
+.. autoclass:: OutOfContextView
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+from cubicweb import _
+from datetime import timedelta
+from warnings import warn
+from six.moves import range
+from rql import nodes
+from logilab.mtconverter import TransformError, xml_escape
+from logilab.common.registry import yes
+from cubicweb import NoSelectableObject, tags
+from cubicweb.predicates import empty_rset, one_etype_rset, match_kwargs
+from cubicweb.schema import display_name
+from cubicweb.view import EntityView, AnyRsetView, View
+from cubicweb.uilib import cut
+from cubicweb.web.views import calendar
+class NullView(AnyRsetView):
+    """:__regid__: *null*
+    This view is the default view used when nothing needs to be rendered. It is
+    always applicable and is usually used as fallback view when calling
+    :meth:`_cw.view` to display nothing if the result set is empty.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'null'
+    __select__ = yes()
+    def call(self, **kwargs):
+        pass
+    cell_call = call
+class NoResultView(View):
+    """:__regid__: *noresult*
+    This view is the default view to be used when no result has been found
+    (i.e. empty result set).
+    It's usually used as fallback view when calling :meth:`_cw.view` to display
+    "no results" if the result set is empty.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'noresult'
+    __select__ = empty_rset()
+    def call(self, **kwargs):
+        self.w(u'<div class="searchMessage"><strong>%s</strong></div>\n'
+               % self._cw._('No result matching query'))
+class FinalView(AnyRsetView):
+    """:__regid__: *final*
+    Display the value of a result set cell with minimal transformations
+    (i.e. you'll get a number for entities). It is applicable on any result set,
+    though usually dedicated for cells containing an attribute's value.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'final'
+    def cell_call(self, row, col, props=None, format='text/html'):
+        value = self.cw_rset.rows[row][col]
+        if value is None:
+            self.w(u'')
+            return
+        etype = self.cw_rset.description[row][col]
+        if etype == 'String':
+            entity, rtype = self.cw_rset.related_entity(row, col)
+            if entity is not None:
+                # call entity's printable_value which may have more information
+                # about string format & all
+                self.w(entity.printable_value(rtype, value, format=format))
+                return
+        value = self._cw.printable_value(etype, value, props)
+        if etype in ('Time', 'Interval'):
+            self.w(value.replace(' ', '&#160;'))
+        else:
+            self.wdata(value)
+class InContextView(EntityView):
+    """:__regid__: *incontext*
+    This view is used when the entity should be considered as displayed in its
+    context. By default it produces the result of ``entity.dc_title()`` wrapped in a
+    link leading to the primary view of the entity.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'incontext'
+    def cell_call(self, row, col):
+        entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
+        desc = cut(entity.dc_description(), 50)
+        self.w(u'<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>' % (
+            xml_escape(entity.absolute_url()), xml_escape(desc),
+            xml_escape(entity.dc_title())))
+class OutOfContextView(EntityView):
+    """:__regid__: *outofcontext*
+    This view is used when the entity should be considered as displayed out of
+    its context. By default it produces the result of ``entity.dc_long_title()``
+    wrapped in a link leading to the primary view of the entity.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'outofcontext'
+    def cell_call(self, row, col):
+        entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
+        desc = cut(entity.dc_description(), 50)
+        self.w(u'<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>' % (
+            xml_escape(entity.absolute_url()), xml_escape(desc),
+            xml_escape(entity.dc_long_title())))
+class OneLineView(EntityView):
+    """:__regid__: *oneline*
+    This view is used when we can't tell if the entity should be considered as
+    displayed in or out of context. By default it produces the result of the
+    `text` view in a link leading to the primary view of the entity.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'oneline'
+    title = _('oneline')
+    def cell_call(self, row, col, **kwargs):
+        """the one line view for an entity: linked text view
+        """
+        entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
+        desc = cut(entity.dc_description(), 50)
+        title = cut(entity.dc_title(),
+                    self._cw.property_value('navigation.short-line-size'))
+        self.w(u'<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>' % (
+                xml_escape(entity.absolute_url()), xml_escape(desc),
+                xml_escape(title)))
+# text views ###################################################################
+class TextView(EntityView):
+    """:__regid__: *text*
+    This is the simplest text view for an entity. By default it returns the
+    result of the entity's `dc_title()` method, which is cut to fit the
+    `navigation.short-line-size` property if necessary.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'text'
+    title = _('text')
+    content_type = 'text/plain'
+    def call(self, **kwargs):
+        """The view is called for an entire result set, by default loop other
+        rows of the result set and call the same view on the particular row.
+        Subclasses views that are applicable on None result sets will have to
+        override this method.
