changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 62 ef06f71533d9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b97547f5f1fa
     1 """Set of HTML automatic forms to create, delete, copy or edit a single entity
     2 or a list of entities of the same type
     4 :organization: Logilab
     5 :copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     6 :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
     7 """
     8 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
    10 from copy import copy
    12 from simplejson import dumps
    14 from logilab.mtconverter import html_escape
    15 from logilab.common.decorators import cached
    17 from cubicweb.interfaces import IWorkflowable
    18 from cubicweb.common.utils import make_uid
    19 from cubicweb.common.uilib import cut
    20 from cubicweb.common.selectors import (etype_form_selector, kwargs_selector,
    21                                     onelinerset_selector, interface_selector,
    22                                     req_form_params_selector, accept_selector)
    23 from cubicweb.common.view import EntityView
    24 from cubicweb.web import INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE, stdmsgs, eid_param
    25 from cubicweb.web.controller import NAV_FORM_PARAMETERS
    26 from cubicweb.web.widgets import checkbox, InputWidget, ComboBoxWidget
    27 from cubicweb.web.form import EntityForm, relation_id
    29 _ = unicode
    31 class DeleteConfForm(EntityForm):
    32     id = 'deleteconf'
    33     title = _('delete')
    34     domid = 'deleteconf'
    35     onsubmit = None
    37     def call(self):
    38         """ask for confirmation before real deletion"""
    39         _ = self.req._
    40         self.req.add_js('cubicweb.edition.js')
    41         self.w(u'<script type="text/javascript">updateMessage(\'%s\');</script>\n' % _('this action is not reversible!'))
    42         # XXX above message should have style of a warning
    43         self.w(u'<h4>%s</h4>\n' % _('Do you want to delete the following element(s) ?'))
    44         if self.onsubmit:
    45             self.w(u'<form id="deleteconf" action="%s" onsubmit="%s" method="post">'
    46                    % (self.build_url(), self.onsubmit))
    47         else:
    48             self.w(u'<form id="deleteconf" action="%s" method="post">'
    49                    % (self.build_url()))
    51         self.w(u'<fieldset>\n')
    52         self.display_rset()
    53         #self.w(u'<input type="hidden" name="rql" value="%s"/>' % self.req.form['rql'])
    54         self.w(u'<input type="hidden" name="__form_id" value="%s"/>' % self.id)
    55         self.w(self.button_delete(label=stdmsgs.YES))
    56         self.w(self.button_cancel(label=stdmsgs.NO))
    57         for param in NAV_FORM_PARAMETERS:
    58             value = self.req.form.get(param)
    59             if value:
    60                 self.w(u'<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>' % (param, value))
    61         self.w(u'</fieldset></form>\n')
    63     def display_rset(self):
    64         self.w(u'<ul>\n')
    65         done = set()
    66         for i in xrange(self.rset.rowcount):
    67             if self.rset[i][0] in done:
    68                 continue
    69             done.add(self.rset[i][0])
    70             self.cell_call(i, 0)
    71         self.w(u'</ul>\n')
    73     def cell_call(self, row, col):
    74         entity = self.entity(row, col)
    75         self.w(u'<li>')
    76         self.w(u'<input type="hidden" name="eid" value="%s" />' % entity.eid)
    77         self.w(u'<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n'
    78                % (eid_param('__type', entity.eid), self.rset.description[row][0]))
    79         self.w(u'<a href="%s">' % html_escape(entity.absolute_url()))
    80         # don't use outofcontext view or any other that may contain inline edition form
    81         self.w(html_escape(entity.view('textoutofcontext')))
    82         self.w(u'</a>')
    83         self.w(u'</li>')
    86 class ChangeStateForm(EntityForm):
    87     id = 'statuschange'
    88     title = _('status change')
    90     __selectors__ = (interface_selector, req_form_params_selector)
    91     accepts_interfaces = (IWorkflowable,)
    92     form_params = ('treid',)
    94     def cell_call(self, row, col, vid='secondary'):
    95         entity = self.entity(row, col)
    96         eid = entity.eid
    97         state = entity.in_state[0]
    98         transition = self.req.eid_rset(self.req.form['treid']).get_entity(0, 0)
    99         dest = transition.destination()
   100         self.req.add_js('cubicweb.edition.js')
   101         _ = self.req._
   102         self.w(self.error_message())
   103         self.w(u'<h4>%s %s</h4>\n' % (_(transition.name), entity.view('oneline')))
   104         self.w(u'<p>%s</p>\n' % (_('status will change from %s to %s')
   105                                % (_(state.name), _(dest.name))))
   106         self.w(u'<form action="%s" onsubmit="return freezeFormButtons(\'entityForm\');" method="post" id="entityForm">\n'
   107                % self.build_url('edit'))
   108         self.w(u'<div id="progress">%s</div>' % _('validating...'))
   109         self.w(u'<fieldset>\n')
   110         #self.w(u'<input id="errorurl" type="hidden" name="__errorurl" value="%s"/>\n'
   111         #       % html_escape(self.req.url()))
   112         self.w(u'<input type="hidden" name="__form_id" value="%s"/>\n' % self.id)
   113         self.w(u'<input type="hidden" name="eid" value="%s" />' % eid)
   114         self.w(u'<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n'
   115                % (eid_param('__type', eid), entity.e_schema))
   116         self.w(u'<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n'
   117                % (eid_param('state', eid), dest.eid))
   118         self.w(u'<input type="hidden" name="__redirectpath" value="%s"/>\n'
   119                % html_escape(entity.rest_path()))
   120         self.fill_form(entity, state, dest)
   121         self.w(u'<input type="hidden" name="__method" value="set_state"/>\n')
   122         self.w(self.button_ok(label=stdmsgs.YES, tabindex=self.req.next_tabindex()))
   123         self.w(self.button_cancel(label=stdmsgs.NO, tabindex=self.req.next_tabindex()))
   124         self.w(u'</fieldset>\n')
   125         self.w(u'</form>')
   127     def fill_form(self, entity, state, dest):
   128         # hack to use the widget for comment_format
   129         trinfo = self.vreg.etype_class('TrInfo')(self.req, None)
   130         # widget are cached, copy it since we want to modify its name attribute
   131         wdg = trinfo.get_widget('comment_format')
   132         wdg.name = 'trcommentformat'
   133         # set a value in entity to avoid lookup for a non existant attribute...
