changeset 9967 e65873ad0371
child 10192 365e5a0287d6
equal deleted inserted replaced
9966:6c2d57d1b6de 9967:e65873ad0371
     1 # copyright 2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     2 # contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
     3 #
     4 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
     5 #
     6 # CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
     7 # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
     8 # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
     9 # any later version.
    10 #
    11 # CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    13 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
    14 # details.
    15 #
    16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
    17 # with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    18 """Hooks for synchronizing computed attributes"""
    20 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
    21 _ = unicode
    23 from collections import defaultdict
    25 from rql import nodes
    27 from cubicweb.server import hook
    30 class RecomputeAttributeOperation(hook.DataOperationMixIn, hook.Operation):
    31     """Operation to recompute caches of computed attribute at commit time,
    32     depending on what's have been modified in the transaction and avoiding to
    33     recompute twice the same attribute
    34     """
    35     containercls = dict
    36     def add_data(self, computed_attribute, eid=None):
    37         try:
    38             self._container[computed_attribute].add(eid)
    39         except KeyError:
    40             self._container[computed_attribute] = set((eid,))
    42     def precommit_event(self):
    43         for computed_attribute_rdef, eids in self.get_data().iteritems():
    44             attr = computed_attribute_rdef.rtype
    45             formula  = computed_attribute_rdef.formula
    46             rql = formula.replace('Any ', 'Any X, ', 1)
    47             kwargs = None
    48             # add constraint on X to the formula
    49             if None in eids : # recompute for all etype if None is found
    50                 rql += ', X is %s' % computed_attribute_rdef.subject
    51             elif len(eids) == 1:
    52                 rql += ', X eid %(x)s'
    53                 kwargs = {'x': eids.pop()}
    54             else:
    55                 rql += ', X eid IN (%s)' % ', '.join((str(eid) for eid in eids))
    56             update_rql = 'SET X %s %%(value)s WHERE X eid %%(x)s' % attr
    57             for eid, value in self.cnx.execute(rql, kwargs):
    58                 self.cnx.execute(update_rql, {'value': value, 'x': eid})
    61 class EntityWithCACreatedHook(hook.Hook):
    62     """When creating an entity that has some computed attribute, those
    63     attributes have to be computed.
    65     Concret class of this hook are generated at registration time by
    66     introspecting the schema.
    67     """
    68     __abstract__ = True
    69     events = ('after_add_entity',)
    70     # list of computed attribute rdefs that have to be recomputed
    71     computed_attributes = None
    73     def __call__(self):
    74         for rdef in self.computed_attributes:
    75             RecomputeAttributeOperation.get_instance(self._cw).add_data(
    76                 rdef, self.entity.eid)
    79 class RelationInvolvedInCAModifiedHook(hook.Hook):
    80     """When some relation used in a computed attribute is updated, those
    81     attributes have to be recomputed.
    83     Concret class of this hook are generated at registration time by
    84     introspecting the schema.
    85     """
    86     __abstract__ = True
    87     events = ('after_add_relation', 'before_delete_relation')
    88     # list of (computed attribute rdef, optimize_on) that have to be recomputed
    89     optimized_computed_attributes = None
    91     def __call__(self):
    92         for rdef, optimize_on in self.optimized_computed_attributes:
    93             if optimize_on is None:
    94                 eid = None
    95             else:
    96                 eid = getattr(self, optimize_on)
    97             RecomputeAttributeOperation.get_instance(self._cw).add_data(rdef, eid)
   100 class AttributeInvolvedInCAModifiedHook(hook.Hook):
   101     """When some attribute used in a computed attribute is updated, those
   102     attributes have to be recomputed.
   104     Concret class of this hook are generated at registration time by
   105     introspecting the schema.
   106     """
   107     __abstract__ = True
   108     events = ('after_update_entity',)
   109     # list of (computed attribute rdef, attributes of this entity type involved)
   110     # that may have to be recomputed
   111     attributes_computed_attributes = None
   113     def __call__(self):
   114         edited_attributes = frozenset(self.entity.cw_edited)
   115         for rdef, used_attributes in self.attributes_computed_attributes.iteritems():
   116             if edited_attributes.intersection(used_attributes):
   117                 # XXX optimize if the modified attributes belong to the same
   118                 # entity as the computed attribute
   119                 RecomputeAttributeOperation.get_instance(self._cw).add_data(rdef)
   122 # code generation at registration time #########################################
   124 def _optimize_on(formula_select, rtype):
   125     """Given a formula and some rtype, tells whether on update of the given
   126     relation, formula may be recomputed only for rhe relation's subject
   127     ('eidfrom' returned), object ('eidto' returned) or None.
   129     Optimizing is only possible when X is used as direct subject/object of this
   130     relation, else we may miss some necessary update.