+        """
+        rset = self.cw_rset
+        if rset is None:
+            raise NotImplementedError(self)
+        for i in range(len(rset)):
+            self.wview(self.__regid__, rset, row=i, **kwargs)
+            if len(rset) > 1:
+                self.w(u"\n")
+    def cell_call(self, row, col=0, **kwargs):
+        entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
+        self.w(cut(entity.dc_title(),
+                   self._cw.property_value('navigation.short-line-size')))
+class InContextTextView(TextView):
+    """:__regid__: *textincontext*
+    Similar to the `text` view, but called when an entity is considered in
+    context (see description of incontext HTML view for more information on
+    this). By default it displays what's returned by the `dc_title()` method of
+    the entity.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'textincontext'
+    title = None # not listed as a possible view
+    def cell_call(self, row, col):
+        entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
+        self.w(entity.dc_title())
+class OutOfContextTextView(InContextTextView):
+    """:__regid__: *textoutofcontext*
+    Similar to the `text` view, but called when an entity is considered out of
+    context (see description of outofcontext HTML view for more information on
+    this). By default it displays what's returned by the `dc_long_title()`
+    method of the entity.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'textoutofcontext'
+    def cell_call(self, row, col):
+        entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
+        self.w(entity.dc_long_title())
+# list views ##################################################################
+class ListView(EntityView):
+    """:__regid__: *list*
+    This view displays a list of entities by creating a HTML list (`<ul>`) and
+    call the view `listitem` for each entity of the result set. The 'list' view
+    will generate HTML like:
+    .. sourcecode:: html
+      <ul class="section">
+        <li>"result of 'subvid' view for a row</li>
+        ...
+      </ul>
+    If you wish to use a different view for each entity, either subclass and
+    change the :attr:`item_vid` class attribute or specify a `subvid` argument
+    when calling this view.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'list'
+    title = _('list')
+    item_vid = 'listitem'
+    def call(self, klass=None, title=None, subvid=None, listid=None, **kwargs):
+        """display a list of entities by calling their <item_vid> view
+        :param listid: the DOM id to use for the root element
+        """
+        # XXX much of the behaviour here should probably be outside this view
+        if subvid is None and 'subvid' in self._cw.form:
+            subvid = self._cw.form.pop('subvid') # consume it
+        if listid:
+            listid = u' id="%s"' % listid
+        else:
+            listid = u''
+        if title:
+            self.w(u'<div%s class="%s"><h4>%s</h4>\n' % (listid, klass or 'section', title))
+            self.w(u'<ul>\n')
+        else:
+            self.w(u'<ul%s class="%s">\n' % (listid, klass or 'section'))
+        for i in range(self.cw_rset.rowcount):
+            self.cell_call(row=i, col=0, vid=subvid, klass=klass, **kwargs)
+        self.w(u'</ul>\n')
+        if title:
+            self.w(u'</div>\n')
+    def cell_call(self, row, col=0, vid=None, klass=None, **kwargs):
+        self.w(u'<li>')
+        self.wview(self.item_vid, self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col, vid=vid, **kwargs)
+        self.w(u'</li>\n')
+class ListItemView(EntityView):
+    __regid__ = 'listitem'
+    @property
+    def redirect_vid(self):
+        if self._cw.search_state[0] == 'normal':
+            return 'outofcontext'
+        return 'outofcontext-search'
+    def cell_call(self, row, col, vid=None, **kwargs):
+        if not vid:
+            vid = self.redirect_vid
+        try:
+            self.wview(vid, self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col, **kwargs)
+        except NoSelectableObject:
+            if vid == self.redirect_vid:
+                raise
+            self.wview(self.redirect_vid, self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col, **kwargs)
+class SimpleListView(ListItemView):
+    """:__regid__: *simplelist*
+    Similar to :class:~cubicweb.web.views.baseviews.ListView but using '<div>'
+    instead of '<ul>'. It rely on '<div>' behaviour to separate items. HTML will
+    look like
+    .. sourcecode:: html
+      <div class="section">"result of 'subvid' view for a row</div>
+      ...
+    It relies on base :class:`~cubicweb.view.View` class implementation of the
+    :meth:`call` method to insert those <div>.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'simplelist'
+    redirect_vid = 'incontext'
+    def call(self, subvid=None, **kwargs):
+        """display a list of entities by calling their <item_vid> view
+        :param listid: the DOM id to use for the root element
+        """
+        if subvid is None and 'vid' in kwargs:
+            warn("should give a 'subvid' argument instead of 'vid'",
+                 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+        else:
+            kwargs['vid'] = subvid
+        return super(SimpleListView, self).call(**kwargs)
+class SameETypeListView(EntityView):
+    """:__regid__: *sameetypelist*
+    This view displays a list of entities of the same type, in HTML section
+    ('<div>') and call the view `sameetypelistitem` for each entity of the
+    result set. It's designed to get a more adapted global list when displayed
+    entities are all of the same type (for instance, display gallery if there
+    are only images entities).
