changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 10102 769695d59add
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cubicweb/web/data/jquery.qtip.js	Sat Jan 16 13:48:51 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2149 @@
+ * jquery.qtip. The jQuery tooltip plugin
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Craig Thompson
+ *
+ *
+ * Licensed under MIT
+ *
+ *
+ * Launch  : February 2009
+ * Version : 1.0.0-rc3
+ * Released: Tuesday 12th May, 2009 - 00:00
+ * Debug: jquery.qtip.debug.js
+ */
+   // Implementation
+   $.fn.qtip = function(options, blanket)
+   {
+      var i, id, interfaces, opts, obj, command, config, api;
+      // Return API / Interfaces if requested
+      if(typeof options == 'string')
+      {
+         // Make sure API data exists if requested
+         if(typeof $(this).data('qtip') !== 'object')
+            $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.NO_TOOLTIP_PRESENT, false);
+         // Return requested object
+         if(options == 'api')
+            return $(this).data('qtip').interfaces[ $(this).data('qtip').current ];
+         else if(options == 'interfaces')
+            return $(this).data('qtip').interfaces;
+      }
+      // Validate provided options
+      else
+      {
+         // Set null options object if no options are provided
+         if(!options) options = {};
+         // Sanitize option data
+         if(typeof options.content !== 'object' || (options.content.jquery && options.content.length > 0)) options.content = { text: options.content };
+         if(typeof options.content.title !== 'object') options.content.title = { text: options.content.title };
+         if(typeof options.position !== 'object') options.position = { corner: options.position };
+         if(typeof options.position.corner !== 'object') options.position.corner = { target: options.position.corner, tooltip: options.position.corner };
+         if(typeof !== 'object') = { when: };
+         if(typeof !== 'object') = { event: };
+         if(typeof !== 'object') = { type: };
+         if(typeof options.hide !== 'object') options.hide = { when: options.hide };
+         if(typeof options.hide.when !== 'object') options.hide.when = { event: options.hide.when };
+         if(typeof options.hide.effect !== 'object') options.hide.effect = { type: options.hide.effect };
+         if(typeof !== 'object') = { name: };
+ = sanitizeStyle(;
+         // Build main options object
+         opts = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.qtip.defaults, options);
+         // Inherit all style properties into one syle object and include original options
+ ={ options: opts },;
+         opts.user = $.extend(true, {}, options);
+      };
+      // Iterate each matched element
+      return $(this).each(function() // Return original elements as per jQuery guidelines
+      {
+         // Check for API commands
+         if(typeof options == 'string')
+         {
+            command = options.toLowerCase();
+            interfaces = $(this).qtip('interfaces');
+            // Make sure API data exists$('.qtip').qtip('destroy')
+            if(typeof interfaces == 'object')
+            {
+               // Check if API call is a BLANKET DESTROY command
+               if(blanket === true && command == 'destroy')
+                  while(interfaces.length > 0) interfaces[interfaces.length-1].destroy();
+               // API call is not a BLANKET DESTROY command
+               else
+               {
+                  // Check if supplied command effects this tooltip only (NOT BLANKET)
+                  if(blanket !== true) interfaces = [ $(this).qtip('api') ];
+                  // Execute command on chosen qTips
+                  for(i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++)
+                  {
+                     // Destroy command doesn't require tooltip to be rendered
+                     if(command == 'destroy') interfaces[i].destroy();
+                     // Only call API if tooltip is rendered and it wasn't a destroy call
+                     else if(interfaces[i].status.rendered === true)
+                     {
+                        if(command == 'show') interfaces[i].show();
+                        else if(command == 'hide') interfaces[i].hide();
+                        else if(command == 'focus') interfaces[i].focus();
+                        else if(command == 'disable') interfaces[i].disable(true);
+                        else if(command == 'enable') interfaces[i].disable(false);
+                     };
+                  };
+               };
+            };
+         }
+         // No API commands, continue with qTip creation
+         else
+         {
+            // Create unique configuration object
+            config = $.extend(true, {}, opts);
+            config.hide.effect.length = opts.hide.effect.length;
+   =;
+            // Sanitize target options
+            if(config.position.container === false) config.position.container = $(document.body);
+            if( === false) = $(this);
+            if( === false) = $(this);
+            if( === false) = $(this);
+            // Determine tooltip ID (Reuse array slots if possible)
+            id = $.fn.qtip.interfaces.length;
+            for(i = 0; i < id; i++)
+            {
+               if(typeof $.fn.qtip.interfaces[i] == 'undefined'){ id = i; break; };
+            };
+            // Instantiate the tooltip
+            obj = new qTip($(this), config, id);
+            // Add API references
+            $.fn.qtip.interfaces[id] = obj;
+            // Check if element already has qTip data assigned
+            if(typeof $(this).data('qtip') == 'object')
+            {
+               // Set new current interface id
+               if(typeof $(this).attr('qtip') === 'undefined')
+                  $(this).data('qtip').current = $(this).data('qtip').interfaces.length;
+               // Push new API interface onto interfaces array
+               $(this).data('qtip').interfaces.push(obj);
+            }
+            // No qTip data is present, create now
+            else $(this).data('qtip', { current: 0, interfaces: [obj] });
+            // If prerendering is disabled, create tooltip on showEvent
+            if(config.content.prerender === false && !== false && !== true)
+            {
+     '.qtip-'+id+'-create', { qtip: id }, function(event)
+               {
+                  // Retrieve API interface via passed qTip Id
+                  api = $.fn.qtip.interfaces[ ];
+                  // Unbind show event and cache mouse coords
+        '.qtip-''-create');
+                  api.cache.mouse = { x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY };
+                  // Render tooltip and start the event sequence
+         api );
+        ;
+               });
+            }
+            // Prerendering is enabled, create tooltip now
+            else
+            {
+               // Set mouse position cache to top left of the element
+               obj.cache.mouse = {
+                  x:,
+                  y:
+               };
+               // Construct the tooltip
+     ;
+            }
+         };
+      });
+   };
+   // Instantiator
+   function qTip(target, options, id)
+   {
+      // Declare this reference
+      var self = this;
+      // Setup class attributes
+ = id;
+      self.options = options;
+      self.status = {
+         animated: false,
+         rendered: false,
+         disabled: false,
+         focused: false
+      };
+      self.elements = {
+         target: target.addClass(,
+         tooltip: null,
+         wrapper: null,
+         content: null,
+         contentWrapper: null,
+         title: null,
+         button: null,
+         tip: null,
+         bgiframe: null
+      };
+      self.cache = {
+         mouse: {},
+         position: {},
+         toggle: 0
+      };
+      self.timers = {};
+      // Define exposed API methods
+      $.extend(self, self.options.api,
+      {
+         show: function(event)
+         {
+            var returned, solo;
+            // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return
+            if(!self.status.rendered)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_NOT_RENDERED, 'show');
+            // Only continue if element is visible
+            if(self.elements.tooltip.css('display') !== 'none') return self;
+            // Clear animation queue
+            self.elements.tooltip.stop(true, false);
+            // Call API method and if return value is false, halt
+            returned =, event);
+            if(returned === false) return self;
+            // Define afterShow callback method
+            function afterShow()
+            {
+               // Call API method and focus if it isn't static
+               if(self.options.position.type !== 'static') self.focus();
+     , event);
+               // Prevent antialias from disappearing in IE7 by removing filter attribute
+               if($.browser.msie) self.elements.tooltip.get(0).style.removeAttribute('filter');
+            };
+            // Maintain toggle functionality if enabled
+            self.cache.toggle = 1;
+            // Update tooltip position if it isn't static
+            if(self.options.position.type !== 'static')
+               self.updatePosition(event, ( > 0));
+            // Hide other tooltips if tooltip is solo
+            if(typeof == 'object') solo = $(;
+            else if( === true) solo = $('div.qtip').not(self.elements.tooltip);
+            if(solo) solo.each(function(){ if($(this).qtip('api').status.rendered === true) $(this).qtip('api').hide(); });
+            // Show tooltip
+            if(typeof == 'function')
+            {
+     ,;
+               self.elements.tooltip.queue(function(){ afterShow(); $(this).dequeue(); });
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               switch(
+               {
+                  case 'fade':
