changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 10833 f585add0fed9
child 11164 e3fa26bd9ce0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cubicweb/test/	Sat Jan 16 13:48:51 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+# copyright 2003-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
+# contact --
+# This file is part of CubicWeb.
+# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
+"""unit tests for module cubicweb.schema"""
+import sys
+from os.path import join, isabs, basename, dirname
+from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main
+from rql import RQLSyntaxError
+from yams import ValidationError, BadSchemaDefinition
+from yams.constraints import SizeConstraint, StaticVocabularyConstraint
+from yams.buildobjs import (RelationDefinition, EntityType, RelationType,
+                            Int, String, SubjectRelation, ComputedRelation)
+from yams.reader import fill_schema
+from cubicweb.schema import (
+    CubicWebSchema, CubicWebEntitySchema, CubicWebSchemaLoader,
+    RQLConstraint, RQLUniqueConstraint, RQLVocabularyConstraint,
+    RQLExpression, ERQLExpression, RRQLExpression,
+    normalize_expression, order_eschemas, guess_rrqlexpr_mainvars,
+    build_schema_from_namespace)
+from cubicweb.devtools import TestServerConfiguration as TestConfiguration
+from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC
+DATADIR = join(dirname(__file__), 'data')
+# build a dummy schema ########################################################
+    'read':   ('managers', 'users', 'guests'),
+    'update': ('managers', 'owners'),
+    'add':    ('managers', ERQLExpression('X travaille S, S owned_by U')),
+    'delete': ('managers', 'owners',),
+    }
+    'read':   ('managers', 'users', 'guests'),
+    'add':    ('managers', RRQLExpression('U has_update_permission S')),
+    'delete': ('managers', RRQLExpression('O owned_by U')),
+    }
+schema = CubicWebSchema('Test Schema')
+enote = schema.add_entity_type(EntityType('Note'))
+eaffaire = schema.add_entity_type(EntityType('Affaire'))
+eperson = schema.add_entity_type(EntityType('Personne', __permissions__=PERSONNE_PERMISSIONS))
+esociete = schema.add_entity_type(EntityType('Societe'))
+RELS = (
+    # attribute relations
+    ('Note date String'),
+    ('Note type String'),
+    ('Affaire sujet String'),
+    ('Affaire ref String'),
+    ('Personne nom String'),
+    ('Personne prenom String'),
+    ('Personne sexe String'),
+    ('Personne tel Int'),
+    ('Personne fax Int'),
+    ('Personne datenaiss Date'),
+    ('Personne promo String'),
+    # real relations
+    ('Personne  travaille Societe'),
+    ('Personne  evaluee   Note'),
+    ('Societe evaluee   Note'),
+    ('Personne  concerne  Affaire'),
+    ('Personne  concerne  Societe'),
+    ('Affaire concerne  Societe'),
+    )
+done = {}
+for rel in RELS:
+    _from, _type, _to = rel.split()
+    if not _type.lower() in done:
+        schema.add_relation_type(RelationType(_type))
+        done[_type.lower()] = True
+    if _type == 'concerne':
+        schema.add_relation_def(RelationDefinition(_from, _type, _to,
+                                                   __permissions__=CONCERNE_PERMISSIONS))
+    else:
+        schema.add_relation_def(RelationDefinition(_from, _type, _to))
+class CubicWebSchemaTC(TestCase):
+    def test_rql_constraints_inheritance(self):
+        # isinstance(cstr, RQLVocabularyConstraint)
+        # -> expected to return RQLVocabularyConstraint and RQLConstraint
+        #   instances but not RQLUniqueConstraint
+        #
+        # isinstance(cstr, RQLConstraint)
+        # -> expected to return RQLConstraint instances but not
+        #    RQLVocabularyConstraint and RQLUniqueConstraint
+        self.assertFalse(issubclass(RQLUniqueConstraint, RQLVocabularyConstraint))
+        self.assertFalse(issubclass(RQLUniqueConstraint, RQLConstraint))
+    def test_entity_perms(self):
+        self.assertEqual(eperson.get_groups('read'), set(('managers', 'users', 'guests')))
+        self.assertEqual(eperson.get_groups('update'), set(('managers', 'owners',)))
+        self.assertEqual(eperson.get_groups('delete'), set(('managers', 'owners')))
+        self.assertEqual(eperson.get_groups('add'), set(('managers',)))
+        self.assertEqual([str(e) for e in eperson.get_rqlexprs('add')],
+                         ['Any X WHERE X travaille S, S owned_by U, X eid %(x)s, U eid %(u)s'])
+        eperson.set_action_permissions('read', ('managers',))
+        self.assertEqual(eperson.get_groups('read'), set(('managers',)))
+    def test_relation_perms(self):
+        rconcerne = schema.rschema('concerne').rdef('Personne', 'Societe')
