changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 1419 7ff24154351d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b97547f5f1fa
     1 /*
     2  *  This file contains Calendar utilities
     3  *  :organization: Logilab
     4  *  :copyright: 2003-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     5  *  :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
     6  */
     8 CubicWeb.require('python.js');
     9 CubicWeb.require('ajax.js');
    11 // IMPORTANT NOTE: the variables DAYNAMES AND MONTHNAMES will be added
    12 //                 by cubicweb automatically
    14 // dynamically computed (and cached)
    15 var _CAL_HEADER = null;
    17 TODAY = new Date();
    20 /*
    21  * Calendar (graphical) widget
    22  * public methods are :
    23  *   __init__ :
    24  *    @param containerId: the DOM node's ID where the calendar will be displayed
    25  *    @param inputId: which input needs to be updated when a date is selected
    26  *    @param year, @param month: year and month to be displayed
    27  *    @param cssclass: CSS class of the calendar widget (default is commandCal)
    28  *
    29  *   show() / hide():
    30  *    show or hide the calendar widget
    31  *
    32  *   toggle():
    33  *    show (resp. hide) the calendar if it's hidden (resp. displayed)
    34  * 
    35  *   displayNextMonth(): (resp. displayPreviousMonth())
    36  *    update the calendar to display next (resp. previous) month
    37  */
    38 Calendar = function(containerId, inputId, year, month, cssclass) {
    39     this.containerId = containerId;
    40     this.inputId = inputId;
    41     this.year = year;
    42     this.month = month-1; // Javascript's counter starts at 0 for january
    43     this.cssclass = cssclass || "popupCalendar";
    44     this.visible = false;
    45     this.domtable = null;
    47     this.cellprops = { 'onclick'     : function() {dateSelected(this, containerId); },
    48 		       'onmouseover' : function() {this.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; },
    49 		       'onmouseout'  : function() {this.style.fontWeight = 'normal';}
    50 		     }
    52     this.todayprops = jQuery.extend({}, this.cellprops, {'class' : 'today'});
    54     this._rowdisplay = function(row) {
    55 	return TR(null, map(partial(TD, this.cellprops), row));
    56     }
    58     this._makecell = function(cellinfo) {
    59 	return TD(cellinfo[0], cellinfo[1]);
    60     }
    62     /* utility function (the only use for now is inside the calendar) */
    63     this._uppercaseFirst = function(s) { return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase(); }
    65     /* accepts the cells data and builds the corresponding TR nodes
    66      * @param rows a list of list of couples (daynum, cssprops)
    67      */
    68     this._domForRows = function(rows) {
    69 	var lines = []
    70 	for (i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
    71 	    lines.push(TR(null, map(this._makecell, rows[i])));
    72 	}
    73 	return lines;
    74     }
    76     /* builds the calendar headers */
    77     this._headdisplay = function(row) {
    78 	if (_CAL_HEADER) {
    79 	    return _CAL_HEADER;
    80 	}
    81 	daynames = map(this._uppercaseFirst, DAYNAMES);
    82 	_CAL_HEADER = TR(null, map(partial(TH, null), daynames));
    83 	return _CAL_HEADER;
    84     }
    86     this._getrows = function() {
    87 	var rows = [];
    88 	var firstday = new Date(this.year, this.month, 1);
    89 	var stopdate = firstday.nextMonth();
    90 	var curdate = firstday.sub(firstday.getRealDay());
    91 	while (curdate.getTime() < stopdate) {
    92 	    var row = []
    93 	    for (var i=0; i<7; i++) {
    94 		if (curdate.getMonth() == this.month) {
    95 		    props = curdate.equals(TODAY) ? this.todayprops:this.cellprops;
    96 		    row.push([props, curdate.getDate()]);
    97 		} else {
    98 		    row.push([this.cellprops, ""]);
    99 		}
   100 		curdate.iadd(1);
   101 	    }
   102 	    rows.push(row);
   103 	}
   104 	return rows;
   105     }
   107     this._makecal = function() {
   108 	var rows = this._getrows();
   109 	var monthname = MONTHNAMES[this.month] + " " + this.year;
   110 	var prevlink = "javascript: togglePreviousMonth('" + this.containerId + "');";
   111 	var nextlink = "javascript: toggleNextMonth('" + this.containerId + "');";
   112 	this.domtable = TABLE({'class': this.cssclass},
   113 			      THEAD(null, TR(null,
   114 					     TH(null, A({'href' : prevlink}, "<<")),
   115 					     TH({'colspan' : 5, 'style' : "text-align: center;"}, monthname),
   116 					     TH(null, A({'href' : nextlink}, ">>")))),
   117 			      TBODY(null,
   118 				    this._headdisplay(),
   119 				    this._domForRows(rows))
   120 			     );
   121 	return this.domtable;
   122     }
   124     this._updateDiv = function() {
   125 	if (!this.domtable) {
   126 	    this._makecal();
   127 	}
   128 	jqNode(this.containerId).empty().append(this.domtable);
   129 	// replaceChildNodes($(this.containerId), this.domtable);
   130     }
   132     this.displayNextMonth = function() {
   133 	this.domtable = null;
   134 	if (this.month == 11) {
   135 	    this.year++;
   136 	}