   131     """
   132     for rel in formula_select.get_nodes(nodes.Relation):
   133         if rel.r_type == rtype:
   134             sub = rel.get_variable_parts()[0]
   135             obj = rel.get_variable_parts()[1]
   136             if sub.name == 'X':
   137                 return 'eidfrom'
   138             elif obj.name == 'X':
   139                 return 'eidto'
   140             else:
   141                 return None
   144 class _FormulaDependenciesMatrix(object):
   145     """This class computes and represents the dependencies of computed attributes
   146     towards relations and attributes
   147     """
   149     def __init__(self, schema):
   150         """Analyzes the schema to compute the dependencies"""
   151         # entity types holding some computed attribute {etype: [computed rdefs]}
   152         self.computed_attribute_by_etype = defaultdict(list)
   153         # depending entity types {dep. etype: {computed rdef: dep. etype attributes}}
   154         self.computed_attribute_by_etype_attrs = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set))
   155         # depending relations def {dep. rdef: [computed rdefs]
   156         self.computed_attribute_by_relation = defaultdict(list) # by rdef
   157         # Walk through all attributes definitions
   158         for rdef in schema.iter_computed_attributes():
   159             self.computed_attribute_by_etype[rdef.subject.type].append(rdef)
   160             # extract the relations it depends upon - `rdef.formula_select` is
   161             # expected to have been set by finalize_computed_attributes
   162             select = rdef.formula_select
   163             for rel_node in select.get_nodes(nodes.Relation):
   164                 rschema = schema.rschema(rel_node.r_type)
   165                 lhs, rhs = rel_node.get_variable_parts()
   166                 for sol in select.solutions:
   167                     subject_etype = sol[lhs.name]
   168                     if isinstance(rhs, nodes.VariableRef):
   169                         object_etypes = set(sol[rhs.name] for sol in select.solutions)
   170                     else:
   171                         object_etypes = rschema.objects(subject_etype)
   172                     for object_etype in object_etypes:
   173                         if rschema.final:
   174                             attr_for_computations = self.computed_attribute_by_etype_attrs[subject_etype]
   175                             attr_for_computations[rdef].add(rschema.type)
   176                         else:
   177                             depend_on_rdef = rschema.rdefs[subject_etype, object_etype]
   178                             self.computed_attribute_by_relation[depend_on_rdef].append(rdef)
   180     def generate_entity_creation_hooks(self):
   181         for etype, computed_attributes in self.computed_attribute_by_etype.iteritems():
   182             regid = 'computed_attribute.%s_created' % etype
   183             selector = hook.is_instance(etype)
   184             yield type('%sCreatedHook' % etype,
   185                        (EntityWithCACreatedHook,),
   186                        {'__regid__': regid,
   187                         '__select__':  hook.Hook.__select__ & selector,
   188                         'computed_attributes': computed_attributes})
   190     def generate_relation_change_hooks(self):
   191         for rdef, computed_attributes in self.computed_attribute_by_relation.iteritems():
   192             regid = 'computed_attribute.%s_modified' % rdef.rtype
   193             selector = hook.match_rtype(rdef.rtype.type,
   194                                         frometypes=(rdef.subject.type,),
   195                                         toetypes=(rdef.object.type,))
   196             optimized_computed_attributes = []
   197             for computed_rdef in computed_attributes:
   198                 optimized_computed_attributes.append(
   199                     (computed_rdef,
   200                      _optimize_on(computed_rdef.formula_select, rdef.rtype))
   201                      )
   202             yield type('%sModifiedHook' % rdef.rtype,
   203                        (RelationInvolvedInCAModifiedHook,),
   204                        {'__regid__': regid,
   205                         '__select__':  hook.Hook.__select__ & selector,
   206                         'optimized_computed_attributes': optimized_computed_attributes})
   208     def generate_entity_update_hooks(self):
   209         for etype, attributes_computed_attributes in self.computed_attribute_by_etype_attrs.iteritems():
   210             regid = 'computed_attribute.%s_updated' % etype
   211             selector = hook.is_instance(etype)
   212             yield type('%sModifiedHook' % etype,
   213                        (AttributeInvolvedInCAModifiedHook,),
   214                        {'__regid__': regid,
   215                         '__select__':  hook.Hook.__select__ & selector,
   216                         'attributes_computed_attributes': attributes_computed_attributes})
   219 def registration_callback(vreg):
   220     vreg.register_all(globals().values(), __name__)
   221     dependencies = _FormulaDependenciesMatrix(vreg.schema)
   222     for hook_class in dependencies.generate_entity_creation_hooks():
   223         vreg.register(hook_class)
   224     for hook_class in dependencies.generate_relation_change_hooks():
   225         vreg.register(hook_class)
   226     for hook_class in dependencies.generate_entity_update_hooks():
   227         vreg.register(hook_class)