+                     self.elements.tooltip.fadeIn(, afterShow);
+                     break;
+                  case 'slide':
+                     self.elements.tooltip.slideDown(, function()
+                     {
+                        afterShow();
+                        if(self.options.position.type !== 'static') self.updatePosition(event, true);
+                     });
+                     break;
+                  case 'grow':
+           , afterShow);
+                     break;
+                  default:
+           , afterShow);
+                     break;
+               };
+               // Add active class to tooltip
+               self.elements.tooltip.addClass(;
+            };
+            // Log event and return
+            return $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.EVENT_SHOWN, 'show');
+         },
+         hide: function(event)
+         {
+            var returned;
+            // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return
+            if(!self.status.rendered)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_NOT_RENDERED, 'hide');
+            // Only continue if element is visible
+            else if(self.elements.tooltip.css('display') === 'none') return self;
+            // Stop show timer and animation queue
+            clearTimeout(;
+            self.elements.tooltip.stop(true, false);
+            // Call API method and if return value is false, halt
+            returned =, event);
+            if(returned === false) return self;
+            // Define afterHide callback method
+            function afterHide(){, event); };
+            // Maintain toggle functionality if enabled
+            self.cache.toggle = 0;
+            // Hide tooltip
+            if(typeof self.options.hide.effect.type == 'function')
+            {
+     , self.options.hide.effect.length);
+               self.elements.tooltip.queue(function(){ afterHide(); $(this).dequeue(); });
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               switch(self.options.hide.effect.type.toLowerCase())
+               {
+                  case 'fade':
+                     self.elements.tooltip.fadeOut(self.options.hide.effect.length, afterHide);
+                     break;
+                  case 'slide':
+                     self.elements.tooltip.slideUp(self.options.hide.effect.length, afterHide);
+                     break;
+                  case 'grow':
+                     self.elements.tooltip.hide(self.options.hide.effect.length, afterHide);
+                     break;
+                  default:
+                     self.elements.tooltip.hide(null, afterHide);
+                     break;
+               };
+               // Remove active class to tooltip
+               self.elements.tooltip.removeClass(;
+            };
+            // Log event and return
+            return $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.EVENT_HIDDEN, 'hide');
+         },
+         updatePosition: function(event, animate)
+         {
+            var i, target, tooltip, coords, mapName, imagePos, newPosition, ieAdjust, ie6Adjust, borderAdjust, mouseAdjust, offset, curPosition, returned
+            // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return
+            if(!self.status.rendered)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_NOT_RENDERED, 'updatePosition');
+            // If tooltip is static, return
+            else if(self.options.position.type == 'static')
+               return $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.CANNOT_POSITION_STATIC, 'updatePosition');
+            // Define property objects
+            target = {
+               position: { left: 0, top: 0 },
+               dimensions: { height: 0, width: 0 },
+               corner:
+            };
+            tooltip = {
+               position: self.getPosition(),
+               dimensions: self.getDimensions(),
+               corner: self.options.position.corner.tooltip
+            };
+            // Target is an HTML element
+            if( !== 'mouse')
+            {
+               // If the HTML element is AREA, calculate position manually
+               if( == 'area')
+               {
+                  // Retrieve coordinates from coords attribute and parse into integers
+                  coords ='coords').split(',');
+                  for(i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) coords[i] = parseInt(coords[i]);
+                  // Setup target position object
+                  mapName ='map').attr('name');
+                  imagePos = $('img[usemap="#'+mapName+'"]:first').offset();
+                  target.position = {
+                     left: Math.floor(imagePos.left + coords[0]),
+                     top: Math.floor( + coords[1])
+                  };
+                  // Determine width and height of the area
+                  switch('shape').toLowerCase())
+                  {
+                     case 'rect':
+                        target.dimensions = {
+                           width: Math.ceil(Math.abs(coords[2] - coords[0])),
+                           height: Math.ceil(Math.abs(coords[3] - coords[1]))
+                        };
+                        break;
+                     case 'circle':
+                        target.dimensions = {
+                           width: coords[2] + 1,
+                           height: coords[2] + 1
+                        };
+                        break;
+                     case 'poly':
+                        target.dimensions = {
+                           width: coords[0],
+                           height: coords[1]
+                        };
+                        for(i = 0; i < coords.length; i++)
+                        {
+                           if(i % 2 == 0)
+                           {
+                              if(coords[i] > target.dimensions.width)
+                                 target.dimensions.width = coords[i];
+                              if(coords[i] < coords[0])
+                                 target.position.left = Math.floor(imagePos.left + coords[i]);
+                           }
+                           else
+                           {
+                              if(coords[i] > target.dimensions.height)
+                                 target.dimensions.height = coords[i];
+                              if(coords[i] < coords[1])
+                        = Math.floor( + coords[i]);
+                           };
+                        };
+                        target.dimensions.width = target.dimensions.width - (target.position.left - imagePos.left);
+                        target.dimensions.height = target.dimensions.height - ( -;
+                        break;
+                     default:
+                        return $, 4, $.fn.qtip.constants.INVALID_AREA_SHAPE, 'updatePosition');
+                        break;
+                  };
+                  // Adjust position by 2 pixels (Positioning bug?)
+                  target.dimensions.width -= 2; target.dimensions.height -= 2;
+               }
+               // Target is the document
+               else if( === 1)
+               {
+                  target.position = { left: $(document).scrollLeft(), top: $(document).scrollTop() };
+                  target.dimensions = { height: $(window).height(), width: $(window).width() };
+               }
+               // Target is a regular HTML element, find position normally
+               else
+               {
+                  // Check if the target is another tooltip. If its animated, retrieve position from newPosition data
+                  if(typeof'qtip') !== 'undefined')
+                     target.position ='api').cache.position;
+                  else
+                     target.position =;
+                  // Setup dimensions objects
+                  target.dimensions = {
+                     height:,
+                     width:
+                  };
+               };
+               // Calculate correct target corner position
+               newPosition = $.extend({}, target.position);
+               if( !== -1)
+                  newPosition.left += target.dimensions.width;
+               if( !== -1)
+         += target.dimensions.height;
+               if(|bottom)Middle)|center/) !== -1)
+                  newPosition.left += (target.dimensions.width / 2);
+               if(|right)Middle)|center/) !== -1)
+         += (target.dimensions.height / 2);
+            }
+            // Mouse is the target, set position to current mouse coordinates
+            else
+            {
+               // Setup target position and dimensions objects
+               target.position = newPosition = { left: self.cache.mouse.x, top: self.cache.mouse.y };
+               target.dimensions = { height: 1, width: 1 };
+            };
+            // Calculate correct target corner position
+            if( !== -1)
+               newPosition.left -= tooltip.dimensions.width;
+            if( !== -1)
+      -= tooltip.dimensions.height;
+            if(|bottom)Middle)|center/) !== -1)
+               newPosition.left -= (tooltip.dimensions.width / 2);
+            if(|right)Middle)|center/) !== -1)
+      -= (tooltip.dimensions.height / 2);
+            // Setup IE adjustment variables (Pixel gap bugs)
+            ieAdjust = ($.browser.msie) ? 1 : 0; // And this is why I hate IE...
+            ie6Adjust = ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version.charAt(0)) === 6) ? 1 : 0; // ...and even more so IE6!
+            // Adjust for border radius
+            if( > 0)
+            {
+               if( !== -1)
+                  newPosition.left -=;
+               else if( !== -1)
+                  newPosition.left +=;
+               if( !== -1)
+         -=;
+               else if( !== -1)
+         +=;
+            };
+            // IE only adjustments (Pixel perfect!)