   134         trinfo['trcommentformat'] = u''
   135         # comment format/content have to be grouped using the original entity eid
   136         wdg.rname = eid_param('trcommentformat', entity.eid)
   137         self.w(wdg.render_label(trinfo))
   138         self.w(wdg._edit_render(trinfo))
   139         self.w(u'<br/>\n')
   140         cformname = eid_param('trcomment', entity.eid)
   141         self.w(u'<label for="%s">%s</label>\n' % (cformname, self.req._('comment:')))
   142         self.w(u'<textarea rows="10" cols="80" name="%s" tabindex="%s"></textarea><br/>\n'
   143                % (cformname, self.req.next_tabindex()))
   146 class ClickAndEditForm(EntityForm):
   147     id = 'reledit'
   148     __selectors__ = (kwargs_selector, )
   149     expected_kwargs = ('rtype',)
   151     #FIXME editableField class could be toggleable from userprefs
   153     EDITION_BODY = '''
   154 <div class="editableField" id="%(divid)s"
   155       ondblclick="showInlineEditionForm(%(eid)s, '%(rtype)s', '%(divid)s')">%(value)s</div>
   156 <form style="display: none;" onsubmit="return inlineValidateForm('%(divid)s-form', '%(rtype)s', '%(eid)s', '%(divid)s', %(reload)s);" id="%(divid)s-form" action="#">
   157 <fieldset>
   158 <input type="hidden" name="eid" value="%(eid)s" />
   159 <input type="hidden" name="__maineid" value="%(eid)s" />
   160 <input type="hidden" name="__type:%(eid)s" value="%(etype)s" />
   161 %(attrform)s
   162 </fieldset>
   163 <div class="buttonbar">
   164 %(ok)s
   165 %(cancel)s
   166 </div>
   167 </form>
   168 '''
   169     def cell_call(self, row, col, rtype=None, role='subject', reload=False):
   170         entity = self.entity(row, col)
   171         if getattr(entity, rtype) is None:
   172             value = self.req._('not specified')
   173         else:
   174             value = entity.printable_value(rtype)
   175         if not entity.has_perm('update'):
   176             self.w(value)
   177             return
   178         self.req.add_js( ('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'cubicweb.edition.js') )
   179         eid = entity.eid
   180         edit_key = make_uid('%s-%s' % (rtype, eid))
   181         divid = 'd%s' % edit_key
   182         widget = entity.get_widget(rtype, 'subject')
   183         eschema = entity.e_schema
   184         attrform = widget.edit_render(entity, useid='i%s' % edit_key)
   185         ok = (u'<input class="validateButton" type="submit" name="__action_apply" value="%s" tabindex="%s" />'
   186               % (self.req._(stdmsgs.BUTTON_OK), self.req.next_tabindex()))
   187         cancel = (u'<input class="validateButton" type="button" '
   188                   'value="%s" onclick="cancelInlineEdit(%s, \'%s\', \'%s\')"  tabindex="%s" />'
   189                   % (self.req._(stdmsgs.BUTTON_CANCEL), eid, rtype, divid,
   190                      self.req.next_tabindex()))
   191         self.w(self.EDITION_BODY % {
   192                 'eid': eid,
   193                 'rtype': rtype,
   194                 'etype': entity.e_schema,
   195                 'attrform': attrform,
   196                 'action' : self.build_url('edit'), # NOTE: actually never gets called
   197                 'ok': ok,
   198                 'cancel': cancel,
   199                 'value': value,
   200                 'reload': dumps(reload),
   201                 'divid': divid,
   202                 })
   205 class EditionForm(EntityForm):
   206     """primary entity edition form
   208     When generating a new attribute_input, the editor will look for a method
   209     named 'default_ATTRNAME' on the entity instance, where ATTRNAME is the
   210     name of the attribute being edited. You may use this feature to compute
   211     dynamic default values such as the 'tomorrow' date or the user's login
   212     being connected
   213     """    
   214     __selectors__ = (onelinerset_selector, accept_selector)
   216     id = 'edition'
   217     title = _('edition')
   218     controller = 'edit'
   219     skip_relations = EntityForm.skip_relations.copy()
   221     EDITION_BODY = u'''\
   222  %(errormsg)s
   223 <form id="%(formid)s" class="entityForm" cubicweb:target="eformframe"
   224       method="post" onsubmit="%(onsubmit)s" enctype="%(enctype)s" action="%(action)s">
   225  %(title)s
   226  <div id="progress">%(inprogress)s</div>
   227  <div class="iformTitle"><span>%(mainattrs_label)s</span></div>
   228  <div class="formBody"><fieldset>
   229  %(base)s
   230  %(attrform)s
   231  %(relattrform)s
   232 </fieldset>
   233  %(relform)s
   234  </div>
   235  <table width="100%%">
   236   <tbody>
   237    <tr><td align="center">
   238      %(validate)s
   239    </td><td style="align: right; width: 50%%;">
   240      %(apply)s
   241      %(cancel)s
   242    </td></tr>
   243   </tbody>
   244  </table>
   245 </form>
   246 '''
   248     def cell_call(self, row, col, **kwargs):
   249         self.req.add_js( ('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'cubicweb.edition.js') )
   250         self.req.add_css('cubicweb.form.css')
   251         entity = self.complete_entity(row, col)
   252         self.edit_form(entity, kwargs)
   254     def edit_form(self, entity, kwargs):
   255         varmaker = self.req.get_page_data('rql_varmaker')
   256         if varmaker is None:
   257             varmaker = self.req.varmaker
   258             self.req.set_page_data('rql_varmaker', varmaker)
   259         self.varmaker = varmaker
   260         self.w(self.EDITION_BODY % self.form_context(entity, kwargs))
   262     def form_context(self, entity, kwargs):