   137 	this.month = (this.month+1) % 12;
   138 	this._updateDiv();
   139     }
   141     this.displayPreviousMonth = function() {
   142 	this.domtable = null;
   143 	if (this.month == 0) {
   144 	    this.year--;
   145 	}
   146 	this.month = (this.month+11) % 12;
   147 	this._updateDiv();
   148     }
   150     this.show = function() {
   151 	if (!this.visible) {
   152 	    container = jqNode(this.containerId);
   153 	    if (!this.domtable) {
   154 		this._makecal();
   155 	    }
   156 	    container.empty().append(this.domtable);
   157 	    toggleVisibility(container);
   158 	    this.visible = true;
   159 	}
   160     }
   162     this.hide = function(event) {
   163 	var self;
   164 	if (event) {
   165 	    self = event.data.self;
   166 	} else {
   167 	    self = this;
   168 	}
   169 	if (self.visible) {
   170 	    toggleVisibility(self.containerId);
   171 	    self.visible = false;
   172 	}
   173     }
   175     this.toggle = function() {
   176 	if (this.visible) {
   177 	    this.hide();
   178 	}
   179 	else {
   180 	    this.show();
   181 	}
   182     }
   184     // call hide() when the user explicitly sets the focus on the matching input
   185     jqNode(inputId).bind('focus', {'self': this}, this.hide); // connect(inputId, 'onfocus', this, 'hide');
   186 };
   188 // keep track of each calendar created
   189 Calendar.REGISTRY = {};
   191 /*
   192  * popup / hide calendar associated to `containerId`
   193  */	    
   194 function toggleCalendar(containerId, inputId, year, month) {
   195     var cal = Calendar.REGISTRY[containerId];
   196     if (!cal) {
   197 	cal = new Calendar(containerId, inputId, year, month);
   198 	Calendar.REGISTRY[containerId] = cal;
   199     }
   200     /* hide other calendars */
   201     for (containerId in Calendar.REGISTRY) {
   202 	var othercal = Calendar.REGISTRY[containerId];
   203 	if (othercal !== cal) {
   204 	    othercal.hide();
   205 	}
   206     }
   207     cal.toggle();
   208 }
   211 /*
   212  * ask for next month to calendar displayed in `containerId`
   213  */
   214 function toggleNextMonth(containerId) {
   215     var cal = Calendar.REGISTRY[containerId];
   216     cal.displayNextMonth();
   217 }
   219 /*
   220  * ask for previous month to calendar displayed in `containerId`
   221  */
   222 function togglePreviousMonth(containerId) {
   223     var cal = Calendar.REGISTRY[containerId];
   224     cal.displayPreviousMonth();
   225 }
   228 /*
   229  * Callback called when the user clicked on a cell in the popup calendar
   230  */
   231 function dateSelected(cell, containerId) {
   232     var cal = Calendar.REGISTRY[containerId];
   233     var input = getNode(cal.inputId);
   234     // XXX: the use of innerHTML might cause problems, but it seems to be
   235     //      the only way understood by both IE and Mozilla. Otherwise,
   236     //      IE accepts innerText and mozilla accepts textContent
   237     var selectedDate = new Date(cal.year, cal.month, cell.innerHTML, 12);
   238     var xxx = remote_exec("format_date", toISOTimestamp(selectedDate));
   239     input.value = xxx;
   240     cal.hide();
   241 }
   243 function whichElement(e)
   244 {
   245 var targ;
   246 if (!e)
   247   {
   248   var e=window.event;
   249   }
   250 if (e.target)
   251   {
   252   targ=e.target;
   253   }
   254 else if (e.srcElement)
   255   {
   256   targ=e.srcElement;
   257   }
   258 if (targ.nodeType==3) // defeat Safari bug
   259   {
   260   targ = targ.parentNode;
   261   }
   262   return targ;
   263 }
   265 function getPosition(element) {
   266   var left;
   267   var top;
   268   var offset;
   269   // TODO: deal scrollbar positions also!
   270   left = element.offsetLeft;
   271   top = element.offsetTop;
   273   if (element.offsetParent != null)
   274     {
   275       offset = getPosition(element.offsetParent);
   276       left = left + offset[0];
   277       top = top + offset[1];
   279     }
   280   return [left, top];
   281 }
   283 function getMouseInBlock(event) {
   284   var elt = event.target;
   285   var x = event.clientX;
   286   var y = event.clientY;
   287   var w = elt.clientWidth;
   288   var h = elt.clientHeight;
   289   var offset = getPosition(elt);
   291   x = 1.0*(x-offset[0])/w;
   292   y = 1.0*(y-offset[1])/h;
   293   return [x, y];
   294 }
   295 function getHourFromMouse(event, hmin, hmax) {
   296   var pos = getMouseInBlock(event);
   297   var y = pos[1];
   298   return Math.floor((hmax-hmin)*y + hmin);
   299 }
   301 function addCalendarItem(event, hmin, hmax, year, month, day, duration, baseurl) {
   302   var hour = getHourFromMouse(event, hmin, hmax);
   304   if (0<=hour && hour < 24) {
   305     baseurl += "&start="+year+"%2F"+month+"%2F"+day+"%20"+hour+":00";
   306     baseurl += "&stop="+year+"%2F"+month+"%2F"+day+"%20"+(hour+duration)+":00";
   308     stopPropagation(event);
   309     window.location.assign(baseurl);
   310     return false;
   311   }
   312   return true;
   313 }
   315 function stopPropagation(event) {
   316   event.cancelBubble = true;
   317   if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();  
   318 }
   320 CubicWeb.provide('calendar.js');