+            if(ieAdjust)
+            {
+               if( !== -1)
+         -= ieAdjust
+               else if( !== -1)
+         += ieAdjust
+               if( !== -1)
+                  newPosition.left -= ieAdjust
+               else if( !== -1)
+                  newPosition.left += ieAdjust
+               if(|rightMiddle/) !== -1)
+         -= 1
+            };
+            // If screen adjustment is enabled, apply adjustments
+            if(self.options.position.adjust.screen === true)
+               newPosition =, newPosition, target, tooltip);
+            // If mouse is the target, prevent tooltip appearing directly under the mouse
+            if( === 'mouse' && self.options.position.adjust.mouse === true)
+            {
+               if(self.options.position.adjust.screen === true && self.elements.tip)
+                  mouseAdjust = self.elements.tip.attr('rel');
+               else
+                  mouseAdjust = self.options.position.corner.tooltip;
+               newPosition.left += ( !== -1) ? -6 : 6;
+      += ( !== -1) ? -6 : 6;
+            }
+            // Initiate bgiframe plugin in IE6 if tooltip overlaps a select box or object element
+            if(!self.elements.bgiframe && $.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version.charAt(0)) == 6)
+            {
+               $('select, object').each(function()
+               {
+                  offset = $(this).offset();
+                  offset.bottom = + $(this).height();
+                  offset.right = offset.left + $(this).width();
+                  if( + tooltip.dimensions.height >=
+                  && newPosition.left + tooltip.dimensions.width >= offset.left)
+           ;
+               });
+            };
+            // Add user xy adjustments
+            newPosition.left += self.options.position.adjust.x;
+   += self.options.position.adjust.y;
+            // Set new tooltip position if its moved, animate if enabled
+            curPosition = self.getPosition();
+            if(newPosition.left != curPosition.left || !=
+            {
+               // Call API method and if return value is false, halt
+               returned =, event);
+               if(returned === false) return self;
+               // Cache new position
+               self.cache.position = newPosition;
+               // Check if animation is enabled
+               if(animate === true)
+               {
+                  // Set animated status
+                  self.status.animated = true;
+                  // Animate and reset animated status on animation end
+                  self.elements.tooltip.animate(newPosition, 200, 'swing', function(){ self.status.animated = false });
+               }
+               // Set new position via CSS
+               else self.elements.tooltip.css(newPosition);
+               // Call API method and log event if its not a mouse move
+     , event);
+               if(typeof event !== 'undefined' && event.type && event.type !== 'mousemove')
+                  $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.EVENT_POSITION_UPDATED, 'updatePosition');
+            };
+            return self;
+         },
+         updateWidth: function(newWidth)
+         {
+            var hidden;
+            // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return
+            if(!self.status.rendered)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_NOT_RENDERED, 'updateWidth');
+            // Make sure supplied width is a number and if not, return
+            else if(newWidth && typeof newWidth !== 'number')
+               return $, 2, 'newWidth must be of type number', 'updateWidth');
+            // Setup elements which must be hidden during width update
+            hidden = self.elements.contentWrapper.siblings().add(self.elements.tip).add(self.elements.button);
+            // Calculate the new width if one is not supplied
+            if(!newWidth)
+            {
+               // Explicit width is set
+               if(typeof == 'number')
+                  newWidth =;
+               // No width is set, proceed with auto detection
+               else
+               {
+                  // Set width to auto initally to determine new width and hide other elements
+                  self.elements.tooltip.css({ width: 'auto' });
+                  hidden.hide();
+                  // Set position and zoom to defaults to prevent IE hasLayout bug
+                  if($.browser.msie)
+                     self.elements.wrapper.add(self.elements.contentWrapper.children()).css({ zoom: 'normal' });
+                  // Set the new width
+                  newWidth = self.getDimensions().width + 1;
+                  // Make sure its within the maximum and minimum width boundries
+                  if(!
+                  {
+                     if(newWidth > newWidth =
+                     if(newWidth < newWidth =
+                  };
+               };
+            };
+            // Adjust newWidth by 1px if width is odd (IE6 rounding bug fix)
+            if(newWidth % 2 !== 0) newWidth -= 1;
+            // Set the new calculated width and unhide other elements
+            self.elements.tooltip.width(newWidth);
+  ;
+            // Set the border width, if enabled
+            if(
+            {
+               self.elements.tooltip.find('.qtip-betweenCorners').each(function(i)
+               {
+                  $(this).width(newWidth - ( * 2));
+               })
+            };
+            // IE only adjustments
+            if($.browser.msie)
+            {
+               // Reset position and zoom to give the wrapper layout (IE hasLayout bug)
+               self.elements.wrapper.add(self.elements.contentWrapper.children()).css({ zoom: '1' });
+               // Set the new width
+               self.elements.wrapper.width(newWidth);
+               // Adjust BGIframe height and width if enabled
+               if(self.elements.bgiframe) self.elements.bgiframe.width(newWidth).height(self.getDimensions.height);
+            };
+            // Log event and return
+            return $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.EVENT_WIDTH_UPDATED, 'updateWidth');
+         },
+         updateStyle: function(name)
+         {
+            var tip, borders, context, corner, coordinates;
+            // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return
+            if(!self.status.rendered)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_NOT_RENDERED, 'updateStyle');
+            // Return if style is not defined or name is not a string
+            else if(typeof name !== 'string' || !$.fn.qtip.styles[name])
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.STYLE_NOT_DEFINED, 'updateStyle');
+            // Set the new style object
+   =, $.fn.qtip.styles[name],;
+            // Update initial styles of content and title elements
+            self.elements.content.css( jQueryStyle( );
+            if(self.options.content.title.text !== false)
+               self.elements.title.css( jQueryStyle(, true) );
+            // Update CSS border colour
+            self.elements.contentWrapper.css({ borderColor: });
+            // Update tip color if enabled
+            if( !== false)
+            {
+               if($('<canvas>').get(0).getContext)
+               {
+                  // Retrieve canvas context and clear
+                  tip = self.elements.tooltip.find('.qtip-tip canvas:first');
+                  context = tip.get(0).getContext('2d');
+                  context.clearRect(0,0,300,300);
+                  // Draw new tip
+                  corner = tip.parent('div[rel]:first').attr('rel');
+                  coordinates = calculateTip(corner,,;
+        , tip, coordinates, ||;
+               }
+               else if($.browser.msie)
+               {
+                  // Set new fillcolor attribute
+                  tip = self.elements.tooltip.find('.qtip-tip [nodeName="shape"]');
+                  tip.attr('fillcolor', ||;
+               };
+            };
+            // Update border colors if enabled
+            if( > 0)
+            {
+               self.elements.tooltip.find('.qtip-betweenCorners').css({ backgroundColor: });
+               if($('<canvas>').get(0).getContext)
+               {
+                  borders = calculateBorders(
+                  self.elements.tooltip.find('.qtip-wrapper canvas').each(function()
+                  {
+                     // Retrieve canvas context and clear
+                     context = $(this).get(0).getContext('2d');
+                     context.clearRect(0,0,300,300);
+                     // Draw new border
+                     corner = $(this).parent('div[rel]:first').attr('rel')
+           , $(this), borders[corner],
+              ,;
+                  });
+               }
+               else if($.browser.msie)
+               {
+                  // Set new fillcolor attribute on each border corner
+                  self.elements.tooltip.find('.qtip-wrapper [nodeName="arc"]').each(function()
+                  {
+                     $(this).attr('fillcolor',
+                  });
+               };
+            };
+            // Log event and return
+            return $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.EVENT_STYLE_UPDATED, 'updateStyle');
+         },
+         updateContent: function(content, reposition)
+         {
+            var parsedContent, images, loadedImages;
+            // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return
+            if(!self.status.rendered)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_NOT_RENDERED, 'updateContent');
+            // Make sure content is defined before update
+            else if(!content)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.NO_CONTENT_PROVIDED, 'updateContent');
+            // Call API method and set new content if a string is returned
+            parsedContent =, content);
+            if(typeof parsedContent == 'string') content = parsedContent;
+            else if(parsedContent === false) return;
+            // Set position and zoom to defaults to prevent IE hasLayout bug
+            if($.browser.msie) self.elements.contentWrapper.children().css({ zoom: 'normal' });
+            // Append new content if its a DOM array and show it if hidden
+            if(content.jquery && content.length > 0)
+               content.clone(true).appendTo(self.elements.content).show();
+            // Content is a regular string, insert the new content
+            else self.elements.content.html(content);
+            // Check if images need to be loaded before position is updated to prevent mis-positioning
+            images = self.elements.content.find('img[complete=false]');
+            if(images.length > 0)
+            {
+               loadedImages = 0;
+               images.each(function(i)
+               {
+                  $('<img src="'+ $(this).attr('src') +'" />')
+                     .load(function(){ if(++loadedImages == images.length) afterLoad(); });
+               });
+            }
+            else afterLoad();
+            function afterLoad()
+            {
+               // Update the tooltip width
+               self.updateWidth();
+               // If repositioning is enabled, update positions
+               if(reposition !== false)
+               {
+                  // Update position if tooltip isn't static
