changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 541 0d75cfe50f83
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b97547f5f1fa
     1 """some utilities for cubicweb tools
     3 :organization: Logilab
     4 :copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     5 :contact: --
     6 """
     7 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
     9 import os, sys
    10 from os import listdir, makedirs, symlink, environ, chmod, walk, remove
    11 from os.path import exists, join, abspath, normpath
    13 from logilab.common.clcommands import Command as BaseCommand, \
    14      main_run as base_main_run, register_commands, pop_arg, cmd_run
    15 from logilab.common.compat import any
    17 from cubicweb import warning
    18 from cubicweb import ConfigurationError, ExecutionError
    20 def iter_dir(directory, condition_file=None, ignore=()):
    21     """iterate on a directory"""
    22     for sub in listdir(directory):
    23         if sub in ('CVS', '.svn', '.hg'):
    24             continue
    25         if condition_file is not None and \
    26                not exists(join(directory, sub, condition_file)):
    27             continue
    28         if sub in ignore:
    29             continue
    30         yield sub
    32 def create_dir(directory):
    33     """create a directory if it doesn't exist yet"""
    34     try:
    35         makedirs(directory)
    36         print 'created directory', directory
    37     except OSError, ex:
    38         import errno
    39         if ex.errno != errno.EEXIST:
    40             raise
    41         print 'directory %s already exists' % directory
    43 def create_symlink(source, target):
    44     """create a symbolic link"""
    45     if exists(target):
    46         remove(target)
    47     symlink(source, target)
    48     print '[symlink] %s <-- %s' % (target, source)
    50 def create_copy(source, target):
    51     import shutil
    52     print '[copy] %s <-- %s' % (target, source)
    53     shutil.copy2(source, target)
    55 def rm(whatever):
    56     import shutil
    57     shutil.rmtree(whatever)
    58     print 'removed %s' % whatever
    60 def show_diffs(appl_file, ref_file, askconfirm=True):
    61     """interactivly replace the old file with the new file according to
    62     user decision
    63     """
    64     import shutil
    65     p_output = os.popen('diff -u %s %s' % (appl_file, ref_file), 'r')
    66     diffs =
    67     if diffs:
    68         if askconfirm:
    69             print 
    70             print diffs
    71             action = raw_input('replace (N/y/q) ? ').lower()
    72         else:
    73             action = 'y'
    74         if action == 'y':
    75             try:
    76                 shutil.copyfile(ref_file, appl_file)
    77             except IOError:
    78                 os.system('chmod a+w %s' % appl_file)
    79                 shutil.copyfile(ref_file, appl_file)
    80             print 'replaced'
    81         elif action == 'q':
    82             sys.exit(0)
    83         else:
    84             copy_file = appl_file + '.default'
    85             copy = file(copy_file, 'w')
    86             copy.write(open(ref_file).read())
    87             copy.close()
    88             print 'keep current version, the new file has been written to', copy_file
    89     else:
    90         print 'no diff between %s and %s' % (appl_file, ref_file)
    93 def copy_skeleton(skeldir, targetdir, context,
    94                   exclude=('*.py[co]', '*.orig', '*~', '*'),
    95                   askconfirm=False):
    96     import shutil
    97     from fnmatch import fnmatch
    98     skeldir = normpath(skeldir)
    99     targetdir = normpath(targetdir)
   100     for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in walk(skeldir):
   101         tdirpath = dirpath.replace(skeldir, targetdir)
   102         create_dir(tdirpath)
   103         for fname in filenames:
   104             if any(fnmatch(fname, pat) for pat in exclude):
   105                 continue
   106             fpath = join(dirpath, fname)
   107             if 'CUBENAME' in fname:
   108                 tfpath = join(tdirpath, fname.replace('CUBENAME', context['cubename']))
   109             elif 'DISTNAME' in fname:
   110                 tfpath = join(tdirpath, fname.replace('DISTNAME', context['distname']))
   111             else:
   112                 tfpath = join(tdirpath, fname)
   113             if fname.endswith('.tmpl'):
   114                 tfpath = tfpath[:-5]
   115                 if not askconfirm or not exists(tfpath) or \
   116                        confirm('%s exists, overwrite?' % tfpath):
   117                     fname = fill_templated_file(fpath, tfpath, context)
   118                     print '[generate] %s <-- %s' % (tfpath, fpath)
   119             elif exists(tfpath):
   120                 show_diffs(tfpath, fpath, askconfirm)
   121             else:
   122                 shutil.copyfile(fpath, tfpath)
   124 def fill_templated_file(fpath, tfpath, context):
   125     fobj = file(tfpath, 'w')
   126     templated = file(fpath).read()
   127     fobj.write(templated % context)
   128     fobj.close()
   130 def restrict_perms_to_user(filepath, log=None):
   131     """set -rw------- permission on the given file"""
   132     if log:
   133         log('set %s permissions to 0600', filepath)
   134     else:
   135         print 'set %s permissions to 0600' % filepath
   136     chmod(filepath, 0600)
   138 def confirm(question, default_is_yes=True):
   139     """ask for confirmation and return true on positive answer"""