   263         """returns the dictionnary used to fill the EDITION_BODY template
   265         If you create your own edition form, you can probably just override
   266         `EDITION_BODY` and `form_context`
   267         """
   268         if self.need_multipart(entity):
   269             enctype = 'multipart/form-data'
   270         else:
   271             enctype = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
   272         self._hiddens = []
   273         if entity.eid is None:
   274             entity.eid = self.varmaker.next()
   275         # XXX (hack) action_title might need __linkto req's original value
   276         #            and widgets such as DynamicComboWidget might change it
   277         #            so we need to compute title before calling atttributes_form
   278         formtitle = self.action_title(entity)
   279         # be sure to call .*_form first so tabindexes are correct and inlined
   280         # fields errors are consumed
   281         if not entity.has_eid() or entity.has_perm('update'):
   282             attrform = self.attributes_form(entity, kwargs)
   283         else:
   284             attrform = ''
   285         inlineform = self.inline_entities_form(entity, kwargs)
   286         relform = self.relations_form(entity, kwargs)
   287         vindex = self.req.next_tabindex()
   288         aindex = self.req.next_tabindex()
   289         cindex = self.req.next_tabindex()
   290         self.add_hidden_web_behaviour_params(entity)
   291         _ = self.req._
   292         return {
   293             'formid'   : self.domid,
   294             'onsubmit' : self.on_submit(entity),
   295             'enctype'  : enctype,
   296             'errormsg' : self.error_message(),
   297             'action'   : self.build_url('validateform'),
   298             'eids'     : entity.has_eid() and [entity.eid] or [],
   299             'inprogress': _('validating...'),
   300             'title'    : formtitle,
   301             'mainattrs_label' : _('main informations'),
   302             'reseturl' : self.redirect_url(entity),
   303             'attrform' : attrform,
   304             'relform'  : relform,
   305             'relattrform': inlineform,
   306             'base'     : self.base_form(entity, kwargs),
   307             'validate' : self.button_ok(tabindex=vindex),
   308             'apply'    : self.button_apply(tabindex=aindex),
   309             'cancel'   : self.button_cancel(tabindex=cindex),
   310             }
   312     @property
   313     def formid(self):
   314         return self.id
   316     def action_title(self, entity):
   317         """form's title"""
   318         ptitle = self.req._(self.title)
   319         return u'<div class="formTitle"><span>%s %s</span></div>' % (
   320             entity.dc_type(), ptitle and '(%s)' % ptitle)
   323     def base_form(self, entity, kwargs):
   324         output = []
   325         for name, value, iid in self._hiddens:
   326             if isinstance(value, basestring):
   327                 value = html_escape(value)
   328             if iid:
   329                 output.append(u'<input id="%s" type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />'
   330                               % (iid, name, value))
   331             else:
   332                 output.append(u'<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />'
   333                               % (name, value))
   334         return u'\n'.join(output)
   336     def add_hidden_web_behaviour_params(self, entity):
   337         """inserts hidden params controlling how errors and redirection
   338         should be handled
   339         """
   340         req = self.req
   341         self._hiddens.append( (u'__maineid', entity.eid, u'') )
   342         self._hiddens.append( (u'__errorurl', req.url(), u'errorurl') )
   343         self._hiddens.append( (u'__form_id', self.formid, u'') )
   344         for param in NAV_FORM_PARAMETERS:
   345             value = req.form.get(param)
   346             if value:
   347                 self._hiddens.append( (param, value, u'') )
   348         msg = self.submited_message()
   349         # If we need to directly attach the new object to another one
   350         for linkto in req.list_form_param('__linkto'):
   351             self._hiddens.append( ('__linkto', linkto, '') )
   352             msg = '%s %s' % (msg, self.req._('and linked'))
   353         self._hiddens.append( ('__message', msg, '') )
   356     def attributes_form(self, entity, kwargs, include_eid=True):
   357         """create a form to edit entity's attributes"""
   358         html = []
   359         w = html.append
   360         eid = entity.eid
   361         wdg = entity.get_widget
   362         lines = (wdg(rschema, x) for rschema, x in self.editable_attributes(entity))
   363         if include_eid:
   364             self._hiddens.append( ('eid', entity.eid, '') )
   365         self._hiddens.append( (eid_param('__type', eid), entity.e_schema, '') )
   366         w(u'<table id="%s" class="%s" style="width:100%%;">' %
   367           (kwargs.get('tab_id', 'entityForm%s' % eid),
   368            kwargs.get('tab_class', 'attributeForm')))
   369         for widget in lines:
   370             w(u'<tr>\n<th class="labelCol">%s</th>' % widget.render_label(entity))
   371             error = widget.render_error(entity)
   372             if error:
   373                 w(u'<td class="error" style="width:100%;">')
   374             else:
   375                 w(u'<td style="width:100%;">')