+                  if(self.options.position.type !== 'static')
+                     self.updatePosition(':visible'), true);
+                  // Reposition the tip if enabled
+                  if( !== false)
+           ;
+               };
+            };
+            // Call API method and log event
+  ;
+            return $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.EVENT_CONTENT_UPDATED, 'loadContent');
+         },
+         loadContent: function(url, data, method)
+         {
+            var returned;
+            // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return
+            if(!self.status.rendered)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_NOT_RENDERED, 'loadContent');
+            // Call API method and if return value is false, halt
+            returned =;
+            if(returned === false) return self;
+            // Load content using specified request type
+            if(method == 'post')
+               $.post(url, data, setupContent);
+            else
+               $.get(url, data, setupContent);
+            function setupContent(content)
+            {
+               // Call API method and log event
+     ;
+               $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.EVENT_CONTENT_LOADED, 'loadContent');
+               // Update the content
+               self.updateContent(content);
+            };
+            return self;
+         },
+         updateTitle: function(content)
+         {
+            // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return
+            if(!self.status.rendered)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_NOT_RENDERED, 'updateTitle');
+            // Make sure content is defined before update
+            else if(!content)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.NO_CONTENT_PROVIDED, 'updateTitle');
+            // Call API method and if return value is false, halt
+            returned =;
+            if(returned === false) return self;
+            // Set the new content and reappend the button if enabled
+            if(self.elements.button) self.elements.button = self.elements.button.clone(true);
+            self.elements.title.html(content)
+            if(self.elements.button) self.elements.title.prepend(self.elements.button);
+            // Call API method and log event
+  ;
+            return $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.EVENT_TITLE_UPDATED, 'updateTitle');
+         },
+         focus: function(event)
+         {
+            var curIndex, newIndex, elemIndex, returned;
+            // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return
+            if(!self.status.rendered)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_NOT_RENDERED, 'focus');
+            else if(self.options.position.type == 'static')
+               return $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.CANNOT_FOCUS_STATIC, 'focus');
+            // Set z-index variables
+            curIndex = parseInt( self.elements.tooltip.css('z-index') );
+            newIndex = 6000 + $('div.qtip[qtip]').length - 1;
+            // Only update the z-index if it has changed and tooltip is not already focused
+            if(!self.status.focused && curIndex !== newIndex)
+            {
+               // Call API method and if return value is false, halt
+               returned =, event);
+               if(returned === false) return self;
+               // Loop through all other tooltips
+               $('div.qtip[qtip]').not(self.elements.tooltip).each(function()
+               {
+                  if($(this).qtip('api').status.rendered === true)
+                  {
+                     elemIndex = parseInt($(this).css('z-index'));
+                     // Reduce all other tooltip z-index by 1
+                     if(typeof elemIndex == 'number' && elemIndex > -1)
+                        $(this).css({ zIndex: parseInt( $(this).css('z-index') ) - 1 });
+                     // Set focused status to false
+                     $(this).qtip('api').status.focused = false;
+                  }
+               })
+               // Set the new z-index and set focus status to true
+               self.elements.tooltip.css({ zIndex: newIndex });
+               self.status.focused = true;
+               // Call API method and log event
+     , event);
+               $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.EVENT_FOCUSED, 'focus');
+            };
+            return self;
+         },
+         disable: function(state)
+         {
+            // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return
+            if(!self.status.rendered)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_NOT_RENDERED, 'disable');
+            if(state)
+            {
+               // Tooltip is not already disabled, proceed
+               if(!self.status.disabled)
+               {
+                  // Set the disabled flag and log event
+                  self.status.disabled = true;
+                  $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.EVENT_DISABLED, 'disable');
+               }
+               // Tooltip is already disabled, inform user via log
+               else  $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_ALREADY_DISABLED, 'disable');
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               // Tooltip is not already enabled, proceed
+               if(self.status.disabled)
+               {
+                  // Reassign events, set disable status and log
+                  self.status.disabled = false;
+                  $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.EVENT_ENABLED, 'disable');
+               }
+               // Tooltip is already enabled, inform the user via log
+               else $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_ALREADY_ENABLED, 'disable');
+            };
+            return self;
+         },
+         destroy: function()
+         {
+            var i, returned, interfaces;
+            // Call API method and if return value is false, halt
+            returned =;
+            if(returned === false) return self;
+            // Check if tooltip is rendered
+            if(self.status.rendered)
+            {
+               // Remove event handlers and remove element
+     'mousemove.qtip', self.updatePosition);
+     'mouseout.qtip', self.hide);
+      + '.qtip');
+      + '.qtip');
+               self.elements.tooltip.unbind(self.options.hide.when.event + '.qtip');
+               self.elements.tooltip.unbind('mouseover.qtip', self.focus);
+               self.elements.tooltip.remove();
+            }
+            // Tooltip isn't yet rendered, remove render event
+            else'.qtip-create');
+            // Check to make sure qTip data is present on target element
+            if(typeof'qtip') == 'object')
+            {
+               // Remove API references from interfaces object
+               interfaces ='qtip').interfaces;
+               if(typeof interfaces == 'object' && interfaces.length > 0)
+               {
+                  // Remove API from interfaces array
+                  for(i = 0; i < interfaces.length - 1; i++)
+                     if(interfaces[i].id == interfaces.splice(i, 1)
+               }
+            }
+            delete $.fn.qtip.interfaces[];
+            // Set qTip current id to previous tooltips API if available
+            if(typeof interfaces == 'object' && interfaces.length > 0)
+     'qtip').current = interfaces.length -1;
+            else
+     'qtip');
+            // Call API method and log destroy
+  ;
+            $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.EVENT_DESTROYED, 'destroy');
+            return
+         },
+         getPosition: function()
+         {
+            var show, offset;
+            // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return
+            if(!self.status.rendered)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_NOT_RENDERED, 'getPosition');
+            show = (self.elements.tooltip.css('display') !== 'none') ? false : true;
+            // Show and hide tooltip to make sure coordinates are returned
+            if(show) self.elements.tooltip.css({ visiblity: 'hidden' }).show();
+            offset = self.elements.tooltip.offset();
+            if(show) self.elements.tooltip.css({ visiblity: 'visible' }).hide();
+            return offset;
+         },
+         getDimensions: function()
+         {
+            var show, dimensions;
+            // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return
+            if(!self.status.rendered)
+               return $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.TOOLTIP_NOT_RENDERED, 'getDimensions');
+            show = (!':visible')) ? true : false;
+            // Show and hide tooltip to make sure dimensions are returned
+            if(show) self.elements.tooltip.css({ visiblity: 'hidden' }).show();
+            dimensions = {
+               height: self.elements.tooltip.outerHeight(),
+               width: self.elements.tooltip.outerWidth()
+            };
+            if(show) self.elements.tooltip.css({ visiblity: 'visible' }).hide();
+            return dimensions;
+         }
+      });
+   };
+   // Define priamry construct function
+   function construct()
+   {
+      var self, adjust, content, url, data, method, tempLength;
+      self = this;
+      // Call API method
+      // Set rendered status to true
+      self.status.rendered = true;
+      // Create initial tooltip elements
+      self.elements.tooltip =  '<div qtip="''" ' +
+         'class="qtip '+( ||'"' +
+         'style="display:none; -moz-border-radius:0; -webkit-border-radius:0; border-radius:0;' +
+         'position:'+self.options.position.type+';">' +
+         '  <div class="qtip-wrapper" style="position:relative; overflow:hidden; text-align:left;">' +
+         '    <div class="qtip-contentWrapper" style="overflow:hidden;">' +
+         '       <div class="qtip-content ''"></div>' +
+         '</div></div></div>';
+      // Append to container element
+      self.elements.tooltip = $(self.elements.tooltip);
+      self.elements.tooltip.appendTo(self.options.position.container)
+      // Setup tooltip qTip data
+'qtip', { current: 0, interfaces: [self] });
+      // Setup element references
+      self.elements.wrapper = self.elements.tooltip.children('div:first');
+      self.elements.contentWrapper = self.elements.wrapper.children('div:first').css({ background: });
+      self.elements.content = self.elements.contentWrapper.children('div:first').css( jQueryStyle( );
+      // Apply IE hasLayout fix to wrapper and content elements
+      if($.browser.msie) self.elements.wrapper.add(self.elements.content).css({ zoom: 1 });
+      // Setup tooltip attributes
+      if(self.options.hide.when.event == 'unfocus') self.elements.tooltip.attr('unfocus', true);
+      // If an explicit width is set, updateWidth prior to setting content to prevent dirty rendering
+      if(typeof == 'number') self.updateWidth();
+      // Create borders and tips if supported by the browser
+      if($('<canvas>').get(0).getContext || $.browser.msie)
+      {
+         // Create border
+         if( > 0)
+  ;
+         else
+            self.elements.contentWrapper.css({ border:'px solid '  });
+         // Create tip if enabled
+         if( !== false)
+  ;
+      }
+      // Neither canvas or VML is supported, tips and borders cannot be drawn!