+        self.assertEqual(rconcerne.get_groups('read'), set(('managers', 'users', 'guests')))
+        self.assertEqual(rconcerne.get_groups('delete'), set(('managers',)))
+        self.assertEqual(rconcerne.get_groups('add'), set(('managers', )))
+        rconcerne.set_action_permissions('read', ('managers',))
+        self.assertEqual(rconcerne.get_groups('read'), set(('managers',)))
+        self.assertEqual([str(e) for e in rconcerne.get_rqlexprs('add')],
+                         ['Any S,U WHERE U has_update_permission S, S eid %(s)s, U eid %(u)s'])
+    def test_erqlexpression(self):
+        self.assertRaises(RQLSyntaxError, ERQLExpression, '1')
+        expr = ERQLExpression('X travaille S, S owned_by U')
+        self.assertEqual(str(expr), 'Any X WHERE X travaille S, S owned_by U, X eid %(x)s, U eid %(u)s')
+        expr = ERQLExpression('X foo S, S bar U, X baz XE, S quux SE HAVING XE > SE')
+        self.assertEqual(str(expr), 'Any X WHERE X foo S, S bar U, X baz XE, S quux SE, X eid %(x)s, U eid %(u)s HAVING XE > SE')
+    def test_rrqlexpression(self):
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, RRQLExpression, '1')
+        self.assertRaises(RQLSyntaxError, RRQLExpression, 'O X Y')
+        expr = RRQLExpression('U has_update_permission O')
+        self.assertEqual(str(expr), 'Any O,U WHERE U has_update_permission O, O eid %(o)s, U eid %(u)s')
+loader = CubicWebSchemaLoader()
+config = TestConfiguration('data', apphome=DATADIR)
+class SchemaReaderClassTest(TestCase):
+    def test_order_eschemas(self):
+        schema = loader.load(config)
+        self.assertEqual(order_eschemas([schema['Note'], schema['SubNote']]),
+                                         [schema['Note'], schema['SubNote']])
+        self.assertEqual(order_eschemas([schema['SubNote'], schema['Note']]),
+                                         [schema['Note'], schema['SubNote']])
+    def test_knownValues_load_schema(self):
+        schema = loader.load(config)
+        self.assertIsInstance(schema, CubicWebSchema)
+        self.assertEqual(, 'data')
+        entities = sorted([str(e) for e in schema.entities()])
+        expected_entities = ['Ami', 'BaseTransition', 'BigInt', 'Bookmark', 'Boolean', 'Bytes', 'Card',
+                             'Date', 'Datetime', 'Decimal',
+                             'CWCache', 'CWComputedRType', 'CWConstraint',
+                             'CWConstraintType', 'CWDataImport', 'CWEType',
+                             'CWAttribute', 'CWGroup', 'EmailAddress',
+                             'CWRelation', 'CWPermission', 'CWProperty', 'CWRType',
+                             'CWSource', 'CWSourceHostConfig', 'CWSourceSchemaConfig',
+                             'CWUniqueTogetherConstraint', 'CWUser',
+                             'ExternalUri', 'FakeFile', 'Float', 'Int', 'Interval', 'Note',
+                             'Password', 'Personne', 'Produit',
+                             'RQLExpression', 'Reference',
+                             'Service', 'Societe', 'State', 'StateFull', 'String', 'SubNote', 'SubWorkflowExitPoint',
+                             'Tag', 'TZDatetime', 'TZTime', 'Time', 'Transition', 'TrInfo',
+                             'Usine',
+                             'Workflow', 'WorkflowTransition']
+        self.assertListEqual(sorted(expected_entities), entities)
+        relations = sorted([str(r) for r in schema.relations()])
+        expected_relations = ['actionnaire', 'add_permission', 'address', 'alias', 'allowed_transition', 'associe',
+                              'bookmarked_by', 'by_transition',
+                              'cardinality', 'comment', 'comment_format',
+                              'composite', 'condition', 'config', 'connait',
+                              'constrained_by', 'constraint_of',
+                              'content', 'content_format', 'contrat_exclusif',
+                              'created_by', 'creation_date', 'cstrtype', 'custom_workflow',
+                              'cwuri', 'cw_for_source', 'cw_import_of', 'cw_host_config_of', 'cw_schema', 'cw_source',
+                              'data', 'data_encoding', 'data_format', 'data_name', 'default_workflow', 'defaultval', 'delete_permission',
+                              'description', 'description_format', 'destination_state', 'dirige',
+                              'ean', 'ecrit_par', 'eid', 'end_timestamp', 'evaluee', 'expression', 'exprtype', 'extra_props',
+                              'fabrique_par', 'final', 'firstname', 'for_user', 'formula', 'fournit',
+                              'from_entity', 'from_state', 'fulltext_container', 'fulltextindexed',