   376             if error:
   377                 w(error)
   378             w(widget.edit_render(entity))
   379             w(widget.render_help(entity))
   380             w(u'</td>\n</tr>')
   381         w(u'</table>')
   382         return u'\n'.join(html)
   384     def editable_attributes(self, entity):
   385         # XXX both (add, delete)
   386         return [(rschema, x) for rschema, _, x in entity.relations_by_category(('primary', 'secondary'), 'add')
   387                 if rschema != 'eid']
   389     def relations_form(self, entity, kwargs):
   390         req = self.req
   391         _ = self.req._
   392         label = u'%s :' % _('This %s' % entity.e_schema).capitalize()
   393         eid = entity.eid
   394         html = []
   395         pendings = list(self.restore_pending_inserts(entity))
   396         w = html.append
   397         w(u'<fieldset class="subentity">')
   398         w(u'<legend class="iformTitle">%s</legend>' % label)
   399         w(u'<table id="relatedEntities">')
   400         for row in self.relations_table(entity):
   401             if row[2]:
   402                 w(u'<tr><th class="labelCol">%s</th>' % row[0].display_name(req, row[1]))
   403                 w(u'<td>')
   404                 w(u'<ul>')
   405                 for viewparams in row[2]:
   406                     w(u'<li class="invisible">%s<div id="span%s" class="%s">%s</div></li>'
   407                       % (viewparams[1], viewparams[0], viewparams[2], viewparams[3]))
   408                 if not self.force_display and self.maxrelitems < len(row[2]):
   409                     w(u'<li class="invisible">%s</li>' % self.force_display_link())
   410                 w(u'</ul>')
   411                 w(u'</td>')
   412                 w(u'</tr>')
   413         if not pendings:
   414             w(u'<tr><th>&nbsp;</th><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>')
   415         else:
   416             for row in pendings:
   417                 w(u'<tr id="tr%s">' % row[1])
   418                 w(u'<th>%s</th>' % row[3])
   419                 w(u'<td>')
   420                 w(u'<a class="handle" title="%s" href="%s">[x]</a>' %
   421                   (_('cancel this insert'), row[2]))
   422                 w(u'<a id="a%s" class="editionPending" href="%s">%s</a>'
   423                   % (row[1], row[4], html_escape(row[5])))
   424                 w(u'</td>')
   425                 w(u'</tr>')
   426         w(u'<tr id="relationSelectorRow_%s" class="separator">' % eid)
   427         w(u'<th class="labelCol">')
   428         w(u'<span>%s</span>' % _('add relation'))
   429         w(u'<select id="relationSelector_%s" tabindex="%s" onchange="javascript:showMatchingSelect(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,%s);">'
   430           % (eid, req.next_tabindex(), html_escape(dumps(eid))))
   431         w(u'<option value="">%s</option>' % _('select a relation'))
   432         for i18nrtype, rschema, target in entity.srelations_by_category(('generic', 'metadata'), 'add'):
   433             w(u'<option value="%s_%s">%s</option>' % (rschema, target, i18nrtype))
   434         w(u'</select>')
   435         w(u'</th>')
   436         w(u'<td id="unrelatedDivs_%s"></td>' % eid)
   437         w(u'</tr>')
   438         w(u'</table>')
   439         w(u'</fieldset>')
   440         return '\n'.join(html)
   442     def inline_entities_form(self, entity, kwargs):
   443         """create a form to edit entity's inlined relations"""
   444         result = []
   445         _ = self.req._
   446         for rschema, targettypes, x in entity.relations_by_category('inlineview', 'add'):
   447             # show inline forms only if there's one possible target type
   448             # for rschema
   449             if len(targettypes) != 1:
   450                 self.warning('entity related by the %s relation should have '
   451                              'inlined form but there is multiple target types, '
   452                              'dunno what to do', rschema)
   453                 continue
   454             targettype = targettypes[0].type
   455             if self.should_inline_relation_form(entity, rschema, targettype, x):
   456                 result.append(u'<div id="inline%sslot">' % rschema)
   457                 existant = entity.has_eid() and entity.related(rschema)
   458                 # display inline-edition view for all existing related entities
   459                 result.append(self.view('inline-edition', existant, 'null',
   460                                         ptype=entity.e_schema, peid=entity.eid,
   461                                         rtype=rschema, role=x, **kwargs))
   462                 if x == 'subject':
   463                     card = rschema.rproperty(entity.e_schema, targettype, 'cardinality')[0]
   464                 else:
   465                     card = rschema.rproperty(targettype, entity.e_schema, 'cardinality')[1]
   466                 # there is no related entity and we need at least one : we need to
   467                 # display one explicit inline-creation view
   468                 if self.should_display_inline_relation_form(rschema, existant, card):
   469                     result.append(self.view('inline-creation', None, etype=targettype,
   470                                             peid=entity.eid, ptype=entity.e_schema,
   471                                             rtype=rschema, role=x, **kwargs))
   472                 # we can create more than one related entity, we thus display a link
   473                 # to add new related entities