+      else
+      {
+         // Set defined border width
+         self.elements.contentWrapper.css({ border:'px solid '  });
+         // Reset border radius and tip
+ = 0;
+ = false;
+         // Inform via log
+         $, 2, $.fn.qtip.constants.CANVAS_VML_NOT_SUPPORTED, 'render');
+      };
+      // Use the provided content string or DOM array
+      if((typeof self.options.content.text == 'string' && self.options.content.text.length > 0)
+      || (self.options.content.text.jquery && self.options.content.text.length > 0))
+         content = self.options.content.text;
+      // Use title string for content if present
+      else if(typeof'title') == 'string' &&'title').length > 0)
+      {
+         content ='title').replace("\\n", '<br />');
+'title', ''); // Remove title attribute to prevent default tooltip showing
+      }
+      // No title is present, use alt attribute instead
+      else if(typeof'alt') == 'string' &&'alt').length > 0)
+      {
+         content ='alt').replace("\\n", '<br />');
+'alt', ''); // Remove alt attribute to prevent default tooltip showing
+      }
+      // No valid content was provided, inform via log
+      else
+      {
+         content = ' ';
+         $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.NO_VALID_CONTENT, 'render');
+      };
+      // Set the tooltips content and create title if enabled
+      if(self.options.content.title.text !== false);
+      self.updateContent(content);
+      // Assign events and toggle tooltip with focus
+      if( === true);
+      // Retrieve ajax content if provided
+      if(self.options.content.url !== false)
+      {
+         url = self.options.content.url;
+         data =;
+         method = self.options.content.method || 'get';
+         self.loadContent(url, data, method);
+      };
+      // Call API method and log event
+      $, 1, $.fn.qtip.constants.EVENT_RENDERED, 'render');
+   };
+   // Create borders using canvas and VML
+   function createBorder()
+   {
+      var self, i, width, radius, color, coordinates, containers, size, betweenWidth, betweenCorners, borderTop, borderBottom, borderCoord, sideWidth, vertWidth;
+      self = this;
+      // Destroy previous border elements, if present
+      self.elements.wrapper.find('.qtip-borderBottom, .qtip-borderTop').remove();
+      // Setup local variables
+      width =;
+      radius =;
+      color = ||;
+      // Calculate border coordinates
+      coordinates = calculateBorders(radius);
+      // Create containers for the border shapes
+      containers = {};
+      for(i in coordinates)
+      {
+         // Create shape container
+         containers[i] = '<div rel="'+i+'" style="'+(( !== -1) ? 'left' : 'right') + ':0; ' +
+            'position:absolute; height:'+radius+'px; width:'+radius+'px; overflow:hidden; line-height:0.1px; font-size:1px">';
+         // Canvas is supported
+         if($('<canvas>').get(0).getContext)
+            containers[i] += '<canvas height="'+radius+'" width="'+radius+'" style="vertical-align: top"></canvas>';
+         // No canvas, but if it's IE use VML
+         else if($.browser.msie)
+         {
+            size = radius * 2 + 3;
+            containers[i] += '<v:arc stroked="false" fillcolor="'+color+'" startangle="'+coordinates[i][0]+'" endangle="'+coordinates[i][1]+'" ' +
+               'style="width:'+size+'px; height:'+size+'px; margin-top:'+(( !== -1) ? -2 : -1)+'px; ' +
+               'margin-left:'+(( !== -1) ? coordinates[i][2] - 3.5 : -1)+'px; ' +
+               'vertical-align:top; display:inline-block; behavior:url(#default#VML)"></v:arc>';
+         };
+         containers[i] += '</div>';
+      };
+      // Create between corners elements
+      betweenWidth = self.getDimensions().width - (Math.max(width, radius) * 2);
+      betweenCorners = '<div class="qtip-betweenCorners" style="height:'+radius+'px; width:'+betweenWidth+'px; ' +
+         'overflow:hidden; background-color:'+color+'; line-height:0.1px; font-size:1px;">';
+      // Create top border container
+      borderTop = '<div class="qtip-borderTop" dir="ltr" style="height:'+radius+'px; ' +
+         'margin-left:'+radius+'px; line-height:0.1px; font-size:1px; padding:0;">' +
+         containers['topLeft'] + containers['topRight'] + betweenCorners;
+      self.elements.wrapper.prepend(borderTop);
+      // Create bottom border container
+      borderBottom = '<div class="qtip-borderBottom" dir="ltr" style="height:'+radius+'px; ' +
+         'margin-left:'+radius+'px; line-height:0.1px; font-size:1px; padding:0;">' +
+         containers['bottomLeft'] + containers['bottomRight'] + betweenCorners;
+      self.elements.wrapper.append(borderBottom);
+      // Draw the borders if canvas were used (Delayed til after DOM creation)
+      if($('<canvas>').get(0).getContext)
+      {
+         self.elements.wrapper.find('canvas').each(function()
+         {
+            borderCoord = coordinates[ $(this).parent('[rel]:first').attr('rel') ];
+  , $(this), borderCoord, radius, color);
+         })
+      }
+      // Create a phantom VML element (IE won't show the last created VML element otherwise)
+      else if($.browser.msie) self.elements.tooltip.append('<v:image style="behavior:url(#default#VML);"></v:image>');
+      // Setup contentWrapper border
+      sideWidth = Math.max(radius, (radius + (width - radius)) )
+      vertWidth = Math.max(width - radius, 0);
+      self.elements.contentWrapper.css({
+         border: '0px solid ' + color,
+         borderWidth: vertWidth + 'px ' + sideWidth + 'px'
+      })
+   };
+   // Border canvas draw method
+   function drawBorder(canvas, coordinates, radius, color)
+   {
+      // Create corner
+      var context = canvas.get(0).getContext('2d');
+      context.fillStyle = color;
+      context.beginPath();
+      context.arc(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
+      context.fill();
+   };
+   // Create tip using canvas and VML
+   function createTip(corner)
+   {
+      var self, color, coordinates, coordsize, path;
+      self = this;
+      // Destroy previous tip, if there is one
+      if(self.elements.tip !== null) self.elements.tip.remove();
+      // Setup color and corner values
+      color = ||;
+      if( === false) return;
+      else if(!corner) corner =;
+      // Calculate tip coordinates
+      coordinates = calculateTip(corner,,;
+      // Create tip element
+      self.elements.tip =  '<div class="''" dir="ltr" rel="'+corner+'" style="position:absolute; ' +
+         'height:''px; width:''px; ' +
+         'margin:0 auto; line-height:0.1px; font-size:1px;">';
+      // Use canvas element if supported
+      if($('<canvas>').get(0).getContext)
+          self.elements.tip += '<canvas height="''" width="''"></canvas>';
+      // Canvas not supported - Use VML (IE)
+      else if($.browser.msie)
+      {
+         // Create coordize and tip path using tip coordinates
+         coordsize = + ',' +;
+         path = 'm' + coordinates[0][0] + ',' + coordinates[0][1];
+         path += ' l' + coordinates[1][0] + ',' + coordinates[1][1];
+         path += ' ' + coordinates[2][0] + ',' + coordinates[2][1];
+         path += ' xe';
+         // Create VML element
+         self.elements.tip += '<v:shape fillcolor="'+color+'" stroked="false" filled="true" path="'+path+'" coordsize="'+coordsize+'" ' +
+            'style="width:''px; height:''px; ' +
+            'line-height:0.1px; display:inline-block; behavior:url(#default#VML); ' +
+            'vertical-align:'+(( !== -1) ? 'bottom' : 'top')+'"></v:shape>';
+         // Create a phantom VML element (IE won't show the last created VML element otherwise)
+         self.elements.tip += '<v:image style="behavior:url(#default#VML);"></v:image>';
+         // Prevent tooltip appearing above the content (IE z-index bug)
+         self.elements.contentWrapper.css('position', 'relative');
+      };
+      // Attach new tip to tooltip element
+      self.elements.tooltip.prepend(self.elements.tip + '</div>');
+      // Create element reference and draw the canvas tip (Delayed til after DOM creation)
+      self.elements.tip = self.elements.tooltip.find('.';
+      if($('<canvas>').get(0).getContext)
+, self.elements.tip.find('canvas:first'), coordinates, color);
+      // Fix IE small tip bug
+      if( !== -1 && $.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version.charAt(0)) === 6)
+         self.elements.tip.css({ marginTop: -4 });
+      // Set the tip position
+, corner);
+   };
+   // Canvas tip drawing method