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'sameetypelist'
+    __select__ = EntityView.__select__ & one_etype_rset()
+    item_vid = 'sameetypelistitem'
+    @property
+    def title(self):
+        etype = next(iter(self.cw_rset.column_types(0)))
+        return display_name(self._cw, etype, form='plural')
+    def call(self, **kwargs):
+        """display a list of entities by calling their <item_vid> view"""
+        showtitle = kwargs.pop('showtitle', not 'vtitle' in self._cw.form)
+        if showtitle:
+            self.w(u'<h1>%s</h1>' % self.title)
+        super(SameETypeListView, self).call(**kwargs)
+    def cell_call(self, row, col=0, **kwargs):
+        self.wview(self.item_vid, self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col, **kwargs)
+class SameETypeListItemView(EntityView):
+    __regid__ = 'sameetypelistitem'
+    def cell_call(self, row, col, **kwargs):
+        self.wview('listitem', self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col, **kwargs)
+class CSVView(SimpleListView):
+    """:__regid__: *csv*
+    This view displays each entity in a coma separated list. It is NOT related
+    to the well-known text file format.
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'csv'
+    redirect_vid = 'incontext'
+    separator = u', '
+    def call(self, subvid=None, **kwargs):
+        kwargs['vid'] = subvid
+        rset = self.cw_rset
+        for i in range(len(rset)):
+            self.cell_call(i, 0, **kwargs)
+            if i < rset.rowcount-1:
+                self.w(self.separator)
+# XXX to be documented views ###################################################
+class MetaDataView(EntityView):
+    """paragraph view of some metadata"""
+    __regid__ = 'metadata'
+    show_eid = True
+    def cell_call(self, row, col):
+        _ = self._cw._
+        entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
+        self.w(u'<div>')
+        if self.show_eid:
+            self.w(u'%s #%s - ' % (entity.dc_type(), entity.eid))
+        if entity.modification_date != entity.creation_date:
+            self.w(u'<span>%s</span> ' % _('latest update on'))
+            self.w(u'<span class="value">%s</span>, '
+                   % self._cw.format_date(entity.modification_date))
+        # entities from external source may not have a creation date (eg ldap)
+        if entity.creation_date:
+            self.w(u'<span>%s</span> ' % _('created on'))
+            self.w(u'<span class="value">%s</span>'
+                   % self._cw.format_date(entity.creation_date))
+        if entity.creator:
+            if entity.creation_date:
+                self.w(u' <span>%s</span> ' % _('by'))
+            else:
+                self.w(u' <span>%s</span> ' % _('created_by'))
+            self.w(u'<span class="value">%s</span>' %
+        meta = entity.cw_metainformation()
+        if meta['source']['uri'] != 'system':
+            self.w(u' (<span>%s</span>' % _('cw_source'))
+            self.w(u' <span class="value">%s</span>)' % meta['source']['uri'])
+        self.w(u'</div>')
+class TreeItemView(ListItemView):
+    __regid__ = 'treeitem'
+    def cell_call(self, row, col):
+        self.wview('incontext', self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col)
+class TextSearchResultView(EntityView):
+    """this view is used to display full-text search
+    It tries to highlight part of data where the search word appears.
+    XXX: finish me (fixed line width, fixed number of lines, CSS, etc.)
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'tsearch'
+    def cell_call(self, row, col, **kwargs):
+        entity = self.cw_rset.complete_entity(row, col)
+        self.w(entity.view('incontext'))
+        searched = self.cw_rset.searched_text()
+        if searched is None:
+            return
+        searched = searched.lower()
+        highlighted = '<b>%s</b>' % searched
+        for attr in entity.e_schema.indexable_attributes():
+            try:
+                value = xml_escape(entity.printable_value(attr, format='text/plain').lower())
+            except TransformError as ex:
+                continue
+            except Exception:
+                continue
+            if searched in value:
+                contexts = []
+                for ctx in value.split(searched):
+                    if len(ctx) > 30:
+                        contexts.append(u'...' + ctx[-30:])
+                    else:
+                        contexts.append(ctx)
+                value = u'\n' + highlighted.join(contexts)
+                self.w(value.replace('\n', '<br/>'))
+class TooltipView(EntityView):
+    """A entity view used in a tooltip"""
+    __regid__ = 'tooltip'
+    def cell_call(self, row, col):
+        self.wview('oneline', self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col)
+class GroupByView(EntityView):
+    """grouped view of a result set. The `group_key` method return the group
+    key of an entities (a string or tuple of string).
