changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 12 95bc1d15349b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b97547f5f1fa
     1 /*
     2  *  :organization: Logilab
     3  *  :copyright: 2003-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     4  *  :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
     5  */
     7 CubicWeb.require('python.js');
     8 CubicWeb.require('htmlhelpers.js');
    10 var JSON_BASE_URL = baseuri() + 'json?';
    12 // cubicweb loadxhtml plugin to make jquery handle xhtml response
    13 jQuery.fn.loadxhtml = function(url, data, reqtype, mode) {
    14     var ajax = null;
    15     if (reqtype == 'post') {
    16 	ajax = jQuery.post;
    17     } else {
    18 	ajax = jQuery.get;
    19     }
    20     if (this.size() > 1) {
    21 	log('loadxhtml was called with more than one element');
    22     }
    23     mode = mode || 'replace';
    24     var callback = null;
    25     if (data && data.callback) {
    26 	callback = data.callback;
    27 	delete data.callback;
    28     }
    29     var node = this.get(0); // only consider the first element
    30     ajax(url, data, function(response) {
    31 	var domnode = getDomFromResponse(response);
    32 	if (mode == 'swap') {
    33 	    var origId = node.id;
    34 	    node = swapDOM(node, domnode);
    35 	    if (!node.id) {
    36 		node.id = origId;
    37 	    }
    38 	} else if (mode == 'replace') {
    39 	    jQuery(node).empty().append(domnode);
    40 	} else if (mode == 'append') {
    41 	    jQuery(node).append(domnode);
    42 	}
    43 	// find sortable tables if there are some
    44 	if (typeof(Sortable) != 'undefined') {
    45 	    Sortable.sortTables(node);
    46 	}
    47 	// find textareas and wrap them if there are some
    48 	if (typeof(FCKeditor) != 'undefined') {
    49 	    buildWysiwygEditors(node);
    50 	}
    52 	if (typeof initFacetBoxEvents != 'undefined') {
    53 	    initFacetBoxEvents(node);
    54 	}
    56 	if (typeof buildWidgets != 'undefined') {
    57 	    buildWidgets(node);
    58 	}
    60 	while (jQuery.isFunction(callback)) {
    61 	    callback = callback.apply(this, [domnode]);
    62 	}
    63     });
    64 }
    68 /* finds each dynamic fragment in the page and executes the
    69  * the associated RQL to build them (Async call)
    70  */
    71 function loadDynamicFragments() {
    72     var fragments = getElementsByTagAndClassName('div', 'dynamicFragment');
    73     if (fragments.length == 0) {
    74 	return;
    75     }
    76     if (typeof LOADING_MSG == 'undefined') {
    77 	LOADING_MSG = 'loading'; // this is only a safety belt, it should not happen
    78     }
    79     for(var i=0; i<fragments.length; i++) {
    80 	var fragment = fragments[i];
    81 	fragment.innerHTML = '<h3>' + LOADING_MSG + ' ... <img src="data/loading.gif" /></h3>';
    82 	var rql = getNodeAttribute(fragment, 'cubicweb:rql');
    83 	var vid = getNodeAttribute(fragment, 'cubicweb:vid');
    84         var extraparams = {};
    85 	var actrql = getNodeAttribute(fragment, 'cubicweb:actualrql');
    86 	if (actrql) { extraparams['actualrql'] = actrql; }
    87 	var fbvid = getNodeAttribute(fragment, 'cubicweb:fallbackvid');
    88 	if (fbvid) { extraparams['fallbackvid'] = fbvid; }
    90 	replacePageChunk(fragment.id, rql, vid, extraparams);
    91     }
    92 }
    94 jQuery(document).ready(loadDynamicFragments);
    96 //============= base AJAX functions to make remote calls =====================//
    99 /*
   100  * This function will call **synchronously** a remote method on the cubicweb server
   101  * @param fname: the function name to call (as exposed by the JSONController)
   102  * @param args: the list of arguments to pass the function
   103  */
   104 function remote_exec(fname) {
   105     setProgressCursor();
   106     var props = {'mode' : "remote", 'fname' : fname, 'pageid' : pageid,
   107      		 'arg': map(jQuery.toJSON, sliceList(arguments, 1))};
   108     var result  = jQuery.ajax({url: JSON_BASE_URL, data: props, async: false}).responseText;
   109     result = evalJSON(result);
   110     resetCursor();
   111     return result;
   112 }
   114 function remoteCallFailed(err, req) {
   115     if (req.status == 500) {
   116 	updateMessage(err);
   117     } else {
   118 	updateMessage(_("an error occured while processing your request"));
   119     }
   120 }
   122 /*
   123  * This function is the equivalent of MochiKit's loadJSONDoc but
   124  * uses POST instead of GET
   125  */
   126 function loadJSONDocUsingPOST(url, queryargs, mode) {
   127     mode = mode || 'remote';
   128     setProgressCursor();
   129     var dataType = (mode == 'remote') ? "json":null;
   130     var deferred = loadJSON(url, queryargs, 'POST', dataType);
   131     deferred = deferred.addErrback(remoteCallFailed);
   132 //     if (mode == 'remote') {
   133 // 	deferred = deferred.addCallbacks(evalJSONRequest);
   134 //     }
   135     deferred = deferred.addCallback(resetCursor);
   136     return deferred;
   137 }
   140 function _buildRemoteArgs(fname) {
   141     return  {'mode' : "remote", 'fname' : fname, 'pageid' : pageid,
   142      	     'arg': map(jQuery.toJSON, sliceList(arguments, 1))};
   143 }
   145 /*
   146  * This function will call **asynchronously** a remote method on the cubicweb server
   147  * This function is a low level one. You should use `async_remote_exec` or
   148  * `async_rawremote_exec` instead.