   474                 if self.should_display_add_inline_relation_link(rschema, existant, card):
   475                     divid = "addNew%s%s%s:%s" % (targettype, rschema, x, entity.eid)
   476                     result.append(u'<div class="inlinedform" id="%s" cubicweb:limit="true">'
   477                                   % divid)
   478                     js = "addInlineCreationForm('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (
   479                         entity.eid, entity.e_schema, targettype, rschema, x)
   480                     if card in '1?':
   481                         js = "toggleVisibility('%s'); %s" % (divid, js)
   482                     result.append(u'<a class="addEntity" id="add%s:%slink" href="javascript: %s" >+ %s.</a>'
   483                                   % (rschema, entity.eid, js,
   484                                      self.req.__('add a %s' % targettype)))
   485                     result.append(u'</div>')
   486                     result.append(u'<div class="trame_grise">&nbsp;</div>')
   487                 result.append(u'</div>')
   488         return '\n'.join(result)
   490     # should_* method extracted to allow overriding
   492     def should_inline_relation_form(self, entity, rschema, targettype, role):
   493         return entity.rtags.is_inlined(rschema, targettype, role)
   495     def should_display_inline_relation_form(self, rschema, existant, card):
   496         return not existant and card in '1+'
   498     def should_display_add_inline_relation_link(self, rschema, existant, card):
   499         return not existant or card in '+*'
   501     def reset_url(self, entity):
   502         return entity.absolute_url()
   504     def on_submit(self, entity):
   505         return u'return freezeFormButtons(\'%s\')' % (self.domid)
   508     def submited_message(self):
   509         return self.req._('element edited')
   513 class CreationForm(EditionForm):
   514     __selectors__ = (etype_form_selector, )
   515     id = 'creation'
   516     title = _('creation')
   518     def call(self, **kwargs):
   519         """creation view for an entity"""
   520         self.req.add_js( ('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'cubicweb.edition.js') )
   521         self.req.add_css('cubicweb.form.css')
   522         etype = kwargs.pop('etype', self.req.form.get('etype'))
   523         try:
   524             entity = self.vreg.etype_class(etype)(self.req, None, None)
   525         except:
   526             self.w(self.req._('no such entity type %s') % etype)
   527         else:
   528             self.edit_form(entity, kwargs)
   530     def action_title(self, entity):
   531         """custom form title if creating a entity with __linkto"""
   532         if '__linkto' in self.req.form:
   533             if isinstance(self.req.form['__linkto'], list):
   534                 # XXX which one should be considered (case: add a ticket to a version in jpl)
   535                 rtype, linkto_eid, role = self.req.form['__linkto'][0].split(':')
   536             else:
   537                 rtype, linkto_eid, role = self.req.form['__linkto'].split(':')
   538             linkto_rset = self.req.eid_rset(linkto_eid)
   539             linkto_type = linkto_rset.description[0][0]
   540             if role == 'subject':
   541                 title = self.req.__('creating %s (%s %s %s %%(linkto)s)' % (
   542                     entity.e_schema, entity.e_schema, rtype, linkto_type))
   543             else:
   544                 title = self.req.__('creating %s (%s %%(linkto)s %s %s)' % (
   545                     entity.e_schema, linkto_type, rtype, entity.e_schema))
   546             msg = title % {'linkto' : self.view('incontext', linkto_rset)}
   547             return u'<div class="formTitle notransform"><span>%s</span></div>' % msg
   548         else:
   549             return super(CreationForm, self).action_title(entity)
   551     @property
   552     def formid(self):
   553         return 'edition'
   555     def relations_form(self, entity, kwargs):
   556         return u''
   558     def reset_url(self, entity=None):
   559         return self.build_url(self.req.form.get('etype', '').lower())
   561     def submited_message(self):
   562         return self.req._('element created')
   564     def url(self):
   565         """return the url associated with this view"""
   566         return self.create_url(self.req.form.get('etype'))
   569 class InlineFormMixIn(object):
   571     @cached
   572     def card(self, etype):
   573         return self.rschema.rproperty(self.parent_schema, etype, 'cardinality')[0]
   575     def action_title(self, entity):
   576         return self.rschema.display_name(self.req, self.role)
   578     def add_hidden_web_behaviour_params(self, entity):
   579         pass
   581     def edit_form(self, entity, ptype, peid, rtype,
   582                   role='subject', **kwargs):
   583         self.rschema = self.schema.rschema(rtype)
   584         self.role = role        
   585         self.parent_schema = self.schema.eschema(ptype)
   586         self.parent_eid = peid
   587         super(InlineFormMixIn, self).edit_form(entity, kwargs)
   589     def should_inline_relation_form(self, entity, rschema, targettype, role):
   590         if rschema == self.rschema:
   591             return False
   592         return entity.rtags.is_inlined(rschema, targettype, role)
   594     @cached
   595     def keep_entity(self, entity):
   596         req = self.req
   597         # are we regenerating form because of a validation error ?