+                              'has_group_permission', 'has_text',
+                              'identity', 'in_group', 'in_state', 'in_synchronization', 'indexed',
+                              'initial_state', 'inlined', 'internationalizable', 'is', 'is_instance_of',
+                              'label', 'last_login_time', 'latest_retrieval', 'lieu', 'log', 'login',
+                              'mainvars', 'match_host', 'modification_date',
+                              'name', 'nom',
+                              'options', 'ordernum', 'owned_by',
+                              'parser', 'path', 'pkey', 'prefered_form', 'prenom', 'primary_email',
+                              'read_permission', 'relation_type', 'relations', 'require_group', 'rule',
+                              'specializes', 'start_timestamp', 'state_of', 'status', 'subworkflow', 'subworkflow_exit', 'subworkflow_state', 'surname', 'symmetric', 'synopsis',
+                              'tags', 'timestamp', 'title', 'to_entity', 'to_state', 'transition_of', 'travaille', 'type',
+                              'upassword', 'update_permission', 'url', 'uri', 'use_email',
+                              'value',
+                              'wf_info_for', 'wikiid', 'workflow_of', 'tr_count']
+        self.assertListEqual(sorted(expected_relations), relations)
+        eschema = schema.eschema('CWUser')
+        rels = sorted(str(r) for r in eschema.subject_relations())
+        self.assertListEqual(rels, ['created_by', 'creation_date', 'custom_workflow',
+                                    'cw_source', 'cwuri', 'eid',
+                                    'evaluee', 'firstname', 'has_group_permission',
+                                    'has_text', 'identity',
+                                    'in_group', 'in_state', 'is',
+                                    'is_instance_of', 'last_login_time',
+                                    'login', 'modification_date', 'owned_by',
+                                    'primary_email', 'surname', 'upassword',
+                                    'use_email'])
+        rels = sorted(r.type for r in eschema.object_relations())
+        self.assertListEqual(rels, ['bookmarked_by', 'created_by', 'for_user',
+                                     'identity', 'owned_by', 'wf_info_for'])
+        rschema = schema.rschema('relation_type')
+        properties = rschema.rdef('CWAttribute', 'CWRType')
+        self.assertEqual(properties.cardinality, '1*')
+        constraints = properties.constraints
+        self.assertEqual(len(constraints), 1, constraints)
+        constraint = constraints[0]
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(constraint, RQLConstraint))
+        self.assertEqual(constraint.expression, 'O final TRUE')
+    def test_fulltext_container(self):
+        schema = loader.load(config)
+        self.assertIn('has_text', schema['CWUser'].subject_relations())
+        self.assertNotIn('has_text', schema['EmailAddress'].subject_relations())
+    def test_permission_settings(self):
+        schema = loader.load(config)
+        aschema = schema['TrInfo'].rdef('comment')
+        self.assertEqual(aschema.get_groups('read'),
+                          set(('managers', 'users', 'guests')))
+        self.assertEqual(aschema.get_rqlexprs('read'),
+                          ())
+        self.assertEqual(aschema.get_groups('update'),
+                          set(('managers',)))
+        self.assertEqual([x.expression for x in aschema.get_rqlexprs('update')],
+                          ['U has_update_permission X'])
+    def test_nonregr_allowed_type_names(self):
+        schema = CubicWebSchema('Test Schema')
+        schema.add_entity_type(EntityType('NaN'))
+    def test_relation_perm_overriding(self):
+        loader = CubicWebSchemaLoader()
+        config = TestConfiguration('data', apphome=join(dirname(__file__), 'data_schemareader'))
+        config.bootstrap_cubes()
+        schema = loader.load(config)
+        rdef = next(iter(schema['in_group'].rdefs.values()))
+        self.assertEqual(rdef.permissions,
+                         {'read': ('managers',),
+                          'add': ('managers',),
+                          'delete': ('managers',)})
+        rdef = next(iter(schema['cw_for_source'].rdefs.values()))
+        self.assertEqual(rdef.permissions,
+                         {'read': ('managers', 'users'),
+                          'add': ('managers',),
+                          'delete': ('managers',)})
+    def test_computed_attribute(self):
+        """Check schema finalization for computed attributes."""
