changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 237 3df2e0ae2eba
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b97547f5f1fa
     1 """html calendar views
     3 :organization: Logilab
     4 :copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     5 :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
     6 """
     8 from mx.DateTime import DateTime, RelativeDateTime, today, ISO
     9 from datetime import datetime
    11 from vobject import iCalendar, icalendar
    13 from logilab.mtconverter import html_escape
    15 from cubicweb.interfaces import ICalendarable
    16 from cubicweb.common.utils import date_range
    17 from cubicweb.common.uilib import ajax_replace_url
    18 from cubicweb.common.selectors import interface_selector, anyrset_selector
    19 from cubicweb.common.registerers import priority_registerer
    20 from cubicweb.common.view import EntityView
    23 # For backward compatibility
    24 from cubicweb.interfaces import ICalendarViews, ITimetableViews
    25 try:
    26     from cubicweb.web.views.old_calendar import _CalendarView, AMPMWeekCalendarView
    27 except ImportError:
    28     import logging
    29     logger = logging.getLogger('cubicweb.registry')
    30     logger.info("old calendar views could not be found and won't be registered")
    32 _ = unicode
    34 # useful constants & functions
    35 def mkdt(mxdate):
    36     """
    37     Build a stdlib datetime date from a mx.datetime 
    38     """
    39     d = mxdate
    40     return datetime(d.year, d.month, d.day, d.hour, d.minute,
    41                     tzinfo=icalendar.utc)
    42 def iso(mxdate):
    43     """
    44     Format a ms datetime in ISO 8601 string 
    45     """
    46     # XXX What about timezone?
    47     return ISO.str(mxdate)
    49 # mx.DateTime and ustrftime could be used to build WEEKDAYS
    50 WEEKDAYS = (_("monday"), _("tuesday"), _("wednesday"), _("thursday"),
    51             _("friday"), _("saturday"), _("sunday"))
    53 # used by i18n tools
    54 MONTHNAMES = ( _('january'), _('february'), _('march'), _('april'), _('may'),
    55                _('june'), _('july'), _('august'), _('september'), _('october'),
    56                _('november'), _('december')
    57                )
    59 #################
    60 # In calendar views (views used as calendar cell item) 
    63 class CalendarItemView(EntityView):
    64     id = 'calendaritem'
    66     def cell_call(self, row, col, dates=False):
    67         task = self.complete_entity(row)
    68         task.view('oneline', w=self.w)
    69         if dates:
    70             if task.start and task.stop:
    71                 self.w('<br/>from %s'%self.format_date(task.start))
    72                 self.w('<br/>to %s'%self.format_date(task.stop))
    74 class CalendarLargeItemView(CalendarItemView):
    75     id = 'calendarlargeitem'
    77 #################
    78 # Calendar views
    80 class iCalView(EntityView):
    81     """A calendar view that generates a iCalendar file (RFC 2445)
    83     Does apply to ICalendarable compatible entities
    84     """
    85     __registerer__ = priority_registerer
    86     __selectors__ = (interface_selector,)
    87     accepts_interfaces = (ICalendarable,)
    88     need_navigation = False
    89     content_type = 'text/calendar'
    90     title = _('iCalendar')
    91     templatable = False
    92     id = 'ical'
    94     def call(self):
    95         ical = iCalendar()
    96         for i in range(len(self.rset.rows)):
    97             task = self.complete_entity(i)
    98             event = ical.add('vevent')
    99             event.add('summary').value = task.dc_title()
   100             event.add('description').value = task.dc_description()
   101             if task.start:
   102                 event.add('dtstart').value = mkdt(task.start)
   103             if task.stop:
   104                 event.add('dtend').value = mkdt(task.stop)
   106         buff = ical.serialize()
   107         if not isinstance(buff, unicode):
   108             buff = unicode(buff, self.req.encoding)
   109         self.w(buff)
   111 class hCalView(EntityView):
   112     """A calendar view that generates a hCalendar file
   114     Does apply to ICalendarable compatible entities
   115     """
   116     __registerer__ = priority_registerer
   117     __selectors__ = (interface_selector,)
   118     accepts_interfaces = (ICalendarable,)
   119     need_navigation = False
   120     title = _('hCalendar')
   121     templatable = False
   122     id = 'hcal'
   124     def call(self):
   125         self.w(u'<div class="hcalendar">')
   126         for i in range(len(self.rset.rows)):
   127             task = self.complete_entity(i)
   128             self.w(u'<div class="vevent">')
   129             self.w(u'<h3 class="summary">%s</h3>' % html_escape(task.dc_title()))
   130             self.w(u'<div class="description">%s</div>' % html_escape(task.dc_description()))
   131             if task.start:
   132                 self.w(u'<abbr class="dtstart" title="%s">%s</abbr>' % (iso(task.start), self.format_date(task.start)))
   133             if task.stop:
   134                 self.w(u'<abbr class="dtstop" title="%s">%s</abbr>' % (iso(task.stop), self.format_date(task.stop)))
   135             self.w(u'</div>')
   136         self.w(u'</div>')
   139 class _TaskEntry(object):
   140     def __init__(self, task, color, index=0):
   141         self.task = task
   142         self.color = color
   143         self.index = index
   144         self.length = 1
   146 class OneMonthCal(EntityView):
   147     """At some point, this view will probably replace ampm calendars"""
   148     __registerer__ = priority_registerer
   149     __selectors__ = (interface_selector, anyrset_selector)
   150     accepts_interfaces = (ICalendarable,)
   151     need_navigation = False
   152     id = 'onemonthcal'
   153     title = _('one month')
   155     def call(self):
   156         self.req.add_js('cubicweb.ajax.js')
   157         self.req.add_css('cubicweb.calendar.css')
   158         # XXX: restrict courses directy with RQL
   159         _today =  today()
   161         if 'year' in self.req.form:
   162             year = int(self.req.form['year'])
   163         else:
   164             year = _today.year
   165         if 'month' in self.req.form:
   166             month = int(self.req.form['month'])
   167         else:
   168             month = _today.month
   170         first_day_of_month = DateTime(year, month, 1)
   171         lastday = first_day_of_month + RelativeDateTime(months=1,weekday=(6,1))
   172         firstday= first_day_of_month + RelativeDateTime(months=-1,weekday=(0,-1))
   173         month_dates = list(date_range(firstday, lastday))
   174         dates = {}
   175         users = []
   176         task_max = 0
   177         for row in xrange(self.rset.rowcount):
   178             task = self.rset.get_entity(row,0)
   179             if len(self.rset[row]) > 1 and self.rset.description[row][1] == 'EUser':
   180                 user = self.rset.get_entity(row,1)
   181             else:
   182                 user = None
   183             the_dates = []
   184             if task.start:
   185                 if task.start > lastday:
   186                     continue
   187                 the_dates = [task.start]
   188             if task.stop:
   189                 if task.stop < firstday:
   190                     continue
   191                 the_dates = [task.stop]
   192             if task.start and task.stop:
   193                 if task.start.absdate == task.stop.absdate:
   194                     date = task.start
   195                     if firstday<= date <= lastday:
   196                         the_dates = [date]
   197                 else:
   198                     the_dates = date_range(max(task.start,firstday),
   199                                            min(task.stop,lastday))
   200             if not the_dates:
   201                 continue
   203             for d in the_dates:
   204                 d_tasks = dates.setdefault((d.year, d.month, d.day), {})
   205                 t_users = d_tasks.setdefault(task,set())
   206                 t_users.add( user )
   207                 if len(d_tasks)>task_max:
   208                     task_max = len(d_tasks)
   210         days = []
   211         nrows = max(3,task_max)
   212         # colors here are class names defined in cubicweb.css
   213         colors = [ "col%x"%i for i in range(12) ]
   214         next_color_index = 0
   216         visited_tasks = {} # holds a description of a task
   217         task_colors = {}   # remember a color assigned to a task
   218         for date in month_dates:
   219             d_tasks = dates.get((date.year, date.month, date.day), {})
   220             rows = [None] * nrows
   221             # every task that is "visited" for the first time
   222             # require a special treatment, so we put them in
   223             # 'postpone'
   224             postpone = []
   225             for task in d_tasks:
   226                 if task in visited_tasks:
   227                     task_descr = visited_tasks[ task ]
   228                     rows[task_descr.index] = task_descr
   229                 else:
   230                     postpone.append(task)
   231             for task in postpone:
   232                 # to every 'new' task we must affect a color
   233                 # (which must be the same for every user concerned
   234                 # by the task)
   235                 for i,t in enumerate(rows):
   236                     if t is None:
   237                         if task in task_colors:
   238                             color = task_colors[task]
   239                         else:
   240                             color = colors[next_color_index]
   241                             next_color_index = (next_color_index+1)%len(colors)
   242                             task_colors[task] = color
   243                         task_descr = _TaskEntry(task, color, i)
   244                         rows[i] = task_descr
   245                         visited_tasks[task] = task_descr
   246                         break
   247                 else:
   248                     raise RuntimeError("is it possible we got it wrong?")