+    For each group, display a link to entities of this group by generating url
+    like <basepath>/<key> or <basepath>/<key item 1>/<key item 2>.
+    """
+    __abstract__ = True
+    __select__ = EntityView.__select__ & match_kwargs('basepath')
+    entity_attribute = None
+    reversed = False
+    def index_url(self, basepath, key, **kwargs):
+        if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):
+            key = '/'.join(key)
+        return self._cw.build_url('%s/%s' % (basepath, key),
+                                  **kwargs)
+    def index_link(self, basepath, key, items):
+        url = self.index_url(basepath, key)
+        if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):
+            key = ' '.join(key)
+        return tags.a(key, href=url)
+    def group_key(self, entity, **kwargs):
+        value = getattr(entity, self.entity_attribute)
+        if callable(value):
+            value = value()
+        return value
+    def call(self, basepath, maxentries=None, **kwargs):
+        index = {}
+        for entity in self.cw_rset.entities():
+            index.setdefault(self.group_key(entity, **kwargs), []).append(entity)
+        displayed = sorted(index)
+        if self.reversed:
+            displayed = reversed(displayed)
+        if maxentries is None:
+            needmore = False
+        else:
+            needmore = len(index) > maxentries
+            displayed = tuple(displayed)[:maxentries]
+        w = self.w
+        w(u'<ul class="boxListing">')
+        for key in displayed:
+            if key:
+                w(u'<li>%s</li>\n' %
+                  self.index_link(basepath, key, index[key]))
+        if needmore:
+            url = self._cw.build_url('view', vid=self.__regid__,
+                                     rql=self.cw_rset.printable_rql())
+            w( u'<li>%s</li>\n' % tags.a(u'[%s]' % self._cw._('see more'),
+                                         href=url))
+        w(u'</ul>\n')
+class ArchiveView(GroupByView):
+    """archive view of a result set. Links to months are built using a basepath
+    parameters, eg using url like <basepath>/<year>/<month>
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'cw.archive.by_date'
+    entity_attribute = 'creation_date'
+    reversed = True
+    def group_key(self, entity, **kwargs):
+        value = super(ArchiveView, self).group_key(entity, **kwargs)
+        return '%04d' % value.year, '%02d' % value.month
+    def index_link(self, basepath, key, items):
+        """represent a single month entry"""
+        year, month = key
+        label = u'%s %s [%s]' % (self._cw._(calendar.MONTHNAMES[int(month)-1]),
+                                 year, len(items))
+        etypes = set(entity.cw_etype for entity in items)
+        vtitle = '%s %s' % (', '.join(display_name(self._cw, etype, 'plural')
+                                      for etype in etypes),
+                            label)
+        title = self._cw._('archive for %(month)s/%(year)s') % {
+            'month': month, 'year': year}
+        url = self.index_url(basepath, key, vtitle=vtitle)
+        return tags.a(label, href=url, title=title)
+class AuthorView(GroupByView):
+    """author view of a result set. Links to month are built using a basepath
+    parameters, eg using url like <basepath>/<author>
+    """
+    __regid__ = 'cw.archive.by_author'
+    entity_attribute = 'creator'
+    def group_key(self, entity, **kwargs):
+        value = super(AuthorView, self).group_key(entity, **kwargs)
+        if value:
+            return (, value.login)
+        return (None, None)
+    def index_link(self, basepath, key, items):
+        if key[0] is None:
+            return
+        label = u'%s [%s]' % (key[0], len(items))
+        etypes = set(entity.cw_etype for entity in items)
+        vtitle = self._cw._('%(etype)s by %(author)s') % {
+            'etype': ', '.join(display_name(self._cw, etype, 'plural')
+                               for etype in etypes),
+            'author': label}
+        url = self.index_url(basepath, key[1], vtitle=vtitle)
+        title = self._cw._('archive for %(author)s') % {'author': key[0]}
+        return tags.a(label, href=url, title=title)
+# bw compat ####################################################################
+from logilab.common.deprecation import class_moved, class_deprecated
+from cubicweb.web.views import boxes, xmlrss, primary, tableview
+PrimaryView = class_moved(primary.PrimaryView)
+SideBoxView = class_moved(boxes.SideBoxView)
+XmlView = class_moved(xmlrss.XMLView)
+XmlItemView = class_moved(xmlrss.XMLItemView)
+XmlRsetView = class_moved(xmlrss.XMLRsetView)
+RssView = class_moved(xmlrss.RSSView)
+RssItemView = class_moved(xmlrss.RSSItemView)
+TableView = class_moved(tableview.TableView)