+        class Person(EntityType):
+            salary = Int()
+        class works_for(RelationDefinition):
+            subject = 'Person'
+            object  = 'Company'
+            cardinality = '?*'
+        class Company(EntityType):
+            total_salary = Int(formula='Any SUM(SA) GROUPBY X WHERE '
+                                       'P works_for X, P salary SA')
+        good_schema = build_schema_from_namespace(vars().items())
+        rdef = good_schema['Company'].rdef('total_salary')
+        # ensure 'X is Company' is added to the rqlst to avoid ambiguities, see #4901163
+        self.assertEqual(str(rdef.formula_select),
+                         'Any SUM(SA) GROUPBY X WHERE P works_for X, P salary SA, X is Company')
+        # check relation definition permissions
+        self.assertEqual(rdef.permissions,
+                         {'add': (), 'update': (),
+                          'read': ('managers', 'users', 'guests')})
+        class Company(EntityType):
+            total_salary = String(formula='Any SUM(SA) GROUPBY X WHERE '
+                                          'P works_for X, P salary SA')
+        with self.assertRaises(BadSchemaDefinition) as exc:
+            bad_schema = build_schema_from_namespace(vars().items())
+        self.assertEqual(str(exc.exception),
+                         'computed attribute total_salary on Company: '
+                         'computed attribute type (Int) mismatch with '
+                         'specified type (String)')
+class SchemaReaderComputedRelationAndAttributesTest(TestCase):
+    def test_infer_computed_relation(self):
+        class Person(EntityType):
+            name = String()
+        class Company(EntityType):
+            name  = String()
+        class Service(EntityType):
+            name = String()
+        class works_for(RelationDefinition):
+            subject = 'Person'
+            object = 'Company'
+        class produce(RelationDefinition):
+            subject = ('Person', 'Company')
+            object = 'Service'
+        class achete(RelationDefinition):
+            subject = 'Person'
+            object = 'Service'
+        class produces_and_buys(ComputedRelation):
+            rule = 'S produce O, S achete O'
+        class produces_and_buys2(ComputedRelation):
+            rule = 'S works_for SO, SO produce O'
+        class reproduce(ComputedRelation):
+            rule = 'S produce O'
+        schema = build_schema_from_namespace(vars().items())
+        # check object/subject type
+        self.assertEqual([('Person','Service')],
+                         list(schema['produces_and_buys'].rdefs.keys()))
+        self.assertEqual([('Person','Service')],
+                         list(schema['produces_and_buys2'].rdefs.keys()))
+        self.assertCountEqual([('Company', 'Service'), ('Person', 'Service')],
+                              list(schema['reproduce'].rdefs.keys()))
+        # check relation definitions are marked infered
+        rdef = schema['produces_and_buys'].rdefs[('Person','Service')]
+        self.assertTrue(rdef.infered)
+        # and have no add/delete permissions
+        self.assertEqual(rdef.permissions,
+                         {'add': (),
+                          'delete': (),
+                          'read': ('managers', 'users', 'guests')})
+        class autoname(ComputedRelation):
+            rule = 'S produce X, X name O'
+        with self.assertRaises(BadSchemaDefinition) as cm:
+            build_schema_from_namespace(vars().items())
+        self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'computed relations cannot be final')
+class BadSchemaTC(TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.loader = CubicWebSchemaLoader()
+        self.loader.defined = {}
+        self.loader.loaded_files = []
+        self.loader.post_build_callbacks = []
+    def _test(self, schemafile, msg):
+        self.loader.handle_file(join(DATADIR, schemafile))
+        sch = self.loader.schemacls('toto')
+        with self.assertRaises(BadSchemaDefinition) as cm:
+            fill_schema(sch, self.loader.defined, False)
+        self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), msg)
+    def test_lowered_etype(self):
+        self._test('',
+                   "'my_etype' is not a valid name for an entity type. It should "
+                   "start with an upper cased letter and be followed by at least "
+                   "a lower cased letter")
+    def test_uppered_rtype(self):
+        self._test('',