+   function drawTip(canvas, coordinates, color)
+   {
+      // Setup properties
+      var context = canvas.get(0).getContext('2d');
+      context.fillStyle = color;
+      // Create tip
+      context.beginPath();
+      context.moveTo(coordinates[0][0], coordinates[0][1]);
+      context.lineTo(coordinates[1][0], coordinates[1][1]);
+      context.lineTo(coordinates[2][0], coordinates[2][1]);
+      context.fill();
+   };
+   function positionTip(corner)
+   {
+      var self, ieAdjust, paddingCorner, paddingSize, newMargin;
+      self = this;
+      // Return if tips are disabled or tip is not yet rendered
+      if( === false || !self.elements.tip) return;
+      if(!corner) corner = self.elements.tip.attr('rel');
+      // Setup adjustment variables
+      ieAdjust = positionAdjust = ($.browser.msie) ? 1 : 0;
+      // Set initial position
+      self.elements.tip.css(corner.match(/left|right|top|bottom/)[0], 0);
+      // Set position of tip to correct side
+      if(|bottom/) !== -1)
+      {
+         // Adjustments for IE6 - 0.5px border gap bug
+         if($.browser.msie)
+         {
+            if(parseInt($.browser.version.charAt(0)) === 6)
+               positionAdjust = ( !== -1) ? -3 : 1;
+            else
+               positionAdjust = ( !== -1) ? 1 : 2;
+         };
+         if( !== -1)
+            self.elements.tip.css({ left: '50%', marginLeft: -( / 2) });
+         else if( !== -1)
+            self.elements.tip.css({ left: - ieAdjust });
+         else if( !== -1)
+            self.elements.tip.css({ right: + ieAdjust });
+         if( !== -1)
+            self.elements.tip.css({ top: -positionAdjust });
+         else
+            self.elements.tip.css({ bottom: positionAdjust });
+      }
+      else if(|right/) !== -1)
+      {
+         // Adjustments for IE6 - 0.5px border gap bug
+         if($.browser.msie)
+            positionAdjust = (parseInt($.browser.version.charAt(0)) === 6) ? 1 : (( !== -1) ? 1 : 2);
+         if( !== -1)
+            self.elements.tip.css({ top: '50%', marginTop: -( / 2) });
+         else if( !== -1)
+            self.elements.tip.css({ top: - ieAdjust });
+         else if( !== -1)
+            self.elements.tip.css({ bottom: + ieAdjust });
+         if( !== -1)
+            self.elements.tip.css({ left: -positionAdjust });
+         else
+            self.elements.tip.css({ right: positionAdjust });
+      };
+      // Adjust tooltip padding to compensate for tip
+      paddingCorner = 'padding-' + corner.match(/left|right|top|bottom/)[0];
+      paddingSize =[ (|right/) !== -1) ? 'width' : 'height' ];
+      self.elements.tooltip.css('padding', 0);
+      self.elements.tooltip.css(paddingCorner, paddingSize);
+      // Match content margin to prevent gap bug in IE6 ONLY
+      if($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version.charAt(0)) == 6)
+      {
+         newMargin = parseInt(self.elements.tip.css('margin-top')) || 0;
+         newMargin += parseInt(self.elements.content.css('margin-top')) || 0;
+         self.elements.tip.css({ marginTop: newMargin });
+      };
+   };
+   // Create title bar for content
+   function createTitle()
+   {
+      var self = this;
+      // Destroy previous title element, if present
+      if(self.elements.title !== null) self.elements.title.remove();
+      // Create title element
+      self.elements.title = $('<div class="''">')
+         .css( jQueryStyle(, true) )
+         .css({ zoom: ($.browser.msie) ? 1 : 0 })
+         .prependTo(self.elements.contentWrapper);
+      // Update title with contents if enabled
+      if(self.options.content.title.text), self.options.content.title.text);
+      // Create title close buttons if enabled
+      if(self.options.content.title.button !== false
+      && typeof self.options.content.title.button == 'string')
+      {
+         self.elements.button = $('<a class="''" style="float:right; position: relative"></a>')
+            .css( jQueryStyle(, true) )
+            .html(self.options.content.title.button)
+            .prependTo(self.elements.title)
+            .click(function(event){ if(!self.status.disabled) self.hide(event) });
+      };
+   };
+   // Assign hide and show events
+   function assignEvents()
+   {
+      var self, showTarget, hideTarget, inactiveEvents;
+      self = this;
+      // Setup event target variables
+      showTarget =;
+      hideTarget =;
+      // Add tooltip as a hideTarget is its fixed
+      if(self.options.hide.fixed) hideTarget = hideTarget.add(self.elements.tooltip);
+      // Check if the hide event is special 'inactive' type
+      if(self.options.hide.when.event == 'inactive')
+      {
+         // Define events which reset the 'inactive' event handler
+         inactiveEvents = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mousemove',
+         'mouseout', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'mouseover' ];
+         // Define 'inactive' event timer method
+         function inactiveMethod(event)
+         {
+            if(self.status.disabled === true) return;
+            //Clear and reset the timer
+            clearTimeout(self.timers.inactive);
+            self.timers.inactive = setTimeout(function()
+            {
+               // Unassign 'inactive' events
+               $(inactiveEvents).each(function()
+               {
+                  hideTarget.unbind(this+'.qtip-inactive');
+                  self.elements.content.unbind(this+'.qtip-inactive');
+               });
+               // Hide the tooltip
+               self.hide(event);
+            }
+            , self.options.hide.delay);
+         };
+      }
+      // Check if the tooltip is 'fixed'
+      else if(self.options.hide.fixed === true)
+      {
+         self.elements.tooltip.bind('mouseover.qtip', function()
+         {
+            if(self.status.disabled === true) return;
+            // Reset the hide timer
+            clearTimeout(self.timers.hide);
+         });
+      };
+      // Define show event method
+      function showMethod(event)
+      {
+         if(self.status.disabled === true) return;
+         // If set, hide tooltip when inactive for delay period
+         if(self.options.hide.when.event == 'inactive')
+         {
+            // Assign each reset event
+            $(inactiveEvents).each(function()
+            {
+               hideTarget.bind(this+'.qtip-inactive', inactiveMethod);
+               self.elements.content.bind(this+'.qtip-inactive', inactiveMethod);
+            });
+            // Start the inactive timer
+            inactiveMethod();
+         };
+         // Clear hide timers
+         clearTimeout(;
+         clearTimeout(self.timers.hide);
+         // Start show timer
+ = setTimeout(function(){; },;
+      };
+      // Define hide event method
+      function hideMethod(event)
+      {
+         if(self.status.disabled === true) return;
+         // Prevent hiding if tooltip is fixed and event target is the tooltip
+         if(self.options.hide.fixed === true
+         &&|leave)/i) !== -1
+         && $(event.relatedTarget).parents('div.qtip[qtip]').length > 0)
+         {
+            // Prevent default and popagation
+            event.stopPropagation();
+            event.preventDefault();
+            // Reset the hide timer
+            clearTimeout(self.timers.hide);
+            return false;
+         };
+         // Clear timers and stop animation queue
+         clearTimeout(;
+         clearTimeout(self.timers.hide);
+         self.elements.tooltip.stop(true, true);
+         // If tooltip has displayed, start hide timer
+         self.timers.hide = setTimeout(function(){ self.hide(event); }, self.options.hide.delay);
+      };
+      // Both events and targets are identical, apply events using a toggle
+      if(( === 1
+      && == self.options.hide.when.event
+      && self.options.hide.when.event !== 'inactive')
+      || self.options.hide.when.event == 'unfocus')
+      {
+         self.cache.toggle = 0;
+         // Use a toggle to prevent hide/show conflicts
+         showTarget.bind( + '.qtip', function(event)
+         {
+            if(self.cache.toggle == 0) showMethod(event);
+            else hideMethod(event);
+         });
+      }
+      // Events are not identical, bind normally
+      else
+      {
+         showTarget.bind( + '.qtip', showMethod);
+         // If the hide event is not 'inactive', bind the hide method
+         if(self.options.hide.when.event !== 'inactive')
+            hideTarget.bind(self.options.hide.when.event + '.qtip', hideMethod);
+      };