   149  *
   150  * @param fname: the function name to call (as exposed by the JSONController)
   151  * @param funcargs: the function's arguments
   152  * @param mode: rawremote or remote
   153  */
   154 function _async_exec(fname, funcargs, mode) {
   155     setProgressCursor();
   156     var props = {'mode' : mode, 'fname' : fname, 'pageid' : pageid};
   157     var args = map(urlEncode, map(jQuery.toJSON, funcargs));
   158     args.unshift(''); // this is to be able to use join() directly
   159     var queryargs = as_url(props) + args.join('&arg=');
   160     return loadJSONDocUsingPOST(JSON_BASE_URL, queryargs, mode);
   161 }
   163 /*
   164  * This function will call **asynchronously** a remote method on the cubicweb server
   165  * @param fname: the function name to call (as exposed by the JSONController)
   166  * additional arguments will be directly passed to the specified function
   167  * Expected response type is Json.
   168  */
   169 function async_remote_exec(fname /* ... */) {
   170     return _async_exec(fname, sliceList(arguments, 1), 'remote');
   171 }
   173 /*
   174  * This version of _async_exec doesn't expect a json response.
   175  * It looks at http headers to guess the response type.
   176  */
   177 function async_rawremote_exec(fname /* ... */) {
   178     return _async_exec(fname, sliceList(arguments, 1), 'rawremote');
   179 }
   181 /*
   182  * This function will call **asynchronously** a remote method on the cubicweb server
   183  * @param fname: the function name to call (as exposed by the JSONController)
   184  * @param varargs: the list of arguments to pass to the function
   185  * This is an alternative form of `async_remote_exec` provided for convenience
   186  */
   187 function async_remote_exec_varargs(fname, varargs) {
   188     return _async_exec(fname, varargs, 'remote');
   189 }
   191 /* emulation of gettext's _ shortcut
   192  */
   193 function _(message) {
   194     return remote_exec('i18n', [message])[0];
   195 }
   197 function rqlexec(rql) {
   198     return async_remote_exec('rql', rql);
   199 }
   201 function userCallback(cbname) {
   202     async_remote_exec('user_callback', cbname);
   203 }
   205 function unloadPageData() {
   206     // NOTE: do not make async calls on unload if you want to avoid
   207     //       strange bugs
   208     remote_exec('unload_page_data');
   209 }
   211 function openHash() {
   212     if (document.location.hash) {
   213 	var nid = document.location.hash.replace('#', '');
   214 	var node = jQuery('#' + nid);
   215 	if (node) { removeElementClass(node, "hidden"); }
   216     };
   217 }
   218 jQuery(document).ready(openHash);
   220 function reloadComponent(compid, rql, registry, nodeid, extraargs) {
   221     registry = registry || 'components';
   222     rql = rql || '';
   223     nodeid = nodeid || (compid + 'Component');
   224     extraargs = extraargs || {};
   225   log('extraargs =', extraargs);
   226     var node = getNode(nodeid);
   227     var d = async_rawremote_exec('component', compid, rql, registry, extraargs);
   228     d.addCallback(function(result, req) {
   229 	var domnode = getDomFromResponse(result);
   230 	if (node) {
   231 	    // make sure the component is visible
   232 	    removeElementClass(node, "hidden");
   233 	    swapDOM(node, domnode);
   234 	}
   235     });
   236     d.addCallback(resetCursor);
   237     d.addErrback(function(xxx) {
   238 	updateMessage(_("an error occured"));
   239 	log(xxx);
   240     });
   241   return d;
   242 }
   244 /* XXX: HTML architecture of cubicweb boxes is a bit strange */
   245 function reloadBox(boxid, rql) {
   246     reloadComponent(boxid, rql, 'boxes', boxid);
   247 }
   249 function userCallbackThenUpdateUI(cbname, compid, rql, msg, registry, nodeid) {
   250     var d = async_remote_exec('user_callback', cbname);
   251     d.addCallback(function() {
   252 	reloadComponent(compid, rql, registry, nodeid);
   253 	if (msg) { updateMessage(msg); }
   254     });
   255     d.addCallback(resetCursor);
   256     d.addErrback(function(xxx) {
   257 	updateMessage(_("an error occured"));
   258 	log(xxx);
   259 	return resetCursor();
   260     });
   261 }
   263 function userCallbackThenReloadPage(cbname, msg) {
   264     var d = async_remote_exec('user_callback', cbname);
   265     d.addCallback(function() {
   266 	window.location.reload();
   267 	if (msg) { updateMessage(msg); }
   268     });
   269     d.addCallback(resetCursor);
   270     d.addErrback(function(xxx) {
   271 	updateMessage(_("an error occured"));
   272 	log(xxx);
   273 	return resetCursor();
   274     });
   275 }
   277 /*
   278  * unregisters the python function registered on the server's side
   279  * while the page was generated.