   598         erroneous_post = req.data.get('formvalues')
   599         if erroneous_post:
   600             cdvalues = req.list_form_param('%s:%s' % (self.rschema,
   601                                                       self.parent_eid),
   602                                            erroneous_post)
   603             if unicode(entity.eid) not in cdvalues:
   604                 return False
   605         return True
   607     def form_context(self, entity, kwargs):
   608         ctx = super(InlineFormMixIn, self).form_context(entity, kwargs)
   609         _ = self.req._
   610         local_ctx = {'createmsg' : self.req.__('add a %s' % entity.e_schema),
   611                      'so': self.role[0], # 's' for subject, 'o' for object
   612                      'eid' : entity.eid,
   613                      'rtype' : self.rschema,
   614                      'parenteid' : self.parent_eid,
   615                      'parenttype' : self.parent_schema,
   616                      'etype' : entity.e_schema,
   617                      'novalue' : INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE,
   618                      'removemsg' : self.req.__('remove this %s' % entity.e_schema),
   619                      'notice' : self.req._('click on the box to cancel the deletion'),
   620                      }
   621         ctx.update(local_ctx)
   622         return ctx
   625 class InlineEntityCreationForm(InlineFormMixIn, CreationForm):
   626     id = 'inline-creation'
   627     __selectors__ = (kwargs_selector, etype_form_selector)
   628     expected_kwargs = ('ptype', 'peid', 'rtype')
   630     EDITION_BODY = u'''\
   631 <div id="div-%(parenteid)s-%(rtype)s-%(eid)s" class="inlinedform">
   632  <div class="iformBody">
   633  <div class="iformTitle"><span>%(title)s</span> #<span class="icounter">1</span> [<a href="javascript: removeInlineForm('%(parenteid)s', '%(rtype)s', '%(eid)s'); noop();">%(removemsg)s</a>]</div>
   634  <fieldset class="subentity">
   635  %(attrform)s
   636  %(relattrform)s
   637  </fieldset>
   638  </div>
   639  <fieldset class="hidden" id="fs-%(parenteid)s-%(rtype)s-%(eid)s">
   640 %(base)s
   641  <input type="hidden" value="%(novalue)s" name="edit%(so)s-%(rtype)s:%(parenteid)s" />
   642  <input id="rel-%(parenteid)s-%(rtype)s-%(eid)s" type="hidden" value="%(eid)s" name="%(rtype)s:%(parenteid)s" />
   643  </fieldset>
   644 </div>''' # do not insert trailing space or \n here !
   646     def call(self, etype, ptype, peid, rtype, role='subject', **kwargs):
   647         """
   648         :param etype: the entity type being created in the inline form
   649         :param parent: the parent entity hosting the inline form
   650         :param rtype: the relation bridging `etype` and `parent`
   651         :param role: the role played by the `parent` in the relation
   652         """
   653         self.req.add_css('cubicweb.form.css')
   654         try:
   655             entity = self.vreg.etype_class(etype)(self.req, None, None)
   656         except:
   657             self.w(self.req._('no such entity type %s') % etype)
   658             return
   659         self.edit_form(entity, ptype, peid, rtype, role, **kwargs)
   664 class InlineEntityEditionForm(InlineFormMixIn, EditionForm):
   665     id = 'inline-edition'
   666     __selectors__ = (accept_selector, kwargs_selector)
   667     expected_kwargs = ('ptype', 'peid', 'rtype')
   669     EDITION_BODY = u'''\
   670 <div onclick="restoreInlinedEntity('%(parenteid)s', '%(rtype)s', '%(eid)s')" id="div-%(parenteid)s-%(rtype)s-%(eid)s" class="inlinedform">   
   671 <div id="notice-%(parenteid)s-%(rtype)s-%(eid)s" class="notice">%(notice)s</div>
   672 <div class="iformTitle"><span>%(title)s</span>  #<span class="icounter">%(count)s</span> [<a href="javascript: removeInlinedEntity('%(parenteid)s', '%(rtype)s', '%(eid)s'); noop();">%(removemsg)s</a>]</div>
   673  <div class="iformBody">
   674  <fieldset class="subentity">
   675  %(attrform)s
   676  </fieldset>
   677  %(relattrform)s
   678  </div>
   679  <fieldset id="fs-%(parenteid)s-%(rtype)s-%(eid)s">
   680 %(base)s
   681  <input type="hidden" value="%(eid)s" name="edit%(so)s-%(rtype)s:%(parenteid)s" />
   682  %(rinput)s
   683  </fieldset>
   684 </div>''' # do not insert trailing space or \n here !
   686     rel_input = u'''<input id="rel-%(parenteid)s-%(rtype)s-%(eid)s" type="hidden" value="%(eid)s" name="%(rtype)s:%(parenteid)s" />'''
   688     def call(self, **kwargs):
   689         """redefine default View.call() method to avoid automatic
   690         insertions of <div class="section"> between each row of
   691         the resultset
   692         """
   693         self.req.add_css('cubicweb.form.css')
   694         rset = self.rset
   695         for i in xrange(len(rset)):
   696             self.wview(self.id, rset, row=i, **kwargs)
   698     def cell_call(self, row, col, ptype, peid, rtype, role='subject', **kwargs):
   699         """
   700         :param parent: the parent entity hosting the inline form
   701         :param rtype: the relation bridging `etype` and `parent`
   702         :param role: the role played by the `parent` in the relation
   703         """
   704         entity = self.entity(row, col)
   705         self.edit_form(entity, ptype, peid, rtype, role, **kwargs)
   708     def form_context(self, entity, kwargs):
   709         ctx = super(InlineEntityEditionForm, self).form_context(entity, kwargs)
   710         if self.keep_entity(entity):
   711             ctx['rinput'] = self.rel_input % ctx
   712             ctx['todelete'] = u''
   713         else:
   714             ctx['rinput'] = u''
   715             ctx['todelete'] = u'checked="checked"'
   716         ctx['count'] = entity.row + 1
   717         return ctx
   721 class CopyEditionForm(EditionForm):
   722     id = 'copy'
   723     title = _('copy edition')
   725     def cell_call(self, row, col, **kwargs):
   726         self.req.add_js(('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'cubicweb.edition.js'))
   727         self.req.add_css('cubicweb.form.css')
   728         entity = self.complete_entity(row, col, skip_bytes=True)
   729         # make a copy of entity to avoid altering the entity in the
   730         # request's cache. 