   250             days.append( rows )
   252         curdate = first_day_of_month
   253         self.w(u'<div id="onemonthcalid">')
   254         # build schedule
   255         self.w(u'<table class="omcalendar">')
   256         prevlink, nextlink = self._prevnext_links(curdate)  # XXX
   257         self.w(u'<tr><th><a href="%s">&lt;&lt;</a></th><th colspan="5">%s %s</th>'
   258                u'<th><a href="%s">&gt;&gt;</a></th></tr>' %
   259                (html_escape(prevlink), self.req._(curdate.strftime('%B').lower()),
   260                 curdate.year, html_escape(nextlink)))
   262         # output header
   263         self.w(u'<tr><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th></tr>' %
   264                tuple(self.req._(day) for day in WEEKDAYS))
   266         # build calendar
   267         for date, task_rows in zip(month_dates, days):
   268             if date.day_of_week == 0:
   269                 self.w(u'<tr>')
   270             self._build_calendar_cell(date, task_rows, curdate)
   271             if date.day_of_week == 6:
   272                 self.w(u'</tr>')
   273         self.w(u'</table></div>')
   275     def _prevnext_links(self, curdate):
   276         prevdate = curdate - RelativeDateTime(months=1)
   277         nextdate = curdate + RelativeDateTime(months=1)
   278         rql = self.rset.rql
   279         prevlink = ajax_replace_url('onemonthcalid', rql, 'onemonthcal',
   280                                     year=prevdate.year, month=prevdate.month)
   281         nextlink = ajax_replace_url('onemonthcalid', rql, 'onemonthcal',
   282                                     year=nextdate.year, month=nextdate.month)
   283         return prevlink, nextlink
   285     def _build_calendar_cell(self, date, rows, curdate):
   286         curmonth = curdate.month
   287         classes = ""
   288         if date.month != curmonth:
   289             classes += " outOfRange"
   290         if date == today():
   291             classes += " today"
   292         self.w(u'<td class="cell%s">' % classes)
   293         self.w(u'<div class="calCellTitle%s">' % classes)
   294         self.w(u'<div class="day">%s</div>' % date.day)
   296         if len(self.rset.column_types(0)) == 1:
   297             etype = list(self.rset.column_types(0))[0]
   298             url = self.build_url(vid='creation', etype=etype,
   299                                  schedule=True,
   300                                  start=self.format_date(date), stop=self.format_date(date),
   301                                  __redirectrql=self.rset.rql,
   302                                  __redirectparams=self.req.build_url_params(year=curdate.year, month=curmonth),
   303                                  __redirectvid=self.id
   304                                  )
   305             self.w(u'<div class="cmd"><a href="%s">%s</a></div>' % (html_escape(url), self.req._(u'add')))
   306             self.w(u'&nbsp;')
   307         self.w(u'</div>')
   308         self.w(u'<div class="cellContent">')
   309         for task_descr in rows:
   310             if task_descr:
   311                 task = task_descr.task
   312                 self.w(u'<div class="task %s">' % task_descr.color)
   313                 task.view('calendaritem', w=self.w )
   314                 url = task.absolute_url(vid='edition',
   315                                         __redirectrql=self.rset.rql,
   316                                         __redirectparams=self.req.build_url_params(year=curdate.year, month=curmonth),
   317                                         __redirectvid=self.id
   318                                         )
   320                 self.w(u'<div class="tooltip" ondblclick="stopPropagation(event); window.location.assign(\'%s\'); return false;">' % html_escape(url))
   321                 task.view('tooltip', w=self.w )
   322                 self.w(u'</div>')
   323             else:
   324                 self.w(u'<div class="task">')
   325                 self.w(u"&nbsp;")
   326             self.w(u'</div>')
   327         self.w(u'</div>')
   328         self.w(u'</td>')
   331 class OneWeekCal(EntityView):
   332     """At some point, this view will probably replace ampm calendars"""
   333     __registerer__ = priority_registerer
   334     __selectors__ = (interface_selector, anyrset_selector)
   335     accepts_interfaces = (ICalendarable,)
   336     need_navigation = False
   337     id = 'oneweekcal'
   338     title = _('one week')
   340     def call(self):
   341         self.req.add_js( ('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'cubicweb.calendar.js') )
   342         self.req.add_css('cubicweb.calendar.css')
   343         # XXX: restrict courses directy with RQL
   344         _today =  today()
   346         if 'year' in self.req.form:
   347             year = int(self.req.form['year'])
   348         else:
   349             year = _today.year