+                   "'ARelation' is not a valid name for a relation type. It should be lower cased")
+    def test_rrqlexpr_on_etype(self):
+        self._test('',
+                   "can't use RRQLExpression on ToTo, use an ERQLExpression")
+    def test_erqlexpr_on_rtype(self):
+        self._test('',
+                   "can't use ERQLExpression on relation ToTo toto TuTu, use a RRQLExpression")
+    def test_rqlexpr_on_rtype_read(self):
+        self._test('',
+                   "can't use rql expression for read permission of relation ToTo toto TuTu")
+    def test_rrqlexpr_on_attr(self):
+        self._test('',
+                   "can't use RRQLExpression on attribute ToTo.attr[String], use an ERQLExpression")
+    def test_rqlexpr_on_computedrel(self):
+        self._test('',
+                   "can't use rql expression for read permission of relation Subject computed Object")
+class NormalizeExpressionTC(TestCase):
+    def test(self):
+        self.assertEqual(normalize_expression('X  bla Y,Y blur Z  ,  Z zigoulou   X '),
+                                              'X bla Y, Y blur Z, Z zigoulou X')
+        self.assertEqual(normalize_expression('X bla Y, Y name "x,y"'),
+                                              'X bla Y, Y name "x,y"')
+class RQLExpressionTC(TestCase):
+    def test_comparison(self):
+        self.assertEqual(ERQLExpression('X is CWUser', 'X', 0),
+                          ERQLExpression('X is CWUser', 'X', 0))
+        self.assertNotEqual(ERQLExpression('X is CWUser', 'X', 0),
+                             ERQLExpression('X is CWGroup', 'X', 0))
+class GuessRrqlExprMainVarsTC(TestCase):
+    def test_exists(self):
+        mainvars = guess_rrqlexpr_mainvars(normalize_expression('NOT EXISTS(O team_competition C, C level < 3, C concerns S)'))
+        self.assertEqual(mainvars, set(['S', 'O']))
+class RQLConstraintTC(CubicWebTC):
+    def test_user_constraint(self):
+        cstr = RQLConstraint('U identity O')
+        with self.admin_access.repo_cnx() as cnx:
+            anoneid = cnx.execute('Any X WHERE X login "anon"')[0][0]
+            self.assertRaises(ValidationError,
+                              cstr.repo_check, cnx, 1, 'rel', anoneid)
+            self.assertEqual(cstr.repo_check(cnx, 1, cnx.user.eid),
+                             None) # no validation error, constraint checked
+class WorkflowShemaTC(CubicWebTC):
+    def test_trinfo_default_format(self):
+        with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
+            tr = req.user.cw_adapt_to('IWorkflowable').fire_transition('deactivate')
+            self.assertEqual(tr.comment_format, 'text/plain')
+class CompositeSchemaTC(CubicWebTC):
+    composites = {
+        'BaseTransition': [('condition', 'BaseTransition', 'RQLExpression', 'subject')],
+        'CWAttribute': [('add_permission', 'CWAttribute', 'RQLExpression', 'subject'),
+                        ('constrained_by', 'CWAttribute', 'CWConstraint', 'subject'),
+                        ('read_permission', 'CWAttribute', 'RQLExpression', 'subject'),
+                        ('update_permission', 'CWAttribute', 'RQLExpression', 'subject')],
+        'CWEType': [('add_permission', 'CWEType', 'RQLExpression', 'subject'),
+                    ('constraint_of', 'CWUniqueTogetherConstraint', 'CWEType', 'object'),
+                    ('cw_schema', 'CWSourceSchemaConfig', 'CWEType', 'object'),
+                    ('delete_permission', 'CWEType', 'RQLExpression', 'subject'),
+                    ('from_entity', 'CWAttribute', 'CWEType', 'object'),
+                    ('from_entity', 'CWRelation', 'CWEType', 'object'),
+                    ('read_permission', 'CWEType', 'RQLExpression', 'subject'),
+                    ('to_entity', 'CWAttribute', 'CWEType', 'object'),
+                    ('to_entity', 'CWRelation', 'CWEType', 'object'),
+                    ('update_permission', 'CWEType', 'RQLExpression', 'subject')],
+        'CWRType': [('cw_schema', 'CWSourceSchemaConfig', 'CWRType', 'object'),
+                    ('relation_type', 'CWAttribute', 'CWRType', 'object'),
+                    ('relation_type', 'CWRelation', 'CWRType', 'object')],
+        'CWRelation': [('add_permission', 'CWRelation', 'RQLExpression', 'subject'),
+                       ('constrained_by', 'CWRelation', 'CWConstraint', 'subject'),
+                       ('cw_schema', 'CWSourceSchemaConfig', 'CWRelation', 'object'),
+                       ('delete_permission', 'CWRelation', 'RQLExpression', 'subject'),
+                       ('read_permission', 'CWRelation', 'RQLExpression', 'subject')],