   731         self.newentity = copy(entity)
   732         self.copying = self.newentity.eid
   733         self.newentity.eid = None
   734         self.edit_form(self.newentity, kwargs)
   735         del self.newentity
   737     def action_title(self, entity):
   738         """form's title"""
   739         msg = super(CopyEditionForm, self).action_title(entity)
   740         return msg + (u'<script type="text/javascript">updateMessage("%s");</script>\n'
   741                       % self.req._('Please note that this is only a shallow copy'))
   742         # XXX above message should have style of a warning
   744     @property
   745     def formid(self):
   746         return 'edition'
   748     def relations_form(self, entity, kwargs):
   749         return u''
   751     def reset_url(self, entity):
   752         return self.build_url('view', rql='Any X WHERE X eid %s' % self.copying)
   754     def attributes_form(self, entity, kwargs, include_eid=True):
   755         # we don't want __clone_eid on inlined edited entities
   756         if entity.eid == self.newentity.eid:
   757             self._hiddens.append((eid_param('__cloned_eid', entity.eid), self.copying, ''))
   758         return EditionForm.attributes_form(self, entity, kwargs, include_eid)
   760     def submited_message(self):
   761         return self.req._('element copied')
   765 class TableEditForm(EntityForm):
   766     id = 'muledit'
   767     title = _('multiple edit')
   769     EDITION_BODY = u'''<form method="post" id="entityForm" onsubmit="return validateForm('entityForm', null);" action="%(action)s">
   770   %(error)s
   771   <div id="progress">%(progress)s</div>
   772   <fieldset>
   773   <input type="hidden" name="__errorurl" value="%(url)s" />
   774   <input type="hidden" name="__form_id" value="%(formid)s" />
   775   <input type="hidden" name="__redirectvid" value="%(redirectvid)s" />
   776   <input type="hidden" name="__redirectrql" value="%(redirectrql)s" />
   777   <table class="listing">
   778     <tr class="header">
   779       <th align="left"><input type="checkbox" onclick="setCheckboxesState('eid', this.checked)" value="" title="toggle check boxes" /></th>
   780       %(attrheaders)s
   781     </tr>
   782     %(lines)s
   783   </table>
   784   <table width="100%%">
   785     <tr>
   786       <td align="left">
   787         <input class="validateButton" type="submit"  value="%(okvalue)s" title="%(oktitle)s" />
   788         <input class="validateButton" type="reset" name="__action_cancel" value="%(cancelvalue)s" title="%(canceltitle)s" />
   789       </td>
   790     </tr>
   791   </table>
   792   </fieldset>    
   793 </form>
   794 '''
   796     WIDGET_CELL = u'''\
   797 <td%(csscls)s>
   798   %(error)s
   799   <div>%(widget)s</div>
   800 </td>'''
   802     def call(self, **kwargs):
   803         """a view to edit multiple entities of the same type
   804         the first column should be the eid
   805         """
   806         req = self.req
   807         form = req.form
   808         req.add_js('cubicweb.edition.js')
   809         req.add_css('cubicweb.form.css')
   810         _ = req._
   811         sampleentity = self.complete_entity(0)
   812         attrheaders = [u'<th>%s</th>' % rdef[0].display_name(req, rdef[-1])
   813                        for rdef in sampleentity.relations_by_category('primary', 'add')
   814                        if rdef[0].type != 'eid']
   815         ctx = {'action' : self.build_url('edit'),
   816                'error': self.error_message(),
   817                'progress': _('validating...'),
   818                'url': html_escape(req.url()),
   819                'formid': self.id,
   820                'redirectvid': html_escape(form.get('__redirectvid', 'list')),
   821                'redirectrql': html_escape(form.get('__redirectrql', self.rset.printable_rql())),
   822                'attrheaders': u'\n'.join(attrheaders),
   823                'lines': u'\n'.join(self.edit_form(ent) for ent in self.rset.entities()),
   824                'okvalue': _('button_ok').capitalize(),
   825                'oktitle': _('validate modifications on selected items').capitalize(),
   826                'cancelvalue': _('button_reset').capitalize(),
   827                'canceltitle': _('revert changes').capitalize(),
   828                }        
   829         self.w(self.EDITION_BODY % ctx)
   832     def reset_url(self, entity=None):
   833         self.build_url('view', rql=self.rset.printable_rql())
   835     def edit_form(self, entity):
   836         html = []
   837         w = html.append
   838         entity.complete()
   839         eid = entity.eid
   840         values = self.req.data.get('formvalues', ())
   841         qeid = eid_param('eid', eid)
   842         checked = qeid in values
   843         w(u'<tr class="%s">' % (entity.row % 2 and u'even' or u'odd'))
   844         w(u'<td>%s<input type="hidden" name="__type:%s" value="%s" /></td>'
   845           % (checkbox('eid', eid, checked=checked), eid, entity.e_schema))
   846         # attribute relations (skip eid which is handled by the checkbox
   847         wdg = entity.get_widget
   848         wdgfactories = [wdg(rschema, x) for rschema, _, x in entity.relations_by_category('primary', 'add')
   849                         if rschema.type != 'eid'] # XXX both (add, delete)
   850         seid = html_escape(dumps(eid))
   851         for wobj in wdgfactories:
   852             if isinstance(wobj, ComboBoxWidget):
   853                 wobj.attrs['onchange'] = "setCheckboxesState2('eid', %s, 'checked')" % seid
   854             elif isinstance(wobj, InputWidget):
   855                 wobj.attrs['onkeypress'] = "setCheckboxesState2('eid', %s, 'checked')" % seid
   856             error = wobj.render_error(entity)
   857             if error:
   858                 csscls = u' class="error"'
   859             else:
   860                 csscls = u''
   861             w(self.WIDGET_CELL % {'csscls': csscls, 'error': error,
   862                                   'widget': wobj.edit_render(entity)})
   863         w(u'</tr>')
   864         return '\n'.join(html)
   867 class UnrelatedDivs(EntityView):
   868     id = 'unrelateddivs'