+      // Focus the tooltip on mouseover
+      if(|absolute)/) !== -1)
+         self.elements.tooltip.bind('mouseover.qtip', self.focus);
+      // If mouse is the target, update tooltip position on mousemove
+      if( === 'mouse' && self.options.position.type !== 'static')
+      {
+         showTarget.bind('mousemove.qtip', function(event)
+         {
+            // Set the new mouse positions if adjustment is enabled
+            self.cache.mouse = { x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY };
+            // Update the tooltip position only if the tooltip is visible and adjustment is enabled
+            if(self.status.disabled === false
+            && self.options.position.adjust.mouse === true
+            && self.options.position.type !== 'static'
+            && self.elements.tooltip.css('display') !== 'none')
+               self.updatePosition(event);
+         });
+      };
+   };
+   // Screen position adjustment
+   function screenAdjust(position, target, tooltip)
+   {
+      var self, adjustedPosition, adjust, newCorner, overflow, corner;
+      self = this;
+      // Setup corner and adjustment variable
+      if(tooltip.corner == 'center') return target.position // TODO: 'center' corner adjustment
+      adjustedPosition = $.extend({}, position);
+      newCorner = { x: false, y: false };
+      // Define overflow properties
+      overflow = {
+         left: (adjustedPosition.left < $.fn.qtip.cache.screen.scroll.left),
+         right: (adjustedPosition.left + tooltip.dimensions.width + 2 >= $.fn.qtip.cache.screen.width + $.fn.qtip.cache.screen.scroll.left),
+         top: ( < $,
+         bottom: ( + tooltip.dimensions.height + 2 >= $.fn.qtip.cache.screen.height + $
+      };
+      // Determine new positioning properties
+      adjust = {
+         left: (overflow.left && ( != -1 || ( == -1 && !overflow.right))),
+         right: (overflow.right && ( != -1 || ( == -1 && !overflow.left))),
+         top: ( && == -1),
+         bottom: (overflow.bottom && == -1)
+      };
+      // Tooltip overflows off the left side of the screen
+      if(adjust.left)
+      {
+         if( !== 'mouse')
+            adjustedPosition.left = target.position.left + target.dimensions.width;
+         else
+            adjustedPosition.left = self.cache.mouse.x
+         newCorner.x = 'Left';
+      }
+      // Tooltip overflows off the right side of the screen
+      else if(adjust.right)
+      {
+         if( !== 'mouse')
+            adjustedPosition.left = target.position.left - tooltip.dimensions.width;
+         else
+            adjustedPosition.left = self.cache.mouse.x - tooltip.dimensions.width;
+         newCorner.x = 'Right';
+      };
+      // Tooltip overflows off the top of the screen
+      if(
+      {
+         if( !== 'mouse')
+   = + target.dimensions.height;
+         else
+   = self.cache.mouse.y
+         newCorner.y = 'top';
+      }
+      // Tooltip overflows off the bottom of the screen
+      else if(adjust.bottom)
+      {
+         if( !== 'mouse')
+   = - tooltip.dimensions.height;
+         else
+   = self.cache.mouse.y - tooltip.dimensions.height;
+         newCorner.y = 'bottom';
+      };
+      // Don't adjust if resulting position is negative
+      if(adjustedPosition.left < 0)
+      {
+         adjustedPosition.left = position.left;
+         newCorner.x = false;
+      };
+      if( < 0)
+      {
+ =;
+         newCorner.y = false;
+      };
+      // Change tip corner if positioning has changed and tips are enabled
+      if( !== false)
+      {
+         // Determine new corner properties
+         adjustedPosition.corner = new String(tooltip.corner);
+         if(newCorner.x !== false) adjustedPosition.corner = adjustedPosition.corner.replace(/Left|Right|Middle/, newCorner.x);
+         if(newCorner.y !== false) adjustedPosition.corner = adjustedPosition.corner.replace(/top|bottom/, newCorner.y);
+         // Adjust tip if position has changed and tips are enabled
+         if(adjustedPosition.corner !== self.elements.tip.attr('rel'))
+  , adjustedPosition.corner);
+      };
+      return adjustedPosition;
+   };
+   // Build a jQuery style object from supplied style object
+   function jQueryStyle(style, sub)
+   {
+      var styleObj, i;
+      styleObj = $.extend(true, {}, style);
+      for(i in styleObj)
+      {
+         if(sub === true &&|classes)/i) !== -1)
+            delete styleObj[i];
+         else if(!sub &&|border|tip|title|classes|user)/i) !== -1)
+            delete styleObj[i];
+      };
+      return styleObj;
+   };
+   // Sanitize styles
+   function sanitizeStyle(style)
+   {
+      if(typeof style.tip !== 'object') style.tip = { corner: style.tip };
+      if(typeof style.tip.size !== 'object') style.tip.size = { width: style.tip.size, height: style.tip.size };
+      if(typeof style.border !== 'object') style.border = { width: style.border };
+      if(typeof style.width !== 'object') style.width = { value: style.width };
+      if(typeof style.width.max == 'string') style.width.max = parseInt(style.width.max.replace(/([0-9]+)/i, "$1"));
+      if(typeof style.width.min == 'string') style.width.min = parseInt(style.width.min.replace(/([0-9]+)/i, "$1"));
+      // Convert deprecated x and y tip values to width/height
+      if(typeof style.tip.size.x == 'number')
+      {
+         style.tip.size.width = style.tip.size.x;
+         delete style.tip.size.x;
+      };
+      if(typeof style.tip.size.y == 'number')
+      {
+         style.tip.size.height = style.tip.size.y;
+         delete style.tip.size.y;
+      };
+      return style;
+   };
+   // Build styles recursively with inheritance
+   function buildStyle()
+   {
+      var self, i, styleArray, styleExtend, finalStyle, ieAdjust;
+      self = this;
+      // Build style options from supplied arguments
+      styleArray = [true, {}];
+      for(i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
+         styleArray.push(arguments[i]);
+      styleExtend = [ $.extend.apply($, styleArray) ];
+      // Loop through each named style inheritance
+      while(typeof styleExtend[0].name == 'string')
+      {
+         // Sanitize style data and append to extend array
+         styleExtend.unshift( sanitizeStyle($.fn.qtip.styles[ styleExtend[0].name ]) );
+      };
+      // Make sure resulting tooltip className represents final style
+      styleExtend.unshift(true, {classes:{ tooltip: 'qtip-' + (arguments[0].name || 'defaults') }}, $.fn.qtip.styles.defaults);
+      // Extend into a single style object
+      finalStyle = $.extend.apply($, styleExtend);
+      // Adjust tip size if needed (IE 1px adjustment bug fix)
+      ieAdjust = ($.browser.msie) ? 1 : 0;
+      finalStyle.tip.size.width += ieAdjust;
+      finalStyle.tip.size.height += ieAdjust;
+      // Force even numbers for pixel precision
+      if(finalStyle.tip.size.width % 2 > 0) finalStyle.tip.size.width += 1;
+      if(finalStyle.tip.size.height % 2 > 0) finalStyle.tip.size.height += 1;
+      // Sanitize final styles tip corner value
+      if(finalStyle.tip.corner === true)
+         finalStyle.tip.corner = (self.options.position.corner.tooltip === 'center') ? false : self.options.position.corner.tooltip;
+      return finalStyle;
+   };
+   // Tip coordinates calculator
+   function calculateTip(corner, width, height)
+   {
+      // Define tip coordinates in terms of height and width values
+      var tips = {
+         bottomRight:   [[0,0],              [width,height],      [width,0]],
+         bottomLeft:    [[0,0],              [width,0],           [0,height]],
+         topRight:      [[0,height],         [width,0],           [width,height]],
+         topLeft:       [[0,0],              [0,height],          [width,height]],
+         topMiddle:     [[0,height],         [width / 2,0],       [width,height]],
+         bottomMiddle:  [[0,0],              [width,0],           [width / 2,height]],
+         rightMiddle:   [[0,0],              [width,height / 2],  [0,height]],
+         leftMiddle:    [[width,0],          [width,height],      [0,height / 2]]
+      };
+      tips.leftTop = tips.bottomRight;
+      tips.rightTop = tips.bottomLeft;
+      tips.leftBottom = tips.topRight;
+      tips.rightBottom = tips.topLeft;
+      return tips[corner];
+   };
+   // Border coordinates calculator
+   function calculateBorders(radius)
+   {
+      var borders;
+      // Use canvas element if supported
+      if($('<canvas>').get(0).getContext)
+      {
+         borders = {
+            topLeft: [radius,radius], topRight: [0,radius],