+        'CWComputedRType': [('read_permission', 'CWComputedRType', 'RQLExpression', 'subject')],
+        'CWSource': [('cw_for_source', 'CWSourceSchemaConfig', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_host_config_of', 'CWSourceHostConfig', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_import_of', 'CWDataImport', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'Ami', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'BaseTransition', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'Bookmark', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWAttribute', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWCache', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWComputedRType', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWConstraint', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWConstraintType', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWDataImport', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWEType', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWGroup', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWPermission', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWProperty', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWRType', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWRelation', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWSource', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWSourceHostConfig', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWSourceSchemaConfig', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWUniqueTogetherConstraint', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'CWUser', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'Card', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'EmailAddress', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'ExternalUri', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'FakeFile', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'Note', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'Personne', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'Produit', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'RQLExpression', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'Reference', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'Service', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'Societe', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'State', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'StateFull', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'SubNote', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'SubWorkflowExitPoint', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'Tag', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'TrInfo', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'Transition', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'Usine', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'Workflow', 'CWSource', 'object'),
+                     ('cw_source', 'WorkflowTransition', 'CWSource', 'object')],
+        'CWUser': [('for_user', 'CWProperty', 'CWUser', 'object'),
+                   ('use_email', 'CWUser', 'EmailAddress', 'subject'),
+                   ('wf_info_for', 'TrInfo', 'CWUser', 'object')],
+        'StateFull': [('wf_info_for', 'TrInfo', 'StateFull', 'object')],
+        'Transition': [('condition', 'Transition', 'RQLExpression', 'subject')],
+        'Workflow': [('state_of', 'State', 'Workflow', 'object'),
+                     ('transition_of', 'BaseTransition', 'Workflow', 'object'),
+                     ('transition_of', 'Transition', 'Workflow', 'object'),
+                     ('transition_of', 'WorkflowTransition', 'Workflow', 'object')],
+        'WorkflowTransition': [('condition', 'WorkflowTransition', 'RQLExpression', 'subject'),
+                               ('subworkflow_exit', 'WorkflowTransition', 'SubWorkflowExitPoint', 'subject')]
+    }
+    def test_composite_entities(self):
+        schema = self.vreg.schema
+        self.assertEqual(sorted(self.composites),
+                         [eschema.type for eschema in sorted(schema.entities())
+                          if eschema.is_composite])
+        for etype in self.composites:
+            self.set_description('composite rdefs for %s' % etype)
+            yield self.assertEqual, self.composites[etype], \
+                             sorted([(r.rtype.type, r.subject.type, r.object.type, role)
+                                     for r, role in schema[etype].composite_rdef_roles])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest_main()