   869     __selectors__ = (req_form_params_selector,)
   870     form_params = ('relation',)
   872     @property
   873     def limit(self):
   874         if self.req.form.get('__force_display'):
   875             return None
   876         return self.req.property_value('navigation.related-limit') + 1
   878     def cell_call(self, row, col):
   879         entity = self.entity(row, col)
   880         relname, target = self.req.form.get('relation').rsplit('_', 1)
   881         rschema = self.schema.rschema(relname)
   882         hidden = 'hidden' in self.req.form
   883         is_cell = 'is_cell' in self.req.form
   884         self.w(self.build_unrelated_select_div(entity, rschema, target,
   885                                                is_cell=is_cell, hidden=hidden))
   887     def build_unrelated_select_div(self, entity, rschema, target,
   888                                    is_cell=False, hidden=True):
   889         options = []
   890         divid = 'div%s_%s_%s' % (rschema.type, target, entity.eid)
   891         selectid = 'select%s_%s_%s' % (rschema.type, target, entity.eid)
   892         if rschema.symetric or target == 'subject':
   893             targettypes = rschema.objects(entity.e_schema)
   894             etypes = '/'.join(sorted(etype.display_name(self.req) for etype in targettypes))
   895         else:
   896             targettypes = rschema.subjects(entity.e_schema)
   897             etypes = '/'.join(sorted(etype.display_name(self.req) for etype in targettypes))
   898         etypes = cut(etypes, self.req.property_value('navigation.short-line-size'))
   899         options.append('<option>%s %s</option>' % (self.req._('select a'), etypes))
   900         options += self._get_select_options(entity, rschema, target)
   901         options += self._get_search_options(entity, rschema, target, targettypes)
   902         if 'Basket' in self.schema: # XXX
   903             options += self._get_basket_options(entity, rschema, target, targettypes)
   904         relname, target = self.req.form.get('relation').rsplit('_', 1)
   905         return u"""\
   906 <div class="%s" id="%s">
   907   <select id="%s" onchange="javascript: addPendingInsert(this.options[this.selectedIndex], %s, %s, '%s');">
   908     %s
   909   </select>
   910 </div>
   911 """ % (hidden and 'hidden' or '', divid, selectid, html_escape(dumps(entity.eid)),
   912        is_cell and 'true' or 'null', relname, '\n'.join(options))
   914     def _get_select_options(self, entity, rschema, target):
   915         """add options to search among all entities of each possible type"""
   916         options = []
   917         eid = entity.eid
   918         pending_inserts = self.req.get_pending_inserts(eid)
   919         rtype = rschema.type
   920         for eview, reid in entity.vocabulary(rschema, target, self.limit):
   921             if reid is None:
   922                 options.append('<option class="separator">-- %s --</option>' % html_escape(eview))
   923             else:
   924                 optionid = relation_id(eid, rtype, target, reid)
   925                 if optionid not in pending_inserts:
   926                     # prefix option's id with letters to make valid XHTML wise
   927                     options.append('<option id="id%s" value="%s">%s</option>' %
   928                                    (optionid, reid, html_escape(eview)))
   929         return options
   931     def _get_search_options(self, entity, rschema, target, targettypes):
   932         """add options to search among all entities of each possible type"""
   933         options = []
   934         _ = self.req._
   935         for eschema in targettypes:
   936             mode = '%s:%s:%s:%s' % (target, entity.eid, rschema.type, eschema)
   937             url = self.build_url(entity.rest_path(), vid='search-associate',
   938                                  __mode=mode)
   939             options.append((eschema.display_name(self.req),
   940                             '<option value="%s">%s %s</option>' % (
   941                 html_escape(url), _('Search for'), eschema.display_name(self.req))))
   942         return [o for l, o in sorted(options)]
   944     def _get_basket_options(self, entity, rschema, target, targettypes):
   945         options = []
   946         rtype = rschema.type
   947         _ = self.req._
   948         for basketeid, basketname in self._get_basket_links(self.req.user.eid,
   949                                                             target, targettypes):
   950             optionid = relation_id(entity.eid, rtype, target, basketeid)
   951             options.append('<option id="%s" value="%s">%s %s</option>' % (
   952                 optionid, basketeid, _('link to each item in'), html_escape(basketname)))
   953         return options
   955     def _get_basket_links(self, ueid, target, targettypes):
   956         targettypes = set(targettypes)
   957         for basketeid, basketname, elements in self._get_basket_info(ueid):
   958             baskettypes = elements.column_types(0)
   959             # if every elements in the basket can be attached to the
   960             # edited entity
   961             if baskettypes & targettypes:
   962                 yield basketeid, basketname
   964     def _get_basket_info(self, ueid):
   965         basketref = []
   966         basketrql = 'Any B,N WHERE B is Basket, B owned_by U, U eid %(x)s, B name N'
   967         basketresultset = self.req.execute(basketrql, {'x': ueid}, 'x')
   968         for result in basketresultset:
   969             basketitemsrql = 'Any X WHERE X in_basket B, B eid %(x)s'
   970             rset = self.req.execute(basketitemsrql, {'x': result[0]}, 'x')
   971             basketref.append((result[0], result[1], rset))
   972         return basketref
   975 class ComboboxView(EntityView):
   976     """the view used in combobox (unrelated entities)
   979     """
   980     id = 'combobox'
   981     accepts = ('Any',)
   982     title = None
   984     def cell_call(self, row, col):
   985         """the combo-box view for an entity: same as text out of context view
   986         by default
   987         """
   988         self.wview('textoutofcontext', self.rset, row=row, col=col)