   350         if 'week' in self.req.form:
   351             week = int(self.req.form['week'])
   352         else:
   353             week = _today.iso_week[1]        
   355         first_day_of_week = ISO.ParseWeek("%s-W%s-1"%(year, week))
   356         lastday = first_day_of_week + RelativeDateTime(days=6)
   357         firstday= first_day_of_week
   358         dates = [[] for i in range(7)]
   359         task_max = 0
   360         task_colors = {}   # remember a color assigned to a task
   361         # colors here are class names defined in cubicweb.css
   362         colors = [ "col%x"%i for i in range(12) ]
   363         next_color_index = 0
   364         done_tasks = []
   365         for row in xrange(self.rset.rowcount):
   366             task = self.rset.get_entity(row,0)
   367             if task in done_tasks:
   368                 continue
   369             done_tasks.append(task)
   370             the_dates = []
   371             if task.start:
   372                 if task.start > lastday:
   373                     continue
   374                 the_dates = [task.start]
   375             if task.stop:
   376                 if task.stop < firstday:
   377                     continue
   378                 the_dates = [task.stop]
   379             if task.start and task.stop:
   380                 the_dates = date_range(max(task.start,firstday),
   381                                        min(task.stop,lastday))
   382             if not the_dates:
   383                 continue
   385             if task not in task_colors:
   386                 task_colors[task] = colors[next_color_index]
   387                 next_color_index = (next_color_index+1)%len(colors)
   389             for d in the_dates:
   390                 day = d.day_of_week
   391                 task_descr = _TaskEntry(task, task_colors[task])  
   392                 dates[day].append(task_descr)
   394         self.w(u'<div id="oneweekcalid">')
   395         # build schedule
   396         self.w(u'<table class="omcalendar" id="week">')
   397         prevlink, nextlink = self._prevnext_links(first_day_of_week)  # XXX
   398         self.w(u'<tr><th class="transparent"></th>')
   399         self.w(u'<th><a href="%s">&lt;&lt;</a></th><th colspan="5">%s %s %s</th>'
   400                u'<th><a href="%s">&gt;&gt;</a></th></tr>' %
   401                (html_escape(prevlink), first_day_of_week.year,
   402                 self.req._(u'week'), first_day_of_week.iso_week[1],
   403                 html_escape(nextlink)))
   405         # output header
   406         self.w(u'<tr>')
   407         self.w(u'<th class="transparent"></th>') # column for hours
   408         _today = today()
   409         for i, day in enumerate(WEEKDAYS):
   410             date = first_day_of_week + i
   411             if date.absdate == _today.absdate:
   412                 self.w(u'<th class="today">%s<br/>%s</th>' % (self.req._(day), self.format_date(date)))
   413             else:
   414                 self.w(u'<th>%s<br/>%s</th>' % (self.req._(day), self.format_date(date)))
   415         self.w(u'</tr>')
   418         # build week calendar
   419         self.w(u'<tr>')
   420         self.w(u'<td style="width:5em;">') # column for hours
   421         extra = ""
   422         for h in range(8, 20):
   423             self.w(u'<div class="hour" %s>'%extra)
   424             self.w(u'%02d:00'%h)
   425             self.w(u'</div>')            
   426         self.w(u'</td>')
   428         for i, day in enumerate(WEEKDAYS):
   429             date = first_day_of_week + i
   430             classes = ""
   431             if date.absdate == _today.absdate:
   432                 classes = " today"
   433             self.w(u'<td class="column %s" id="%s">'%(classes, day))
   434             if len(self.rset.column_types(0)) == 1:
   435                 etype = list(self.rset.column_types(0))[0]
   436                 url = self.build_url(vid='creation', etype=etype,
   437                                      schedule=True,
   438                                      __redirectrql=self.rset.rql,
   439                                      __redirectparams=self.req.build_url_params(year=year, week=week),
   440                                      __redirectvid=self.id
   441                                      )
   442                 extra = ' ondblclick="addCalendarItem(event, hmin=%s, hmax=%s, year=%s, month=%s, day=%s, duration=%s, baseurl=\'%s\')"' % (8,20,date.year, date.month, date.day, 2, html_escape(url))
   443             else:
   444                 extra = ""
   445             self.w(u'<div class="columndiv"%s>'% extra)
   446             for h in range(8, 20):
   447                 self.w(u'<div class="hourline" style="top:%sex;">'%((h-7)*8))
   448                 self.w(u'</div>')            
   449             if dates[i]:
   450                 self._build_calendar_cell(date, dates[i])