   140     if default_is_yes:
   141         input_str = '%s [Y/n]: '
   142     else:
   143         input_str = '%s [y/N]: '
   144     answer = raw_input(input_str % (question)).strip().lower()
   145     if default_is_yes:
   146         if answer in ('n', 'no'):
   147             return False
   148         return True
   149     if answer in ('y', 'yes'):
   150         return True
   151     return False
   153 def read_config(config_file):
   154     """read the application configuration from a file and return it as a
   155     dictionnary
   157     :type config_file: str
   158     :param config_file: path to the configuration file
   160     :rtype: dict
   161     :return: a dictionary with specified values associated to option names 
   162     """
   163     from logilab.common.fileutils import lines
   164     config = current = {}
   165     try:
   166         for line in lines(config_file, comments='#'):
   167             try:
   168                 option, value = line.split('=', 1)
   169             except ValueError:
   170                 option = line.strip().lower()
   171                 if option[0] == '[':
   172                     # start a section
   173                     section = option[1:-1]
   174                     assert not config.has_key(section), \
   175                            'Section %s is defined more than once' % section
   176                     config[section] = current = {}
   177                     continue
   178                 print >> sys.stderr, 'ignoring malformed line\n%r' % line
   179                 continue
   180             option = option.strip().replace(' ', '_')
   181             value = value.strip()
   182             current[option] = value or None
   183     except IOError, ex:
   184         warning('missing or non readable configuration file %s (%s)',
   185                 config_file, ex)
   186     return config
   188 def env_path(env_var, default, name):
   189     """get a path specified in a variable or using the default value and return
   190     it.
   192     :type env_var: str
   193     :param env_var: name of an environment variable
   195     :type default: str
   196     :param default: default value if the environment variable is not defined
   198     :type name: str
   199     :param name: the informal name of the path, used for error message
   201     :rtype: str
   202     :return: the value of the environment variable or the default value
   204     :raise `ConfigurationError`: if the returned path does not exist
   205     """
   206     path = environ.get(env_var, default)
   207     if not exists(path):
   208         raise ConfigurationError('%s path %s doesn\'t exist' % (name, path))
   209     return abspath(path)
   213 _HDLRS = {}
   215 class metacmdhandler(type):
   216     def __new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict):
   217         cls = super(metacmdhandler, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict)
   218         if getattr(cls, 'cfgname', None) and getattr(cls, 'cmdname', None):
   219             _HDLRS.setdefault(cls.cmdname, []).append(cls)
   220         return cls
   223 class CommandHandler(object):
   224     """configuration specific helper for cubicweb-ctl commands"""
   225     __metaclass__ = metacmdhandler
   226     def __init__(self, config):
   227         self.config = config
   229 class Command(BaseCommand):
   230     """base class for cubicweb-ctl commands"""
   232     def config_helper(self, config, required=True, cmdname=None):
   233         if cmdname is None:
   234             cmdname =
   235         for helpercls in _HDLRS.get(cmdname, ()):
   236             if helpercls.cfgname ==
   237                 return helpercls(config)
   238         if == 'all-in-one':
   239             for helpercls in _HDLRS.get(cmdname, ()):
   240                 if helpercls.cfgname == 'repository':
   241                     return helpercls(config)
   242         if required:
   243             msg = 'No helper for command %s using %s configuration' % (
   244                 cmdname,
   245             raise ConfigurationError(msg)
   247     def fail(self, reason):
   248         print "command failed:", reason
   249         sys.exit(1)
   252 def main_run(args, doc):
   253     """command line tool"""
   254     try:
   255         base_main_run(args, doc)
   256     except ConfigurationError, err:
   257         print 'ERROR: ', err
   258         sys.exit(1)
   259     except ExecutionError, err:
   260         print err
   261         sys.exit(2)
   264     ("user",
   265      {'short': 'u', 'type' : 'string', 'metavar': '<user>',
   266       'help': 'connect as <user> instead of being prompted to give it.',
   267       }
   268      ),
   269     ("password",
   270      {'short': 'p', 'type' : 'password', 'metavar': '<password>',
   271       'help': 'automatically give <password> for authentication instead of \
   272 being prompted to give it.',
   273       }),
   274     ("host",
   275      {'short': 'H', 'type' : 'string', 'metavar': '<hostname>',
   276       'default': 'all-in-one',
   277       'help': 'specify the name server\'s host name. Will be detected by \
   278 broadcast if not provided.',
   279       }),
   280     )
   282 def config_connect(appid, optconfig):
   283     from cubicweb.dbapi import connect
   284     from getpass import getpass
   285     user = optconfig.user
   286     if not user:
   287         user = raw_input('login: ')
   288     password = optconfig.password
   289     if not password:
   290         password = getpass('password: ')
   291     return connect(user=user, password=password,, database=appid)