+            bottomLeft: [radius,0], bottomRight: [0,0]
+         };
+      }
+      // Canvas not supported - Use VML (IE)
+      else if($.browser.msie)
+      {
+         borders = {
+            topLeft: [-90,90,0], topRight: [-90,90,-radius],
+            bottomLeft: [90,270,0], bottomRight: [90, 270,-radius]
+         };
+      };
+      return borders;
+   };
+   //   Special thanks to Brandon Aaron for this plugin
+   //
+   function bgiframe()
+   {
+      var self, html, dimensions;
+      self = this;
+      dimensions = self.getDimensions();
+      // Setup iframe HTML string
+      html = '<iframe class="qtip-bgiframe" frameborder="0" tabindex="-1" src="javascript:false" '+
+         'style="display:block; position:absolute; z-index:-1; filter:alpha(opacity=\'0\'); border: 1px solid red; ' +
+         'height:'+dimensions.height+'px; width:'+dimensions.width+'px" />';
+      // Append the new HTML and setup element reference
+      self.elements.bgiframe = self.elements.wrapper.prepend(html).children('.qtip-bgiframe:first');
+   };
+   // Assign cache and event initialisation on document load
+   $(document).ready(function()
+   {
+      // Setup library cache with window scroll and dimensions of document
+      $.fn.qtip.cache = {
+         screen: {
+            scroll: { left: $(window).scrollLeft(), top: $(window).scrollTop() },
+            width: $(window).width(),
+            height: $(window).height()
+         }
+      };
+      // Adjust positions of the tooltips on window resize or scroll if enabled
+      var adjustTimer;
+      $(window).bind('resize scroll', function(event)
+      {
+         clearTimeout(adjustTimer);
+         adjustTimer = setTimeout(function()
+         {
+            // Readjust cached screen values
+            if(event.type === 'scroll')
+               $.fn.qtip.cache.screen.scroll = { left: $(window).scrollLeft(), top: $(window).scrollTop() };
+            else
+            {
+               $.fn.qtip.cache.screen.width = $(window).width();
+               $.fn.qtip.cache.screen.height = $(window).height();
+            };
+            for(i = 0; i < $.fn.qtip.interfaces.length; i++)
+            {
+               // Access current elements API
+               var api = $.fn.qtip.interfaces[i];
+               // Update position if resize or scroll adjustments are enabled
+               if(api.status.rendered === true
+               && (api.options.position.type !== 'static'
+               || api.options.position.adjust.scroll && event.type === 'scroll'
+               || api.options.position.adjust.resize && event.type === 'resize'))
+               {
+                  // Queue the animation so positions are updated correctly
+                  api.updatePosition(event, true);
+               }
+            };
+         }
+         , 100);
+      })
+      // Hide unfocus toolipts on document mousedown
+      $(document).bind('mousedown.qtip', function(event)
+      {
+         if($('div.qtip').length === 0)
+         {
+            $('.qtip[unfocus]').each(function()
+            {
+               var api = $(this).qtip("api");
+               // Only hide if its visible and not the tooltips target
+               if($(this).is(':visible') && !api.status.disabled
+               && $( > 1)
+                  api.hide(event);
+            })
+         };
+      })
+   });
+   // Define qTip API interfaces array
+   $.fn.qtip.interfaces = []
+   // Define log and constant place holders
+   $.fn.qtip.log = { error: function(){ return this; } };
+   $.fn.qtip.constants = {};
+   // Define configuration defaults
+   $.fn.qtip.defaults = {
+      // Content
+      content: {
+         prerender: false,
+         text: false,
+         url: false,
+         data: null,
+         title: {
+            text: false,
+            button: false
+         }
+      },
+      // Position
+      position: {
+         target: false,
+         corner: {
+            target: 'bottomRight',
+            tooltip: 'topLeft'
+         },
+         adjust: {
+            x: 0, y: 0,
+            mouse: true,
+            screen: false,
+            scroll: true,
+            resize: true
+         },
+         type: 'absolute',
+         container: false
+      },
+      // Effects
+      show: {
+         when: {
+            target: false,
+            event: 'mouseover'
+         },
+         effect: {
+            type: 'fade',
+            length: 100
+         },
+         delay: 140,
+         solo: false,
+         ready: false
+      },
+      hide: {
+         when: {
+            target: false,
+            event: 'mouseout'
+         },
+         effect: {
+            type: 'fade',
+            length: 100
+         },
+         delay: 0,
+         fixed: false
+      },
+      // Callbacks
+      api: {
+         beforeRender: function(){},
+         onRender: function(){},
+         beforePositionUpdate: function(){},
+         onPositionUpdate: function(){},
+         beforeShow: function(){},
+         onShow: function(){},
+         beforeHide: function(){},
+         onHide: function(){},
+         beforeContentUpdate: function(){},
+         onContentUpdate: function(){},
+         beforeContentLoad: function(){},
+         onContentLoad: function(){},
+         beforeTitleUpdate: function(){},
+         onTitleUpdate: function(){},
+         beforeDestroy: function(){},
+         onDestroy: function(){},
+         beforeFocus: function(){},
+         onFocus: function(){}
+      }
+   };
+   $.fn.qtip.styles = {
+      defaults: {
+         background: 'white',
+         color: '#111',
+         overflow: 'hidden',
+         textAlign: 'left',
+         width: {
+            min: 0,
+            max: 250
+         },
+         padding: '5px 9px',
+         border: {
+            width: 1,
+            radius: 0,
+            color: '#d3d3d3'
+         },
+         tip: {
+            corner: false,
+            color: false,
+            size: { width: 13, height: 13 },
+            opacity: 1
+         },
+         title: {
+            background: '#e1e1e1',
+            fontWeight: 'bold',
+            padding: '7px 12px'
+         },
+         button: {
+            cursor: 'pointer'
+         },
+         classes: {
+            target: '',
+            tip: 'qtip-tip',
+            title: 'qtip-title',
+            button: 'qtip-button',
+            content: 'qtip-content',
+            active: 'qtip-active'
+         }
+      },
+      cream: {
+         border: {
+            width: 3,
+            radius: 0,
+            color: '#F9E98E'
+         },
+         title: {
+            background: '#F0DE7D',
+            color: '#A27D35'
+         },
+         background: '#FBF7AA',
+         color: '#A27D35',
+         classes: { tooltip: 'qtip-cream' }
+      },
+      light: {
+         border: {
+            width: 3,
+            radius: 0,
+            color: '#E2E2E2'
+         },
+         title: {
+            background: '#f1f1f1',
+            color: '#454545'
+         },
+         background: 'white',
+         color: '#454545',
+         classes: { tooltip: 'qtip-light' }
+      },
+      dark: {
+         border: {
+            width: 3,
+            radius: 0,
+            color: '#303030'
+         },
+         title: {
+            background: '#404040',
+            color: '#f3f3f3'
+         },
+         background: '#505050',
+         color: '#f3f3f3',
+         classes: { tooltip: 'qtip-dark' }
+      },
+      red: {
+         border: {
+            width: 3,
+            radius: 0,
+            color: '#CE6F6F'
+         },
+         title: {
+            background: '#f28279',
+            color: '#9C2F2F'
+         },
+         background: '#F79992',
+         color: '#9C2F2F',
+         classes: { tooltip: 'qtip-red' }
+      },
+      green: {
+         border: {
+            width: 3,
+            radius: 0,
+            color: '#A9DB66'
+         },
+         title: {
+            background: '#b9db8c',
+            color: '#58792E'
+         },
+         background: '#CDE6AC',
+         color: '#58792E',
+         classes: { tooltip: 'qtip-green' }
+      },
+      blue: {
+         border: {
+            width: 3,
+            radius: 0,
+            color: '#ADD9ED'
+         },
+         title: {
+            background: '#D0E9F5',
+            color: '#5E99BD'
+         },
+         background: '#E5F6FE',
+         color: '#4D9FBF',
+         classes: { tooltip: 'qtip-blue' }
+      }
+   };
\ No newline at end of file