   451             self.w(u'</div>')
   452             self.w(u'</td>')
   453         self.w(u'</tr>')
   454         self.w(u'</table></div>')
   455         self.w(u'<div id="coord"></div>')
   456         self.w(u'<div id="debug">&nbsp;</div>')
   458     def _one_day_task(self, task):
   459         """
   460         Return true if the task is a "one day" task; ie it have a start and a stop the same day
   461         """
   462         if task.start and task.stop:
   463             if task.start.absdate ==  task.stop.absdate:
   464                 return True
   465         return False
   467     def _build_calendar_cell(self, date, task_descrs):
   468         inday_tasks = [t for t in task_descrs if self._one_day_task(t.task) and  t.task.start.hour<20 and t.task.stop.hour>7]
   469         wholeday_tasks = [t for t in task_descrs if not self._one_day_task(t.task)]
   471         inday_tasks.sort(key=lambda t:t.task.start)
   472         sorted_tasks = []
   473         for i, t in enumerate(wholeday_tasks):
   474             t.index = i
   475         ncols = len(wholeday_tasks)
   476         while inday_tasks:
   477             t = inday_tasks.pop(0)
   478             for i, c in enumerate(sorted_tasks):
   479                 if not c or c[-1].task.stop <= t.task.start:
   480                     c.append(t)
   481                     t.index = i+ncols
   482                     break
   483             else:
   484                 t.index = len(sorted_tasks) + ncols
   485                 sorted_tasks.append([t])
   486         ncols += len(sorted_tasks)
   487         if ncols == 0:
   488             return
   490         inday_tasks = []
   491         for tasklist in sorted_tasks:
   492             inday_tasks += tasklist
   493         width = 100.0/ncols
   494         for task_desc in wholeday_tasks + inday_tasks:
   495             task = task_desc.task
   496             start_hour = 8
   497             start_min = 0
   498             stop_hour = 20
   499             stop_min = 0
   500             if task.start:
   501                 if date < task.start < date + 1:
   502                     start_hour = max(8, task.start.hour)
   503                     start_min = task.start.minute
   504             if task.stop:
   505                 if date < task.stop < date + 1:
   506                     stop_hour = min(20, task.stop.hour)
   507                     if stop_hour < 20:
   508                         stop_min = task.stop.minute
   510             height = 100.0*(stop_hour+stop_min/60.0-start_hour-start_min/60.0)/(20-8)
   511             top = 100.0*(start_hour+start_min/60.0-8)/(20-8)
   512             left = width*task_desc.index
   513             style = "height: %s%%; width: %s%%; top: %s%%; left: %s%%; " % \
   514                 (height, width, top, left)
   515             self.w(u'<div class="task %s" style="%s">' % \
   516                        (task_desc.color, style))
   517             task.view('calendaritem', dates=False, w=self.w)
   518             url = task.absolute_url(vid='edition',
   519                                     __redirectrql=self.rset.rql,
   520                                     __redirectparams=self.req.build_url_params(year=date.year, week=date.iso_week[1]),
   521                                     __redirectvid=self.id
   522                                  )
   524             self.w(u'<div class="tooltip" ondblclick="stopPropagation(event); window.location.assign(\'%s\'); return false;">' % html_escape(url))
   525             task.view('tooltip', w=self.w)
   526             self.w(u'</div>')
   527             if task.start is None:
   528                 self.w(u'<div class="bottommarker">')
   529                 self.w(u'<div class="bottommarkerline" style="margin: 0px 3px 0px 3px; height: 1px;">')
   530                 self.w(u'</div>')
   531                 self.w(u'<div class="bottommarkerline" style="margin: 0px 2px 0px 2px; height: 1px;">')
   532                 self.w(u'</div>')
   533                 self.w(u'<div class="bottommarkerline" style="margin: 0px 1px 0px 1px; height: 3ex; color: white; font-size: x-small; vertical-align: center; text-align: center;">')
   534                 self.w(u'end')
   535                 self.w(u'</div>')
   536                 self.w(u'</div>')
   537             self.w(u'</div>')
   540     def _prevnext_links(self, curdate):
   541         prevdate = curdate - RelativeDateTime(days=7)
   542         nextdate = curdate + RelativeDateTime(days=7)
   543         rql = self.rset.rql
   544         prevlink = ajax_replace_url('oneweekcalid', rql, 'oneweekcal',
   545                                     year=prevdate.year, week=prevdate.iso_week[1])
   546         nextlink = ajax_replace_url('oneweekcalid', rql, 'oneweekcal',
   547                                     year=nextdate.year, week=nextdate.iso_week[1])
   548         return prevlink, nextlink