   280  */
   281 function unregisterUserCallback(cbname) {
   282     d = async_remote_exec('unregister_user_callback', cbname);
   283     d.addCallback(function() {resetCursor();});
   284     d.addErrback(function(xxx) {
   285 	updateMessage(_("an error occured"));
   286 	log(xxx);
   287 	return resetCursor();
   288     });
   289 }
   292 /* executes an async query to the server and replaces a node's
   293  * content with the query result
   294  *
   295  * @param nodeId the placeholder node's id
   296  * @param rql the RQL query
   297  * @param vid the vid to apply to the RQL selection (default if not specified)
   298  * @param extraparmas table of additional query parameters
   299  */
   300 function replacePageChunk(nodeId, rql, vid, extraparams, /* ... */ swap, callback) {
   301     var params = null;
   302     if (callback) {
   303 	params = {callback: callback};
   304     }
   306     var node = jQuery('#' + nodeId)[0];
   307     var props = {};
   308     if (node) {
   309 	props['rql'] = rql;
   310 	props['pageid'] = pageid;
   311 	if (vid) { props['vid'] = vid; }
   312 	if (extraparams) { jQuery.extend(props, extraparams); }
   313 	// FIXME we need to do as_url(props) manually instead of
   314 	// passing `props` directly to loadxml because replacePageChunk
   315 	// is sometimes called (abusively) with some extra parameters in `vid`
   316 	var mode = swap?'swap':'replace';
   317 	var url = JSON_BASE_URL + as_url(props);
   318 	jQuery(node).loadxhtml(url, params, 'get', mode);
   319     } else {
   320 	log('Node', nodeId, 'not found');
   321     }
   322 }
   324 /* XXX: this function should go in edition.js but as for now, htmlReplace
   325  * references it.
   326  *
   327  * replace all textareas with fckeditors.
   328  */
   329 function buildWysiwygEditors(parent) {
   330     jQuery('textarea').each(function () {
   331 	if (this.getAttribute('cubicweb:type', 'wysiwyg')) {
   332 	    if (typeof FCKeditor != "undefined") {
   333 		var fck = new FCKeditor(this.id);
   334 		fck.Config['CustomConfigurationsPath'] = fckconfigpath;
   335 		fck.Config['DefaultLanguage'] = fcklang;
   336 		fck.BasePath = "fckeditor/";
   337 		fck.ReplaceTextarea();
   338 	    } else {
   339 		log('fckeditor could not be found.');
   340 	    }
   341 	}
   342     });
   343 }
   345 jQuery(document).ready(buildWysiwygEditors);
   348 /* convenience function that returns a DOM node based on req's result. */
   349 function getDomFromResponse(response) {
   350     if (typeof(response) == 'string') {
   351 	return html2dom(response);
   352     }
   353     var doc = response.documentElement;
   354     var children = doc.childNodes;
   355     if (!children.length) {
   356 	// no child (error cases) => return the whole document
   357 	return doc.cloneNode(true);
   358     }
   359     if (children.length == 1) {
   360 	// only one child => return it
   361 	return children[0].cloneNode(true);
   362     }
   363     // several children => wrap them in a single node and return the wrap
   364     return DIV(null, map(methodcaller('cloneNode', true), children));
   365 }
   367 function postJSON(url, data, callback) {
   368     return jQuery.post(url, data, callback, 'json');
   369 }
   371 function getJSON(url, data, callback){
   372     return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, 'json');
   373 }
   375 CubicWeb.provide('ajax.js');